AUGUST 26, 2006
Pre-meeting coffee and cakes were enjoyed beginning at 9:00 a.m.
The meeting convened at 9:23 a.m.
Present: C. Carter, S. Carter, M. Duffy, P. Hansen, C.L. Harris, G. Hodgkinson, L. Kun,
W. LaNier, D. Lagala, L. Marchand, G. Martin, M. McClurg-MacKinnon, J. Nye, J. Oliver,
R. Oxman, S. Palm, R. Schubert, L. Sneed.
Announcements: Welcome and Introductions
Participants introduced themselves and all were welcomed by President Georgine
Hodgkinson. She introduced President Francisco Rodriquez.
President Rodriguez’ Informal Welcome Address
Senators were joined by President Francisco Rodriquez. He welcomed all Senators to
the new semester, and assured all that we have the opportunity to dialog on any topic
with him at any time.
He expressed appreciation for the Senate and their contribution to the campus,
particularly our ability to sense the “pulse” of the campus.
Highlights upcoming this year: Good news includes student success indicators are up,
including course completion rates, number of associate degrees awarded, retention and
persistence. We did go down in certificates awarded, but that could be due to more
transfers. Four out of ten students do not return the following semester, compared to one
out of ten in four year institutions. Nationally at community colleges six out of ten do not
return so we’re a little better, but still want to work at this.
Incoming students today are younger, more diverse, and less academically prepared.
Seven out of ten do not place into college level English, and nine out of ten do not make
it into math at the college level. Students who come in at college level do really well
overall, but the less academically prepared do not. It was pointed out that if students are
well prepared they have more options for where they want to go to school, so may not be
choosing community colleges. We should see these under prepared students as our
If Title III grant is passed we will have lots of resources to help students. DIOPS
Scholars and Puente project will also contribute to student success, as should the
Educational Initiative.
Question was asked how we can identify students who are coming in for short time only.
Currently they are included in the numbers for student success. We are about to hire a
brand new Dean of Research for following these patterns and helping us understand
student behavior and the support systems that they need.
English requirement is going to go up based on Statewide Senate resolution. This may
significantly decrease the number of degrees we award due to low language skills,
particularly for the ESL students. ESL classes are maxed out, and thereby limited in
effectiveness. Although we may have greater needs for ESL students, we don’t want to
forget our mission and the fact that we are a college. Some students self-select and
realize they need to go to an adult educational facility before the college. It was stated
that as a community college the students do have different goals and needs that we
strive to reach. We need to strike a balance with the resources we have, and do it well.
This would make a great symposium topic (perhaps in the CASSL).
SB 361 (funding formula bill) - if it passes, we will have a big structural shift in the way we
get money for our district.
Sac City Unified School District, and Elk Grove School District both have similar rates of
success. Francisco encourages us to be a lighthouse to both districts, not just the south
area. Be vigilant in working for the 18-20 year old students, because they are coming in
large numbers, and not necessarily persisting.
We are at 12,600 students. Perhaps by the end of the semester we will make 13,000.
Up 5.5% in overall students, but only 3% in classes. Thank you to faculty for
accommodating extra students. Currently there is a lull in classroom use in the mid to
late afternoon, but otherwise we look very full.
Compressed calendar will help us utilize our resources more in terms of class time
offerings. Friday use is only at 8% at the moment. It is stated that the more students are
involved outside the classroom. We are making a paradigm shift in how we use the time,
what about a college hour? Even one or two days a week would make a difference in
how engaged students can be with their college.
Wednesday the 30th there will be free lunch and a book raffle with 20 students’ names
being drawn for books. Please offer feedback. There will be a total of $10,000 given
Faculty is encouraged to send textbooks to the reserve section of the library.
Francisco appreciates our tolerance of the construction going on, estimated to continue
until 2015. Particular thanks to the Science folks for putting up with the temporary
buildings. Look to the Learning Resource building for what the outcome will be for
everyone once the construction is completed. By the end of three years we hope that all
student services will be housed in the library building.
Francisco concluded with appreciation and recognition for the service the Senate is
providing to the campus and students. He reiterated that his door is always open to his
office. Please bring your questions and concerns to him as they come up.
President’s Report—Georgine Hodgkinson
Welcome again. Yesterday was the District Academic Senate Retreat. IMail is coming, and
Go! Mail is going out. We will be only able to make midterm grades available for student
access if they have IMail. Not sure when Go Mail is to be phased out.
