Document 16047613

MAY 11, 2007
The meeting convened at 12:30 p.m.
Present: M. Barkley, M. Duffy, R. Farley, P. Hansen, C.L. Harris, E. Hoskins, L.
Kun, E. Lopez, G. Martin, M. McClurg-Mackinnon, M. Moore, J. Nye, J. Oliver, R.
Oxman, S. Palm, T. Parker, L. Sneed, B.J. Snowden, R. Schubert, G.
Announcements: Welcome and Introductions
 Super Saturday from 7:30-12:30 on May 12th, with assessments and information
including scheduling for the fall semester. This is geared to incoming freshmen.
 VPA finalists have been selected. Impressions groups with all constituencies will
be held during the 2nd level interview process. Please send your impressions to
Francisco by Friday the 18th.
 Faculty Forum meeting included 60 participants. Jamey is summarizing notes
into a document to be shared with all faculty and the administration. Francisco
Rodriguez has been advised of some of the content, including the feeling from
many faculty that they are being devalued and unheard. Faculty also feels a
college hour would be valuable. The union has an interest in making sure the
relationship between administrators and their faculty can be made more
consistent, including in the area of work load and class size influence on class
cancellation. Francisco is eager to get a full briefing and will respond to the
faculty concerns. Jamey said he feels the timing is right for these discussions
over the next year.
 Rick Schubert reports Honors program has been neglected since release time for
the chair of the program was stopped (after PFE funding was stopped.)
 S07-01 Resolution: Concern with the duration of the effects of the compressed
calendar caused a codicil to be added to the Senate Resolution Regarding the
Impacts on Programs and Course Offerings. Final draft was read, motion to pass
was offered, and it was passed unanimously.
 S07-02 Resolution: Retirement Resolution for Lanny Hertzberg was read. Edits
were made, the rules for first and second read were voted on and waived, and it
was moved to approve the resolutions. Passed unanimously to be framed and
presented to Lanny at the Honors Celebration on May 17th.
 Agenda was approved by consensus.
 Minutes were approved by consensus with some edits.
President’s Report—Nye
 May 16th we need a host for faculty portion of impressions group for our VPA.
Faculty from 8:30-9:15, 10:30-11:15 David Keebler, 11:30-12:15. Francisco will
receive comments from any faculty member by the 18th. Please email him your
responses and impressions directly via email because time is limited.
 Wednesday the 16th BJ and Jamey will go before the Board to present the results
of our Ed Initiative activities.
 Recommendation to District from District Matriculation to revise a to add a D-1
representative from each college It is moved and passed to approve. Voted and
passed to forward this.
 Honors program has some new direction for next year.
 Committee assignments for next year are in process. We will try to get it put on
line with descriptions. Our Senate Site with the new CMS is the perfect place.
 Cultural events need leadership, and some of shared governance requests might be
assigned as leaders of events, rather than committee work. If you are running a
club it can also be your shared governance commitment. CC&E committee
would be very interested in this idea so they can get events chaired.
College Planning Committee – Report provided by Norv Wellsfry in absentia.
The College Planning Committee has met on a regular basis (twice per month) this year.
It has been a productive year for the committee and a number of tasks have been
addressed. The members are to be commended for both the quantity and quality of their
work. Their perspective and input have continued to strengthen the College’s planning
Goals for 2006-7:
The Committee had identified several projects for 2006-7.
 Finalization and submission of the Accreditation Mid-Term Report
 Review of the Departmental PrOF reports
 Development of the revised CRC Strategic Plan
 Monitoring and assisting in the development of Area Unit Plans
 Development of a process to monitor and follow-up on the status of the College’s
various planning processes.
Accreditation Mid-Term Report:
The Committee charge includes coordination of the College’s accreditation process. The
Mid-Term report (as required by ACCJC) was developed. It was approved by the Board
of Trustees. It has been accepted by ACCJC/WASC.
Program Review:
The committee continued its follow-up on the PrOF Reports which were due Spring 06.
At this point, a majority of the Departments have completed their program reviews. The
committee initiated a review of the PrOF process. This continuing review process will
result in modifications to the process for the next review cycle.
College Mission Statement
The first step in the development of the College’s Strategic plan was to review the
College’s Mission and Vision statement. As a result of this review, the Committee
identified a need to include the elements of the College-wide Student Learning Outcomes
into the Statement. It also discussed strategies to refine and simplify the Statement and
eliminate the redundancy that existed. The District Strategic Plan was reviewed to
ensure compatibility.
