Thank you for participating in the Women in Agriculture survey. Your information will be tabulated and combined with other WIA survey responses. The information from the survey will be used for program reports, program planning and promotions. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is conducting a survey of individuals who participated in the Women in Agriculture conference from 2009-2011. The objective of the survey is to discover your opinions about the conference and learn about its effectiveness in meeting conference objectives. If you would like a copy of the final report, please write your name and address on the back of the return envelope. Envelopes will be separated from the survey to ensure your confidentiality. Extension is a Division of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln cooperating with the Counties and the United States Department of Agriculture. University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension educational programs abide with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture. Women in Agriculture Department of Agricultural Economics 303 Filley Hall University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68583-0922 Survey Administrators: Marilyn Schlake Ph: 800.328.2851/402.472.4138 Becky Vogt, Ph: 402.329.6251 After 26 years, the Women in Agriculture (WIA) program continues to provide educational opportunities for Nebraska’s women agriculturalists. It is has been a privilege and honor to work with so many individuals who have helped to lay the foundation of today’s agriculture. The following questions provide opportunity for us to learn more about you, the Women and Agriculture participant, and how WIA can assist you and Nebraska’s agricultural future. This is the first ever comprehensive survey of the WIA program and thus is a little longer than most surveys. However, the entire survey should require only 20 minutes of your time. There are three parts to the survey: Part 1 asks about your experiences with the WIA conference; Part 2 asks about your agricultural and/or business operations; and Part 3 asks for demographic questions. We thank you for taking the time to respond to the WIA survey. Q33. Are you Spanish/Hispanic/Latino? a. Yes b. No Q34. Please write the county in which you reside: If you have additional comments you would like to share, use the space below. Your comments are very much welcomed. No names will be attached to any comments used in publications. Part I: About the Women in Agriculture Conference Q1. How many years have you attended the WIA conference? (Please write the number below.) Years: Q2. What is your role within the agricultural industry? (Circle the corresponding letter for each role that applies.) a. b. c. d. e. f. 1 Farmer Rancher Consultant Value-added, rural business owner Agricultural service provider Other _______________________________________ 14 Part III. Demographic Questions Please provide the following information. The combined numbers are used for background information for summary reports and conference fundraising. Q28. What is your gender? a. Male b. Female Q29. What is your age? Years: Q30. What is your level of education? a. b. c. d. e. f. Less than high school graduate High school graduate – diploma or GED Some college, no degree Associate’s degree Bachelor’s degree Graduate or professional degree Q31. What is your marital status? a. b. c. d. Married/Domestic Partner Never married Divorced/separated Widowed Q32. Please indicate your race. a. b. c. d. e. 13 American Indian or Alaska native Black or African American White Asian or Pacific Islander Other (specify) Q3. For each of the following statements, please indicate its importance as to why you attended the WIA conference with 1 meaning not important and 5 meaning most important. Not Important To know more about: ▼ a. Overall farm and ranch operations 1 b. Agricultural production practices 1 c. Health and well-being 1 d. Regulatory and policy issues 1 e. Estate planning options 1 f. New business opportunities 1 g. Marketing traditional and alternative crops 1 h. Other (specify) 1 To improve my farm/ranch skills in: i. Financial management j. Production records k. Organization of overall operations l. Computers, including use of software programs m. Other (specify) To enhance my personal skills in: n. Communicating/advocating for agriculture o. Balancing farm and ranch life p. Networking with others q. Renewing commitment to farm/ranch r. Other (specify) Not Important ▼ 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Most Important ▼ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 Most Important ▼ 5 5 5 5 2 3 4 5 Not Important ▼ 1 1 1 1 1 Most Important ▼ 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 2 Q4. As a result of your attendance at the WIA Conference, what steps did or will you take to improve or enhance your farm/ranch/business operations. First, select the appropriate answer to the right of the statement by placing an “X” in the appropriate column. Second, if you would like additional training on this topic, place an “X” on the line in the shaded column. Not applicable Changes in crop management: a. Use of new/additional tools for marketing grain. b. Reduce risk exposure with new/additional crop insurance tools. c. Develop crop budgets/enhance record keeping. d. Apply precision agriculture technology on the farm. No plans or already doing this prior to the conference Have or currently modifying practices Plan to start this within the next 1-2 years Would like more training Agricultural Industry Services Q24. Do you provide agricultural services as an employee for a government or private organization? (i.e., Natural Resource Conservation Service, Farm Service Agency, Farm Bureau, etc.) a. Yes Please specify the organization: b. No [skip to Q28] Q25. What is your role within the organization? (Please describe, i.e., agriculture lender, policy maker, advocate.) Role: e. Other (specify) Changes in livestock management: f. Use of new/additional tools for marketing livestock. g. Implement animal ID/tracking processes. h. Implement new grazing practices. i. Add value to cow/calf enterprise by changing management practices. j. Other (specify) Q26. What types of service do you provide the agricultural crop and livestock producers? Service: Q27. To your organization/company, what is the benefit of you attending or participating in the WIA conference? (Circle all that apply.) a. b. c. d. e. f. No benefit to the company/organization Network with potential customers Increase awareness of products/services Increase leads and sales Further staff education/training Other (specify) Please continue to Section III 3 12 Not applicable Q21. What is the status of your business? (Full-time is equivalent to 35 hours or more of business