Environment and Sustainability Committee Membership Tony Stevenson (Chair)

Environment and Sustainability Committee
Tony Stevenson (Chair)
(PVC – Planning & Resources)
Sue Haile
University Sustainability Advisor
HASS Faculty
Clare Rogers
Director of Estates
Estate Support Service
Jaime Amezaga
Senior Lecturer in Environmental Policy and Sustainability
SAGE Faculty
Simin Davoudi
Professor of Environmental Policy and Planning
HASS Faculty
Phil Taylor
Director of Institute for Sustainability
Where Phil is unavailable a deputy will attend- currently Jen Hazelton,
Research Coordinator.
Steven Hogg
Purchasing Officer
Finance and Planning
Paul Bandeen
Accommodation and Hospitality Services
Caleb Racey
Systems and Architecture Manager
Matt Dunlop
Head of Sustainability
Estate Support Service
Hannah Munro
Sustainability Manager (Secretary)
Estate Support Service
Ethics and Environment (E&E) Officers
Students’ Union
Where there is no E&E is available the SU President will attend to represent
the Students’ Union.
a) Establishing and enhancing the reputation of Newcastle University as a
sustainable university.
b) To provide strategic governance and guidance to coordinate efforts to
improve teaching, research and operational related environmental
c) To define the strategy of the University in relation to environment and
sustainability issues, with the aim of continuous improvement in
environmental performance.
d) To develop and continually review policies and plans which will enable
the strategy to be met, including:
Sustainability Policy
Energy Policy
Sustainable Purchasing Policy
Healthy and Sustainable Food Policy
Biodiversity Action Plan
EMS Action Plan
e) To identify prioritise, and review targets to achieve the policy objectives
taking into account current and future legal and regulatory
requirements, cost, sensitivity and associated risk.
f) To review strategies, policies and procedures developed by others
within the University, to ensure that environmental impacts and
sustainability issues are considered in all University operations.
g) To review progress on the integration of Education for Sustainable
Development into the curriculum, and support of the societal challenge
themes and Vision 2021.
h) To improve lines of communication with staff, students, visitors and
other stakeholders, recognising the importance of promotion and
individual awareness in achieving sustainability goals and improving
environmental performance.
i) To learn from existing examples of good practice in the HE sector, and
to share achievements with appropriate networks.
j) In line with the University’s mission statement, to develop links with
regional stakeholders.
k) To act as the management review committee for the University’s
Environmental Management System (EMS), ensuring its continuing
suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.