Question It refers to formal and informal rules, regulations and procedures


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It refers to formal and informal rules, regulations and procedures that complements the company structure

Correct Answer Systems

Your Answer Strategy

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Horizontal integration is concerned with

Correct Answer product lines

Your Answer product lines


Question Micro environment is the internal environment of a company.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Techniques used in environmental appraisal are

Correct Answer single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis , structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion , Dynamic modes and mapping

Your Answer single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis , structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion , Dynamic modes and mapping

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Ballast business

Gap analysis

Corporate parenting

Heartland business

Fit well but low opportunities

Difference between desired and projected performance

Misfit with understanding of critical success factors

Difference between desired and projected performance

Managing SBU's by a corporate

Managing SBU's by a corporate

Give the highest priority Some fit and some misfit

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It enables the strategists to take corrective action at the right time

Correct Answer Premise control

Your Answer Premise control


Question Timing of measurement before hand serves the purpose of evaluation.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question Like roots of a tree, ________of organization is hidden from direct view.

Correct Answer core competence

Your Answer core competence


Question Changes in company structure also necessitates changes in the systems in various degrees

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True


Question The actual performance deviates positively over the budgeted performanve. This is an indication of superior performance

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Criteria for making an evaluation are

Correct Answer Consistency with goals , Consistency with environment , Money

Your Answer Consistency with goals , Consistency with environment , Money


Question The environment of any organization is "the aggregate of all conditions, events and influences that surround and affect it."

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of

Correct Answer Top Management

Your Answer Top Management

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The major issues of appraisal system are

Correct Answer Factors of appraisal , Relevance of apprasial , Procedure of appraisal

Your Answer Factors of appraisal , Relevance of apprasial , Procedure of appraisal

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question They have time based utility

Correct Answer Goals , Resources

Your Answer Goals , Resources

Select The Blank

Question Formal systems are adopted to bring ________ & amalgamation of decentralized units into product groups.

Correct Answer Co-ordination

Your Answer Co-ordination


Question Change in company's strategy gives rise to problems necessitating a new structure to be made

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True


Question Systems are formal and informal rules and regulations that complements the company structure

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question Titan going into setting their won retail outlets- this is ________ integration.

Correct Answer vertical ( forward )

Your Answer vertical ( forward )

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The reasons for acquisition are

Correct Answer Increased market power , Increased diversification , Increased speed to market

Your Answer Increased market power , Increased diversification , Encourage excessive competition

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question market research is conducted by

Correct Answer by employees , by research agencies , by consultants

Your Answer by research agencies , by rivals , by consultants

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Vertical integration is concerned with

Correct Answer supply chain

Your Answer supply chain

Select The Blank

Question ________cost accounting measures the cost of producing and ignores the cost of non-producing

Correct Answer Traditional

Your Answer Traditional

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Retrenchment Strategies Contraction of activities through elimination of the scope of one or more of its business

Contraction of activities through elimination of the scope of one or more of its business

Divestment Strategies Involves the sale or liquidation of a portion of a liquidation of a portion of a business

Involves the sale or business

Turnaround Strategies Retrenchments - either internally or externally

Retrenchments - either internally or externally

Select The Blank

Question ETOP stands for ________.

Correct Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile

Your Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Concentric diversification means

Correct Answer new activity related to existing business

Your Answer new activity related to existing business

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The tool used for future decision making in 'True Ambiguity' scenario is

Correct Answer Non-linear dynamic model

Your Answer Non-linear dynamic model

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The control process requires the following types of information

Correct Answer Planned performance , Variances , Reasons

Your Answer Planned performance , Variances , Reasons

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Financial environment is concerned with

Correct Answer demand & supply of money, capital markets

Your Answer demand & supply of money, capital markets

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The process of forecasting an organization's future demands for and supply of right type of people in right number is

Correct Answer Man-power planning

Your Answer Man-power planning

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It is designed to monitor a broad range of events inside and outside the company that are likely to threaten a firm's strategy

