NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY SENATE 2 July 2013 Present: The Vice-Chancellor (in the Chair), Professor Ella Ritchie (Deputy Vice-Chancellor), Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Professor Charles Harvey, Professor Steve Homans, Professor Tony Stevenson and Professor Nick Wright (Pro-Vice-Chancellors), Professor Ashley Adamson, Dr Heather Brown, Professor Zofia ChrzanowskaLightowlers, Professor Peter Clarke, Professor Steve Clifford, Dr Hugh Dauncey, Dr Joanna Elson, Dr Catherine Exley, Dr Alton Horsfall, Mr Robert Hull, Professor Julia Newton, Dr Ole Pedersen, Ms Laura Perry (President, Students’ Union), Professor Paul Seedhouse, Dr Tony Young and Professor Martha Young-Scholten. In attendance: Mrs Lesley Braiden (Acting Academic Registrar), Mrs Veryan Johnston (Executive Director of Human Resources) and Mrs Lizzie Taylor (Executive Officer (Governance)). Apologies: Ms Eve Berwin (student member), Dr Debbie Bevitt, Dr Tim Cheek, Mr Wayne Connolly, Mr Richard Dale (Executive Director of Finance), Professor Chris Day, Dr John Hogan (Registrar), Ms Esta Innes (Welfare and Equality Officer, Students’ Union), Ms Rachael Thornton (Education Officer, Students’ Union) and Mr Steve Williams. MINUTES 88. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest were received. 89. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of Senate held on 7 May 2013 were approved as a correct record and signed. 90. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (i) Progress of business There were no outstanding items on the business tracking form. (ii) Honorary Degrees [Minute 69(ii), 07.05.13] Received an oral report from Mrs Lesley Braiden, Acting Academic Registrar. Noted that: 1. A consultation paper was sent to members of Senate by email on 13 June 2013 requesting approval of the award of honorary degrees to Lord Stuart Sutherland and Lord Peter Melchett (both DCL). Members of Senate were asked to forward any comments on these recommendations to the Registrar by 19 June 2013. Senate, 2 July 2013 2. No comments or objections were received therefore the two recommendations were deemed to have been approved. 3. Lord Sutherland will be invited to receive an honorary degree under the societal challenge theme of Ageing. Lord Melchett will be invited to receive an honorary degree under the societal challenge theme of Sustainability. It is intended that both honorary degrees will be awarded as part of the December 2013 Congregations. Resolved that the award of Honorary Degrees to Lord Stuart Sutherland and Lord Peter Melchett (both DCL) at the December 2013 Congregations be formally approved. 91. VICE-CHANCELLOR’S BUSINESS Received the Vice-Chancellor’s report. [Circulated with the agenda as Document B. Copy filed in the Minute Book.] 1. Deaths Received a report on deaths recently announced by the University. Resolved that Senate record its deep regret and sympathy for the relatives concerned. 2. Missing Student On 26 June a body was found in the River Tyne which is thought to be that of a student who has been missing for several weeks. Formal confirmation is awaited. The University has offered counselling to the student’s friends and former flatmates. 3. Reputation and Rankings The Vice-Chancellor’s business paper made reference to the U-Multirank initiative in which the University is participating. It was noted that this is not a newspaper league table, but is a European Commission initiative and, for this reason, it is proving to be controversial as it is seen to be government backed. The University has agreed to continue its involvement on a limited basis. 4. Congratulations Senate formally recorded its congratulations to the individuals who had received the ViceChancellor’s Distinguished Teacher Awards. Natalie Diver (3rd year BA Hons Business Management) who is President of the Entrepreneurial Society, has recently won the National Association of Student Employment Services (NASES) Student Employee of the Year award. The Student Employee of the Year Awards aim to recognise and promote the outstanding contributions and achievements of students who combine part-time work with their study commitments. Christian Cargill (2nd year BA Hons Philosophical Studies: Knowledge & Human Interest), has recently been named MTV Student of the Year. Christian, who was previously a runner-up in the University’s own NU Thru My Lens video competition, has been awarded a three month paid placement at MTV during the summer. 2 Senate, 2 July 2013 The University won the Outstanding Leadership and Management Team Award at the fifth Times Higher Education Leadership and Management Awards in London on 20 June 2013. The University won the accolade for its leadership in providing a comprehensive ‘offer’ to students in the year that increased tuition fees were introduced so as to improve their overall experience of studying at Newcastle. This was backed by a strategic investment of almost £7 million into improving the campus and student facilities. Senate congratulated Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-ViceChancellor Learning and Teaching, Mrs Lesley Braiden, Acting Academic Registrar, and Dr Ellie Clewlow, Head of Quality in Teaching and Learning, whose teams had been largely responsible for the implementation of the Newcastle ‘offer’. 