NY FarmNet 1986-2006 Marketing Intervention Services To Women Steve Richards



Marketing Intervention Services

To Women

NY FarmNet 1986-2006

Steve Richards

Director, NY FarmLink

Chanda Lindsay

Cayuga County CCE


NY FarmNet- An Overview

 Began in 1986 as a toll-free hotline

 Response to farm financial crisis

 Formed to address financial and personal needs of farm families in distress

 The need for such services remains even after the crisis

 The question is, how do we market these services effectively and efficiently?


NY FarmNet- 1980’s to 1990’s

 Initial marketing in the 1980’s in response to the financial crisis

 Bankers

 Word of mouth

 Over 10,000 consultations

 97% of these said they would call again

 85% referred a neighbor

 The next big crisis-1998 Ice Storm

 FarmNet connected farmers with resources to solve problems

 Recognized by NY State for their work


NY FarmNet 2000-2005

 It doesn’t take a crisis!

 Farm families face varying levels of crisis regularly

 NY FarmNet provides valuable services to farm families every day

 Personal consultation

 Financial planning

 Estate planning and transfers

 How do we spread the word?

 Brochures, trade shows, newspaper

 Refrigerator magnets

 What else??


NY FarmNet Now!

 #1 Question- How do we spread the word effectively (to the most people) and efficiently (with the least amount of money)?

 Identify the target audience:

 Who typically makes farm financial decisions?

 Who typically is in charge of family health and family well being?

 Who is the most likely to ask for help?


NY FarmNet Now



NY FarmNet Now

 In 2005, NY FarmNet hired Keegan and

Associates to assess potential marketing tools- targeting women.

 Their basic advice:

 Clearly explain the benefits of your product or service

 Make it personal and friendly

 Listen first- sell later

 Provide women with an easy way to reach you

 Say thank you

 Don’t overlook the environment

 Promote exceptional customer service

 It comes down to building relationships


NY FarmNet Now

Outcomes so far:

 Radio advertisement trial in one county

 Timed to coincide with the drive to and from work

 Received 10 phone calls within 2 weeks

 Plan to host focus groups to refine message and methods

 Other plans:

 Increase radio advertising

 Include testimonials from women in advertising

 FarmNet documentary


NY FarmNet Now

 Current status of farming:

 More intensive management required

 Unpredictable markets

 Rising costs to farmers (fuel, fertilizers…)

 =Stress and confusion!

 This indicates that services such as

NY FarmNet will become more and more critical

 Good marketing is imperative to ensure that farmers know where to get help when they need it


NY FarmNet

What do you think?
