Standard 1A Mission and Vision Board minutes TBD

Standard 1A
Standard 1A
Standard 2B
Standard 1A
Standard 2B
Standard 1A
Standard 1B
Standard 1B
Standard 2A
Standard 1B
Standard 2A
Standard 1B
Standard 2A
Standard 2C
Standard 2A
Standard 1B
Standard 2A
Standard 1B
Standard 4A
Standard 1B
Evidence We Have
Gaps in Evidence
Mission and Vision Board minutes
Mission and Vision – on web and in
Will need to be posted when
approved. We need the minutes of the
Planning Committee that include the
discussions and the process by which
the mission and vision statement were
created posted.
College wide SLOs (on CRC website) Web site needs to be updated and
needs to include documentation of
process and timelines (past and future)
Planning processes and documents (on Need to document and/or strengthen
the planning web page)
connections between the M/V and
planning documents and processes
Assessment Reports
Need to get these up to date and in one
location. Perhaps generate pdfs of old
reports and post on research web
page? Is there a current report?
Basic Skills Initiative Data and
Need to post on the research web page
and perhaps reorganize the web page.
The interpretive narrative needs to be
AARC reports – description of college Need to post on the research web page
wide outcomes in the areas of progress and perhaps reorganize the web page
and achievement, earning at least 30
units, persistence, course completion
rates in vocation and basic skills, and
improvement rates in ESL and basic
skills – demographic profile (age,
ethnicity, etc.)
Ed Initiative Data/report
Need to post the PowerPoint
presentation and reorganize the
research web page
College and district research web
Need web addresses
sites, CCCCO Data Mart
EGUSD student assessment and
Need to post on the research web page
success study
when finished
Shared governance and academic
senate minutes – minutes of
Management retreats?
Advisory Committee minutes
Note: this is evidence of dialogue
This is evidence of dialogue and
informed planning
Standard 1B
Standard 2A
Course Completion and Success data
(including retention) – all, below 100,
college level, transfer level, mode of
instruction (on ground versus DE)
Standard 1B
Standard 2A
Standard 1B
Standard 2A
Standard 1B
Standard 2A
Standard 1B
Standard 2A
Student graduation rates and
certificate completion by major
UC and CSU transfer information (on
LRCCD web site)
Transfer study
Standard 1B
SLO development (college, GE, data
table and SOCRATES, web link off
CASSL and planning links to
development process)
Standard 1B
Standard 1B
Standard 1B
Standard 1B
Standard 1B
Standard 1B
Standard 1B
Standard 1A
and 1B
Vocational Accreditation reports
Need to build a link to some of this
data that is on the DO web site and
post the others when they are done.
We should consider reorganizing the
web page.
May need to build a report from the
district data page?
Need web address
Need to post when it is done
Need to assemble in one location –
and perhaps include links to the self
studies and post them on the web?
Need to reorganize and update the
web page and create a timeline.
Perhaps we should save the status
report as a pdf with a date and post it
as well? I need to create a web page
for the OATF process.
Evidence of student work and of the
SLO assessment process at the course,
program and college level. This needs
to include performance based digital /
video images when appropriate.
Completed PrOF documents (available Need to get all of them posted to the
via Planning web site)
web (most are there)
Completed Unit Plans (available via
Need web address
Planning web site)
Demographic profile (on DO research Need web addresses
web page) and research briefs (on
college research web page)
PRoF review subcommittee minutes
Need to post minutes for the PRoF
review subcommittee
PRoF data packets
Need to post the minutes of the
meetings where the new PRoF data
packets are designed.
Strategic Plan (available via the
Need web address
planning web site)
Master Plans (Ed, Facilities, Distance Note: all plans need to be updated
Ed, etc.) available via the planning
(status report done) and refreshed!
