History and Future of Interaction Techniques (HFIT) Brad Myers Human Computer Interaction Institute School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University bam@cs.cmu.edu www.cs.cmu.edu/~bam 1 © 2014 - Brad Myers You Can Get the Slides These slides are available on my website: www.cs.cmu.edu/~bam/uicourse/2014inter/HFIT3hrworkshop.pptx 16.8 MB Or go to www.bradamyers.com and click on the link Useful links embedded in slides 2 © 2014 - Brad Myers Full semester course Excerpted from: 05-899A/05-499A: Interaction Techniques, Spring, 2014 http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bam/uicourse/2014inter/ All lectures were videotaped and are available off of the schedule: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bam/uicourse/2014inter/schedule.html Guest lectures by: David Canfield Smith - inventor of icons Larry Tesler - inventor of cut-copy-paste Ted Selker – inventor of the pointing stick Chris Harrison – on the future of interaction techniques 3 © 2014 - Brad Myers Instructor Brad Myers Human Computer Interaction Institute Office: Newell-Simon Hall (NSH) 3517 Phone: x8-5150 E-mail: bam@cs.cmu.edu http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bam Office hours: By appointment. 4 © 2014 - Brad Myers Why am I teaching this course? I was at MIT Media Lab (then “Architecture Machine Group), 1976-1979 At Xerox PARC, 1976-1980 Designed one of the first commercial window managers, 1980-1984 First to put progress bars into icons, and collect icons in a window, etc. Studies of two handed UIs and progress bars with Bill Buxton, 1984 – 1988 Significant influence on progress bars “All the Widgets” history video, 1990, vimeo "A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction Technology.” ACM interactions, 1998, pdf With student, invented new text input technique Significant consulting on patents on interaction techniques, 1988-present © 2014 - Brad Myers 5 “Interaction Techniques” Scroll bars, buttons, text fields But also: Drawing a new object in an editor Copy-and-paste Selecting a cell in a spreadsheet How high level? Text editor widget, but not Word Scroll bar is composed of buttons, etc. 6 © 2014 - Brad Myers Some examples Visual Basic Physical controls 7 © 2013 - Brad Myers Other names “Widgets” (Wikipedia: “GUI Widget”) GUI “elements” “Gadgets” (Windows) “Components” But not the same as Scott Hudson’s “Controls” Note that there are no cross references in Wikipedia between “Interaction Technique” and “Widget” See my video “All the Widgets” But not the same as Apple dashboard widgets Too generic “Behaviors” = the interaction part 8 © 2014 - Brad Myers Definitions My definition: An “interaction technique” starts when the user does something that causes a computer to respond, and includes the direct feedback from the computer to the user. Interaction techniques are generally reusable across various applications. 9 © 2014 - Brad Myers Definitions Wikipedia’s definition: “An interaction technique, user interface technique or input technique is a combination of hardware and software elements that provides a way for computer users to accomplish a single task.” 10 © 2014 - Brad Myers What is not an interaction technique? Whole applications (Microsoft Word) Dashboard “widgets” – small apps for the desktop Output only (no interactions) Visualizations But many come with specialized interactions, then they might count? Animations Movies Progress bars … 11 © 2014 - Brad Myers Why Study Interaction Techniques? Used extensively Interesting historically Everyone who uses a computer uses copy-paste, etc. So can have an enormous impact Why do we do things the way we do? Is there a good reason? Example: which way does the arrow point in a scroll bar? And new interaction techniques are created all the time: Patent on “Bounce at end of scrolling” for iPhone submitted by Bas Ording in 2007 (right before 1st iPhone was released in 2007) US 7,469,381 “Pull down to refresh” – patent submitted in 2010 by Twitter, became popular in 2013! Try it! iPhone vs. Samsung US 8,448,084 Many new CHI & UIST conference papers every year with new ones 12 © 2014 - Brad Myers Why Study Interaction Techniques, cont. Interaction Techniques have a high economic value Often the subject of patents and lawsuits Can’t patent overall look and feel “Apple Wins Over Jury in Samsung Patent Dispute, Awarded $1.05 Billion in Damages (Live Blog)” link “Jury orders Samsung to pay $290M to Apple in patent case” link Need new ones “Desktop metaphor” is getting tired Macs & PCs look and work pretty similar to each other and to the designs of the 1980’s (30 years