Newcastle University School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials


Newcastle University

School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced


Chemical Engineering

Stage 3 M.Eng. (Industry)

September 2015


1. INTRODUCTION FROM THE COURSE DIRECTOR ---------------------------------------------------------------2

2. THE DEGREE PROGRAMME --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

2.1 The Purpose of the Industrial Year --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

2.2 Responsibilities of the University ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

2.3 Responsibilities of the Company -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

2.4 Details of Stage 3 MEng (Industry) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STUDENT - CHECKLIST ----------------------------------------------------------5

3.1 Things you must do at the start of the placement ----------------------------------------------------------------------5

3.2 Things you must do during the placement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

3.3 Things you must do at the end of the placement ----------------------------------------------------------------------5

3.4 Registration and fees -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

4. CONTACT DETAILS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

5. ASSESSMENT OF THE INDUSTRIAL YEAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------8

5. 1 Distance Learning Modules -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

5. 2 Industrial Design Project CME3028 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

5. 3 CME8110 Chemical Engineering Knowledge (Industry) --------------------------------------------------------- 12

6. INDUSTRIAL VISIT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

6.1 Purpose of the Visit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

6.2 Organising a Visit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

APPENDIX 1 – DESIGN PROJECT MARKING SCHEME --------------------------------------------------------- 15

APPENDIX 2 – PREPARING YOUR KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED REPORT ----------------------------------- 19

APPENDIX 3 – KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED REPORT MARKING SCHEME ---------------------------------- 22

APPENDIX 4 – DISTANCE LEARNING MODULE DESCRIPTIONS -------------------------------------------- 25

1. Introduction from the Course Director

Welcome to Stage 3 of the M.Eng. Industry course. The aim of this year is to give structure to the activities you undertake during your year in industry, so that it can be counted as Stage 3 of your Master of Engineering degree programme. You will have to undertake additional work to meet the requirements of the course, which will mean that often you are doing University work outside your normal working hours. You may find it hard to work once you get home from work and it will require commitment on your part to meet the deadlines.

The idea of doing a Masters level degree based on 3 academic years and one year of work and study in industry is a relatively new one. During your year in industry you have to demonstrate the ability of someone who is eligible for a Masters level qualification. This means the following:

Your work will be at the forefront of academic/professional engineering.

You will have shown originality in the application of knowledge.

You will be able to deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively.

You will show originality in tackling and solving problems.

Even if you do not believe that you possess these abilities yet, the year in industry will go a long way to developing them and will benefit your chemical engineering knowledge enormously on your return to the University. Enjoy the year in industry, work hard and show commitment to the company, in this way you will gain the maximum personal benefit from the year.

Dr. Kamelia Boodhoo

Degree Programme Director M.Eng. (Ind)

September 2015


2. The Degree Programme

2.1 The Purpose of the Industrial Year

You have chosen the industrial route to a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering. The year you spend in industry will be counted as your third year. A placement year allows you to undertake one or two major projects or a number of smaller projects. The year in industry will benefit you in many ways amongst the most important are;

 It will provide you with exposure to plant, processes and people within an engineering business.

 It will motivate you on your return to University to better academic performance.

 It will further develop technical understanding and key skills (report writing, presentations and computer skills).

This will probably be your first experience of working as a Chemical Engineer. It can initially be a daunting experience working in surroundings that are different from the University environment you have been used to. The following is a list of what the company you are working for might reasonably expect from you.

 Show commitment to the company.

 Be willing to listen and learn.

 Respect the existing culture and working practices of the company.

 Undertake projects with enthusiasm.

 Build and maintain trust and good working relationships with the company and its employees.

2.2 Responsibilities of the University


If a student decides to take their year in industry as Stage 3 of the M.Eng. Industry, the

Degree Programme Director for the M.Eng. Industry must contact the company at least two months prior to the start of the placement.


Ensure that the person within the company who will be supervising the placement has been contacted at least two months before the start of the placement.


Explain the purpose of Stage 3 M.Eng industry to the placement supervisor, clearly stating the amount and quality of assessed work that the University expects the student to undertake whilst they are working for the company.


