Exploring the Future of Information Sharing with Science Fiction Prototyping Finally: Together What Did We Learn? From the stories you have presented (after the workshop) I will be able to summarise the core activities and operational challenges raised within the narratives of future social farming Group 1 Overarchi Iterative data ng Themes Technologies Utopian Future perspective Robots and analytics about data gathered on citizens Extracts facts from the body City wide solution (high/ low tech solutions) Nano Robots Waste recycling Data for predictive city patterns Pooh food Bio social cycle Career paths Individual data for future prediction (city management) Bio finger prints Child care Group 2 Overarching Themes Iterative data Technologies Brave New World Dystopia Devolution of disease Cities of disease Predictive data Health care Bio city franchise Genomic technology If unwilling move to a disease city forced to move to reservation Group 3 Overarching Themes Iterative data Technologies Utopian Illness as an asset Mental health Using compulsive behaviour to carry out mundane duties of high security firms (e.g. chemical manufacture/ disease centres e.t.c) Internet -Enabled labour harnessing OCD peer to peer support Group 4 Overarching Themes Iterative data Technologies Distopian and Utopian Through the loss of language people communicate via their clothing Smart Clothing Communication Clothing picks up moods queues and displays colours to represent to others Predictive/ reactive data gathering Transportation Can be in the same place as others through physical representation via clothing- freeing up city space Data Image projection via clothing (teleporting?) Health Wrapping up : Exploring the Future of Information Sharing with Science Fiction Prototyping