ago) Text entry on smartphones is a big barrier Selecting individual elements, characters on smartphones 13 © 2014 - Brad Myers Problem April 29, 1991 14 © 2014 - Brad Myers Problem Appliances are too complex 15 © 2014 - Brad Myers Problem Too many remotes 16 © 2014 - Brad Myers Why are Interaction Techniques Hard to Design? Surprisingly large number of design decisions Individual differences and preferences Lots of details that impact human performance How far does the cursor move when you move the mouse 1 inch? Trick question – depends on mouse speed Complex formula developed through experimentation How far does the content move on an iPhone when you flick your finger? Needs to work for long distance, and highly accurate local movements Nokia phones released just after the iPhone got this all wrong 17 © 2014 - Brad Myers Example: check box How many “states” can it be in? Checked, not-checked, Disabled, not-disabled Hover, not-hover (can’t be hover+disabled) Pressed-inside, pressed-outside, notpressed (can’t be pressed + disabled, can’t be pressed-inside + not-hover) Keyboard focus, not-focus 2^4 * 3 = 48, but many are not possible Often forget about the release-outside case & interface gets confused (Flash implementations) © 2014 - Brad Myers 18 Example2: Drawing a new object What happens when move upwards past start point? 19 © 2014 - Brad Myers Affordances “Perceived and actual properties of the thing, primarily those fundamental properties that determine how the thing could possibly be used.” (Norman DOET book, p. 9) “When affordances are taken advantage of, the user knows what to do just by looking” Helps people understand what to do with the control 20 © 2014 - Brad Myers History of Personal Computers and Their Interaction Techniques 21 © 2014 - Brad Myers “Character Terminals” Still around as “DOS Cmd prompts” and console windows But we are more interested in graphics…. 22 © 2014 - Brad Myers Ivan Sutherland’s Sketchpad, 1963 23 © 2014 - Brad Myers SketchPad, 1963 Lincoln Labs TX-2 computer “Light pen” pointing device Invented many important interaction techniques Direct manipulation “Rubber Band Lines” Snapping to a grid or other objects Constraint-based drawing Master with multiple copies, Can edit the master to affect all copies Almost arbitrary scaling of the whole drawing Lots of individual switches and knobs to control the drawings 3D drawings added by others to Sutherland’s original SketchPad program Maintains connectivity of lines Vertical, horizontal lines Prototype-instance drawing Uses a “light pen” Including hidden line elimination First flow chart – graphical programming Ivan’s brother: William Sutherland! 24 © 2014 - Brad Myers SRI and the Mouse Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Bill English and Doug Engelbart credited with the invention of the mouse [W.K. English, D.C. Engelbart and M.L. Berman. “Display Selection Techniques for Text Manipulation,” IEEE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics. Mar, 1967. HFE-8(1).] NLS, or the “oN-Line System” "The Mother of All Demos” on December 9, 1968 at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco Never really had a decent user interface 25 © 2014 - Brad Myers Xerox PARC Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) Founded by Xerox in 1970 Incredible collection of talent Still exists today, as a semi-autonomous research lab Hired many people from SRI, and many researchers and engineers Incredible collection of inventions, 1970-1982 Hardware Invented workstations, laser printing, the Ethernet Bitmapped displays Software Only part that Xerox made money on Invented many of the standard OS and systems principles Object oriented programming (Smalltalk) Model-View-Controller architecture Interpress, a resolution-independent graphical page-description language and the precursor to PostScript User Interfaces (and Ubiquitous Computing in the 1990s) 26 © 2014 - Brad Myers Xerox Alto Machine Everyone else at the time was using mainframes or “mini computers” that were shared Alto was one of the first “personal workstations” Starting about 1973 No operating system – each program had its own libraries and low-level access mechanisms Three button mouse with two opposing roller wheels “Time Sharing” Red, Yellow, Green vertically Later replaced with left, middle, right, with single metal roller Was secret for a long time but later distributed to many universities © 2014 - Brad Myers 27 Brad Myers with an Alto, 1979 From my Dad’s scrapbook for that year, with my annotations! 