Explain to the placement supervisor the purpose of the design project, the scope of design required and the milestone structure used to assess the design.


Obtain written agreement from the placement supervisor stating that: a.

The company are willing for the student to study for the M.Eng Industry whilst they are working for the company b.

They will allow the student to attend the University for any assessments associated with the work for the M.Eng. Industry. c.

Part of the work the student will undertake will include an honours level design project.



Ensure that the engineer who will supervise the design project has a first degree in

Chemical Engineering and experience of process design or is a chartered Chemical



Ask the student to prepare a design briefing, in consultation with the placement supervisor and/or the engineer supervising the design project, at least one month before the start of the design project in industry


Arrange the following visits a.

1 st visit to follow the approval of the design brief submitted by the student (early in Semester 1) b.

2 nd visit to coincide with the assessment of milestone 1 in early Semester 2.


After submission of the final design report, arrange a design presentation at the

University followed by a question and answer session with at least three members of academic staff.


If the company is unable to provide a suitably qualified engineer to supervise the design project then the student will not be allowed to use the placement as Stage 3 of their M.Eng. Industry

2.3 Responsibilities of the Company


To ensure the safety of the student at all times during their placement with the company.


To ensure that the student experiences as wide an exposure to the roles and responsibilities of a design/process/research engineer as possible.


To provide a design project, that meets the requirements of the University for a Stage 3

B.Eng. design project in Chemical Engineering. These requirements will be identified by the degree programme director.


To inform the degree programme director for the M.Eng. Industry of any confidentiality issues associated with the student’s work that may need agreements to be signed so that the work can be assessed by University staff.


To provide the degree programme director for the M.Eng. Industry with a design project briefing at least one month prior to the start of the project.


To allocate a design project supervisor who either holds a first degree in chemical engineering with process design experience or is a chartered chemical engineer.


To allow two visits by a member of academic staff from the University to the student: a.

1 st visit to follow the approval of the design brief submitted by the placement student in early Semester 1 b.

2 nd visit to coincide with the assessment of milestone 1 in early Semester 2.


To be present for each of these visits to discuss the progress of the student and the quality of the work completed by the student.


To allow the student the full support of engineering colleagues and access to all the company facilities and expertise in finding a solution to the design project.

2.4 Details of Stage 3 M.Eng. (Industry)

To pass the industrial year you will need to complete four modules satisfactorily. These are:

 Distance Learning Separations Processes Module

 Industrial Design Project (including a design presentation)

 Skills and Knowledge Acquired Report (including supervisor’s assessment)

 Completing a Placement Log-book

See section 5 for more details for the assessment for these modules.


3. Responsibilities of the student - Checklist

The list below is an essential guide to what you must do, to ensure adequate progress through your industrial year.

3.1 Things you must do at the start of the placement

 Fill in the safety training form and send it back to the Academic Supervisor at the

University (this will normally be the DPD for the MEng Industry Programme unless otherwise indicated).

 With your Academic and Industrial Supervisor(s) plan the time that you will need to complete University related work. (See section 5)

 Write a summary and plan for the design project. Submit this plan to the Academic

Supervisor by the end of the second week in September.

 Once the design brief is approved, register on the MEng Industry Degree Programme with the University.

3.2 Things you must do during the placement

 Complete both Separation Processes 2 assignments during Semester 1 and send them to the School of Chemical Engineering at Newcastle.

 Arrange a day off for the Separations Processes 2 exam. The exact date is not yet known, but the examination period will be between Monday 18

Friday 29 th January 2016 (including Saturday 23 rd January 2016). th January 2016 and

 Arrange to take a day off from your placement to visit the University to undertake a group activity on HAZOP analysis. This is likely to be at the end of April (exact date to be communicated in due course).

 Fill in an online logbook using the University’s E-portfolio system throughout the year. This can take the form of weekly blog entries with additional documents uploaded as necessary for each entry.

 Complete milestone 1 and send it to the School of Chemical Engineering at Newcastle by 4pm on the 15 th January 2016.

 Complete milestone 2 and send it to the School of Chemical Engineering at Newcastle by 4pm on the 23 rd May 2016.

