Newcastle University Institute for Ageing Early Career Research Funding Application Form


Project title:

Proposed start date:

Lay summary of proposed activity

(maximum of 150 words)

NB: This lay summary will be included on the NUIA website.

Newcastle University Institute for Ageing

Early Career Research Funding Application Form

Proposed end date:

List of key words:

(maximum 6)

Strategic fit: Cross societal challenge themes – tick all that apply

Ageing Social Renewal Sustainability

Explain links (maximum 50 words)

Cross NUIA themes – tick all that apply

How do we age?

Understanding the mechanisms of ageing

Causes of age-related illness

How can we age better?

Ageing across the life-course

Living well with chronic illness

How can we meet the global challenge of ageing?

Enabling environments

Economic and social impact

Please describe in <100 words in what ways your project contributes to the societal challenge or research themes you have indicated above.

SECTION 1: Applicants







Name of approving

Head of School /

Director of Institute


(numbered list with name, position,

School / Institute)

b) c) d)

SECTION 2: Details of proposed project, objectives and methods (maximum 500 words) a) What research question is to be addressed and why is it important? b) What are the objectives of the proposed activity? (Provide a list). c) Briefly describe your research methods. d) Briefly describe any patient/public involvement in this research (if applicable).

The list of objectives will be used to measure success at the end of the funded period.

(NB: You will be asked to provide an interim report half-way through your project and at the close of the project you will be asked to report on the progress (success or otherwise) against this list of objectives.) a)

Collaboration (maximum 300 words) a) How will this proposed project support the strategic aims of NUIA? b) Is this an existing or a new collaboration? Please explain (if this is an existing collaboration) what is the added value of the proposed work? c) What is the role and extent of the involvement of each participant/organisation in the proposed activity? a) b) b) c)

Future Funding or Impact Opportunities (maximum 300 words) a) What are your plans (including timescales) if any, for securing further external funding for your work? b) What, if any, potential is there for generating impact and/or commercial opportunities arising from your work? a)

Outcome and Deliverables (maximum 300 words)

What are the outcomes/deliverables for this proposed activity?

(Please provide a time line for the proposed activity and the outcomes/deliverables.)

Other supporting information (if required) (maximum 100 words).

Resources: justification of resources requested (maximum 100 words).

SECTION 3: Proposed budget: detailed breakdown of costs

Total Budget contribution requested: ………………………………

Provide a breakdown of the costs for the proposed activities in the table below.


Details of post(s) Basic salary


Total Salaries (Transfer total to budget table below)





Total requested



Details Total requested


Total Equipment (Transfer total to budget table below)



Total Consumables (Transfer total to budget table below)

Total requested




Total Travel (Transfer total to budget table below)







Total Requested

Total requested


Total requested



Before submission, please tick that you have:

 Read the project funding guidelines.

 Attached a copy of each applicant’s CV (maximum of 1 side of A4, minimum font size 11).

 Attached a letter of support from your line manager.

By submitting this application I commit to the reporting requirements given in Section 2 above.

Signed ……………………………………..………………………………………… Dated ………………………………………..
