SLO/SAO Assessment Reporting Dialogue Agenda and Summary Instructional Support/Administrative Services Programs

SLO/SAO Assessment Reporting Dialogue Agenda and Summary
Instructional Support/Administrative Services Programs
Program: ___________________
Participating Members: ___________________________________________________
1. What critical student learning and/or service area issue(s) and associated SLO(s)/SAOs were assessed?
2.a. What tools were used to assess student learning during the previous semester. Mark all that apply by
indicating the number of faculty/staff who utilized that assessment strategy.
______ Analysis of program records
______ Direct observation of program
processes (e.g. record keeping
processes, staff training processes,
activities during program meetings,
______ Student/employee assessments (surveys,
reflective journals, etc.)
______ Assessment of student work indirectly
related to the program (e.g.
completeness of student financial aid
forms, etc.)
______ Guided discussions among
students/employees (group or individual)
_______Staff assessments of program
______ Other (please explain)
2.b. Please list the activities in which the SLO/SAO assessments occurred (add rows as needed):
3.a. What did you learn from your outcomes assessment or what impacted the success of your assessment
Over for more!
3.b. What changes, if any, are planned based on your outcomes assessment? Please check any appropriate
boxes and submit the indicated information.
Proposed Changes
Modify forms or other
Revise training of new
Revise allocation of workload
Revise methods of
interacting with and supporting
Planned purchase of new
equipment or supplies needed for
modified student activities
Revise staffing plans (new
positions, etc.)
Identify and adapt or
implement best practices related
to this issue or outcome
Conduct further assessment
related to the issue and outcome
Unable to determine what
should be done
Brief Description- Required for checked
Date (semester,
SLO/SAO Assessment Reporting Dialogue Agenda and Summary
Instructional Support/Administrative Services Programs EXAMPLE
Semester Fall 2009
Program: Campus Placement Agency–Temp Staffing Services
Participants: Suzanne, Anh Dung, Malik, Marcella, James
1. What critical student learning and/or service area issue(s) and associated SLO(s)/SAOs were assessed?
Students have difficulty with completing the forms needed for job applications, reducing the number
successfully placed in temporary jobs. Staff often assist students with resume development. Staff keep
records of student temporary employment to assist with this task. Pulling records for students has become a
very time consuming task for program staff. Both of these issues will be a focus of our work this year.
Issue “A” is aligned with Program SLO 1, “students will successfully apply for and obtain temporary
jobs”. Issue “B” is reflective of both SAO 2 “Staff will assist students with resume development” and SAO
3 “Staff will keep accurate records of student employment”.
2.a. What tools were used to assess student learning during the previous semester. Mark all that apply by
indicating the number of faculty/staff who utilized that assessment strategy.
______ Analysis of program records
______ Direct observation of program
processes (e.g. record keeping
processes, staff training processes,
activities during program meetings,
Assessment of student work indirectly
related to the program (e.g.
completeness of student financial aid
forms, etc.)
Student/employee assessments (surveys,
reflective journals, etc.)
______ Guided discussions among
students/employees (group or individual)
______ Other (please explain)
Staff assessments of program
2.b. Please list the activities in which the SLO/SAO assessments occurred (add rows as needed):
Guided discussions with program staff
Online survey to program participants
Review of randomly selected application packets
3.a. What did you learn from your outcomes assessment or what impacted the success of your assessment
activities? Students often complete applications by hand, which makes it hard to transfer information easily to a
new format. Staff interviews indicated that students had trouble deciding on the best resume format. The capacity
to track and follow up on students needs to be improved.
Over for more!
3.b. What changes, if any, are planned based on your outcomes assessment? Please check any appropriate
boxes and submit the indicated information.
Proposed Changes
X Modify forms or other
Revise training of new
Revise allocation of workload
Brief Description- Required for checked
Date (semester,
Develop an electronic template for students to
Fall 2010
complete that contains most of the information
requested on applications. Develop a worksheet
to help students determine the optimal format for
their resume.
Revise methods of
interacting with and supporting
Planned purchase of new
equipment or supplies needed for
modified student activities
X Revise staffing plans (new
positions, etc.)
Identify and adapt or
implement best practices related
to this issue or outcome
Conduct further assessment
related to the issue and outcome
Unable to determine what
should be done
Find resources to hire someone to develop an
electronic tracking system. Consider doing a
student internship for this purpose.
Spring 2010
SLO/SAO Assessment Reporting Dialogue Agenda and Summary
Instructional Support/Administrative Services Programs EXAMPLE
Semester: Fall 2009
Program: TASSL
Participating Members: TASSL Leadership Team
What critical student learning and/or service area issue(s) and associated SLO(s)/SAOs were assessed?
Although we evaluate our activities on an ongoing basis, we are not sure about whether they are making a long
term difference and contributing to enhanced effectiveness of attendees. This issue is directly related to
Program Outcome 1: As a result of TASSL activities CRC staff and students in leadership positions will be
able to demonstrate cultural competence, work to reduce bias on campus, and engage in productive
collegial interactions across the college
2.a. What tools were used to assess student learning during the previous semester. Mark all that apply by
indicating the number of faculty/staff who utilized that assessment strategy.
______Analysis of program records
______Direct observation of program
processes (e.g. record keeping
processes, staff training processes,
activities during program meetings,
______Assessment of student work indirectly
related to the program (e.g.
completeness of student financial aid
forms, etc.)
Student/employee assessments (surveys,
reflective journals, etc.)
Guided discussions among
students/employees (group or individual)
______Staff assessments of program
2.b. Please list the activities in which the SLO/SAO assessments occurred (add rows as needed):
Survey of past participants
Focused interviews with employees who had attended
more than one TASSL event during the year
3.a. What did you learn from your outcomes assessment or what impacted the success of your assessment
We learned that the two-day seminar had the most significant impact with respect to changing behaviors and enhancing
the effectiveness of attendees. We also learned that providing opportunities for people to practice utilizing new methods
during the activity enhanced its long-term effectiveness.
Over for more!
3.b. What changes, if any, are planned based on your outcomes assessment? Please check any appropriate
boxes and submit the indicated information.
Proposed Changes
X Modify forms or other
Revise training of new
Revise distribution of
Brief Description- Required for checked
Date (semester,
We will be adding more opportunities for people to
put their learning into practice during our activities.
We will also include employee testimonials from
the assessments (with their permission) in future
flyers about the seminar.
Fall 2010
We will be modifying activity outcomes and
conducting further assessments
Spring 2010
Revise methods of
interacting with and supporting
Planned purchase of new
equipment or supplies needed for
modified student activities
Revise staffing plans (new
positions, etc.)
Identify and adapt or
implement best practices related
to this issue or outcome
X Conduct further assessment
related to the issue and outcome
Unable to determine what
should be done