Enclosure 2 Mandatory information - TEMPLATES


Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608





EU public procedure no. 2015/S XXX-XXXXXX

Published in the Official Journal of the European Union:

XX XXX 2015

Two different purposes of the templates presented here:

Conditions for participation in the tender: Templates 1-8

Quality parameters used in the evaluation of the offers: Templates 9-11

Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608

Tender for Helicopter Services in Greenland


The contract notice, cf. clause III.2.1, no. 1

General information The response of the applicant

The name and the corporate form of the applicant

The address of the applicant

[Fill out]

[Fill out]

The CVR no. (company registration no.) of the applicant

[Fill out]

The contact person at the applicant; name and email address

[Fill out]

Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608

Tender for Helicopter Services in Greenland


Solemn declaration concerning outstanding debts to the public sector, cf. the contract notice, clause

III.2.1, no. 2

The undersigned has been informed that public contracting entities in connection with acquisitions of products and services are obligated to request that each applicant submits a solemn declaration concerning the extent of the applicant’s outstanding debts to the public sector such as taxes, duties and contributions to social security schemes in accordance with the legislation of Denmark or the country in which the applicant is founded, cf. act no 336 of 13 May

1997 on the Restriction of Debtors’ Options for Participating in Public Procurement Procedures and on the

Amendment of Certain other Acts.

In connection with this public procedure and in accordance with the regulations of the above-mentioned act, the undersigned hereby solemnly that:

Mark with X

(only one):

The company has no outstanding debts to the public sector.

The company has outstanding debts to the public sector, however, the amount of the debts

does not exceed DKK 100,000.

The company has outstanding debts to the public sector and the amount of the debts exceeds

DKK 100,000.

Only to be filled out if the applicant has outstanding debts exceeding DKK 100.000.


Has security been provided for the payment of the part of the debts exceeding

DKK 100,000?

If yes, documentation hereof is enclosed the declaration as appendix no. [..].

An agreement has been made with the collection authority on the settlement of the debts and this agreement has been complied with at the time of the application?

Documentation hereof is enclosed the declaration as appendix no. [..].


Name of applicant and CVR no.

(company registration no)


E.g. stamp

Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608

Tender for Helicopter Services in Greenland


Solemn declaration concerning the public procurement directive, article 45, sections 1 and 2, cf. the contract notice, clause III.2.1, no. 3

In accordance with the public procurement directive, article 45, section 1, paras a-d, the applicant hereby declares that the company is not: a) convicted for participating in a criminal organization as defined in Article 2(1) of Council Joint Action 98/773/JHA, b) convicted for corruption, as defined in Article 3 of the Council Act of 26 May 1997 and Article 3(1) of Council Joint Action

98/742/JHA, respectively, c) convicted for fraud within the meaning of Article 1 of the Convention relating to the protection of the financial interests of the European Communities, d) convicted for money laundering, as defined in Article 1 of Council Directive 91/308/EEC of 10 June 1991 on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering.

In accordance with the public procurement directive, article 45, section 2, paras a-g, The applicant furthermore declares that the company: a) is not bankrupt or is being wound up, where his affairs are being administrated by he court, where he has entered into an arrangement with creditors, where he has suspended business activities or is in any analogous situation arising from similar procedure under national laws and regulations, b) is not subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or of an arrangement with creditors or of an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings under national laws and regulations, c) is not convicted by a judgment which has the force of res judicata in accordance with the legal provisions of the country of any offence concerning his professional conduct, d) has not been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authorities can demonstrate, e) has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established or with those of the country of the contracting authority, f) has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established or with those of the country of the contracting authority, g) is not guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying the information required under this Section or has not supplied such information.


Name of applicant and CVR no.

(company registration no)


E.g. stamp

Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608

Tender for Helicopter Services in Greenland


Key figures, cf. the contract notice, clause III.2.2, no. 4

[Accounting year 1] [Accounting year


[Accounting year


(most recently closed year)

Net turnover*

Results before taxes


Net capital**

* The net turnover is defined as the sales value of products and services etc. relating to the company’s ordinary activities with a deduction of price reductions, VAT and other taxes which are directly connected to the sales price.

Minimum level


** It is required that the applicant has had a positive net capital for the previous 2 closed accounting years.

As documentation for the above key figures, the applicant has enclosed the following documentation

(either/or and mark with X):


Annual reports (signed by an auditor) for the previous 3 accounting years:

A signed auditor’s report containing the key figures for the previous 3 accounting years:

Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608

Tender for Helicopter Services in Greenland


Declaration concerning the applicant’s net turnover relating to deliveries similar to this public procedure (cf. the contract notice, clause II.1.5) for the previous

3 accounting years cf. contract notice, clause III.2.2, no. 4a

Net turnover*

[Accounting year


[Accounting year


[Accounting year


(most recently closed year)

* The net turnover is defined as the sales value of products and services etc. relating to the company’s helicopter activities with a deduction of price reductions, VAT and other taxes which are directly connected to the sales price.

Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608

Tender for Helicopter Services in Greenland


Insurance policy or other documentation for relevant business insurance and product liability insurance, cf. the contract notice, clause III.2.3, no. 5

[The applicant shall insert or enclose a copy of the insurance policy or other documentation for relevant business insurance and professional liability insurance describing cover and benefits, terms of coverage and deductibles.]

Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608

Tender for Helicopter Services in Greenland


Statement of maximum 5 references of deliveries similar to this public procedure (cf. the contract notice, clause II.1.5) cf. the contract notice, clause III.2.3, no. 6

The applicant must apply a name of each reference and refer to the appendix where the motivated reference appears.