The Committee developed a revised Mission, Vision, and Values Statement that has been
submitted into the Governance Process for review and further discussion.
When it is adopted, the revised Mission, Vision, and Values Statement will be the
foundation for a new cycle of Strategic Planning.
Unit Planning
The follow-on process for the PrOF’s is the Unit Plan. The committee invested
considerable time and effort into a review of the prior Unit Planning process. This
review included a discussion on how to best integrate the PrOF reports into the process of
Unit Planning. As a result of these discussions, a revised Unit Planning Process was
developed and adopted by the College. The most significant change to the Process was
the development of a three stage process. Stage I involves the identification of issues
(either through PrOF or a related activity) by departments. In Stage II, departments will
identify strategies to address the issues from Stage I and also identify resource needs and
priorities for these strategies. Stage III is the development of a Unit Plan for the Area
(Division). These unit plans will be developed out of the information developed in Stage
II by departments and are sub-divided into the major resource allocation areas of the
College (Classified Staffing, Faculty Staffing, Capital Outlay, Curriculum, etc). These
Unit Plans will support the specific resource allocation requests that will be developed
over the next three years.
Plans of 2007-8:
In the upcoming year, the Committee will be involved in several projects.
 Development of the revised CRC Strategic Plan
 Monitoring and assisting in the final development of Area Unit Plans
 Development of a process to monitor and follow-up on the status of the College’s
various planning processes
 Initiation of Planning for the College’s Accreditation Self-Study
 Complete the assessment and revision of PrOF
Committee Chair Recommendation:
It is recommended that Norv Wellsfry continue as the Chair of the College Planning
Standards committee will need a faculty chair in the fall.
Health and Facilities – oral report by Michelle Barkley.
She will continue to chair the committee next year, although she is also the Dept. Chair of
Student Services next year. Some changes to the makeup of the committee due to the
loss of our VPA this year. Smoking survey on campus has been going on, but results are
not yet in.
Matriculation –oral report from Marlo McClurg-Mackinnon
Counseling, district assessment subcommittee, explored which instruments were used for
assessment across the district, and which were accepted. English/Math are still in
discussion, but ESL has total consensus. They also went to the state chancellor’s office
meeting asking if we should create our own assessments. New committee is forming to
work on this with Dean Murikami as Chair.
IT Committee
Not represented, but Rhonda told us that Greg Beyrer will chair next year.
Cultural Competence & Equity - written and oral report by BJ Snowden.
Charged to fund cultural events this year, so that is huge change to have a budget. They
funded a variety of activities, and are working on making the process equitable and
streamlined. The committee is looking at making the process completely online. As a
group they also worked on strategic plan; supported a successful book sale; purchased
new banners with the funds. Photographic faculty database is still in process with Kristie
West, but it is growing and will be put online next semester most likely; they have put
their information all online; working with Freshman Seminar and Professional
Development. They had a meeting with African American student focus meeting which
was very successful. He will chair again next year.
Professional Development – report by Colette Harris.
Convocation was focused on being faculty centered. This is a tri-part committee between
administration, classified and faculty. The committee will begin to host convocation to
make more of a faculty presence. District wide meeting was attended. Time is an issue
for everyone in ability to either plan or attend PD activities. Some people want
institutional items, some want more career development, some want more academic.
Curriculum Committee
2006-07 Report to the Academic Senate
By Sue Palm, Chairperson of CRC Curriculum Committee
SUMMARY of 2006-07:
According to the 2006-07 CRC Approved Courses and Programs in Socrates, this year we
processed 194 courses (new, revised and deleted) and 57 programs (new and revised) through the
curriculum committee.
A large number of our course approvals were deletions to remove the CMED courses (course
designator change to RTVF) and remove ENVT (product of last year’s Program Discontinuance
The listing of courses and programs approved follows this report.
In addition, the Curriculum Committee developed the following style guidelines: SLOs in
programs and feasibility section. The following subcommittees are working to create additional
guidelines and instructions:
GE Subcommittee – guidelines based on new GE SLOs
DE Subcommittee – guidelines for DE course approval
Curriculum Handbook Subcommittee – updating handbook to include Socrates
In addition to the updated handbook, a new CMS web site is under construction to house all
documents related to the curriculum committee.
