SLO/SAO PLANNING Dialogue Agenda and Summary Instructional Support / Administrative Services Programs Semester: _________________________ Program: ___________________________ Participating Members: ___________________________ 1. What are the most critical student learning and/or service area issues impacting the success of your program? 2. Which of these would you like to focus on at a program level this semester? What Student Learning Outcomes and/or Service Area Outcomes are related to the chosen issue(s)? Note: Student Learning Outcomes complete the statement “students completing program activities will be able to” Service Area Outcomes (SAOs) complete the sentence “In order to support learning, CRC employees will…” 3. What might be done or is being done to facilitate success in this area/these areas? (E.g. effective strategies currently being utilized in the program or that you plan to implement.) 4. How will you assess the effectiveness of these strategies? Please mark all that apply Direct observation of program processes (e.g. record keeping processes, staff training processes, activities during program meetings, etc.) Assessment of student work indirectly related to the program (e.g. completeness of student financial aid forms, etc.) Staff assessments of program effectiveness Analysis of program records Student/employee assessments of their interactions with program processes (surveys, etc.) Guided discussion among program employees (group or individual) Other (please describe) Comment: During the following semester you will dialogue about the assessments you conducted. You will be asked to briefly list the outcomes that were assessed in your program, the assessment strategies that were utilized, the context in which assessments were conducted (i.e. the courses, activities, etc.), and what was learned and will be done as a result of the assessment process. SLO/SAO Planning Dialogue Agenda and Summary Instructional Support / Administrative Services Programs EXAMPLE Semester: Fall 2009 Program: TASSL Participating Members: TASSL Leadership Team 1. What are the most critical student learning and/or service area issues impacting the success of your program? Professional development activities related to best leadership practices have for the most part been effective; however, additional TASSL activities related to cultural competence are needed. Evaluation forms completed by CRC staff and students involved in TASSL activities indicate that this area is rated lower than the others. 2. Which of these would you like to focus on at a program level this semester? What Student Learning Outcomes and/or Service Area Outcomes are related to the chosen issue(s)? Note: Student Learning Outcomes complete the statement “students completing program activities will be able to” Service Area Outcomes (SAOs) complete the sentence “In order to support learning, CRC employees will…” This issue is directly related to Program Outcome 1: As a result of TASSL activities CRC staff and students in leadership positions will be able to demonstrate cultural competence, work to reduce bias on campus, and engage in productive collegial interactions across the college 3. What might be done or is being done to facilitate success in this area/these areas? (E.g. effective strategies currently being utilized in the program or that you plan to implement.) Recruitment of CRC staff with expertise in anti-bias work, diversity training, and cultural communication to co-sponsor TASSL events. Additional professional development for TASSL staff on best practices in supporting cultural competence at college campuses. 4. How will you assess the effectiveness of these strategies? Please mark all that apply X Staff assessments of program effectiveness X Student/employee assessments of their interactions with program processes (surveys, etc.) X Other - Increase in the number of TASSL events that focus on cultural competence accompanied by the use of a modified evaluation form for TASSL events. Comment: During the following semester you will dialogue about the assessments you conducted. You will be asked to briefly list the outcomes that were assessed in your program, the assessment strategies that were utilized, the context in which assessments were conducted (i.e. the courses, activities, etc.), and what was learned and will be done as a result of the assessment process. SLO/SAO Planning Dialogue Example Instructional Support / Administrative Services Programs EXAMPLE Semester Fall 2009 Program: Campus Placement Agency–Temp Staffing Services Participants: Suzanne, Anh Dung, Malik, Marcella, James 1. What are the most critical student learning and/or service area issues impacting the success of your program? Students have difficulty with completing the forms needed for job applications, reducing the number successfully placed in temporary jobs. Staff often assist students with resume development. Staff keep records of student temporary employment to assist with this task. Pulling records for students has become a very time consuming task for program staff. 2. Which of these would you like to focus on at a program level this semester? What Student Learning Outcomes and/or Service Area Outcomes are related to the chosen issue(s)? Note: Student Learning Outcomes complete the statement “students completing program activities will be able to” Service Area Outcomes (SAOs) complete the sentence “In order to support learning, CRC employees will…” Both of these issues will be a focus of our work this year. Issue “A” is aligned with Program SLO 1, “students will successfully apply for and obtain temporary jobs”. Issue “B” is reflective of both SAO 2 “Staff will assist students with resume development” and SAO 3 “Staff will keep accurate records of student employment”. 3. What might be done or is being done to facilitate success in this area/these areas? (E.g. effective strategies currently being utilized in the program or that you plan to implement.) Development of workshops and/or handouts for students that teach them in how to fill out the forms. Development of a process by which a student can access his/her own job records electronically. Note: This will require funding and/or time for a programmer to develop such a process. Providing job record forms for students and training them to keep their own employment records. 4. How will you assess the effectiveness of these strategies? Please mark all that apply X X X Assessment of student work indirectly related to the program - e.g. review of completed job application forms for accuracy. Staff assessments of program effectiveness – assessment of time needed for record production. Student self-assessments of their interactions with program processes – surveys of students’ confidence in their ability to keep their own job records. Comment: During the following semester you will dialogue about the assessments you conducted. You will be asked to briefly list the outcomes that were assessed in your program, the assessment strategies that were utilized, the context in which assessments were conducted (i.e. the courses, activities, etc.), and what was learned and will be done as a result of the assessment process.