28 © 2014 - Brad Myers “Bravo” Butler Lampson, Charles Simonyi and colleagues in 1974 Simonyi went to Microsoft and created Microsoft Word First WYSIWYG text editing Multiple fonts, bold, italics, etc. Justification Interaction techniques are quite different Left mouse button – select character, middle – select word, right – extend selection Left – scroll up, right – scroll down, middle - thumb Highly moded commands: “r” for replace, “d” delete, “I” insert, “ESC” for stop inserting, … “EDIT” © 2014 - Brad Myers 29 Smalltalk Started about 1972 as the first purely object-oriented language by Alan Kay Alan Kay proposed the idea of overlapping windows in his 1969 doctoral thesis Overlapping windows first appeared in 1974 in the Smalltalk’74 system Also used popup windows, scroll bars, etc. Larry Tesler invented the “browser” for code for Smalltalk Smalltalk’80 is best known – Byte article, generally released and described I worked with Smalltalk in 1977 30 © 2014 - Brad Myers Various Drawing Programs on Alto Draw – cubic splines for curves Markup – in-place pop-up context menus Source: http://toastytech.com/guis/saltodraw.png © 2014 - Brad Myers 31 Larry Tesler Xerox PARC 1973 Rejected highly moded interactions of Bravo With Tim Mott, et. al, invented non-moded interactions for Gypsy editor including Copy and Paste about 1974 Reaction to awkward editing in NLS 32 © 2014 - Brad Myers Larry Tesler, cont. Copy and Paste added to Smalltalk in 1976 He went to Apple in 1980 In charge of the Lisa design team 33 © 2014 - Brad Myers “Workstations” Alto Lisp Machines (LMI & Symbolics) Sun, Apollo, PERQ, Silicon Graphics About 1979-1995 About 1982 - 2000 About $10,000 each For scientists, engineers, programmers Had mouse, window managers 34 © 2014 - Brad Myers Xerox Star Released 1982 Designed for executives Large team of designers who were not from PARC Their building was next door to PARC Extensive user interface studies guided designs Key innovations Too expensive for secretaries Desktop metaphor Many modern widgets WYSIWYG editing and drawing No PowerPoint or Spreadsheet programs Mostly closed – only Xerox made applications Too expensive and seemed slow Images: http://toastytech.com/guis/star2.html © 2014 - Brad Myers 35 Apple Xerox wanted to invest in Apple In exchange, Steve Jobs got the right to use all of Xerox’s ideas Steve & his team (Bill Atkinson) were given a demo of various Alto programs in 1979 Mouse Smalltalk – overlapping windows – thought they updated Bravo WYSIWYG editing Apple hired Larry Tesler & others, 1980 36 © 2014 - Brad Myers Apple “Lisa” 1983 Original design for desktop Bill Atkinson & others Novel pull-down menus (at top of screen) Dialog boxes Many other UI innovations Doesn’t look or work like the Star One button mouse Amazing programming expertise to get it to work on a tiny, inexpensive machine Image: http://toastytech.com/guis/lisa.html 37 © 2014 - Brad Myers Original Macintosh 1984 Much cheaper than Lisa No harddisk – just one floppy 128 k-bytes of memory Much of code re-implemented in assembly Famous 1984 Super Bowl ad by Ridley Scott 38 © 2014 - Brad Myers HyperCard Bill Atkinson, 1987 Intention – “programming for the rest of us” Many UI innovations One of the first “prototyping” systems But not used for many “real” applications Tear off menus Pages that overlay each other Animated transitions Programmed in “HyperTalk” English-like language 39 © 2014 - Brad Myers PCs & Windows IBM PC – 1981 (IBM had missed the “minicomputer” phase dominated by DEC) Used Microsoft’s DOS 1.0 and shipped with VisiCalc Windows 1.0 released in Nov, 1985 as DOS extension Windows 1 from Wikipedia Tiled window manager Windows 2.0 was overlapping 1987 Windows 3.0 in 1990, 3.1 in 1992 Was a real operating system Added virtual memory, protected multiple processing, etc. 40 © 2014 - Brad Myers History of Handhelds (PDAs, Smartphones & Tablets) and their Interaction Techniques © 2014 - Brad Myers 41 “Computers” (cite, slide 24, 25) 42 © 2013 - Brad Myers Early Handwriting Input Handwriting recognition has been an active research topic since 1960’s: Rand Tablet: 1964: http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_memoranda/2005/RM4122.pdf Used term: “pen-computing” Early: hand printing Lots of work on handwriting and gestures E.g., W. Buxton, E. Fiume, R. Hill, A. Lee, C. Woo, “Continuous hand-gesture driven input,” Graphics Interface '83 (1983), pp. 191–195 43 © 2014 - Brad Myers “Ubiquitous Computing” Term coined by Mark Weiser at Xerox PARC, 1988 Mark Weiser. “The Computer for the 21st http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mark_weiser.jpg Century”, Scientific American, 94-104, Sep 1991. Mark Weiser. “Some Computer Science Issues in Ubiquitous Computing,” CACM. July, 1993. 