web site
Planning Committee minutes,
Need to be posted on the shared
Facilities committee minutes,
governance web page
Technology committee minutes
Standard 1B
Standard 1B
Standard 1B
Standard 2A
Standard 3A
Standard 1B
Standard 2A
Standard 2A
Standard 2A
ITMB, COB, Faculty request forms
and process (available on the planning
and the LIST)
Bond oversight committee minutes
PD offerings (hard copy) and PD
strategic plan (on the planning web
CASSL colloquia topics and web
discussions (evidence of dialogue)
Noel Levitz student survey and
Jeanne’s student perception survey
Management and Faculty Senate
Retreats/planning sessions
Standard 2A
Standard 2A
Standard 2A
Standard 2A
Curriculum Processes (in
Standard 2A
Annual WASC reports showing
Standard 2A
OATF minutes (on the web) and
Standard 2A
DE Master Plan (on planning web
Standard 2A
Standard 2A
Standard 2A
GE and College Wide outcomes and
Senate/Curriculum committee minutes
when these were adopted
Program Learning Outcomes
Standard 2A
Standard 2A
Course SLOs (in SOCRATES)
Advisory Committee minutes
Need the web site address
Need to compile
Need to post the PD booklets on the
PD website and need the website info.
Need to keep the CASSL web site up
to date and perhaps reorganize it
Need to post Jeanne’s data
Need to post agendas/minutes. Need
the academic senate web page to be up
to date.
We need qualitative data where
appropriate (student panel at
convocation was taped….perhaps we
need to tape cultural events, etc.
during the year?)
Need to assess student’s learning
Need to collect evidence about the
assessment strategies being used by
Need to post these in one spot
(perhaps if the curriculum committee
web site is up to date it can be there?)
Need to be posted on the outcomes
web site (which needs to be
Need the web site address
Need the web site address
Need to collect evidence about the
teaching methodologies being utilized.
On the web site and will be in the
Will be posted on the web and in the
electronic catalogue soon
Note: these provide evidence of
Standard 2A
Standard 2A
Spring student perception survey data
will assess several college wide SLOs,
pilot assessment projects from the
OATF and others
New and old PrOF forms
Standard 2A
Course syllabi files from the area
Standard 2A
Standard 2A
Standard 2B
Standard 2A
College schedule of offerings
College Catalogue (print and online)
College web site
Curriculum committee minutes and
course outlines (in SOCRATES)
Program discontinuance process and
Standard 2A
Standard 2A
Academic Honesty Policy and
Standard 2A
Student Code of Conduct, Student
Discipline process (flyer, student
handbook and policies and regs)
Standard 2A
Standard 2B
Crystal report on support needs
gleaned from the application
(accessible via A and R) Sarstrak info
about the reason for appointments?
Standard 2A
Standard 2B
Standard 2A
Standard 2B
Standard 2A
Standard 2B
Standard 3A
Standard 2A
Standard 2B
Standard 2A
Referral forms and/or any forms from
Counseling and for Matriculation?
Special Program brochures, Freshman
Seminar booklet?
Cultural Events – highlights in PD
booklet. Monthly schedule of events
from Kristie?
Matriculation and Special Programs
Planning and site visit documents
Study Abroad documents
dialogue and need based program
Need to collect and post on the
Need to post new ones when they are
Course syllabi files should be
archived? Course syllabi should
reference SLOs (as these have
replaced objectives, which are
required by Title 5)
Need to find and post program
discontinuance process and how it was
used for EnvT (in curriculum
committee minutes?)
Need to identify its location and make
sure it is obvious to students in several
locations – perhaps include a question
about whether it is referenced on
syllabi on the survey?
Need to make sure it is obvious to
students in several locations – perhaps
include a question about whether it is
referenced on syllabi on the survey?
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to collect flyers/brochures and
Need to collect and post to web page
Need to compile and gather
Standard 2A
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Standard 2B
Course Numbering
documents/information (in catalogue)
Student Support services descriptions
(in catalogue and Freshman Seminar
booklet) and forms
Data on usage of key services (from
Data Mart, the matriculation report or
Need information on International
Outreach and recruitment plans?
Student Services PrOFs (on planning
web site)
Orientation activities and web site
River Stage and Next Stage schedule,
concert schedules, art shows, etc.