5. Employee Opinion Survey 61% of staff responded to the Employee Opinion Survey, an increase of 7% on the previous occasion, which was welcomed. Reports at faculty/service level will be rolled out across the University during the forthcoming months. 6. Visit by Professor Les Ebdon, Director of Fair Access to Higher Education During a recent visit by Professor Les Ebdon the University emphasised the impact of its location on its success in attracting students from Widening Participation (WP) backgrounds. The University succeeds in exceeding its benchmark for recruitment from the north east region but national benchmarks prove more difficult to meet since many students from WP backgrounds choose to study at universities close to their home. The effort the University puts into its WP activities was acknowledged by Professor Ebdon. 7. Student Entrepreneurship Think Tank The University has a strong track record of student entrepreneurship and, during a recent Think Tank event, which was well attended by students, consideration was given to whether this could be a differentiating factor for the University. As a result of the Think Tank, a list of actions is to be prepared and a steering group with strong student representation will lead on the implementation. 8. University Visit Days – 28/29 June 2013 Over 21,000 prospective students, parents and teachers visited the campus across the two Visit Days on 28 and 29 June, an increase on the previous year. The University’s social media presence had proved to be successful and it was considered that the event had been well organised with academic units and services well prepared. 9. Government Spending Review – 26 June 2013 The outcome of the Government Spending Review was considered to have been better than expected for the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), the Government department which allocates funding to HEFCE. The science budget will continue to be maintained in cash terms at £4.6 billion and the capital budget is to increase from £0.6 billion in 2012-13 to £1.1 billion in 2015-16 with further increases in real terms in every year to 2020-21. The National Scholarship Programme will be refocused to support postgraduate students from disadvantaged backgrounds but this will result in a cut to the scholarships made available to undergraduate students. There will in addition be an opportunity to bid for special HEFCE funding to support developments relating to postgraduate progression. The Government 3 Senate, 2 July 2013 has confirmed that it has no plans to move the funding for medical research or education from BIS to the Department of Health as previously feared. HEFCE is required to make savings of at least £45 million within its budget for teaching and it is thought this could increase to £100 million. 10. Valuation of the USS Pension Scheme The next triennial valuation of the USS pension scheme will be as at 31 March 2014. It is expected that there with be a significant funding gap of approximately £10 billion. As a result it is likely that a recovery plan will be implemented and further details will emerge in due course. 11. Pay Negotiations Several meetings were held during April and May between UCEA, the body which represents employers, and trades union representatives. The employers have made a final offer of an increase on all points on the common pay spine of 1% plus a number of joint working proposals on other important elements of the trades unions’ claims. The trades unions are now consulting their members but it is thought unlikely that agreement will be reached before 1 August 2013. 92. UNIVERSITY LEARNING, TEACHING AND STUDENT EXPERIENCE COMMITTEE REPORT TO SENATE AND COUNCIL Considered the University Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Committee Annual Report to Senate and Council (including the Learning, Teaching and Student Experience KPIs) from Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching, on behalf of Executive Board. [Circulated with the agenda as Document C. Copy filed in the Minute Book.] Noted that: 1. Recent results from the latest Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey have shown that 95.2% of the 2012 UK graduates from Newcastle were in employment or further study within six months, an increase from 93.4% the year before. This demonstrates strong performance in terms of graduate employability and, for this reason, this particular KPI is rated as green. 2. The University is considered to be well positioned but it must continually seek to improve in order to maintain its position and also respond to the ever increasing expectations of students. 