 Attend design presentation at the end of Semester 2 on either the 25 th – 27 th May 2016.

 Make sure that your Industrial Supervisor(s) has read each of your design project milestone reports and can release it to the University for assessment.

3.3 Things you must do at the end of the placement

 Ask your Industrial Supervisor(s) to complete the assessment form sent out in May.

 Complete the Skills and Knowledge Acquired Report and submit it to the School of

Chemical Engineering at Newcastle University by 5 th August 2016.


3.4 Registration & Fees

All students on the M.Eng Industry have to register as a student. In order to do this you should tell your local authority that this is the third year of your four year Masters course and that you will be registered with the University as a student.

Once your design brief is formally approved, the MEng Industry Degree Programme Director will ensure that you are registered at the University as a student. As a registered student doing a year in industry you will be liable for a reduction in tuition fees. For 2015-2016, the tuition fees for the MEng Industry Placement Year is set at £1800/year. The student office at the University will write to you during September/October asking you to pay your fees.


4. Contact Details

During your year in industry you may experience problems or just want information of events in the school, or even academic help with a project you have been set at work. In this case you should contact the MEng Industry Degree Programme Director whose contact details are given below.

Dr. Kamelia Boodhoo

School of Chemical and Engineering and Advanced Materials

Merz Court

Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne


Tel. 0191 208 7264


The most reliable way of communicating with Dr. Boodhoo is via E-mail. If Dr. Boodhoo is away contact the School office on 0191 208 7266 and leave a message.

You may want to contact other members of staff associated with specific aspects of the assessment during the year. Their contact details are given below.

Name E-mail Telephone

Dr. Jonathan Lee

Prof. Keith Scott

Dr. Jarka Glassey

Dr Vladimir Zivkovic

0191 208 5201

0191 208 8771

0191 208 7275

0191 208 4865


5. Assessment of the Industrial Year

Your year in industry will count towards your overall degree mark. The breakdown of marks between each year of your Industrial M.Eng. (Industry) is as follows.

Stage 2 30%

Stage 3 in Industry 20%

Stage 4 50%

As for Stages 1 and 2 of your degree, the assessment for Stage 3 (Industry) consists of passing a total of 120 credits. This assessment is split between four modules

CME3028 Industrial Design Project 50 credits

CME3037 Separations Processes 2 (Industry) 15 credits

CME3041 Placement Log Book 5 credits

CME8110 Chemical Engineering Knowledge (Industry) 50 credits

5.1 Distance Learning Module

As part of Stage 3 of the M.Eng. (Industry), you must satisfactorily complete a distance learning module during Semester 1, brief details of which are given below, for more details consult

Appendix 4.

CME3037 Separation Processes 2 (Industry)

This module will run in parallel with the Separation Processes module being taught at the

University during Semester 1. The aim of the module is to enable you to understand and design the separations processes that are used in the chemical industry. The syllabus will cover: prediction of phase equilibria, azeotropic and multi-component distillation, gas adsorbtion, membrane separations, crystallization and solids processing. There will be two assignments:

Assignment 1: Prediction of

Date Set Submission Date non ideal equilibrium data using thermodynamic models and separation of azeotropes by physical methods

17 th October 2014 7 th November 2014

Assignment 2:

Multicomponent adsorption equilibria and adsorption calculations

19 th November 2014 5 th December 2014

You will have to sit an exam at the University during the semester 1 assessment period (Monday

18 th January 2016 – Friday 29 th January 2016, including Saturday 23 rd January 2016). The exam will last for two and a half hours. The exam rubric is as follows:

 Section A: 10 short compulsory questions covering the whole syllabus. Each question is worth 10 marks.

 Section B: A choice of 3 questions from 5. Questions on distillation, adsorption, solids processing crystallization and membrane processing. Each question is worth 100 marks.


5.2 Industrial Design Project CME3028

This is a substantial piece of work on a technical project with a significant design element. The subject of your design project will have been agreed between your Industrial Supervisor and the

Degree Programme Director prior to the start of Semester 1.

The aim of the design project is translate a business, technical, safety or environmental need into a design solution. A design supervisor at your company and the Academic Supervisor at the

University will jointly supervise your design project.

