CONSIDERING GRAD SCHOOL? Career Development Center Presentation:

Career Development Center Presentation:
Keven Quintero | Graduate Admissions Coordinator
Session Agenda
Who Are We and What Are Our Services
The Future
The Career Development Center
Individual appointments with Career Counselors
•Cover Letters
•Interview Preparation
•Graduate School
•Targeting Your Dream Job
Monday – Friday
8:00 – 4:30
Drop in Hours no appointment necessary:
W-TH, 1:00-3:00
Wednesday Evenings open until 6:30
We are here to help – Top Floor University Center
-An interactive interview event to select the right
candidate for a hiring opportunity
APRIL 15th 5:00-6:30
The Future
 There will be 55 million job openings through 2020
24 million new jobs
31 million due to baby boom retirements
 35% of job openings will require a bachelor’s degree
 Fastest growing industries - STEM, Healthcare Professions,
Healthcare Support and Community Services
Will require high levels of post-secondary education
The U.S. will fall short by 5 million workers with
postsecondary educations by 2020 at the current
production rate
Average Salary by Discipline
NACE Salary Outlook 2014/Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook
Reasons to Go…..
 Intellectual interest
 Money
 Vocational interest
Free Money…..
 Teaching Assistantships
 Research/Graduate Assistantships
 Fellowships
 Grants
Application Checklist
 Take appropriate
standardized graduate
admissions tests
 Forwards scores to schools
of interest
 Obtain letters of
 Obtain original transcripts
 Draft, rewrite, polish statement
of purpose
 Send materials to schools
Additional Requirements/Items
 Writing Sample
 Clinical Hours
 International Applicants
 Interviews
 It is what it is!!
 Obtain transcripts - learn your worst
grade, worst semester, worst class
 GPA in Major vs. GPA Overall
 Long-term indicator of your performance as a student
 Reflects motivation & ability to do good or bad work
 Masters program requires a GPA of 3.0 or 3.3
 Doctoral programs require minimum GPA’s 3.3 or 3.5
 Admission committees look at courses taken
 Look at overall GPA and the relevant program courses
 Standardized exams GRE, MCAT, LSAT & GMAT for
What if I Have A Low GPA?
 Take high quality courses
 Take more classes
 Take summer classes
 Consider delaying graduation with an
extra semester
 After graduation take a few graduate
courses to show aptitude
How To Get The Best Letters Of
Build relationships over time
Be nice!
Have your transcripts/resume ready to familiarize them with your
The reference may take it upon themselves to call the person
KEEP IN TOUCH…don’t burn your bridges!
Statement of Purpose
 The most important document of your Graduate
 Can be 300, 500 or 750 words
 The Statement of Purpose required by graduate schools
is probably the hardest thing you will ever write
 Through the essay you will speak to the committee and
demonstrate your unique fit to the program
 Incidentally, the statement of purpose may also be
called an Application Essay, Objectives for Graduate
Study, Personal Background, Cover Letter, or some
comparable title
Essay Do’s
Prepare an outline and create a draft
Answer all the questions being asked
Make sure your essay has a theme or a thesis
Provide evidence to support your claims
Speak in the first person (I)
Make your introduction unique
Write clearly and make sure it is easy to read
Be honest, confident, and be yourself
Be interesting and positive
Make sure your essay is organized, coherent, and
 Write about yourself and use examples from your
own life experiences
Essay Do’s
 Use a mixture of long and short sentences
 Discuss your future goals
 Mention any hobbies, past jobs, community service,
or research experience
Mention weaknesses without making excuses
Discuss why you're interested in the school and/or
Show, don’t tell (Use examples to demonstrate your
Ask for help
Proofread and revise your statement at least 3 times
Have others proofread your essay
Essay’s Don’ts
Becoming increasingly popular/preferred
Replacing objective statement
Replaces the “this is what I want” objective statement with a “this is
the value that I offer” branding statement Have any grammar or
spelling errors. (Proofread!)
Be wordy or use jargon (don’t try to impress the readers by using big
Swear or use slang
Digress or be repetitive
Be boring
Include clichés
Use gimmicks
Be comical (a little humor is okay but remember it can be
Essay’s Don’ts
Be defensive or arrogant
Have your essay focus too much on other individuals
Discuss politics or religion
Give excuses for a low GPA
Make lists of accomplishments, awards, skills, or
personal qualities (Show, don’t tell)
 Write a term paper or an autobiography
 Summarize your resume
 Include information already cited on the application
-example- BORING
First Sentence is the most important. Be creative.
The following sentences should provide a brief explanation
that supports the claim made in the first sentence.
 I am applying to the Master of Fine Arts program in creative
writing at the University of Utah because I believe my writing
will blossom at your program since it is a place where I will be
challenged and I can hone my writing skills.
 I am honored to apply for the Master of Library Science
program at the University of Utah because as long as I can
remember I have had a love affair with books. Since I was
eleven I have known I wanted to be a librarian.
-example- HOOK!
 I am honored to apply for the Master of Library Science
program at the University of Utah because as long as I
can remember I have had a love affair with books.
Since I was eleven I have known I wanted to be a
 When I was eleven, my great-aunt Gretchen passed
away and left me something that changed my life: a
library of about five thousand books. Some of my best
days were spent arranging and reading her books.
Since then, I have wanted to be a librarian.
The Body
Usually 3 paragraphs providing detailed evidence supporting
the intro statement
Each paragraph should have a transition statement to start & a
resolution statement to end
Include experiences, accomplishments or other evidence to
support claims
Short summary of educational background is appropriate in first
Do not repeat application information
Last paragraph should explain why you should be accepted
The Conclusion
 Last paragraph of your personal statement
 State why you are interested in studying the
subject of interest
 State key points mentioned in the body in a
conclusive & brief manner
(accomplishments, experiences)
 End on a positive note with 1-2 attention
grabbing sentences
 Apply for acceptance in SEPTEMBER – OCTOBER
 Be sure to check for open or “rolling” admissions
Thank You
Kevin F. Quintero
Graduate College
154 Zimbar-Liljenstein Hall