Correct Answer Strategic surveillance

Your Answer Strategic surveillance

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Harveststrategy is used for

Correct Answer Dogs , Question marks

Your Answer Dogs , Question marks

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question These are critical situations that occur unexpectedly and threaten the course of a firm's strategy

Correct Answer Crisis

Your Answer Emergency

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Attack strategies are

Correct Answer frontal attack , flank attack , encirclement attack

Your Answer frontal attack , flank attack , encirclement attack

Select The Blank

Question ________ is a modern plant consisting of modules centered around a stage in the production process

Correct Answer Flotilla concept

Your Answer Flotilla concept


Question The environment of any organization is "the aggregate of all conditions, events and influences that surround and affect it."

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question An approach that strives to follow ethical principles and percepts is

Correct Answer Moral management

Your Answer Moral management

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Niche marketing means

Correct Answer end user specialist , specific customer specialist , geographic specialist

Your Answer end user specialist , specific customer specialist , geographic specialist


Question Change in company structure from divisional to matrix also mean changes in the systems in various degrees

Correct Answer True

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Three important managerial qualities required for the effective strategic management

Correct Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability ,


Your Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability ,


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question This strategic posture takes the current industry structure and its future evolution as given and then react to the opportunities the market offers

Correct Answer Adapters

Your Answer Adapters

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The various models of social responsibility are

Correct Answer Austere Model , Vendors Model , Civic Model

Your Answer Austere Model , Vendors Model , Civic Model

Select The Blank

Question Delay in ________ measurement defeats the purpose of evaluation.

Correct Answer Time

Your Answer Time

Select The Blank

Question Module of Flotilla strikes an optimum balance of ________ and flexibility

Correct Answer Standardisation

Your Answer Standardisation

Select The Blank

Question The ________ are distinct little business set up as units in a larger company

Correct Answer Strategic business Units

Your Answer Strategic business Units

Select The Blank

Question Value chain analysis is an effective tool for ________.

Correct Answer internal analysis

Your Answer internal analysis


Question Staffing function applies to all company levels irrespective of levels of hierarchy

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Knowledge of the relationships between choices, environment & outcomes is

Correct Answer familiarity

Your Answer familiarity

Select The Blank

Question Economics of scale requires ________.

Correct Answer high market share

Your Answer high market share

Select The Blank

Question ________ should have the ability to develop a visionto see patterns into the future.

Correct Answer Leaders

Your Answer Leaders

Select The Blank

Question Delay in ________ measurement defeats the purpose of evaluation.

Correct Answer Time

Your Answer Time

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Factors encouraging joint ventures are

Correct Answer uneconomical separate existence , risk of business gets shared , sharing competence of each other

Your Answer uneconomical separate existence , risk of business gets shared , sharing competence of each other

Select The Blank

Question Tata motors goal of reaching middle class two wheeler owners is a ________ category of goal.

Correct Answer internal transformation

Your Answer specialization


Question Systems are formal and informal rules and regulations that complements the company structure

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question ________ is the drive to achieve beyond one's expectations

Correct Answer Motivation

Your Answer Motivation

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The decisions which are applied to structured or routine problems are

Correct Answer programmed decisions

Your Answer programmed decisions

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of

Correct Answer Top Management

Your Answer Top Management


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Knowledge of the relationships between choices, environment & outcomes is

Correct Answer familiarity

Your Answer familiarity

Select The Blank

Question Economics of scale requires ________.