36(7). pp. 74-83. (Died at 46 in 1999 of cancer) “I called these three sizes of computers boards, pads, and tabs, and adopted the slogan that, for each person in an office, there should be hundreds of tabs, tens of pads, and one or two boards.” [p. 76] 44 © 2014 - Brad Myers PARC Tab ~1989 Low speed wireless network using IR Touch-sensitive screen Quick writing – unistrokes, write on top of each other David Goldberg and Cate Richardson. “Touch Typing with a Stylus,” Human Factors in Computing Systems, Proceedings INTERCHI'93. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Apr, 1993. pp. 80-87. 45 © 2014 - Brad Myers Go Corp’s “PenPoint” OS Founded 1987, released in 1991 Hardware by NCR, IBM and EO Styled to look like a tabbed notebook Conventional tapping on menus Lots of gestures for editing, page turning, etc. One of the founders was Robert Carr from Xerox PARC; Alto designer Flick to scroll and turn pages, circle, insert space, cross-out, insert word, get help, … Press and hold to start moving or selecting Hand printing for text entry Hyperlinks Instant on-off © 2014 - Brad Myers 46 Apple Newton Started 1987, released 1993 Newton “MessagePad” Coined term “Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Was on sale for 6 years Fairly large & heavy John Sculley III 47 © 2014 - Brad Myers Apple Newton Key issue: handwriting recognition was main input technique http://www.computerhistory.org/revolution/mobile-computing/18/319/1714 Often not successful Famously panned for an entire week by Doonesbury (August 1993) 48 © 2014 - Brad Myers Early phone + PDAs IBM Simon Nokia 9110 Communicator 1996 Added full physical keyboard Typical PDA features: Shipped in 1994 by BellSouth Address book, calendar Slow 49 © 2014 - Brad Myers Palm US Robotics (1995), 3Com (1997), Handspring (1998), Palm (2000), HP (2010) First released version: 1996 = “Pilot” Name changed due to lawsuit They did lots of user testing with prototypes created using HyperCard Graffiti for data entry 50 © 2014 - Brad Myers Palm Graffiti Had seen Xerox QuickWriting Designed to be easier to learn Lawsuit Still required practice Unistroke except for “X” Two sides – numbers look the same as some letters 51 © 2014 - Brad Myers Palm’s design Principles “Designing the Palm Pilot: A conversation with Rob Haitani”, by Eric Bergman and Rob Haitani, chapter 4 in Information Appliances and Beyond, Eric Bergman, ed. (2000) Fast access to key features on small screens -> Only a few commands used a lot Leave commands off main screen, even if not symmetric new vs. delete (think stapler and stapler remover) Note that violates consistency Tap and then type in schedule and to-do Only four buttons – which ones? Vs. Windows CE -> if know PC, this is familiar But usage models are different PC: infrequent long usage Palm: frequent short bursts of usage 52 © 2013 - Brad Myers Palm Watch Fossil, Announced 2002, shipped 2003-5 160 x 160 illuminated screen with a stylus integrated into the band, 8MB internal memory, rechargeable battery and standard Palm platform features $250 Heavy, short battery life, tiny stylus 53 © 2014 - Brad Myers Palm Phones Kyocera QCP-6035 about 2001 Physical phone buttons, or regular Palm Low-speed internet Handspring (then Palm) Treo Blackberry-like keyboard replaces Graffiti Starting 2002 54 © 2014 - Brad Myers RIM Blackberry Starting 1999 Research in Motion (RIM) Blackberry 850 Email & pager Originally, proprietary network Key features: Two-thumb keyboard Roller dial (“scroll wheel”) for navigation Eventually, became 2D navigation Later, regular phone networks Awkward attempts at full-screen touchscreen Moved to side of device Attempted to be backwards compatible with old applications Insufficient 3rd party applications Late to have good APIs 55 © 2014 - Brad Myers Early wireless phone UIs 1993 – first Nokia soft keys & scrolling Standardized on 2 or 4 directions, 2 action keys Motorola Razr – 2004 Text entry by multi-tap or T9 Thinner is better Note: not touch screens WAP – starting 1997 Wireless Application Protocol Bring web-like access to these devices Terrible usability Nielsen study 56 © 2014 - Brad Myers Windows TabletPC 2001 spec (Windows XP), first devices in 2002 Bill Gates said it would be big (2002) Handwriting recognition was much better, but still not sufficiently accurate Windows UI not changed for pen Lower accuracy than mouse Quite poor UIs for correction 57 © 2014 - Brad Myers iPod 2001 Apple iPod lauded for design and user interface Unique dial interaction technique Enabled easy access to thousands of songs Highly tuned speed ratio iTunes entire service design 5 GB hard drive that put “1,000 songs in your pocket.” 