The design is split into three main parts that are assessed using milestone reports, an interview and a presentation. Details of what will be assessed at each milestone are given below. Your company design supervisor and the academic supervisor will be jointly responsible for assessing the design project milestone reports and the interview. A panel of academics and industrialists will assess the design presentation.

The design project is worth 50 credits that equates to 500 hours of your time spent on the project. This is roughly three months of full time work.

Start date Milestone Milestone Subject

Week 2 of

Semester 1

(12 th




Problem identification

Identification of possible solutions.


Material and energy balances

Hazard 1 study

(It is advised that you spend about 160 hours on completing Milestone 1)

See detailed marking scheme in Appendix 1

Submission Time and Date

4 pm

15 th January 2016

Week 2 of

Semester 2

(8 th




Chemical engineering design of process units

Mechanical design/specification of process units

(Note: It is advised that you spend about 150 hours on the chemical and mechanical engineering aspects of the design)

Ancillary equipment design sizing; pumps, heat exchangers and pipelines etc.

Design of measurement and control system

Plant layout

P & I diagram

Safety studies (HAZOP, HAZAN, LOPA, SIL etc.)

Environmental impact and sustainability study

16 th

4 pm

May 2016


Costing and economic appraisal of the design

Project re-evaluation and design improvements

(It is advised that you spend about 180 hours on the above components of Milestone 2)

See detailed marking scheme in Appendix 1

III Design presentation

See detailed marking scheme in Appendix 1

19 th or 20 th May


(Actual date will be communicated in Semester 2)

Milestone Details of the Assessment


Report. 20 sides of A4 at 300 words per page plus appendices.

Process flow diagram, energy and material balances diagram

Presentation. 15 minutes presentation to Academic and Industrial Supervisors followed by 15 minutes of questions



100 sides of A4 at 300 words per page plus appendices, to include:

 A summary of process selection, heat and mass balances from Milestone 1

 A description of the chemical engineering and basic mechanical engineering design methodology used, design equations and example calculations.

 Engineering Drawing of equipment.

 Specification sheets for the equipment.

 Safety and environmental studies

 Costing

 A brief discussion of the feasibility of the proposed design including suggestions for improvement.



The presentation should be 15 minutes long and will be followed by 10 minutes of questions from a panel of academic staff/industrialists.


Design Project – Marks Allocation

The marks are allocated as follows:

Milestone Method of Assessment



Report (65% of mark) +

Interview (35% of mark)


III Presentation

A more detailed marking scheme is given in Appendix 1.






5.3 CME8110 Chemical Engineering Knowledge (Industry)

Your experience in industry should benefit you in three ways:


Deepening of your chemical engineering knowledge through exposure to science and engineering theory that is new to you


Broadening your chemical engineering knowledge through exposure to chemical engineering practice and the way in which engineering based industries operate


Development of key skills, for example report writing, presentations, taking responsibility and managing the work of others.

The purpose of the Chemical Engineering Knowledge module is to capture the new knowledge that you have absorbed and the key skills that you have developed. This module will be assessed by submission of a “Skills and Knowledge Acquired Report” which will consist of two distinct parts as described in sections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 below.

5.3.1 Knowledge Acquired Report

The purpose of this report is for you to present the Chemical Engineering knowledge that you have learnt during your year in industry, highlighting the broadening and deepening of your chemical engineering knowledge. It should not include any material that has been covered in

Stage 1 and Stage 2 of your degree programme.

Examples of the sort of material that could be included are:

• A description of the chemistry of the process / processes you are working on.

• Descriptions of science and technology underlying the process

• Principles and concepts related to safety or quality procedures.

• Descriptions of science and engineering that is new to you.

The presentation style of the report should be similar to that of a textbook as explained in

Appendix 2. As well as describing new science and engineering principles, you should give examples of where they apply in your process or where you have applied them in your work.

The marking scheme for this report is given in Appendix 3.

5.3.2. Key Skills Development

This part of the report should be a record of the development of your key skills , during the time you spent with the company.