Some of Los Rios marketing (Accessorize!) is not considered respectful, and trivializes our
mission. We would like to move the marketing to in house, perhaps get student input, spend
less money for better content.
Pick a Prof issue – UC Davis fought and lost and had to pay court fees of $15,000 to Pick a
Prof so we as a district didn’t want to fight directly. However, FCCC is working to get
legislation changed to not allow all this information to be posted. It was pointed out that
Professors can go to the Pick a Prof web site and post information such as their syllabi. We
then required Pick a Prof to pay us $6000 to cover cost of assembling information, and they
sent the money within 3 days! They are on a roll!
Compressed calendar was to be worked on over the summer by faculty. Apparently there
was a breakdown at the District level regarding who to contact so faculty were not included in
summer discussion. R. Farley, R. Breitenbach, N. Wellsfry, R. Oxman, K. Braden, R. Boeck,
J. Oliver, P. Zisk, and W. LaNier are working or wish to be working on the compressed
calendar subcommittee. Others who are interested should step up quickly. Managers have
been working on drafts and faculty need to get involved quickly before it is finalized this
Change negotiated by union: ESAs (Extra Service Agreements) have been removed from the
calculation used to determine 60% instructional time for adjunct and load for full time. This
means monies may be available to give ESA to adjuncts who sit on Senate or do other
campus tasks.
From M. Moore in absentia: Perceptions will be meeting once a month for discussion for all
interested people. Also, Cultural Exploring Global cultures films
California Tomorrow – Campus Network for Change is a grant that we just received as a
result of Celia’s work. The goal for this project is to better integrate all student services
throughout the campus, making all constituents aware of the resources and processes.
Ed Initiative—Jamey Nye (Coordinator)
Freshman Seminar is running, and we have ten, 1 unit sections. Five were filled, and we
hope to fill three more in late start classes. Norv was coordinator but Jamey has taken over
since he became ill. Excellent faculty participating as instructors. Student ambassadors are
also helping. Based on empirical data, students who participate in classes like this have a
much higher success rate. Our Ed Initiative funding continues through this school year, but
coordinator positions will stop receiving funding after this year. Perhaps it will be
institutionalized. This would encourage faculty so they don’t feel they are putting a lot of work
into something that is soon going to lose support. District Senate should communicate this
directly to the Chancellor as well as place it on District Budget agenda. Question as to where
the FTE will come from, and which division will house Freshman Seminar. Georgine will
request Jane DeLeon to agendize Ed Initiative funds so it will be put on District Budget. She
will also contact Bill Karns, Jamey, and Collette to discuss FTE concerns for Ed Initiative.
Puente program has two cohorts of 31 and 32 each. P. Hansen has one, and J. Nye has
one. DIOPS scholars is doing well with CL Harris in charge. Measurable progress is looked
for by next semester.
Freshman Orientation included both a student panel and a faculty panel with formulated
questions. It was very crowded in the recital hall and included tables outside after for specific
questions, as well as campus tours.
These programs are being put in place for students who are struggling, and our research is
an important part of identifying these cohorts. Courageous Conversations (a term Francisco
applied) could brainstorm ways to make sure that none of these students exist in isolation –
we all need to participate. Student Support programs often tend to exist in isolation and
faculty don’t always understand them. Better understanding would help faculty funnel
students appropriately. California Change is a program that might incorporate all the student
services well, and Lisa Marchand was recommended to be a participant in that endeavor.
Senator Roles and Responsibilities – Senators need to talk to their department and share
the information with all constituents at the department meeting.
Department Chair is official representative of Department faculty to Area Dean. R.
Schubert was head of Council of Chairs for last two years, but will no longer do that, so it is
currently without a leader. Some Chairs get release time, but not all. He reported that the
administration has become concerned that the Council of Chairs could become a competitor
to the Senate. They may be very influential in guiding Division Deans. Council of Chairs
purpose is to support and facilitate the Chairs in their duties, but they need resources in order
to be effective. On other campuses the Council of Chairs is not very effective. Perhaps
training of Chairs can be handled through Professional Development? Perhaps Council of
Chairs should be put on the agenda for Senate membership?
Test Proctoring in tutoring center is taking over the physical space. Instructors are sending
students for make up tests or online tests. Managers Memo went out stating that faculty
should no longer send make up tests there. It was said that Celia reported there will be no
more test proctoring in Tutoring Center. This is an academic and professional matter and
faculty needs to be included in the development of a procedure for handling test proctoring as
well as hear what changes are occurring. We should develop a Standard Operating
Procedure, but perhaps it will need to wait until spring.