58 © 2014 - Brad Myers iPhone Starting 2007 Went against the conventional wisdom in many aspects No blackberry-style keyboard Capacitive screen (multi-touch) No stylus Only one button – focus on easy to use Some unique interaction techniques Scroll bounce, swipe login, … 59 © 2014 - Brad Myers Phone MarketShare http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:World_Wide_Smartphone_Sales_Share.png 60 © 2013 - Brad Myers iPad 2010 Very different from TabletPC Media machine Little text entry facilities Interactions same as a Phone, instead of mimicking a PC Focuses on ease of use 61 © 2014 - Brad Myers Future of Pointing Chris Harrison, Desney Tan, and Dan Morris. 2010. Skinput: appropriating the body as an input surface. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI’10, 453-462. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1753326.1753394 62 © 2014 - Brad Myers Future of Pointing Chris Harrison, Julia Schwarz, and Scott E. Hudson. 2011. TapSense: enhancing finger interaction on touch surfaces. In ACM UIST '11. 627-636. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2047196.2047279 Can identify which part of finger using microphone 63 © 2014 - Brad Myers Exercise – How fast can you tap? Compare mouse, pointing stick, touchpad, direct finger tapping on phone or tablet, (anything else?) http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bam/uicourse/2014inter/fittslaw/ Go to this URL Click on the blue bar as fast and accurately as you can What is your total time and error percent? 64 © 2014 - Brad Myers Deep Dive: Scrolling Techniques © 2014 - Brad Myers 65 Early Systems SketchPad (1963): Pan and zoom with knobs “The size and position of the part of the total picture seen on the display are controlled by the four black knobs just above the table.” 66 © 2014 - Brad Myers Early Systems, 2 Bravo, 1974 Move to left margin, cursor changes shape Press to see cursor, release to do operation Left = Scroll up – line next to cursor goes to top Right = Scroll down – line at top of window goes to cursor Middle = “thumb” – jump to that percent of the document, with indicator of where you are 67 © 2014 - Brad Myers Smalltalk Smalltalk, 1977 Scroll bar pops up to the left of the document Focus window has a scroll bar Three regions: Right region – text moves up Left region – text moves down Center – drag thumb smoothly Thumb shows percent visible 68 © 2014 - Brad Myers Keyboard keys WordStar, June 1979, etc. Scroll using keyboard keys Scrolls to keep cursor on the screen 69 © 2014 - Brad Myers InterLisp, 1980 Popup on left of window, as move out to the left (same as Smalltalk) Thumb showing percent visible Left button – scroll up Same as Bravo – line next to cursor to top Right button – scroll down Middle button – thumb Same cursors as Bravo 70 © 2014 - Brad Myers Star (1981-1982) Scroll bar on right to get it out of the way Scroll arrows point in the direction the contents will move Reduce the visual clutter Based on user studies +, - buttons to scroll by pages Thumb fixed size diamond, independent of how much of document is visible Clicking in thumb “elevator” region jumps to that part of the document Viewpoint (1985) When press and hold, can move outside the scroll bar “Reduce the hand-eye coordination problems users were experiencing Right button – move by percent, or by window rather than page 71 © 2014 - Brad Myers Lisa 1983 Arrows pointing up and down Page buttons Fixed size thumb 72 © 2014 - Brad Myers Macintosh 1984 Arrows point up and down Removed the page buttons “Click in a grey region” Hold down for auto-repeat – issue? Press in thumb and drag to get to a particular point in the document “Point towards data that will be exposed when the arrow is pressed” Arrows auto-repeat Abort by dragging (far) out of scroll bar before release No scroll bar shown if can see whole document Empty scroll bar when not the focus window 73 © 2014 - Brad Myers Alternate Reality Kit (ARK) 1985 Hand at edge causes scrolling to start from that side “Teleporters” 74 © 2014 - Brad Myers OpenLook 1988 (One of the Unix “X/11” look and feels – see Lecture 8) Novel elevator – put arrow keys on it Clicking on cable moves by pages Auto-repeat – pushes the pointer along “Cable anchors” – beginning or end of the document Drag from center of elevator 75 © 2014 - Brad Myers NeXT 1989 Scroll bars moved back to the left side of windows Proportionally sized thumb Arrows are together at bottom Auto repeat Alt-key then moves by window fulls Drag thumb Alt-key