ESRC IAA Open Chair Page 1 of 7 ESRC Impact Acceleration Account Open Chair Application Form Summer 2016 Please refer to the Guidance Notes before completing the form and contact Dr Angie Scott / Jenny Hasenfuss (NISR) pre-submission. Word your application for a non-specialist audience. Use minimum 10 point font size. Maximum page limit is 10 pages total (excluding Evidence of Support from Consortium Members Appendix) Weblink: 1. APPLICANTS A. Lead Academic B. School/Institute/Centre C. Tel ext D. E-mail E. Current Post F. Research Group or Centre affiliation (if any) 2. THE OPEN CHAIR CONSORTIUM A. Proposed title of consortium B. Brief Summary of research topic to be explored by the Consortium (max 100 words) C. Members of Consortium from beyond Newcastle University (Give names & affiliations) D. Members of Consortium from Newcastle University (Give names & School/Institute) E. Describe how the Consortium has been developed (Note: Please provide Evidence of Support from Consortium Members in an Appendix) 1 ESRC IAA Open Chair Page 2 of 7 3. RESEARCH A. Key research question to be explored within the Open Chair Consortium B. Explain why this topic has been chosen, and how it reflects and/or addresses a social need C. Explain the potential to deliver transformative action towards the identified social need D. Links to existing research: Explain how the Open Chair activity will relate to existing subject knowledge and to research strengths at Newcastle University E. Details of co-funding from stakeholders (cash and/or in kind), including amount and details Cash In Kind £ £ F. BH reference and funder for any funded research from which this project was derived (if relevant) G. ESRC Disciplinary Remit (The research topic must be at least 50% within the ESRC remit) 4. OUTLINE OF ACTIVITY Activity Plan: Outline the plans you have to develop the research activity and how you will undertake this with Consortium members involvement (e.g. co-inquiry planning, consultation, workshops, primary research collection, analysis, review, dissemination etc) It is essential that you build into your plans, ongoing opportunities to disseminate work and findings between and beyond the Consortium 2 ESRC IAA Open Chair Page 3 of 7 Timeframe: Please outline an indicative timeframe to include: I. Planning & delivery of research II. Preparation & circulation of dissemination materials during research & at end of activity III. How you will sustain the interaction beyond the ESRC IAA funding, if appropriate Start date End date Methodology: Outline how you intend to formalise the Consortium & any likely approaches that you will take to the research (e.g. methodologies, geographical area, scope of topic, co-inquiry, coproduction of research) Ethics: Explain what ethical considerations you have taken into account, and how you will address these within the Consortium? (Note: Applicants may find it useful to visit the University Engagement website for resources on participatory and action approaches to community based research) Communication and dissemination: Outline how the Consortium will I. Work together II. Share information across Consortium III. Share knowledge beyond the Consortium Impact: Outline how the Consortium will evidence the outcomes, outputs and impact of its work. In particular, explain the potential reach and significance of your research. 3 ESRC IAA Open Chair Page 4 of 7 5. ANTICIPATED OUTPUTS, OUTCOMES AND IMPACTS As a condition of funding from the ESRC, we are required to evidence outputs, outcomes and impacts of activity. Please outline here the anticipated outputs, outcomes and impacts of the Open Chair Consortium. (Please link to the KPIs the ESRC IAA guidelines available from the HASS Faculty website) 1. 2. 3. Anticipated outputs For example: Joint publications with non-academic partners Number of new partners participating in collaborative projects/proposals Cash and in-kind contributions from non-academic partners 1. Anticipated outcomes: For example: Increase in the number of projects that continue beyond initial engagement Increase in number of researchers participating in KE activity Increase in research investment and engagement with non-academic organisations 1. Anticipated impacts: For example: Policy and/or practice change Increased R&D expenditure of nonacademic partner Cost savings in non-academic organisations Increased coproduced research 1. 