3. The implementation of the ‘offer’ to undergraduate students following the introduction of the £9,000 fee is a 5 year project and the University is currently at the halfway stage. In future it will be necessary to consider the offer to postgraduate students and how it can be developed for 2015-16 onwards to attract the first graduates to emerge from the new fee regime. 4. The achievements of staff and students are important for building the University’s reputation. With this in mind, the recent award of two further national teaching fellows, one in the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences and the other in the School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, is particularly welcome. 4 Senate, 2 July 2013 5. It was suggested that it would be helpful in future reports to show Medicine and Dentistry graduates in a separate category from those grouped as ‘other’. 6. In addition to noting the proportion of each degree classification awarded, it was considered helpful if future versions of the report could include details of the dropout rates. In terms of the retention of graduates in the region. It was clarified that this was determined by a student’s location 6 months after graduation, at the time that the DLHE survey is conducted. It was agreed that it would be useful if it was possible to take a longer term view of graduate retention in the region, but there is currently no national survey undertaken which would allow for this. 7. It was suggested that future versions of the report should set out the proportion of graduates who undertake further study separately from those who are in employment six months after graduation. The proportion of graduates in graduate level jobs should also be included. 8. It was confirmed that it was intended that future version of the report would capture all scholarships awarded, including those by external bodies, and not just internal scholarships as was currently the case. 9. The possibility of moving from the current degree classification system to a Grade Point Average (GPA) method of classification has been considered to determine whether this would assist with the portability of a Newcastle degree in an international context. It has been established, however, that there are at least seven different approaches to preparing a GPA classification and, therefore, moving to such a system would not provide a standard approach. For this reason, it has been decided that the University will retain its existing classification system. 10. The University is considering its approach to e-learning and opportunities in this area are being explored. 93. DIGITAL CAMPUS UPDATE AND IT STRATEGY Considered an update on the Digital Campus Programme and, for approval, the IT Strategy from Professor Tony Stevenson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Planning and Resources, on behalf of Executive Board. [Circulated with the agenda as Document D. Copy filed in the Minute Book.] Resolved that the IT strategy be approved. 94. APPLICATION STATISTICS FOR SEPTEMBER 2013 Considered a report from Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching, on the current position regarding undergraduate and postgraduate applications for 2013, on behalf of Executive Board. [Tabled at the meeting as Document E. Copy filed in the Minute Book.] ‘Commercial in confidence’ Minute, filed in the Minute Book. 95. ANNUAL SAFETY REPORT Considered the Annual Safety Report 2011-12 and statistical information from Mrs Veryan Johnston, Executive Director of Human Resources, on behalf of Executive Board. [Circulated with the agenda as Document F. Copy filed in the Minute Book.] 5 Senate, 2 July 2013 Noted that: 1. Whilst the overall responsibility for the oversight of the University’s health and safety arrangements lies with Council, it is important for staff at all levels to be aware of their individual responsibilities. 2. The Health and Safety Executive Biological Agents Unit visited the University on 4 June to inspect the Containment Level 3 Suite located in the Medical School. The visit had gone well and the inspectors had commented upon the robust management arrangements that are in place. They had, however, noted that there was a lack of systematic risk assessment of possible emergency scenarios and would be recommending that this be addressed. 3. The high number of incidents in the slips, trips and falls (STF) category had previously been identified as an area of concern and specific actions have been taken to address this. A working group was established in 2011 and a number of awareness raising activities were undertaken. At the end of 2012 the number of reported STF incidents had been reduced by 24% against a 2011 baseline. It is clear that weather conditions are a key contributing factor in this area. Action plans are in place to continue to raise awareness and all staff have been asked to review the videos available on the HSE website. 4. Regarding the control of Legionella, a working group has been established to oversee the improvement and implementation of policy and procedures across the campus in addition to existing Estate Support Service arrangements. 