Employee Induction Checklist Name …………………………………….. School/Section ………………………………….. Name of Induction Co-ordinator ……………………………………………………………… Name of Buddy ……………………………………….. Start Date ………………………… Area of Induction Day One Responsibility Completed o Meeting with Induction Co-ordinator (IC) to discuss Induction Programme/job description/areas of responsibility. IC o Issue staff handbook IC o Meeting with line manager (if not IC). o Introduction to ‘Buddy’ o o Line Manager IC Tour of workplace/building Buddy Introductions to work colleagues Buddy o o o o o o Work station Location of fire escapes and evacuation procedures Accident procedure including names of first aider and location of first aid kit Location of toilets Arrangements for coffee/tea Campus map o Security arrangements o Explain procedures regarding: o o o o Smart Card Entering/leaving premises Bags, purses/personal belongings Issue of keys Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy Responsibility Completed Administrative Processes o o o o o o o o o o o o Obtain a smart card Complete payroll starters form Register with ISS for e-mail access etc Computing facilities Using the university car parks University travel scheme University discounts Arrangements for work breaks/lunch Hours of work/flexible working arrangements Photocopying/printing facilities/stationary etc Using the telephone system (including arrangement for person calls) Confirm date to attend Welcome Event IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC The first week o Meet with Head of School/Unit Section (where appropriate). o Tour of campus o o o o Buddy Library Sports facilities Catering facilities Working Practices o o o o o o o o o o o o o o IC/HOS IC Probation procedures Holidays/special leave Sickness procedures Overtime arrangements Team meetings/ communications Newsletters Local web pages Intranet Distribution lists and mailbases Calendars and diaries My profiles Personal use of PC/web VDU Workstation checklist Structure of the School/Section (organisation chart/ who’s who to contact) o Introduction to University Induction website and A-Z of useful University contacts: http://www.ncl.ac.uk/induction/ IC o Links to important University wide information – university policies (capability, absence management, diversity policies etc), http://www.ncl.ac.uk/internal/hr/ IC The first month Responsibility o Identify any training needs and arrange training o o o o IC SAP Training IT Induction IT general Role specific Completed Open Programme Learning Resource Centre(LRC) Resources Coaching Look at SDU Website http://www.ncl.ac.uk/staffdev/ o Complete Disability Confidence On-Line Awareness Session (link?) Individual o Awareness of School/Sections IC o o o o o Strategic Objectives PDR process (Guidelines/Principles Training provided) Data Protection/Freedom of Information o Awareness of Performance Standards for the post Manager o Awareness of individual priorities for next 6 – 12 months Manager After three months o Meet with new employee to review Induction programme and identify any outstanding items to be covered. IC o Complete Induction Evaluation form and return to Line Manager. Individual