Student on campus employment
Conference attendance information
Multilingual information that is
Scholarship Recipient information
Information about Welcome Night
Financial Aid and EOPS workshop
Textbook reserve information
Assessment Test Validation Process
Standard 2B
Student Development and ASG
documents and curriculum
Standard 2B
Standard 3A
Standard 2B
Standard 3A
Standard 2C
Standard 2C
Standard 2C
Standard 2C
CC and E committee minutes and
strategic plan
Equity Training Materials and Equity
Trained spreadsheet
Library PrOF and budget allocations
Librarian Faculty Request Form
Library modules description and data
Description and usage information for
MC, RWC, MESA, Puente, Diops and
tutorial center and any indication of
Need information about information
competency requirements/inclusion in
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to collect and organize and have
available along with the description of
the methodology
Need to keep this web site up to date
but also have it include archived
Need to compile minutes – strategic
plan is on planning web site.
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Standard 2C
Standard 2C
Standard 3A
Standard 3A
Standard 3A
Standard 3A
Standard 3A
Standard 3A
Standard 3A
Standard 3A
Standard 3A
Standard 3B
Standard 3B
Standard 3B
Standard 3B
Standard 3B
Standard 3C
Standard 3C
Standard 3C
impact (qualitative or quantitative)
Faculty and Classified Evaluation
Processes, Forms and schedules
showing currency
COB/ITMB/Faculty Prioritization
Process/Classified Prioritization
Process (on planning web site)
Cultural Competence Statement (on
college web site)
Descriptions of hiring processes (in
Board Policy/Regs and in the faculty
hiring manual)
Hiring overview and demographic/job
classification composition of
Equity Complaint Process (in board
CASSL survey and results about PD
needs (old survey with low response
PD evaluations
Faculty and Classified contracts
Some items from the LRCCD
employee survey
Board Policies and Regs related to
hiring and equal opportunity
Facilities master plan
Bond oversight committee minutes
and language and status report of bond
supported facilities construction?
Information on FM staffing and local
staffing relative to facilities
Safety questions from LRCCD survey
Any plan related to enhancing
accessibility on campus
Multimedia and DE plan
IT planning processes /plans and
committee minutes
Need information about Peoplesoft
Need to compile and gather
We need to ask about changes in
teaching methodology that have been
Need the web site address
Need the web site address
Need the web site address
Formulated at the district, but not
widely disseminated or used.
Need the web site address
Need to assess PD needs and needs
Need to compile and gather and
Need the web site address
Need the web site address
Need the web site address
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to be posted on the web site
under the IT committee
Need to compile and gather
Standard 3C
Standard 3C
Standard 3C
Standard 3C
Need information about Blackboard
usage and the issues and ongoing
dialogue about these issues
Need information about technology
improvements that have been made
Need information about the DEMS
training schedule, attendance and
Need information related to
accessibility issues with respect to
technology and DE
Standard 3C
Standard 3C
Standard 3D
Standard 3D
Standard 3D
Standard 3D
Standard 3D
Standard 3D
Standard 3D
Standard 3D
Standard 4A
Computer replacement plan process
Business Office practices, guidelines
and controls
External audit results
COB and ITMB budget allocations
and processes
Grants summary and grants agenda
process and results
Foundation summary and financial
AOB request process
Audits and year end reports
Annual Budget summaries for the past
five years
Need the shared governance
committee structure and roles and
responsibilities documents (along with
evidence of representation across the
constituency groups)
Standard 4A
Convocation Addresses and
presidential newsletters
Standard 4A
Need the description and evaluation
metrics for department chairs
Need information and agendas for
Exec committee
Accreditation planning documents and
midterm evaluation (on planning web
Standard 4A
Standard 4A
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to assess satisfaction with and
use of technology
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to assess the effectiveness of
shared governance and decision
Need to post convocation
presentations by FCR and newsletters
to the web on the Presidential’s
message site
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need the web address
Standard 4A
Standard 4A
Standard 4A
Standard 4B
Standard 4B
Standard 4B
Standard 4B
Standard 4B
Standard 4B
Standard 4B
Management meeting minutes in
which processes and structures are
Minutes from the shared governance
Description of the process by which
shared governance committees
evaluate and modify their roles and
Board Policies and regs related to the
board of trustees (3000 series)
Presidential evaluation process
Presidential selection process
Administrative Chart of
District Mapping
CASSL documents and Dean of CPR
job description
President’s CV (or other documents)
that show his involvement outside of
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather
Need to update as needed and
disseminate more broadly
Need to compile and gather
Need to compile and gather