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G Morton May 2010
ESS - Arrangements for Managing First Aid
Distribution: This document must be brought to the attention of all Managers and
Employees working for Estate Support Service.
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contact the ESS Health and Safety Officer 0191 222 6847.
These Arrangements have been developed to support and guide ESS
Managers when assessing their Teams first aid requirements.
1. Introduction
The main requirements of the First Aid at Work Regulations are to:
Ensure first aid risk assessments are carried out to determine first-aid
Ensure that there is adequate first-aid cover at all times
Allow relevant employees time off with pay to attend first-aid training courses
Provide sufficient first aid equipment and supplies
Ensure that first-aid notices are displayed and kept up to date
2. First Aid Risk Assessment
All employers must carry out a first aid risk assessment to help them determine their
teams first aid requirements. This includes an examination of the workplace, the
employees and other people in the vicinity as well as the work that is being done.
First Aid Risk Assessment Aid Memoire
1. Are there large numbers of people on site – this may affect the number of first
aiders you need.
2. What are the risks of injury – consider your teams risk assessments, where they
work and what type of work they do.
3. Are parts of your workplace more hazardous than others eg offices, labs,
workshops – you may need more first aiders or more equipment in some
4. Consider your accident statistics, what type of accidents are most common, does
the first aid box need to contain specific supplies e.g. eyewash
5. Are there any specific risks, sharp or hot objects, contaminated surfaces,
dangerous machinery etc
6. What about remote premises, do they have first aid provision?
7. Do any of the employees have specific health problems?
8. Is there shift work or out-of-hours work? You may have to rely on first aid provided
by the Security Team.
9. Do employees travel to work on remote sites alone? You need to consider issuing
personal first aid kits and training people how to use them
10. Do you have employees with reading or language difficulties? How will you
communicate the first-aid information to them?
ESS Arrangements - First Aid – May 2010
G Morton May 2010
3. Example of a First Aid Risk Assessment
Ref. No: 01
Brief Description of Activity: Provision of First Aid to ESS Office
Location: Low risk office
environment (ESS)
No. of Persons Affected: 70
Indicate type:
Student: x
EO Emp: x
Uni Emp: x
Other: x
Date of Assessment:26/06/08
Names of Person(s) Assisting in Assessment:
Review Due:26/06/09
Assessed By: Gary Morton
Signature: G Morton
ESS Arrangements - First Aid – May 2010
G Morton May 2010
(e.g. activity / activities / travel
arrangements / environment / (i.e. something that has the
premises / individuals)
potential to cause harm)
Provision of
First Aid to 70
ESS Office Staff
Inability to
first aid in
the event of
Type of Harm / Outcome
(e.g. fracture, cut, bruise, assault, damage
to property or equipment, etc.)
becoming worse as a
consequence of the
inability to provide first
aid. Likely
lacerations, contusions,
broken bones, sprains,
burns, fainting and other
medical conditions
Existing Precautions and Controls
Comments / Further
Action / Additional
Controls (and revised
risk level if necessary)
(e.g. guidance / welfare arrangements/ training/
supervision ratios)
4 x trained first aiders
Tel: x 5061
Tel: x 3654
Tel: x 8475
Tel: x 6252
4 x first aid boxes
All Security Team are trained
first aiders, Security Team
available at all times
Tel: x 6666
First Aid Signs posted
throughout office
ESS Arrangements - First Aid – May 2010
G Morton May 2010
4. Contents of a First aid box for low risk environments
Once an assessment of first-aid needs has been carried out, the findings can be
used to decide what first-aid equipment should be provided in the workplace. The
minimum requirement is a suitably stocked first-aid box.
The assessment may indicate that additional materials and equipment are required
to take account of the type of accidents likely to occur in your workplace eg scissors,
adhesive tape, disposable aprons and eye wash bottles etc
4.1 Typical list of contents provided in a first aid box used in a low risk
A leaflet giving general guidance on first aid (eg HSE’s leaflet: Basic advice
on first aid at work -
20 individually wrapped sterile plasters (assorted sizes), appropriate to the
type of work (you can provide hypoallergenic plasters, if necessary);
Two sterile eye pads;
Four individually wrapped triangular bandages, preferably sterile;
Six safety pins;
Two large, individually wrapped, sterile, unmedicated wound dressings;
Six medium-sized, individually wrapped, sterile, unmedicated wound
A pair of disposable gloves.
This is a suggested contents list only.
Important: You must not keep tablets, medicines or ointments etc in the firstaid box.
ESS Arrangements - First Aid – May 2010