The Curriculum Committee also began a discussion of programs without a department (i.e.,
INDIS): who maintains them and who is notified when courses are deleted from them.
GOALS for 2007-08:
It is anticipated that the bulk of the work on the handbook and CMS web site will be completed
over the summer, but the committee will have to review and approve the effort when we return in
the fall of 2007.
Other items to review include:
1. Create and implement guidelines for adding SLOs into programs
2. As Assessment guidelines are developed, review and update existing guidelines as
3. Continue to monitor transfer issues include LDTP
4. Complete discussion of programs not assigned to departments
For 2006-07, Dan Dubray agreed to serve as Chair-elect and currently sits on the District
Curriculum Coordinating Committee as a CRC representative. I respectfully request he be
appointed Chair-elect and DCCC representative for 2007-08. Also, it will be Cosumnes River
Colleges turn as DCCC Chair for 2008-10.
2006-07 COURSE and PROGRAM Approval List:
They shared their list of which included processing of 194 courses (new, revised, and
deleted) as well as 57 programs.
Social Responsibility Committee
Annual Report, 2006-2007 by Linda Sneed
During the 2006-2007 academic year, the Social Responsibility Committee accomplished several
important goals. This year, we:
 Finalized and gained Senate approval of the committee’s Mission Statement/ Statement
of Purpose
 Coordinated and ran a successful fall voter registration drive
 Co-hosted a presentation in the Recital Hall by Rita Malouf, former CRC student, about
her visit to Lebanon during the Israel-Lebanon war last summer
 Co-hosted a presentation in the Recital Hall by Father Roy Bourgeois, co-founder of the
School of the Americas Watch
 Began imagining and soliciting interest in a Campus Community Garden, with the help of
Dave Andrews and Julie Oliver
 Cooperated with Lindell Price of WALK Sacramento to conduct a “walkability study” of
the CRC campus, led by Dan Burton
 Participated in Earth Day, at which we disseminated information about the Community
Garden and local options for eco-friendly shopping and daily activities
 Showed one film per month as part of the Exploring Global Cultures Film Series.
Some of our efforts in the coming year will continue work listed above. Other efforts will be
new. Planned projects and activities include:
 Establishing a scholarship/ award for student involvement on campus/ community [still
pending goal of this past year]
 Supporting the effort undertaken by Deb Sharkey and Ann Rothschild to increase the
campus’s commitment to recycling (in conjunction with the newly formed ECOClub and
the Facilities Committee) [ongoing goal partially met this year]
 Sponsoring/ helping host Maureen Moore’s and Sandy Carter’s Exploring Global
Cultures International Film Series [ongoing, goal fully met this year]
 Conducting an ongoing voter registration drive [ongoing, goal fully met this year]
 Holding multiple forums about events in Iraq, including perspectives of military families
and students on campus who have served in Iraq or are otherwise directly affected by the
US’s presence there [still pending goal of this past year]
 Organizing a public forum on “academic freedom” and the growing trend to pass
Students’ Bills of Rights in state legislatures [possibly still pending goal of this past year]
 Establishing the Campus Community Garden
 Researching the possibility of a Cultural Competence course (1 unit max.) tied to
attendance at campus cultural events
 Collaborating with the Union and Senate on efforts to make sure faculty participate in
any changes to assessment protocols
 Investigating the feasibility of (and perhaps piloting) the idea of a “common book”
 Participating in Indigenous People’s Day
 Making use of the campus radio station for weekly broadcasts on topical issues
 Participating in the newly established CRC literary journal, organized by Heather
Participating with Kim Harrell and others in CRC’s first observance of Disabilities
Awareness Week
 Organizing on-campus events with local chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility
and possibly Therapists for Social Responsibility
 Organizing a themed series of public events, tentatively titled the World Issues Forum
We are recommending that Sandy Carter continue on as committee chair. Linda Sneed will be
happy to continue serving as co-chair.
Budget Report - Gary Martin announced that we will gain extra funds, and
particularly vocational funds. COB requests that were granted for fall should probably be
purchased now if you need. Our prioritization list is fully funded as a result.
 Jamey: Assign chairs to post mission, vision statement, and other pertinent
material for each committee under Shared Governance on the web.
 Question asked about whether Senate will meet at a different day or time next
 Georgine: Clarify what type of construction will be starting on Tuesday.
ADJOURNMENT: 2:00 p.m.
Next Meeting:
Minutes respectfully submitted by Marjorie Duffy
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