COSUMNES RIVER COLLEGE ACADEMIC SENATE APRIL 24, 2009 APPROVED MINUTES The meeting convened at 12:35 p.m. Present: T. Aldredge, C. Bernardo, G. Beyrer, K. Braden, C. Carter, T. Carmona, D. DuBray, M. Duffy, G. Hodgkinson, L. Kun, D. Mathias, M. Myren, R. Oxman, D. Wassmer, D. Welkley, N. Wellsfry Announcements: Welcome and Introductions Accreditation forum on Friday May 8th from 10-12 in Orchard Room LRCFT picnic coming up at Newman center. May 8th 3pm to 7pm Need a reader for commencement (read names at the ceremony)— Constance has volunteered Dan DuBray—Faculty can still submit curriculum outlines in first week of Fall, 2009. He will send out email about it. Greg Beyrer new version of D2L will be turned on June 1 o Will feature integration with o Will also feature Respondus browser lock down which allows the browser to be locked down while students are taking quizzes. Students will have to install the Respondus software on their own computers. The software has not been installed on campus computers yet, will hopefully happen between terms. There will be an ‘event’ for Barbara Davis-Lyman contact Georgine for more information. Rosalie Amer there will be a presentation on the Palestine issue Monday April, 27 10:30-12:00 in the Garden Room. ACTION ITEMS Minutes approved by consensus. Agenda approved by consensus. State Plenary: Marjorie was our lone representative. SLOs IN SYLLABI According to Faculty Handbook, SLOs should be present in course syllabus. Constance posed a question as to whether or not this was an imposition on academic freedom to have the strict wording and language required. Dana: There is a difference between objectives and SLOs. DAN: Suggestion to create broad SLOs that everyone can agree to and attach it to a syllabus. Could this be taken care of by having the documents available in the division office… would that meet the requirement? Adjunct faculty are often not kept in the loop about the requirements. The course record is the official course of record—we need to be sure that what we are saying that we are do is, indeed, what we are doing. The SLOs do not dictate how the course is to be taught—they simply represent the goals of the course. Better communication needs to be had to communicate these types of requirements… just putting them in the Faculty Handbook. What is the purpose of putting these SLOs in? Is it just for public consumption and PR? Transparency is important so students know what to expect and what the classes’ objectives are. Senate Election Results Georgine: The senate election results: President: Marjorie Duffy Vice President: Kale Braden Secretary: Constance Carter 79 faculty voted. May need to evaluate, in the future, getting more faculty to vote. CASSL and SLO coordinator positions: Have multiple applicants for these positions. Interviews will be held next week. Foundations for Academic Success—will be voted on online by shared governance committee The senate would like to see a copy on what they are going to vote on. Presidential hiring: President interviews concluded yesterday. What are the ‘impressions’ going to look like? Should have a moderator, need to be able to supply a rankings, reiterate collegiality, need to capture faculty comments. Georgine we help the senate to formulate an effective process for this review. In the past 3-5 candidates have been interviewed need to come up with a process that allows for faculty to provided feedback to the impressions sessions that they attend. OATF Report Changed forms to two-page form will be converted into a digital form. Looking to create a system in which the data is captured in a database from electronic forms and then will populate documents downstream from the initial form. Brad demoed a version of the interface. Service Animal Policy: No district policy on service animals. Certification of service animal is loosely applied. Assistive vs therapeutic Service animals. Look at Cuesta College’s policy at ADA language for guidance. Refer to Health and Safety committee. BRIEF REPORTS Questions for Compressed Semester Assessment Send comments to Jamey Ruth: “Go see the River Stage Play: All My Sons TO DO: Refer to Health and Safety committee on Service Animal Policy ADJOURNMENT at 1:42 p.m. Next Meeting: May 8, 2009, Orchard Room Minutes respectfully submitted by Kale Braden