National Association of Farm Business Analysis Specialists


National Association of Farm Business Analysis Specialists

National Farm & Ranch Business Management Education


North Central Farm Management Extension Committee

First Joint Conference

June 11 - 14, 2007 Rochester, Minnesota

“Building a Winning Team” – Marketing and Management for

Farm Couples

Bret Oelke – Regional Extension Educator


 Provide an overview of why the program was developed and how it was designed and delivered

 Share evaluation results

 Discuss the future of the program

Why was the program developed

 Marketing and management groups and Annie’s Project participants and alumni requested a couples program on marketing and farm management.

Program development and delivery

Marketing and management group material and tools used as a base

Annie’s Project format used as a guide

Designed specifically for a couples audience

Include communication segment


Grant County Farm Bureau

Program Objectives

Improve Business Communication



Enhance Marketing Skills

Identify or develop marketing philosophy

Develop or implement a market planning

Expand Management Expertise

Recognize skill areas

Explore areas for outsourcing or in-sourcing

Build a “Winning Team”

Session One

 Introductions

 Overview of Program

 Marketing and Management Resources

 Understanding Markets

Session Two

 Session One Review

 The Language of Marketing

Marketing Terms

Reading and Utilizing Marketing Resources

Session Three

 Session Two Review

 Building and Strengthening Supplier and

Buyer Relationships

 Planning for Marketing

Session Four

 Session Three Review

 Keeping Track and Utilizing Your Records

 Developing, Improving and/or Maintaining

Positive Relationships with Landlords

Defending your land base

Session Five

Session Four Review

Assembling your “Winning Team”

Internal and external members

 Group Directed Discussion

 Evaluation

Evaluation Summaries

Female participants

1. What do you feel was the most useful part of the program?

 General knowledge increased for me – we’re busy and with everything else going on with family, my husband and I don’t always have time to talk about this.

Spouses attending together.

Finding all the different websites. Suggestions for the land rental contracts. Learning the terminology.

Knowing where our partner stands in what they know and what they do.

Landlord rental agreements.

Resource – website addresses for “free” information for farm information.

Learning how important it is to not only work the farm together

(in the field) but (in the office) as well!

Evaluation Summaries

Male participants

1. What do you feel was the most useful part of the program?

 The last meeting for rent agreements.


Sharing the information with my spouse and friends as a group.

Flexible cash rent information.

It was all very good in every aspect.

Education is important. Wife needs to help with overwhelming tasks.

The last session.

To develop a written marketing plan and stick to it.

Showing us the resources that we can use to find information i.e. websites, etc

Evaluation Summaries

Female participants

2. What topics (not covered) do you feel should be included in this program?

I could still benefit from more general/basic knowledge.

Expand on current topics.

For a basic starter program it was good.

Crop insurance.

More detail in marketing – examples of puts and calls and why to use them with or without cash contracts, etc.

Evaluation Summaries

Male participants

2. What topics (not covered) do you feel should be included in this program?

More long term marketing options.

Basic farm law.

What do those of us do that have sold December 07 in the 2.70-3.00 area other than scale up to get price average up.

Computer interaction.

More hands on things like actual do model is like the insurance model.

Farm transfer ideas – parents to kids that are farming and how to treat non-farming kids fairly.

Evaluation Summaries

Female participants

3. What would you change about the program?

Get more younger farmers involved. Staying with time.

To go over more marketing examples.

Maybe separate beginner, beginner to advanced people/couples. I don’t know if there were too many couples that were overly advanced to others in this particular group but it may happen in other groups!

Evaluation Summaries

Male participants

3. What would you change about the program?

Different room.

Try not to cover so many subjects, get more in-depth on fewer.

Do them every week instead of two. Keeps the program and information more fresh.

Fin Pack analysis details should be explained.

Not much, less time on the terms.


Speed up terms of marketing.

I would keep what you have and maybe develop follow-up courses more in-depth, etc.

Evaluation Summaries

Female participants

4. I was surprised by…………………

The wealth of resources out there – if you take the time to find them. Also made me feel that I was more an integral part of our business.

The land rent spreadsheets. It was interesting to see what it should be. I knew they were high but wow.

How much Farm Bureau does.

Evaluation Summaries

Male participants

4. I was surprised by…………………


How well almost everyone behaved.

The openness of all questions of everybody, not the tight lipped used to seeing.

How many resources are available for getting information.

Evaluation Summaries

Female participants

5. I changed my mind about………………..

Okay, so I get why we spend so much time on number crunching, etc. now. I still wish it took less time, ha! But I do get it.

Having a marketing plan.

Record keeping on the Internet using the computer to get better organize.

Evaluation Summaries

Male participants

5. I changed my mind about………………..

The teacher/preacher.

How important very good bookkeeping is. Get you that extra, maybe needed land, rent if need more land to farm.

Evaluation Summaries

Female participants

6. I now understand………………..

There are so much more complexities than I realized, and

I grew up on a farm.

I need more education and understanding of marketing.

The concept of a marketing plan with incremental sales.

Taking some of the emotion out of it.

That working as a team is better and more useful than work just as one.


SWAG-Bret and GIGO-Margot.

How important it is to keep good farm records and practice management skills always.

Evaluation Summaries

Male participants

6. I now understand………………..

More than I did.

How to use the special computer programs more.

Evaluation Summaries

Female participants

7. I plan to……………………………

Stay more involved with the farming operation.

Be more supportive of the marketing plan. Try to create and put together better analysis data.

Ask more questions on what is going on in the farm. Help my partner follow his plan.

Continue to be educated in marketing grain to not just cover cost of production but make enough money to be able to keep up with updating equipment cost (trades, etc.) and also be able to take a decent family living


Continue using the marketing plans we have put together.

Hopefully have the time to become more involved in our area farm programs.

Evaluation Summaries

Male participants

7. I plan to……………………………

Keep going to the meetings - marketing and others.

Learn more yet.

Bring spouse into more planning and execution of plan.

Use models in determining land rent.

To be more aggressive in forward selling.

Evaluation Summaries

Female participants

8. Other comments:

Thank you. I appreciate it.

You did a nice job. I would be interested in another program to follow-up with more marketing, detail, more in-depth. Thanks!

Be able to see the overhead better. Was hard to see.

A better lit area.

Thank you to Farm Bureau for being a sponsor. Thanks Bret for organizing this group and to get more of the area producers together to discuss what’s going on not only locally in the farm but worldly as well. Thanks also to Margot for her reinforcement of keeping good farm records.

100% of Female respondents would recommend this type of program to others

Evaluation Summaries

Male participants

8. Other comments:

Need to advance the promptness.

I would attend another set of meetings again.

Open bar.

The land rent discussion was good.

I agree that more minds are better than one.

Need to discuss more “basic” marketing for less experienced people.

100% of Male respondents would recommend this type of program to others

Where do we go from here or what is the future of this program?

 Tentatively planning on delivering this at three locations in Minnesota with Farm Bureau

Young Farmers and Ranchers in cooperation with Minnesota Corn Producers.

 Available to other organizations across the country

Thank You!

Bret Oelke – Regional Extension Educator
