Guidelines for referrers Eastman Dental Hospital Division of Diagnostic Surgical & Medical Sciences Facial Pain Clinic GUIDELINES FOR REFERRAL TO FACIAL PAIN CLINIC Facial pain is defined as pain in the face, mouth or jaws which had been present for at least three months, does not include headaches, migraines or dental causes of pain. Patients with acute locked/ locking jaws / clicking need to be referred to oral surgery. Currently children only seen in exceptional circumstances. Referral to Facial Pain Services is advised if: Facial pain has persisted for over three months Patient with tempormandibular disorders (TMD) has not responded to simple measures as outlined in the TMD leaflet – reassurance, analgesics, alteration of life style There is increasing disability and distress due to persistent pain Pain is widespread and /or part of systemic disease Facial pain associated significant psychological, social and/or physical impact Facial pain with concurrent mental health difficulties which complicate management Patients with special needs e.g. disabled, unable to communicate, language problems Difficulties with adherence to treatment, severe side effects from medications, excessive demands for medication, wish to use complimentary and alternative medicine. There is a recognized pain syndrome, e.g. trigeminal neuralgia, requiring complex treatment Dentist/ medical practitioner wishes to be given a diagnosis and treatment plan Patient wishes further information on diagnosis, treatment and prognosis Fast track: Acute trigeminal neuralgia that is not responding to standard medication- please phone or fax through for an urgent appointment. Contact details : Facial Pain Clinic Eastman Dental Hospital 256 Gray’s Inn Road London WC1X 8LD TelThe 020 referral 7915 1053/2314 process Fax: 020 7915 1105 Website: services/ Eastman dental hospital/ facial pain Referrals must be legible and either be on the proforma (UCLH website/ how to refer/ standard/referral forms ) or contain equivalent information. Waiting times in line with national targets 18 weeks from referral to treatment for those accepted. Different types of information sheets, questionnaires and data will be sent to patients. The questionnaires are the equivalent of investigations such as blood tests and imaging. It is vital that current and past treatments for the pain are provided including dosage and time used. UCL Hospitals is an NHS Trust incorporating the Eastman Dental Hospital, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson & Obstetric Hospital, The Heart Hospital, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, The Middlesex Hospital, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine and University College Hospital. Guidelines for referrers Eastman Dental Hospital Division of Diagnostic Surgical & Medical Sciences Facial Pain Clinic Referral process Incomplete Returned to GDP/GP/specialist (1-2 working days) Request to GP for Medical history if missing Letter sent to GDP/GP May include information on management / leaflet for pt Referral received and vetted by consultant (24-72 hrs) Inappropriate referral (1-2 working days) Sent to another department Referral accepted (routine waiting time up to 9 weeks) ECRA write inviting patient to make an appointment – two letters discharge if no reply Discharged with information Patient information sheet & questionnaire to complete prior to appt Pain assessment clinic letter GP/GDP/pt UCL Hospitals is an NHS Trust incorporating the Eastman Dental Hospital, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson & Obstetric Hospital, The Heart Hospital, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, The Middlesex Hospital, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine and University College Hospital. Continued treatment