5. Appendix 1 of Document F provides benchmarking data to allow the University’s performance in terms of accident rates to be compared with other institutions, including the members of the Russell Group. In terms of total staff accident rates, the University was previously in the upper quartile but its performance has improved slightly and it is now just below the start of the upper quartile. The University hopes to further improve its performance. It is noted that performance in these graphs is influenced by the maturity of an institution’s approach to safety. It has been identified that the University performs well in terms of the reporting of incidents and near misses but the investigation process to identify and address the causes of an accident is less robust as, in the past, line managers have not always been involved. Procedures have been changed to ensure that line managers are made aware that an incident has taken place and that they are involved in the investigation and identification of subsequent actions. 6. Members of Senate were reminded that health and safety issues should be a standing item on school and faculty agendas. 96. STUDENT ATTENDANCE MONITORING Received an oral report from Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching, on behalf of Executive Board. ‘Commercial in confidence’ Minute, filed in the Minute Book. 97. E-PORTFOLIO Considered a report from Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching, on behalf of Executive Board. [Circulated with the agenda as Document G. Copy filed in the Minute Book.] Noted that: 6 Senate, 2 July 2013 1. Document G restates the requirement that the e-Portfolio be used to record the on-line annual progression of postgraduate research students but also that its use be extended to record Postgraduate Research Student Supervisory meetings. It is recommended that this should become a requirement from September 2013 onwards. 2. Using the system as described above will allow the University to satisfy the requirements of the QAA UK Quality Code for Higher Education and also to meet the Home Office attendance monitoring requirements (See Minute 96 above). 3. It was confirmed that, for monitoring purposes, it was only necessary to record the date of each meeting on the system and not the details of the discussion. 4. It was suggested that there was scope to improve the e-Portfolio system in terms of the way it operates for end of term and annual progression requirements. Any suggestions for improvement and any problems staff experience with the system should be brought to the attention of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching. 5. The onus will be on the student to record the dates of each meeting but supervisors also have a responsibility to ensure this task has been completed. Resolved that the recommendation that formal interactions between postgraduate research students and their supervisors must be recorded in the student’s research training e-Portfolio from September 2013 onwards be approved. 98. HEAD OF ACADEMIC UNIT JOB SUMMARY AND PERSON SPECIFICATION Considered a report from Mrs Veryan Johnston, Executive Director of Human Resources, on behalf of Executive Board. [Circulated with the agenda as Document H. Copy filed in the Minute Book.] 1. At its meeting on 5 March 2013, Senate was informed of a number of the outcomes from the Executive Board Away Day which had taken place on 22 January 2013. These included an intention to focus on top flight recruitment and the need to revise procedures to allow Head of Academic Unit and Deanship positions to be advertised externally as well as internally. 2. The Head of Academic Unit Job Summary has now been revised. Following approval of the revised job summary and person specification by Senate and Council, the selection process for Heads of Academic Units will be revised to take account of the shift in emphasis to external recruitment. Resolved that the revised Head of Academic Unit Job Summary and Person Specification be approved. 99. BUDGET Reported that one of the recommendations of the previous Working Group on Governance, which was approved by Council, was that Senate and Council should receive a report, at least annually, on the extent to which the budget allocations matched the institutional strategy. Received an oral report from Professor Tony Stevenson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Planning and Resources, on the income flows to the University and how they were allocated. [A copy of the slides used by Professor Stevenson in his presentation is filed in the Minute Book.] 7 Senate, 2 July 2013 ‘Commercial in confidence’ Minute, filed in the Minute Book. 100. CO-OPTED MEMBERSHIP OF SENATE Reported that Senate, at its meeting on 19 June 2007, resolved that from 2007-08 only professors should be eligible to be elected in the professorial constituency of Senate and that the Librarian and