Welcome Back, Faculty! Career Development Center

Career Development Center
Welcome Back, Faculty!
Career Development is pleased to announce Luke Zeigler has joined our team as a Career Advisor. Luke’s
previous experience at Pennsylvania College of Technology Career Center will greatly add value to our services
to meet your needs to develop our students. The Career Development Center is committed to providing career
education for our current students, as well as assisting faculty in providing career related material and
information for their majors. Our office stays current on employment and industry trends to help our students
best prepare for the workforce. Students can access resources and meet individually with a member of our staff
to learn how to best promote themselves to employers through resumes, cover letters, interviews, email
correspondence, networking, social media, and more.
What’s New at the Career Development Center
Class Presentations – We are available to speak to your classes about resume writing, interviewing, job
hunting, career and internship opportunities, applying to graduate school and Career Development services.
Contact me at ext. 3282 or dwielebinski@esu.edu to arrange a tailored class presentation. Don’t cancel
that class, call us for a presentation.
Success Series Workshops – a series of 10 workshops to help students prepare for their career
development. Encourage your students to participate and receive extra credit. Students who attend five
workshops will eligible for a drawing to win a Brooks Brothers gift certificate. A copy of our flyer is attached
along with a “passport” for extra credit.
The Career Development Center Presented 55 Sessions to 1,210 Students
Fall 2013-Spring 2014
Our Career Peers continue to have a strong connection with students helping to inspire them about the
importance of gaining career related experience as early as their freshman year. This year we have several
assistants who can give brief updates on special events, do class presentations about Career Development
services, the value of finding internships as well as meet one-on-one with freshman and sophomores.
The Career Development Center web page is an excellent resource for student, staff, faculty and employers.
We continue to provide new internship and job search links related to ESU majors. The website is
www.careerdevelopment.esu.edu View job search links, career information, sample resumes, videos, and
much more.
One major Career Development Center priority is to increase the number of local internships so that
students have a variety of opportunities to gain experience while going to school. Please have your
employers register on warrior careers http://warriorcareers.esu.edu and post the opportunities. Students
can apply on-line with their resumes.
Warrior Careers, our online job board and events manager continues to provide students and the campus
with access to part-time jobs, summer/seasonal opportunities, internships and career positions 24/7.
Faculty now have access to this site.
Mock interviews are available on warrior careers and they can be customized for your class. Students
can forward interviews to peers or faculty for evaluations.
2014 Career / Internship and Graduate School EXPO is scheduled for October 28 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. in the
Keystone Room. Remind your students to stop by, meet employers and visit with ESU alumni.
Employers on Campus
115 unique employers participated in various on-campus events to interact with
ESU students 2013-2014. Thank You for Your Continued Support!
Services Offered by the Career Development Center
Career Counseling Services help students choose a career and find career information related to a
major/career choice.
Services are provided for students to assist them with resumes/cover letters, interviewing and job
hunting skills.
Assistance for students in finding part-time, temporary and summer-seasonal employment.
Our office helps student’s access internships that relate to their major and career goals.
Graduate School support includes assistance researching programs, application procedures, and review
of admissions essays.
The Career Development Center e-mail address: careerdevelopment@esu.edu – If you hear of job
openings through your contacts with colleagues and alumni, I would encourage you to add that information
on Warrior Careers.
Our Staff:
Daria Wielebinski, Director
Luke Zeigler, Career Advisor
Alicia Middleton, Graduate Student
Melinda Rosen, Secretary
Brittany Hatfield, Student Worker
Katie Nork, Student Worker
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday evenings until 6:30 p.m.
Visit During Drop-In Times (No Appointments Necessary)
Wednesday & Thursday 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
I hope that you have a great summer break. We encourage your students to visit the Career Development
Center. Let me know if we can be of assistance to you.
Daria Wielebinski
Director | Career Development Center
570-422-3282 | dwielebinski@esu.edu
“I was offered a full-time position after
doing my internship which was a
required for my psychology-counseling
degree. I felt that the ESU Career
Development Center helped me build
my resume and I would recommend all
ESU students to use this resource. I just
wish that I knew about the center and
all the career preparation classes before
my last semester at ESU. I believe that
without being required to do an
internship, I would still be unemployed.”
-Psychology Major ’13
“Career Development
provided the resources to
not only schedule an
interview, but handle tough
interview questions. Thanks
ESU Career Development!”
-Chemistry Major ’13
“After staying home for the past 10 years to
raise and homeschool my children, I
entertained the idea of going back to work,
part time. I came to ESU's Career
Development Center to seek guidance in
rewriting my resume and found the center
extremely helpful and supportive. ESU's
Career Center opened up doors for me that
I would not have known about otherwise in
the areas of a job search, writing my resume
and gathering references. Thank you for all
your help and empowering me to know that
yes, after being out of my field of study for
some time, there are opportunities out there
to get back in and use my degree!”
-Sociology Major ’01