It is intended that the format of this part of the report will be similar to that of the IChemE’s

Competence and Commitment Report which is an evidence-based report for a range of knowledge, understanding and skills developed and documented by practising engineers when applying for Chartered membership. See

for more details. You can download a copy of the template of this report from here:

As placement students, you are only expected to focus on the “Skills Development” in Part C of the template. The guidance provided on the IChemE’s website for filling in Part C of the template should be followed.

It is expected that your key skills development during your placement year will include:



Written Communications


Oral Presentations


Working in a team

Managing the work of others


Problem solving


Planning and organisation


Taking responsibility

The report should include these headings along with examples of how you have developed and applied them during the year in industry. Quite often this is the sort of information that is captured by company appraisals.

5.3.3 Supervisor’s Assessment

This is a questionnaire completed by your industrial supervisor at the end of your year in industry.

5.3.4 Breakdown of Marks for CME8110

Skills and Knowledge Acquired Report: 75% of marks for CME8110

Supervisor’s assessment: 25% of marks for CME8110

5.4. CME3041 Placement Log Book

It is good practice, whatever job you are doing, to keep a regularly updated log-book or a diary of activities. The purpose is primarily for you to reflect on activities already undertaken and to plan for future tasks. It is also intended that the log-book entries will provide evidence to support the claims made in your Skills and Knowledge Acquired Report which forms a significant part of the assessment of the MEng Industry Placement Year.

It is recommended that the log-book is updated on the University’s E-portfolio system in the form of weekly blog entries from the start of Semester 1 through to the end of Semester 2. This should take no more than 1 hour at the end of every working week and in filling it out, you will have a good chance to review the work completed during the week.


6. Industrial Visit

6.1 Purpose of the Visit

Your Academic Supervisor will visit you twice during the year.

The first visit will occur in October/November. The purpose of this visit is:

 To ensure that you have settled in at the company

 To meet with your supervisor to discuss the work that you will be doing and to discuss the scope of the design project.

 To deal with any difficulties that may have arisen.

The second visit will occur during February. The main purpose of this visit is to carry out an interview as part of the assessment of Milestone 1 for your design project. The other objectives of this visit are:

 To check that you are progressing with the work you need to complete to satisfy the course requirements.

 To examine the work you have started for your Milestone 2 of the design project.

 To meet with your supervisor and ensure that they know how to complete the supervisor’s assessment form due for submission in May.

6.2 Organising a Visit

The Academic Supervisor will contact you asking you to provide him/her with a date when both you and your supervisor will be available for a visit. He/she will normally visit all the companies in a particular geographical area (e.g. the North West). When a date has been arranged it will be your responsibility to organise the visit. These arrangements should include:

 Providing directions to the site

 Arranging a plant tour (if appropriate)

 Allocating time for discussions with you and your supervisor.

7.0. Campus Visits by Placement Students

Placement students will be expected to be on campus on three separate occasions during their placement year. The timings of these visits are as follows: a.

To take Separation Processes 2 exams (January) b.

To undertake HAZOP Analysis in a group with other MEng Industry Placement students (provisionally scheduled for April, exact date will be communicated closer to the date) c.

To present their design project as part of Milestone 3 (normally at the end of


During the last two visits, placement students will have an opportunity to discuss with their academic supervisor the progress of the work to be completed for CME8110 for submission in



Appendix 1 – Design Project Marking Scheme


Milestone 1 – Marking Scheme


1) Development of the Design Concept

Justification for the selection of the process route and process equipment.

For example, how you decided what each process item was going to do

- The conversion in a reactor

- The performance of a separation device.

Detailed descriptions of the processes + diagrams.

2) Material and Energy Balances

Accuracy of methods used for heat and mass balances.

Accuracy of methods used to predict physical properties.

Use of flow sheet software.

3) Safety and Sustainability Considerations

Analysis of hazards posed by the chemicals/materials being processed.

Justification of the sustainability of the process or otherwise.


Presentation on the development of the process (15 minutes).

Answering questions on material in the report and presentation (15 minutes).







Milestone 2 – Marking Scheme

1) Statement of the design brief including a summary of the preliminary process development

What the overall plant and the equipment you have chosen to design are supposed to do. Summary of how this is going to be achieved and the safety, environmental and cost factors affecting the design.