holders of other posts whose remit is essential for the successful academic work of the University (who had previously been specified by Senate as being equivalent to professors for this purpose), and who are not already included in the Senate electorate, should be considered by Senate as potential candidates for co-option as members of Senate. [The Senate electorate comprises the academic staff of the University.] Considered whether to co-opt any person whose remit is essential for the successful academic work of the University, who is not already included in the Senate electorate, as a member of Senate. [The maximum number of co-opted members is three. Mr Wayne Connolly and Mr Steve Williams are already members in this category.] Resolved that Ms Abi Kelly, Director of Public Relations, be co-opted as a member of Senate from 1 August 2013 to 31 July 2016. 101. MEMBERSHIP OF SENATE 2013-14 Reported that: (a) Following a ballot, the following have been elected to serve on Senate in the professorial constituency from 1 August 2013 to 31 July 2016: Professor Colin Brooks Professor John Fitzgerald Professor Tom Joyce Professor Neill Marshall Institute for Cell & Molecular Biosciences School of Computing Science School of Mechanical & Systems Engineering HaSS Faculty Office (b) The following have been appointed Sabbatical Officers of the Students’ Union for 2013-14 and will be members of Senate for the same period: President Mr Calum Mackenzie Education Officer Ms Eve Berwin Welfare and Equality Officer Ms Emily Waller (c) Ms Sabine Kucher has been elected by the Students’ Union as the student representative on Senate for 2013-14. 102. REPORT FROM THE RANKINGS AND REPUTATION SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP Received the final report from the Rankings and Reputation Special Interest Group [Circulated with the agenda as Document J. Copy filed in the Minute Book.] 103. FINAL REPORT FOR THE SOCIAL RENEWAL SOCIETAL CHALLENGE THEME Received a report on the launch year of the Social Renewal societal challenge theme. [Circulated with the agenda as Document K. Copy filed in the Minute Book.] 8 Senate, 2 July 2013 104. UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CENTRES: APPROVALS AND REAPPROVALS Considered a report from Professor Nick Wright, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation on behalf of Executive Board. [Circulated with the agenda as Document l. Copy filed in the Minute Book.] Resolved that: (i) Senate approve the re-establishment of the following University Research Centres and the re-appointment of their Directors for a further three years, from 1 August 2013 to 31 July 2016: North East Stem Cell Institute (NESCI) at Newcastle (Director, Professor MJ Whitaker) Centre for Integrated Systems Biology of Ageing & Nutrition (CISBAN) (Director, Dr D Shanley) Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology (CBCB) (Director, Prof J Errington) Centre for Earth Systems Engineering (CESER) (Director, Dr R Dawson) Research Centre in Biopharmaceutical and Bioprocessing (BBTC) (Director, Professor G Montague) Centre for Software Reliability (Director, Professor J Fitzgerald) Newcastle Centre for Railway Research (NewRail) (Director, Professor M Robinson) (ii) Senate approve the re-establishment of the Joseph Swan Centre and the appointment of Professor AP Roskilly as Director for a period of three years from 1 June 2013 to 31 May 2016. (iii) Senate approve the re-establishment of the Centre for Oral Health and the appointment of Professor P Moynihan as Director for a period of three years from 1 October 2013 to 30 September 2016. (iv) Senate approve the establishment of the Research Centre for Wildlife Management and Conservation together with the appointment of Professor S Rushton and Dr P Robertson as joint Directors for an initial period of three years from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2016. 105. REPORT FROM UNIVERSITY LEARNING, TEACHING AND STUDENT EXPERIENCE COMMITEE Received a report from the meeting of UTLSEC held 8 May 2013. [Circulated with the agenda as Document M. Copy filed in the Minute Book.] 106. CONGREGATION CEREMONIES Reported that: (a) Congregation ceremonies would be held on 3, 4 and 5 December 2013 in the King’s Hall, Armstrong Building. (b) Congregation ceremonies following the end of the Summer Term 2014 would be held on: Tuesday, 8 July 2014 (all day) Wednesday, 9 July 2014 (all day) Thursday, 10 July 2014 (all day) 9 Senate, 2 July 2013 Friday, 11 July 2014 (all day) Monday, 14 July 2014 (all day) Tuesday, 15 July 2014 (all day) Wednesday, 16 July 2014 (all day) Thursday, 17 July 2014 (all day) (provisional) 107. REPORTED BUSINESS Received a report of action taken in accordance with agreed procedures, approved where necessary by the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of Senate and/or the Chair of Council on behalf of Council, and by other University bodies and Chairs. [Circulated with the agenda as Document N. Copy filed in the Minute Book.] 10