while dragging moves more slowly 76 © 2014 - Brad Myers Mouse Scroll Wheel Popularized by the Microsoft IntelliMouse in 1996 along with support for the mouse wheel in Microsoft Office 97. – Wikipedia Turn to scroll by increments Can set how much that is Can press wheel for “middle” mouse button New: some move smoothly – no notches Now used for zoom in Google Maps, etc 77 © 2014 - Brad Myers Rate-controlled scrolling Can enable press-and-hold of mouse wheel Faster if move further from press-point Also, press “middle” button on IBM Thinkpads and pull with pointing stick 78 © 2014 - Brad Myers Palm Pilot 1997 Conventional scroll bar Drag thumb or tap on arrows with stylus Arrow buttons 79 © 2014 - Brad Myers RIM Blackberry dial 1999 Move with right thumb Can press in to activate selected item Not a touch screen 80 © 2014 - Brad Myers Macintosh recent scrollbars 2001 – thumb now proportional Moved arrow buttons to bottom 2011 – no more buttons on end so looks more like iOS version 81 © 2014 - Brad Myers iPhone 2007 Flick to scroll Flick to scroll existed well before iPhone iPhone has a highly tuned momentum function Stops when touch the screen Innovation: bounce at end Patent on “Bounce at end of scrolling” for iPhone submitted by Bas Ording in 2007 (right before 1st iPhone was released in 2007) US 7,469,381 82 © 2014 - Brad Myers iPhone scroll bars Displays scrollbar with letters for jumping around in contacts, etc. “regular” scrollbar in web browser, other applications Just output – not touchable 83 © 2014 - Brad Myers iPhone, cont. Two-finger drag Takes advantage of multi-touch screen Can also flick with momentum Also two-finger rotate, zoom Imported into Mac touchpad (when?) Now available on most touchpads 84 © 2014 - Brad Myers Other Scrolling Mechanisms Hand to grab the contents and scroll Dial on original iPod (2001) Tap at edge or flick to go page-bypage on eReaders “Infinite scroll” like on Twitter & Facebook MacPaint (1984), Adobe Acrobat, etc. Usability problems Scroll bars with marks for search results, errors, etc. … what else? 85 © 2014 - Brad Myers “Sliders” Part of most widget sets to select numbers in a range Usually look different than scrollbars, but behave similarly Two-handled “range sliders” 86 © 2014 - Brad Myers Research System 1978 Spatial Data Management System (SDMS) MIT “Architecture Machine Group” now MIT Media Lab Use a small, zoomed out version for 2-D scrolling One monitor for “world view” Main (large) screen for area of current interest 87 © 2014 - Brad Myers Research Paper William Buxton and Brad Myers. "A Study in Two-Handed Input," Proceedings SIGCHI '86: Human Factors in Computing Systems. Boston, MA. April 13-17, 1986. pp. 321326. pdf or html and video. (required) Explored two handed interactions Clicking, resizing, scrolling Clicking and resizing done in parallel Scrolling was not, but still faster to use 2 hands 88 © 2014 - Brad Myers Research Paper George W. Fitzmaurice. 1993. Situated information spaces and spatially aware palmtop computers. Commun. ACM 36, 7 (July 1993), pp. 39-49. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=159544.159566 3D sensor on hand-held device Moving device causes contents to move as if contents were fixed in place “Move to scroll” Also zooming if move towards and away from the user Later implemented using Smartphone camera and “optical flow” image analysis 89 © 2014 - Brad Myers Research Paper Christopher Ahlberg and Ben Shneiderman. 1994. The alphaslider: a compact and rapid selector. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '94). ACM, pp. 365-371. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=191666.191790 New designs for a more accurate slider (scroll bar) User test with 10,000 items Position and scrollbar fastest Rate controlled failed One divides thumb into 3 regions, of different scroll speeds Another: depends on speed of mouse movements Another: speed depends on vertical distance from slider Too much overshoot Now this is used for video playback 90 © 2014 - Brad Myers Research Paper Jun Rekimoto. 1996. Tilting operations for small screen interfaces. In Proceedings of the 9th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST '96). ACM, pp. 167-168. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=237091.237115 Tilt to scroll Also, tilt to select menu items Usability issues [Hinckley 2000] 91 © 2014 - Brad Myers Research Paper Brad Myers, Kin Pou ("Leo") Lie and Bo-Chieh ("Jerry") Yang, "Two-Handed Input Using a PDA and a Mouse", Proceedings CHI'2000: Human Factors in Computing Systems. April 1-6, 2000. The Hague, The Netherlands. pp. 41-48. local pdf. See if could use PDA in left hand Clicking, scrolling, etc. Created a variety of scrollers on PDA screen Used design from IBM study of scrolling techniques 10 pages from IBM manual with embedded links Mouse fastest, buttons close, rate-controlled worst 92 © 2014 - Brad Myers Research Paper Selina Sharmin, Oleg Špakov, and Kari-Jouko Räihä. 