Correct Answer high market share

Your Answer high market share

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management deals with

Correct Answer Business process

Your Answer Business process

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Comparative analysis is historical analysis

Benchmarking is competitive analysis historical analysis value chain analysis

Michael Hammer & James Reengineering


GDP stands for

Reengineering gross domestic product gross domestic product

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Techniques used in environmental appraisal are

Correct Answer single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis , structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion , Dynamic modes and mapping

Your Answer single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis , structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion , simulation ,

Dynamic modes and mapping


Question Getting new users is a position defense strategy.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question How does 'structure' reduce external uncertainity arising out of human behaviour

Correct Answer Research and planning , Forecasting

Your Answer Research and planning , Forecasting , Division of labour ,


Select The Blank

Question Bajaj started manufacturing of sunny is an example of


Correct Answer concentration strategy

Your Answer integration strategy

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Macro environment

Correct Answer Political- legal , socio-cultural , economic-demographic

Your Answer Political- legal , socio-cultural , economic-demographic , technology

Select The Blank

Question A cycling accessory firm strive to become 'the nike of the cycling industry' is ________category of goal.

Correct Answer role model

Your Answer role model

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question They have time based utility

Correct Answer Goals , Resources

Your Answer Goals , Employess , Resources

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Factors determining HRP (Human Resource Planning )

Correct Answer Type & Strategy of organisation , Environmental uncertainties ,

Type & quality of information

Your Answer Type & Strategy of organisation , Environmental uncertainties ,

Type & quality of information

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question market research is conducted by

Correct Answer by employees , by research agencies , by consultants

Your Answer by employees , by research agencies , by consultants


Question The actual performance deviates positively over the budgeted performanve. This is an indication of superior performance

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question A major part of strategy implementation is

Correct Answer resource allocation

Your Answer resource allocation

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question These people are charged with the responsibility of continuous screening of performance?

Correct Answer Audit committee

Your Answer Audit committee

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question T in SWOT, refers to

Correct Answer unfavorable conditions in external environment.

Your Answer unfavorable conditions in external environment.

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It is the process of analyzing, dividing and arranging work or activities into manageable portion for individuals, sections & departments

Correct Answer departmentation

Your Answer departmentation

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of

Correct Answer Top Management

Your Answer Top Management

Select The Blank

Question ________ and greater accountability replace formal control.

Correct Answer Self-discipline

Your Answer Self-Appraisal


Question Staffing function applies to all company levels irrespective of levels of hierarchy

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Performance is affected by

Correct Answer Distorted resource allocation , Inappropriate structure , Wrong motivational styles

Your Answer Distorted resource allocation , Inappropriate structure , Wrong motivational styles


Question Three C's affecting today's companies are customer, competition

& change

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is concerned with

Correct Answer long- range planning

Your Answer long- range planning

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It provides a way to bring in the people dimension in macro company analysis without using psychological models of human behaviour

Correct Answer Culture

Your Answer Culture

Select The Blank

Question ________ should have the ability to develop a visionto see patterns into the future.

Correct Answer Leaders

Your Answer Leaders

Select The Blank

Question Delay in ________ measurement defeats the purpose of evaluation.

Correct Answer Time

Your Answer Time

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Factors encouraging joint ventures are

Correct Answer uneconomical separate existence , risk of business gets shared , sharing competence of each other

Your Answer uneconomical separate existence , risk of business gets shared , sharing competence of each other

Select The Blank

Question Tata motors goal of reaching middle class two wheeler owners is a ________ category of goal.

Correct Answer internal transformation

Your Answer specialization


Question Systems are formal and informal rules and regulations that complements the company structure

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question ________ is the drive to achieve beyond one's expectations

Correct Answer Motivation

Your Answer Motivation

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The decisions which are applied to structured or routine problems are

Correct Answer programmed decisions

Your Answer programmed decisions

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of

Correct Answer Top Management

Your Answer Top Management

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Limitations of Traditional cost accounting are

Correct Answer Assumes factory as an isolated entity , It measures only the cost of producing

Your Answer Assumes factory as an isolated entity , It measures only the cost of producing , It uses time as a unit of measure

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Marketing a product Mass segmentation Mass segmentation

Environmental Analysis Social, Political, legal & technology

Swot Analysis Matching, converting, minimizing & avoiding strategies

Marketing strategy

Social, Political, legal & technology

Life cycle considerations

Life cycle considerations Matching, converting, minimizing & avoiding strategies


Question The actual performance matches the budgeted performance.