Design solution selection and material and energy balances (summary of

Milestone 1).

2) Summary of the chemical engineering and mechanical engineering design on an equipment specification sheet

The flow rate, composition, temperature and pressure of process streams entering and leaving the equipment. Energy flows (including mechanical energy and energy losses) entering and leaving the equipment..

Size of the equipment.

Utility requirements. (Steam, water, electricity etc.)

Materials of Construction.

3) Chemical Engineering Design

Justification for the design equations and/or design procedure used.

Accuracy of the physical property estimation methods used.

Example calculations (No spreadsheets please – we don’t speak Excel)

Use of Chemical Engineering Design Software

4) Mechanical Design

An explanation of what materials of construction you have chosen and why you have chosen them.

A basic mechanical design to ensure that the vessel walls can withstand the loads to which they will be subjected.

Engineering Drawings of the equipment.

Statements of what British Standards have been used in the mechanical design.

5) Extended Process Development

Sizing of auxiliary equipment (for example, pumps, compressors, pipes).

Proposed modifications to the design arising from hazard, environmental and economic studies of the design.

6) Design of the Instrumentation, Monitoring and Control System

Justification for the instruments used on the plant.

Design of the monitoring and control system.

P & I diagram.








7) Safety and Environmental Studies

Justification for the process streams chosen for the safety study.

HAZOP study and hazard analysis (HAZAN).

Reasons for the layout of the design and/or 3D projection.

Analysis of the environmental impact of the design, emissions, feedstocks and products.

8) Costing and Economic Appraisal of the Design

Detailed economic analysis of the costs of building and operating of the design.

9) Presentation of the Report

Layout and structure of the report, standard of English used.





Appendix 2 – Preparing Your Knowledge

Acquired Report


Figure 1 is an illustration of a page from a textbook, which in this case is discussing heat transfer in packed beds. What you should notice from this example is the style of the writing and the layout of the page.

Figure 1 – Sample Page from a textbook.

You should have noticed the following things about this page:

1. The subject is introduced under the main heading. The introduction describes where the knowledge can be applied.


2. When more detail is required subheadings are used, for example "Temperature and Velocity


3. The figure at the bottom of the page is referred to in the text, so that the reader knows what they should be looking at and how it relates to the text.

4. The present tense is used throughout the text unless historical development is being described.


Appendix 3 – Knowledge Acquired Report Marking Scheme


Marking Scheme for Knowledge Acquired Report

Markers Name _________________________________________ Date _____________

This report has two purposes:


Demonstrate that the students have deepened their knowledge of chemical engineering whilst on placement


To record with evidence the development of their key skills whilst on placement.

There are two questions that should be borne in mind when assessing the knowledgeacquired part of the report:

(a) Is any of the material included in the report taught as part of Stages 1, 2 or 4 of the

M. Eng. (Industry) degree? If it is then this material should not be included in your assessment.

(b) Does the new knowledge presented in the report, represents a deepening of the student’s knowledge of chemical engineering and associated science/engineering?


Knowledge Acquired

Break down of knowledge into clearly defined areas.

Has the student organised the knowledge under headings that would be recognised as subject areas in a chemical engineering course? For example

Process Chemistry, separation processes, process safety

Clarity of the student’s explanation of concepts.

Are the key concepts in an area of knowledge clearly identified and explained?

Concepts are explained in textbook style with appropriate use of diagrams

Awareness of the application of knowledge acquired.

Use of relevant examples from the process that the company is operating

Application of new concepts to design problems, process engineering tasks or lab work completed for the company

Key Skills Self Assessment

Examples and evidence of development and deployment/demonstration of the following key skills

Written Communications

Oral Presentations

Working in a team

Managing the work of others

Problem Solving

Planning and Organisation

Taking responsibility


Maximum mark


Mark awarded






Appendix 4 – Distance Learning Module Descriptions

Detailed module descriptions

The link gives a breakdown of study hours, laboratory work and assessment methods. The breakdown of hours may vary but not significantly.


I confirm that I have received and read the

Chemical Engineering Stage 3 MEng Industry Handbook for the School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials

Print Name