2013. Reading on-screen text with gaze-based auto-scrolling. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Eye Tracking South Africa (ETSA '13). ACM, pp. 24-31. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2509315.2509319 Participants preferred to read only at the top of the screen So auto-scrolled when looked below that No statistically significant difference in reading speed or preference 93 © 2014 - Brad Myers Exercise #2 – How fast can you scroll? Try with different kinds of scrollers http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bam/uicourse/2014inter/ScrollExperiment/ What is your total time? 94 © 2014 - Brad Myers Past to Future: Interactions in 3D, Very Large Displays, and Virtual Reality © 2014 - Brad Myers 95 Why is 3D Harder? Objects have six degrees of freedom (DoF) Also camera position Occlusion and resolution issues Difficulty of orienting oneself People are not very good at 3D manipulation or reasoning X, Y, Z Roll, pitch, yaw Mouse is basically 2D Generally, dealing with complex, hierarchical objects 96 © 2014 - Brad Myers Why Hard, cont. Rick Carey, Tony Fields, Andries van Dam, Dan Venolia. 1994. Why is 3-D interaction so hard and what can we really do about it? (panel). In Proceedings SIGGRAPH '94. ACM, pp. 492-493. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/192161.192299 3D picking is hard – which object is selected? Designing widgets for 3D manipulation is hard Occlusion, hierarchy, accuracy of pointing device Interfere with graphics Should they have shadows? Harder to get interactive speeds for direct manipulation 97 © 2014 - Brad Myers Where 3D displayed? Desktops – just on a screen in the usual way 3D “Cave” or other large displays (ACM ref) Display on 1 or up to all walls and ceiling Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR) headsets AR – can see through the display, so pictures are superimposed on the view 98 © 2014 - Brad Myers 3D Control Regular Mouse or touch – 2D “Mouse in the air” tracked in 3D = “bat”; 6 DoF Possibly with extra knobs or buttons “bat” translates to fledermaus in German (mouse that flies through the air) Fixed camera tracking object in 3D space Moving the end of an articulated motorized arm 3D physical objects incorporating the above 99 © 2014 - Brad Myers Types of 3D sensors Earliest: Boxes with sets of knobs for each dimension Polhemus trackers (“bat”) DataGlove Starting in 1969 Magnetic cube on part to be tracked and nearby receiver 6 DOF Limited sensing area Company still selling similar products Often attached to gloves, head-trackers, etc. Starting about 1982 Measured finger bending = pose of hand Incorporated Polhemus tracker on the wrist Nintendo “PowerGlove” – 1989 Unsuccessful – only 2 games © 2014 - Brad Myers 100 Virtual reality on five dollars a day Randy Pausch. 1991. Virtual reality on five dollars a day. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '91), ACM, pp. 265-270. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid= 108844.108913 Combined with inexpensive virtual reality headset 101 © 2014 - Brad Myers Minority Report, 2002 Using data gloves to interact with large 2-D displays in the air (or on a surface) MIT Media Lab advised on science (John Underkoffler) 102 © 2014 - Brad Myers History of 3D sensors, cont. Lots of motion capture research and systems Kinect Motion capture rooms with cameras Used for movies, etc. (But no interaction techniques) Introduced 2010 Two cameras Next lecture (w/ game controllers) Leap Motion 2013 Camera based – designed to look upwards 103 © 2014 - Brad Myers 3D “arm” Controllers Motors to measure 3D movements and provide force feedback Phantom OMNI from Sensable Technologies Medical Applications, etc. 3D editing and drawing Falcon from Novint Marketed for gaming 104 © 2014 - Brad Myers Special-purpose input devices for Manipulation Head and cutting plane Ken Hinckley, Randy Pausch, Dennis Proffitt, and Neal F. Kassell. 1998. Two-handed virtual manipulation. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 5, 3 (September 1998), 260302. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=292834.292849 Articulated “marionette” Wataru Yoshizaki, et. al. 2011. An actuated physical puppet as an input device for controlling a digital manikin. In Proceedings CHI '11. ACM, pp. 637-646. