First Name: Middle Initial: Last name:
UC Davis Faculty Sponsor Name:
Scholar Phone: Start Date: End Date:
Scholar Email:
Scholar Web Page (if any):
Education: Enter from the most recent degree to the oldest:
Degree Field of Study Institute Year
Current Position: (if visiting Scholars):
To submit your information, follow these steps:
Fill out the form and save it as lastname_firstname_form.docx (example: meek_mariah_form.docx).
Prepare your curriculum vita and name it as lastname_firstname_cv.pdf (example: meek_mariah_cv.docx).
If the curriculum vita is not in the PDF format, we can convert your doc file into pdf file, but we prefer pdf format.
Prepare your photo and name it as lastname_firstname_photo.jpg (example: meek_mariah_photo.jpg).
The optimal resolution for the photo is 192 x 256 pixels at 72 pixels per inch. If your photo does not meet these specifications, we can convert it, but we prefer the above specifications.
Email these three files (form, cv, and photo) as attachments to Professor Silas Hung at (2139 Meyer Hall, 530 752-3580)