activity.) Not in operation Full-time Part-time Seasonal Business 1 Business 2 Business 3 No plans or already doing this prior to the conference Have or currently modifying practices Plan to start this within the next 1-2 years Would like more training Changes in business operations: k. Use computer-based tools to aid in decision making. l. Develop an estate plan. m. Implement new safety practices. n. Adapt or adopt tax planning strategies. Q22. How many employees does your business currently employ? (Please write the number in each appropriate category.) No employees Full-time employees Part-time employees Seasonal employees Business 1 Business 2 Business 3 Q5. As a result of your participation in the Women in Agriculture conference, to what extent did the changes you made on the farm/ranch/business lead to the following..? (Place an “X” in the column that best fits.) Q23. What is your primary market? (Please place an “X” in the appropriate category.) Local/state market Business 1 Business 2 Business 3 o. Develop a business plan. p. Start a niche business using nontraditional crops or livestock. q. Other (specify) Great Plains Region United States Only Global No impact Slight impact Moderate impact High impact Not applicable a. Increased profit for the farm or ranch. b. Improved farm/ranch sustainability. c. Improved family health. d. Enhanced safety for family and employees. e. Increased value-added/alternative business activity. f. Increased effectiveness in business. g. Increased use of agricultural networks/resources. h. Other (specify) 3 11 12 4 Q6. If you indicated either a Moderate or High impact in Q5, please provide an explanation of what you did to create the change and the estimated dollar value of the change, if applicable. High or Moderate Impacts Estimated $$ Value Changes Implemented a. Increased profit for the farm or ranch. b. Improved farm/ranch sustainability. c. Improved family health. Alternative/Value-added business Q17. Do you currently have, or plan to have, one or more businesses, that are either on or off the farm or ranch? (For example, direct beef sales, commercial haying, consultant trucking, florist, retail shop, etc.) a. Yes b. No [skip to Q24] Q18. What is/are your primary product(s) or service(s)? Please describe each business. (If you need additional space, please go to the back of the survey to add more information.) d. Enhanced safety for family and employees. e. Increased value-added/alternative business activity. f. Increased effectiveness in business. g. Increased use of agricultural networks/resources. a. Business 1: b. Business 2: c. Business 3: Q19. What is your role within your businesses? (Please place an “X” in the appropriate category.) h. Other (specify) Sole Owner Business Partner Cooperative Founder or Member Investor Only Other Role: (specify) Business 1 Q7. As a result of your participation in the Women in Agriculture conferences, to what extent did the changes you made personally lead to the following? (place an “X” in the column that best fits.) No impact a. Enhanced role in farm/ranch business management and production decisions. b. Enhanced role in farm/ranch business financial decisions. c. Increased role in agricultural advocacy. 5 Slight impact Moderate impact High impact Not applicable Business 2 Business 3 Q20. How many years has your business been in existence? (Please place an “X” in the appropriate category.) Planning Phase Less than 2 years 2-6 years Over 6 years Business 1 Business 2 Business 3 10 Q14. How many acres do you directly own, manage or provide management consultation to on an annual basis? a. No acres dedicated to crop production b. Row crops Total acres Please list your primary row crops: c. Small grains Total acres Slight No impact impact Moderate impact High impact Not applicable d. Improved role as a service provider within your organization. e. Increased participation in agricultural organizations/networks. f. Enhanced personal health and wellbeing. g. Other (specify) Please list your primary small grain crops: d. Fruits and Vegetables Total acres: Please list your primary fruit and vegetable crops: e. Sugar Beets Total acres: Q8. What was the one thing about the conference that you think has had or will have the greatest impact on you? f. Dry Beans Total acres: Please explain: g. Other (specify) Total acres: Q15. What portion of crop land is: a. Irrigated: % b. Dryland: % c. Grassland: % Q9. Please provide suggestions that you feel would improve the conference or learning experience for all participants. Q16. What were your gross farm/ranch sales in 2011? a. b. c. d. f. 9 Less than $50,000 $50,001 – $100,000 $100,001 - $250,000 $250,001 - $500,000 $500,001 or greater 6 Q10. Below are some suggested topics that may be of interest to you as either a WIA Conference session, or as a workshop offered at another time. Please indicate all that you would be interested in attending by circling the corresponding letter. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. Whole farm enterprise budgeting Time management Land and infrastructure planning Leadership Communication skills Planning and goal-setting Cash management Refining owner/manager roles Equipment and workplace safety Employee management and regulations Aging/health care Food security Tourism and value-added business opportunities Value-driven farm/ranch enterprise (organic, sustainable, etc.) Other (specify) Please continue to Section II Part II - About Your Enterprise The following questions help determine who is participating in the WIA conferences and the types of agricultural or business operations they represent. Your answers will be combined with other respondents to give an overall picture of the WIA producers and business women. Production Agriculture Q11. What is your role in the farm or ranch operation? (Circle all that apply.) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Not involved in a farm/ranch operation [skip to Q17] Single owner A main partner Farm/ranch employee Business manager Consultant Other (specify) Q12. How many years have you been involved with farming, ranching or as a consultant within the agricultural industry? Years: ____________ Q13. What is the total number of head of each type of livestock and/or poultry animals that you directly own, manage or provide management consultation to on an annual basis? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 7 No livestock and/or poultry animals Swine – Nursery/Grow/Finish Swine – Reproductive Horses Poultry broilers & layers Sheep, lambs, goats Beef feeders Beef cows Dairy cows Dairy replacements Other (specify) head of animals # head of animals # head of animals # head of animals # head of animals # head of animals # head of animals # head of animals # head of animals # head of animals # 8