This is a realistic situation.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Select The Blank

Question ETOP stands for ________.

Correct Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile

Your Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The preparation of ETOP involves

Correct Answer dividing environment into sectors , sub factors , analyze impact of each sector & sub factor on organization , description of impact of each subfactor into a statement which is positive, neutral or negative.

Your Answer dividing environment into sectors , sub factors , analyze impact of each sector & sub factor on organization , description of impact of each subfactor into a statement which is positive, neutral or negative.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Three important managerial qualities required for the effective strategic management

Correct Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability ,


Your Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability ,


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It is used extensively in organisation and is concerned with action or performance

Correct Answer Operational control

Your Answer Operational control


Question Acquisitions which are friendly are termed as "take-overs".

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False


Question Macro environment has got immediate impact on business.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question Companies employ trained ________ to develop "competency models" to identify potential leaders

Correct Answer Psychologists

Your Answer Psychologists


Question Style of a company are the patterns of actions taken by members of top management over a period of time

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The cornerstone of financial planning process of all organizations because of the cost, control and risk considerations which influence overall value of the firm is

Correct Answer Capital structure planning

Your Answer Capital structure planning

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It concentrates on organisation design and work flow

Correct Answer Flotilla

Your Answer Systems approach

Select The Blank

Question The benefits of a change in process are defined in terms of

________ cost savings

Correct Answer Labour

Your Answer Infrastructure


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The discipline which deals with what is good and bad and which moral obligation is

Correct Answer Ethics

Your Answer Ethics

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Core ideology

Correct Answer core values , core purpose

Your Answer core values , core purpose

Select The Blank

Question Factors leading to personnel capability are________.

Correct Answer IR, OB

Your Answer IR, OB

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It refers to formal and informal rules, regulations and procedures that complements the company structure

Correct Answer Systems

Your Answer Systems

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It indicates the degree of differentiation

Correct Answer Structure

Your Answer Status

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Associated external agencies means

Correct Answer channel members, customers, suppliers etc.

Your Answer channel members, customers, suppliers etc.

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Vertical integration is concerned with

Correct Answer supply chain

Your Answer supply chain

Select The Blank

Question Companies employ trained ________ to develop "competency models" to identify potential leaders

Correct Answer Psychologists

Your Answer Psychiatrists

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Measures to take corrective action

Correct Answer Checking performance , Reformulate strategies , Standard check

Your Answer Checking performance , Reformulate strategies , Standard check

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The decisions which are applied to structured or routine problems are

Correct Answer programmed decisions

Your Answer programmed decisions


Question Micro environment is the internal environment of a company.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question How does 'structure' reduce internal uncertainity arising out of human behaviour

Correct Answer Control mechanism , Departmentalisation

Your Answer Control mechanism , Departmentalisation , Specialisation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Competenncy models reveal three types of capabilities

Correct Answer Technical skills , Cognitive skills , Emotional Intelligence


Your Answer Technical skills , Cognitive skills , Emotional Intelligence



Question Focused company is generally protected from competition.

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question ________cost accounting measures the cost of producing and ignores the cost of non-producing

Correct Answer Traditional

Your Answer Traditional


Question The environment of any organization is "the aggregate of all conditions, events and influences that surround and affect it."

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question T in SWOT, refers to

Correct Answer unfavorable conditions in external environment.

Your Answer unfavorable conditions in external environment.

Select The Blank

Question ETOP stands for ________.

Correct Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile

Your Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Money is invested by way of

Correct Answer Debt , Equity

Your Answer Risk , Equity , Return

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Factors to be considered in political- legal environmental scanning are

Correct Answer govt. policies, stability, philosophy of govt. , legal system, implementation, infrastructure , import-export

Your Answer govt. policies, stability, philosophy of govt. , legal system, implementation, infrastructure

Select The Blank

Question A hardware manufacture enters into software is an example of


Correct Answer vertical ( forward )

Your Answer horizontal

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of

Correct Answer Top Management

Your Answer Top Management

Select The Blank

Question ETOP stands for ________.

