COSUMNES RIVER COLLEGE Cultural Competence and Equity Committee Minutes October 22, 2009 3:00 PM in CASSL 1. Winnie welcomed Kathy McLain, Sandra Rodriguez, Amber Jones, Eddie Fagin, Ken Cooper, Christina Alvarado and Frank Condon to the meeting. The minutes were reviewed and approved by consensus. However, based on Eddie’s recommendation, the committee revisited the suggested wording on the application that had been approved at our previous meeting (see “other” below). 2. Book-sale update and discussion – Kathy updated the committee about the need for volunteers to set up, help during the event and to clean up after the event. She will be distributing a sign-up sheet to the committee and the broader campus community. She also indicated that Colette Harris has communicated this opportunity to her students as a way to meet her community service requirement. A discussion about how to advertise the event (in addition to emailing the campus community) yielded the following suggestions: making sure it is on the plasma screen making sure it is on the web page making sure it is on the Kristie West events documents making table tents for the cafeteria making posters/flyers for posting around campus 3. Cultural Events Assessment and Reporting discussion current language: This report will be due within one month of the event conclusion. The report should be done on the same form as the application. It should retain the application information, with an insert into Part I, II, and III, outlining how each of the proposed activities and goals turned out. PART I: Please describe the proposed activities for this event. For each activity, please include the expected number of attendees and the expected length of time, PART II: Please describe how each of the specific events outlined contributes to the development of cultural competence and promotes student equity. Clearly identify the goals or strategy areas particularly addressed by your event. See the next page for definitions and goals/strategies. PART III: Budget resources requested to support the proposed activities. Show each type of expenditure separately (i.e. supplies, service agreements, rentals, etc.). Provide a rationale for each line item requested. The committee reviewed the interests that had previously come forward related to this agenda item, which included confusion about what needed to be included in the report by event coordinators, broad variety in the amount of detail included in the reports, lack of information about the actual expenditures for the event (and reasons for discrepancies between allocation and expenditures), and lack of information about how the event did or did not meet its intended goals. The committee recommended that we develop a part IV to the application that identifies the reporting requirements more explicitly. The committee identified the following set of interests/recommendations for this section. Winnie and Kathy will use these to generate a first draft of this new section and will consider parallel changes in the application itself. This draft will be discussed at the next meeting. Part IV What activities occurred? How many attended these events? Impact of activity? Did the activity accomplish its intended goal (maybe last)? Was it successful? How did you assess this? What activities did not occur and why? What will you do differently next time to enhance the event? How did this event support the strategic goals of the college What was the response of the participants? Select strategic goals/initiative areas that are relevant – turn them into a questionnaire with a likert scale…. Include assessment plan/guidance in the application What was budgeted What was expended Explain any significant differences Exemplary practices? THIS SHOUld feed a summary report that helps to tell our story Need unified without redundancy 4. Convocation Discussion/Opportunity – Kathy shared that there was a possibility of having break out sessions during convocation and wanted to know if we wanted to host one of the break out sessions. The pros and cons of this possible change in structure were discussed as well as whether we would want to facilitate one of the sessions. The committee, after some discussion, decided that they would want to facilitate a session if this new format was implemented. Suggestions for possible activities included a Student Panel discussion, a Mosaic Ohana presentation, the “Race Race”, Ruby Payne’s “The Culture of Poverty” and a World Café format. The need for a catchy (maybe even dangerous!) title was discussed because people would be choosing a workshop. This item will be discussed again at our next meeting. Winnie has been thinking about developing a student convocation and was wondering if there could be some synergy between the two events. 5. Other – Current Wording: To be considered for funding, a completed proposal is due to the Chair of the Cultural Competence and Equity Committee no later than 45 days prior to the actual event itself. LATE PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Previous Edit: Events that include multiple activities and/or span multiple days must be submitted to the Chair of the Cultural Competence and Equity Committee no later than 45 days prior to the actual event itself. Single event proposals must be submitted at least 21 days prior to the actual event. LATE PROPOSALS WILL ONLY BE CONSIDERED UNDER EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES New suggested edit: Events that include multiple activities and/or span multiple days must be submitted to the Chair of the Cultural Competence and Equity Committee no later than 45 days prior to the actual event itself. Single event proposals must be submitted at least 21 days prior to the actual event. However, LATE PROPOSALS WILL BE CONSIDERED ONLY UNDER EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES. Applications that do not meet these deadlines must include a description and documentation of these circumstances. The need to finalize our recommendation regarding service awards at out next meeting was raised.