Document 16047601

OCTOBER 27, 2006
The meeting convened at 12:32 p.m.
Present: C. Abrams, T. Aldredge, M. Barkley, K. Codella, L. Davenport, M.
Duffy, C.L. Harris, M. Hunter, D. Lagala, S. Palm, T. Parker, L. Sneed,
B.J. Snowden,
Guest: Dolly Green from District Office Human Resources
Excused: G. Hodgkinson
Announcements: Welcome and Introductions
 Welcome to our guest, Dolly Green, Human Resources, Faculty
Diversity Internship Program.
 Thank you to Linda Sneed for taking the minutes.
 Move #3 of Action Items to next meeting’s Action Items.
 Minutes from Oct. 13, 2006 approved by consensus w/ no edits.
 Approval of the Agenda
 Second Read: SRC Mission – POSTPONED.
President’s Report—Duffy for Hodgkinson
College level:
 Discussed Universal Transit Pass idea.
 Work on adjunct ESA issue will move to SUJIC.
 Hiring requests need to be forwarded to Deans by end of the month.
 Classes in Elk Grove next fall.
o Some felt faculty and Senate should be involved in making
decisions on this matter.
District level:
 Best Practices re. New Programs Originating from Outside Los Rios.
 Discussion about colleges’ ability to evaluate Presidents.
 How much can we promote the CCC Initiative by law?
T. Aldrege scheduled to speak about faculty assisting w/ petition
gathering. Legal parameters were discussed.
Update on Test Proctoring –
K Codella reported there has been only 1 meeting. Creating standard way of
addressing requests for proctoring. Proctoring should be for students’ benefit,
not for faculty. Rules and constraints need to be developed. Query via email
regarding basic information about use of the service: how many students, basic
profile (level of seriousness?). This will help advocate for the program. Right
now it doesn’t technically exist; a clerk is currently doing it. Deadline is Dec 8 for
report to President. Should make it part of college structure. Misperception
exists that faculty were whimsically sending lots of students over. Encourage our
constituencies to respond to email query.
Finally, could Blackboard be used? Could tests be put on Blackboard such that
access is determined by instructors, and less work is required of the clerk?
Committee Updates
 Reception next Friday from 1-3 for all African American students.
 Raffle will be held, food will be served, and games will be
 Faculty members will make presentations.
 All DIOPS scholars must see a counselor once each semester.
 By Senate participating, it shows students we are interested in
their success.
 Discussion of committee updates: Any committees reporting on changes
to their structure or charge.
 S Palm: Curriculum Committee is working hard to get suggestions
through; meeting w/ Careers and Tech faculty about new Dean; meeting
w/ Jason, new Welding professor; need to cut off new considerations
because of catalog deadlines. Will catalog move into PeopleSoft, such
that Socrates updates get automatically fed into PeopleSoft on a monthly
basis? How will that affect getting new items into the catalogue?
 Barkley: Health and Facilities: New sign is up. Smoke-free campus issue
raised again. Flu shots available next week, Sutter fundraising flu shot
drive, held in the cafeteria/ College Center lobby: $20 per person. If
faculty have Kaiser, shots can be received at Kaiser for free.
Community College Initiative – T. Aldredge.
If people want to help they can send in money. Also, become a signature
gatherer. (Money helps gather signatures because there are some paid
signature gatherers.)
Close to a million signatures are required to offset duplications; around
600,000 are required to qualify for the ballot.
Benefits of the Initiative include lowering of student fees, separation of CC
funding from K-12 system.
Everyone is encouraged to take at least one sheet to gather signatures.
Possible opposition was discussed. K-12 may not be in support because
it may affect their funding. It won’t raise taxes, so that’s not a source of
reasonable opposition.
Stipulations with regard to counties were discussed for signature gathering
1. use of signatures (may be for nothing but this purpose.)
2. no mixing of counties on a single sheet
3. people must be registered voters, eligible to vote in the next
election, to be able to sign. Make sure people are registered to
vote before they sign a petition.
4. bring signatures to Theresa or to C. Van Patten to check and
turn in; this will also help keep track of quantity of signatures
received overall. Don’t need to wait until a sheet is completely
filled to turn it in!
5. Deadline: sometime in December (technically January, but little
progress will be possible at that point) for June ballot. May show
up on a ballot sooner than June if there is another special
6. Ilegal to use class time to gather signatures; there may be other
restrictions but unclear.
7. Diversity Internship Program – Dolly Green
 Faculty need to support the program or it doesn’t succeed.
 17th year. Vital program.
 Asked to share about it because D Green is always seeking
faculty members to be mentors to faculty interns and also to
conduct interviews and help select new faculty interns. (100+
applicants each time.) An interview panel will select interns
over 3 days of interviewing and usually identifies 20-25 interns
for the program.
 Consider being a faculty mentor. Not just ethnicity and gender
but disciplinary specialty, age, disability status, lifestyle, socioeconomic status. Please let Dolly know anytime if interested.
 Great team this year; BJ can corroborate that. 
 Distributed brochures for mentors. Extras are available. Titled
“Faculty Diversity Mentorship Program.”
 $500 per semester for being a Mentor, and $500 for being a
mentee plus the cost of some classes at CSUS.
 Encourage faculty to apply as mentors and applicants as
 Website advertisement is the primary way for recruitment of
interns, but also announcements in Sac Bee and presentations
to graduate programs at CSUS and UCD. There are about two
months between announcement and deadline for submission.
 Interns with paid experience teaching at the college-level are
not eligible.
 Interns who graduate get certificate of completion. Pathways to
Los Rios help them apply to adjunct pools in LRCCD. Many
people are hired as adjunct as a result. Good means of
introduction to faculty on campus.
 Interns work through classes in the fall, and college placements
are determined in spring.
 Mentors and interns determine which class intern will assist
with. Not Dolly’s decision.
 The certificate interns receive isn’t a diploma or a recognized
qualification as such; and is not the equivalent of Community
College Teaching Certification.
 Currently there are 27 interns.
Future Discussion Items:
2006-07 Goals from Curriculum Committee
Money for Professional Development funds; what about Basic Skills
money for new faculty? When is this money available and with what
 C. Harris corroborated that details are unclear; max amount
seems to be $400 but must be spent but by what deadline? Can
funds be rolled over? She’ll bring an answer to the Senate; put
further down in agenda because will be late to next Senate
 Will PD Committee look at updating the applications for funds?.
PFE (Partnership for Excellence) Goals and funds are gone.
 Criteria are in place but many new people are on PD committee.
Proposals will most likely be approved, unless they pose special
problems. PD Committee will meet again in mid-November but
leadership will meet sooner, so contact Colette Harris to meet
and discuss criteria; may also warrant being discussed as a full
body so that Senate can direct President more effectively re.
funds. Now: $13,000. ACTION: senate should direct M Duffy to
talk with G Hodkinson about greater clarity re/. use of these
funds? S Palm agreed; C Harris argued that we should wait on
G Hodgkinson because she’s been in on discussions from the
beginning. M Duffy clarified that we want to ask Georgine and
Kathy McClain: “Where is the district-wide money for PD?” T
Aldrege argued that we need to know sooner rather than later,
especially as it affects the Basic Skills program.
ADJOURNMENT at 1:42 p.m.
Next Meeting:
November 17, 2006, Orchard Room
Minutes respectfully submitted by Linda Sneed.