Harvest of Humanity – no chair has stepped forward so it is not being offered this year.
Could we perhaps rotate who will be in charge? Perhaps offer a stipend for the work? Could
we consider rotating which festivals we offer? Should we institutionalize financial support for
these events? Philosophy Conference built up to an event that included 11 colleges and over
600 faculty, but finally did not get supported financially after time.
Social Responsibility Committee – S. Carter /L. Sneed – they will organize and host
campus events inviting active reflection on responsibility for local, national, and international
matters regarding social, political, and economic problems. Mission statement is nearly
complete and was handed out with feedback given to Sandra and Linda.
Final Exam Week Schedule – District wide we are considering moving to a 5 day schedule
instead of 7 so we can have two more instructional days. Other campuses are already on a 5
day schedule, but for DSPS students the 7 days is beneficial. Currently, the night schedule is
different than the day schedule for finals and merging night and day to one finals schedule
might make sense.
Future Discussion Items:
1. Test Proctoring SOP
2. Institutional Support for campus events and other duties as assigned (such
as Harvest of Humanity?)
3. SRC Mission
4. Final Exam schedules.
Break Out Sessions
After lunch groups were formed to discuss possible agenda items for the Senate in the
coming year. Report Out by full group generated a list of possible agenda items to be
categorized and discussed by Exec Team, and revisited in the next regular Senate meeting.
Brainstorming Results
Academic Senate Retreat – August 2006
Student Support
1. Test Proctoring SOP
2. FTE prioritization of classes
3. Curriculum Sensitive Course Size Max and Student Services Sensitive Student
Ratios (for example students to counselors, or nurses to students)
4. Packaging our gifts of support (from faculty to managers). Utilizing IBA?
Professional Development
1. Support for professional development
2. Flex in January? “Getting in the learner’s seat:” previous workshop that was
popular. Support PD in advocating for faculty led spring convocation.
3. Take an active role in discussing the role of CASSL in the institution.
4. Increasing Effectiveness and Efficiency of convocation (perhaps using it to
increase faculty awareness of events, programs, and initiatives).
5. Council of Chairs
6. Training on the role of the Academic Senate as it relates to both faculty and to
1. College Hour
2. Revisit smoke free campus
3. Upgrading computers did not include adjunct faculty office
Adjunct Issues
1. Further incorporating adjuncts into campus activities (for example give an office
space to senators)
2. Give more respect/ communication to adjunct
3. Professional Development booklet should be distributed to adjunct faculty as well
as full timers. Perhaps reduce printing costs by simplifying if budget is a concern.
Other Concerns
1. Packaging our gifts of support (from faculty to managers). Utilizing IBA?
2. Work to generate support for campus events. Funds for faculty leaders? Process
for application submission for reimbursement or reassign monies for extra duties
or campus event.
3. Keep faculty updated on Ed Initiative projects.
4. Discuss Final exam schedule (5 or 7 days)
5. Campus culture – mentoring Deans with faculty input, gender equity with
management, creating cultural center on campus, partnership between student
services and instruction.
6. Increase faculty access to student information (for example number of previously
completed units). To assist us in knowing student status.
7. Emergency hire process?
8. Math and English assessment – reliability across the District and review of
different campuses approach. Matriculation Sub Committee is working on this.
Priscilla Hansen would be interested also.
Next Meeting:
Friday, September 8, 2006
Location: Orchard Room 12:30 – 2:00
Minutes respectfully submitted by Marjorie Duffy, Academic Senate Secretary.
Marjorie – send Georgine and Bill Karns the Calendar committee names.
Georgine – She is encouraged to go to other Senate Presidents to find a way to give ESA to
adjuncts who sit on Senate.
Georgine - request Jane DeLeon to look at Ed Initiative funds so it can be put on District
Budget agenda, as well as contact Bill Karns, Jamey, and Collette to discuss FTE concerns
for Ed Initiative.
L. Marchand - Campus Network for Change committee
Jamey – send email with faculty information on which late start Freshman Seminars are
available, when, with whom.
Collette - talk about Ed Initiative in spring convocation and Professional Development. Get
Department Chairs and Council of Chairs on the agenda for Professional Development.
Georgine: Test Proctoring in tutoring center Mary Martin, Marlo, and Georgine will discuss it
with Francisco to come up with a Standard Operating Procedure.
Georgine: Assign Priscilla Hansen to Matriculation Sub Committee working on Math and
English assessment – reliability across the District