2. 3. 2. 3. 2. 3. 4 ESRC IAA Open Chair Page 5 of 7 6. PROJECT COSTS A. SUPPORT REQUESTED FROM ESRC IAA OPEN CHAIR Please provide details for each item of expenditure - a successful Open Chair Consortium application can be supported up to the figure of £15,000 for twelve months (£10,000 ESRC and £5,000 Newcastle Institute for Social Renewal). The expenditure should primarily cover non-salary items and may include payments to partner organisations. The split of the award between what is to stay at Newcastle and what is to go to partners needs to be clear at the outset of your application (even if you do not know the amount of partners you want to give funds to and how this funding will go between partners). A.1 SCHOOL FUNDS: Please cost your application (referring to the Guideline’s Process Section) through MyProjects proposals and include in your application with the headline amounts subtotals, providing full details for each item of expenditure below. All proposed spend must comply with Newcastle University Finance regulations: We have included possible types of spend below as an example Printing/photocopying/ materials (e.g. leaflets, posters, minutes of meetings) £ Details: Workshop/ meeting costs (e.g. room hire, catering costs) £ Details: Expenses/reimbursements for volunteers £ Details: Travel £ Details: Accommodation £ Details: Subsistence £ Details: Equipment £ Details: Salaries/Teaching buy-out costs £ Details: Other £ Details: AWARD SUB-TOTAL (A1, FUNDS STAYING AT NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY) £ MyProjects Proposals Ref P 5 ESRC IAA Open Chair Page 6 of 7 A.2 PARTNER FUNDS: Please refer to the guidelines, section G.8. Part of the award can go to Partners involved in the Consortium. Please note these funds will not be staying a Newcastle University, therefore they do not need to be included in MyPP costings. The split between partners can be approximate, with details being finalised once the project is underway, but amount payable to partners cannot be changed. Partner payment #1 £ Organisation details: Partner payment #2 £ Organisation details: Partner payment #3 £ Organisation details: AWARD SUB-TOTAL (A2, FUNDS FOR PARTNERS) £ REQUESTED TOTAL AWARD VALUE (A1 + A2) £ B. SCHOOL COSTS (IN KIND): Please use ‘actual salary’ under staff costs, in MyPP Salary costs of salaried academics involved in project: £ C. CO-FUNDING CONTRIBUTIONS (FROM SECTION 2, part K), if applicable: CASH -Sub totals of all Cash contributions, from stakeholder partners: £ IN KIND - Sub totals of all In Kinds contributions, from stakeholder partners: £ Co-Funding Total £ 6 ESRC IAA Open Chair Page 7 of 7 7. APPLICANTS’ DECLARATIONS A. Intellectual Property Consideration Please contact your appropriate Faculty Business Development Manager to discuss any IP queries further There may be IP issues arising from this project YES or NO (please delete as appropriate) B. Data Protection Act I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information on this form is correct and complete. I give my consent for my personal data to be processed by Newcastle University, within the terms of the Data Protection Act: Print Name Signature Date 8. STAKEHOLDERS PARTNERS CO-SIGNATURES (if applicable) If more partners are involved, please copy and paste the signature box below. Partner 1: I confirm that our organisation is committed to our involvement in the project, as outlined in the application: Print Name Company Signature (or Date email support) Partner 2: I confirm that our organisation is committed to our involvement in the project, as outlined in the application: Print Name Company Signature (or Date email support) 9. DEADLINE DATES FOR SUBMISSION Please note: Applicants may delete the below table from their application, if required. No other section of the form should be deleted. Applicants should submit their application form electronically to the Director of Research by: The completed form should be submitted electronically by your Director of Research (with their additional Ranking Sheet) to by: Forms submitted after this deadline will without exception not be entered into the competition. Applications will be considered by the ESRC IAA Fund Awards Panel on: Results will be communicated (within two weeks of Awards panel meeting) by: 17:00, Friday 27th May 2016 17:00, Friday 3rd June 2016 Late June – July 2016 Wednesday 3rd August 2016 7