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1978942.1979034 105 © 2014 - Brad Myers Mouse-Based 3D manipulation Common 4-panel display Mouse works in conventional way in each panel Still tricky to manipulate AutoDesk Maya 106 © 2014 - Brad Myers One screen mouse approaches Michael Chen, S. Joy Mountford, and Abigail Sellen. 1988. A study in interactive 3-D rotation using 2-D control devices. In Proceedings SIGGRAPH '88. ACM pp. 121-129. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/54852.378497 6D control with 2D mouse Sliders for each dimension 2D areas (2D “sliders”) for each pair of dimensions Menus – pick axes to manipulate first Button modifiers – so can quickly change “Virtual Sphere Controller” for 3D rotation Pretend object is in a sphere so can rotate around outside © 2014 - Brad Myers 107 3D Handles Extend idea of handles on 2D objects to 3D Need handles for move, stretch, rotate, etc. in each dimension Many approaches for doing this. E.g., Scott S. Snibbe, Kenneth P. Herndon, Daniel C. Robbins, D. Brookshire Conner, and Andries van Dam. 1992. Using deformations to explore 3D widget design. In Proceedings SIGGRAPH '92, ACM, pp. 351-352. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/133994.134091 108 © 2014 - Brad Myers Research: 3D miniatures Randy Pausch, Tommy Burnette, Dan Brockway, and Michael E. Weiblen. 1995. Navigation and locomotion in virtual worlds via flight into hand-held miniatures. In Proceedings of the 22nd annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques (SIGGRAPH '95), ACM, pp. 399-400. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=218380.218495 Miniature version of the world held in your hand Can move objects in miniature version to edit Move avatar to change camera view 109 © 2014 - Brad Myers Research: Manipulating Objects Jeffrey S. Pierce, Andrew S. Forsberg, Matthew J. Conway, Seung Hong, Robert C. Zeleznik, and Mark R. Mine. 1997. Image plane interaction techniques in 3D immersive environments. In Proceedings of the 1997 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics (I3D '97). ACM, 39-ff. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=253284.253303 Head-crusher, lifting palm Renders hand in the scene, detects pose of hand, detects objects in relation to the pose 110 © 2014 - Brad Myers Research: 3D on Touch Screens Aurélie Cohé, Fabrice Dècle, and Martin Hachet. 2011. tBox: a 3d transformation widget designed for touch-screens. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '11). ACM, pp. 3005-3008. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1978942.1979387 Surround 3D object with a cube 1 or 2 fingers moving on cube have special meanings Translate, stretch, move camera, etc. Video on ACM site 111 © 2014 - Brad Myers Research: 3D drawing by “Sketching” Robert C. Zeleznik, Kenneth P. Herndon, and John F. Hughes. 1996. SKETCH: an interface for sketching 3D scenes. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '96. ACM, pp.163-170. http://graphics.cs.brown.edu/research/pub/papers/sig96-sketch/sig.html Only use 1 button to draw (another to move camera) Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) = adding and removing pieces of geometric elements Cubes, spheres, etc. Uses heuristics to guess what various drawings mean Video on ACM site 112 © 2014 - Brad Myers Research: Sketching Soft Objects Takeo Igarashi, Satoshi Matsuoka, and Hidehiko Tanaka. 1999. Teddy: a sketching interface for 3D freeform design. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '99. ACM, pp. 409-416. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/311535.311602 Smooth sketches turn into smooth objects Frequent rotations so can draw on the image plane Extrudes or cuts the shape (YouTube) 5:01min 113 © 2014 - Brad Myers New Research Still an active research area. E.g. Interactions with Google Glass (web page) Gestures on the touch sensor on side Head gestures From UIST'13: Mime: Compact, Low Power 3D Gesture Sensing for Interaction with Head Mounted Displays (ACM DL) uTrack: 3D Input Using Two Magnetic Sensors (ACM DL) BodyAvatar: Creating Freeform 3D Avatars using FirstPerson Body Gestures (ACM DL) 114 © 2014 - Brad Myers Thanks! 115 © 2014 - Brad Myers For more information 05-899A/05-499A: Interaction Techniques, Spring, 2014 http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bam/uicourse/2014inter/ “All the Widgets” history video, 1990, https://vimeo.com/61556918 Brad A. Myers. "A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction Technology." ACM interactions. Vol. 5, no. 2, March, 1998. pp. 44-54. pdf 116 © 2014 - Brad Myers