WHO WANTS TO GO TO HEAVEN A young girl called Ngozi sought for permission to go to church from her sick mother. She was granted permission and instructed to come back home immediately after church service. Ngozi attended the church service and listened attentively to the sermon delivered by the host pastor. During the sermon, the pastor admonished the congregation to bear fruits of the spirit so that they could make Heaven. He asked his listeners who would want to go to heaven to raise their hand. Every member raised his/her hands except Ngozi. After the sermon, the pastor called Ngozi into his office, privately. He asked her why she did not raise her hands like every other members who indicated interest to go to heaven. Onovo, Onyebuchi Edwin SS1 A THE MOSQUITOES PRAYER Our victims who are on bed, hallowed be they blood. Our time has come. Our will be done on bed at midnight and every other night. Gives us this night enough blood for meal and forgive us as we forgive those that spray insecticides on us every night. Lead us not into strong net but deliver us from Mosquito’s Coils. May their skin be our source of food for centuries to come Amen. THANK GOD I DON’T HAVE A TEETH One day an old woman went to church. The Pastor was giving a sermon and said “unless you repent, you will be cast into the hell fire where there will be gnashing of teeth” the old woman was very happy and she said “thank God I no get teeth Oh” MR. YELLOW There is a man. He is yellow in complexion he has a yellow car, a yellow house, a yellow television, everything about him is yellow and what killed him was yellow Fever. Miracle Ejike THE BOY FOR ME! When a gentleman advertised for a boy helper, nearly fifty came to see him. Out of the whole number, he chose one and dismissed the rest. 1 “I should like to know,” said a friend, “why you picked that boy who had not a single recommendation.” “You are mistaken”, said the gentleman; “he had a great many. He wiped his feets when he came in, and closed the door after him, showing that he was careful. “He gave his seat instantly to that lame old man, showing that he was thoughtful and kind. He took off his cap and answered my questions promptly showing that he was honorable and orderly. As I talked to him, I noticed that his clothes were pressed and his hair neatly combed; when he wrote his name, I noticed that his fingernails were clean. “Don’t you call those little things recommendations? I do; and I would give more for what O can tell about a boy by using my eyes than for all the letters he can bring.” 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Ranjennys School Anthem Ranjennys children let us rejoice Throw all our burdens down If God has been so gracious to bring us to Ranjennys Our school abounds in nature's gifts of competent teachers And good academic environment Lovely for meditation and fine for observation Ranjennys is the ultimate Ranjennys children, let us rejoice Put away all sorrows And shout with laughter for our gracious God has done it all We have a school where good morals and discipline are taught And where the standard is extremely high; A home of magnificent excellence Clean and tidy Ranjennys is the ultimate Words and Music by BADOM, F. A. B. (Esq.) 24 Ranjennys School Pledge I pledge today to do my best in all subjects To obey school rules To respect my parents, teachers, students and others To learn all I can and be the best in all I do So help me teachers. To be involved, curious, creative, ready to learn, willing to listen and take instructions, poised to ask thought provoking questions, to be punctual, organized and tidy at all times and, to be a great student with leading potential. So help me God. roselyn 25