All references must be motivated references, which implies that the applicant for each reference must state why the reference in question is relevant. The stated references must relate to assignments performed within the past 3 years and the contracting entity is entitled to disregard old references. Each reference must not be more than 1 legible A4 page including images if any. If a reference is more than 1 legible A4 page, the information on page 1 will only be taken into account at the assessment of the application.

Each reference must preferably include: a) Name of the customer and contact person, b) Types of work c) Time for the performance of the assignment, d) Equipment and techniques employed e) Contract values.

The applicant may maximum state 5 references (also if the applicant is a consortium or another type of consolidation of companies). Any additional references shall not be taken into consideration.

It is a minimum level of standards that the applicant has at least one reference regarding tasks similar to those regarding ad hoc services and/or full charter operations described in Enclosure 3, Technical and Operational

Specifications, paragraph 1, in accordance with the type of services tenderer is offering.

Name of customer Appendix






Name of the delivery

Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

Example of how to fill out the subappendix regarding references

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608

Name of the customer and contact person: [enter information]

Types of work: [enter information]

Time for the performance of the assignment: [enter period]

Equipment and techniques employed: [enter information]

Contract values: [enter description]

The motivation for stating the reference: [enter a description of why the reference in question is relevant]

Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608

Tender for Helicopter Services in Greenland


Statement of support

We, the undersigned, hereby declare that we provide the below-mentioned documents for

________________________ [name of applicant] with the purpose of complying with the documentation requirements which are stated in the contract notice.

In accordance with the contract notice, clause III.2.2, Financial capacity and/or clause III.2.3, Technical capacity, we shall provide the following documents:

[The company shall state the documents it will provide for the applicant for the compliance of the documentation requirements of the contract notice, clause III.2.2 and/or clause III.2.3, and enclose the requested documentation.]

[E.g. If the applicant wants to rely on a company’s annual report with an auditor’s report, the applicant shall enclose the company’s annual report with an auditor’s report and this template, completed and signed].

[E.g. If the applicant wants to rely on a company’s references, the applicant shall enclose the company’s references and this template, completed and signed].

Signatures for the above declaration:

[Place and date] [Signature of the subcontractor/parent company or other company, on which the applicant wants to base its application]

[Name of the subcontractor/parent company or other company, on which the applicant wants to base its application]

[CVR-no. (company registration no.) of the subcontractor/parent company or other company, on which the applicant wants to base its application]

Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608

Tender for Helicopter Services in Greenland


Declaration concerning consortium formation

The below companies hereby solemnly declare that we have formed a consortium or other type of consolidation which are jointly and severally, unconditionally and directly liable for the fulfillment of the assignment of this public procedure to the Contracting Entity, as we appoint the company stated below with power of procuration to represent the consortium.

Moreover, we declare that we shall be jointly and severally, unconditionally and directly liable with a company, which may be founded after the contract award with the purpose of fulfilling the awarded assignment.

Signature for the above declaration:

[Company name] [Company name]

[Title, signature]

[Company name]

[Title, signature]

[Company name]

[Title, signature] [Title, signature]

The following company of the consortium has power of procuration to represent the consortium:

[Company name]

[Title, signature]

Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608

Tender for Helicopter Services in Greenland


Qualifications of company staff

Quality parameter used in the evaluation of tenderer’s offer. GEUS puts great emphasis on pilots’ flying experience, professional competences and an open mindset. However, a helpful, solution oriented attitude is expected from all staff members. Tenderer must describe the number of employees (pilots as well as ground personnel) stating their functions (titles) and overall qualifications cf. Invitation to tender, paragraph 9.2.

Number of employees, total: [enter number]

Number of pilots: [enter number]

Number of flight technicians: [enter number and description, as required]

Number of other types of employees: [enter number and function/title, as required]


With regards to company pilot(s) tenderer must specify the name(s) of the pilot(s), their experience and qualifications related to their carrying out helicopter services, which the company at this time would allocate for

GEUS helicopter operations. Pilots’ CV’s with information regarding experience/qualifications relevant for operations similar to those described in this tender must be attached.


1. [enter name]

2. [enter name]

3. [enter name]

Flight hours (total)

[enter number]

[enter number]

[enter number]

Flight hours (Arctic)

[enter number]

[enter number]

[enter number]

Sling experience CV







4. [enter name]

5. [enter name]

[enter number]

[enter number]

[enter number]

[enter number]





Company standard with respect to Arctic rescue and first aid courses: [state content, duration, and renewal schedule]

Other minimum standard qualifications: [enter information, as required]

Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608

Tender for Helicopter Services in Greenland


Remediation plan

Quality parameter used in the evaluation of tenderer’s offer. For the event of a prolonged technical breakdown of a chartered helicopter, tenderer must describe a Remediation plan regarding all relevant aspects of 1) the evacuation of

GEUS personnel, and 2) procedures for continuing the agreed helicopter services as soon as possible by repair of the helicopter or by delivering a replacement helicopter. If required, further details regarding ground services can be given here, cf. Invitation to tender, paragraph 9.2.

1) Evacuation of GEUS personnel [enter description]

2) Procedures for continuing the agreed helicopter services [enter description]

Enclosure 2

Mandatory information - TEMPLATES

Helicopter Services in Greenland 2015 - 2019

GEUS J.no. 044-01007

ID: 2015-135608

Tender for Helicopter Services in Greenland


Lines of communication

Quality parameter used in the evaluation of tenderer’s offer. Tenderer must describe their lines of communication before and during helicopter operations making it probable that GEUS are able to get in touch with the pilot and/or the company officer on duty at any time during a GEUS field operation. The description should include the lines of command in the event of a critical situation that may need quick decisions to be taken at management level, cf.

Invitation to tender, paragraph 9.2.

[enter description]