Correct Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile

Your Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile


Question The actual performance deviates positively over the budgeted performanve. This is an indication of superior performance

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True


Question HR implementation involues a series of action programme like production, estimation of raw materials, labour & machine hours.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False


Question The environment of any organization is "the aggregate of all conditions, events and influences that surround and affect it."

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question Formal systems are adopted to bring ________ & amalgamation of decentralized units into product groups.

Correct Answer Co-ordination

Your Answer Co-operation


Question Undec the social goals the responsibilities with regard to employees includes prociding maximum possible satisfaction to consumer providing quality goods & services at reasonable prices.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Select The Blank

Question ________ is a deep understanding of ones emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs, drives & their effects on self and others.

Correct Answer Self-awareness

Your Answer Emotional quotient

Select The Blank

Question ________ identifies the impact of any change on performance

Correct Answer Statistical quality control

Your Answer Statistical quality control

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question W in SWOT stands for

Correct Answer inherent inadequacy of organization

Your Answer inherent inadequacy of organization

Select The Blank

Question Bajaj started manufacturing of sunny is an example of


Correct Answer concentration strategy

Your Answer concentration strategy

Match The Following


Ballast business

Gap analysis

Corporate parenting

Heartland business

Correct Answer Your Answer

Fit well but low opportunities

Difference between desired and projected performance

Fit well but low opportunities

Some fit and some misfit

Managing SBU's by a corporate

Misfit with understanding of critical success factors

Give the highest priority Give the highest priority

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question A pictorial depiction of various outcomes of a decision is

Correct Answer decision tree

Your Answer decision tree

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question These are moves that will pay off irrespective of what happens in the future

Correct Answer No-regret moves

Your Answer No-regret moves

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Three important managerial qualities required for the effective strategic management

Correct Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability ,


Your Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability ,


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Harveststrategy is used for

Correct Answer Dogs , Question marks

Your Answer Question marks , Stars , Cash cowsCash cowsc

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question A Company's strategy

Correct Answer Vital ingredient in determinig it's future , Yields growth, profits etc

, may result in disaster if inappropriate

Your Answer Vital ingredient in determinig it's future , Yields growth, profits etc

, may result in disaster if inappropriate


Question Business ethics is how personal norms do not apply to activities

& goals of a commercial firm.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Export entry modes are

Correct Answer direct/indirect export

Your Answer direct/indirect export

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The preparation of ETOP involves

Correct Answer dividing environment into sectors , sub factors , analyze impact of each sector & sub factor on organization , description of impact of each subfactor into a statement which is positive, neutral or negative.

Your Answer dividing environment into sectors , sub factors , analyze impact of each sector & sub factor on organization , description of impact of each subfactor into a statement which is positive, neutral or negative.

Select The Blank

Question ________ and greater accountability replace formal control.

Correct Answer Self-discipline

Your Answer Self-Appraisal

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Executive summary

Line Managers


Top level Executives

Synopsis of marketing plan

Ensuring Implementation of marketing actions

Middle- level Managers Ensuring proper tactical changes

Taking decisions regarding efficient and effective allocation of resources

Marketing goals customized marketing

Ensuring Implementation of marketing actions

Taking decisions regarding efficient and effective allocation of resources

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The major issues of appraisal system are

Correct Answer Factors of appraisal , Relevance of apprasial , Procedure of appraisal

Your Answer Factors of appraisal , Relevance of apprasial , Procedure of appraisal


Question Counterfeiter copy but with a difference that can be seen.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It provides a way to bring in the people dimension in macro company analysis without using psychological models of human behaviour

Correct Answer Culture

Your Answer Culture

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Techniques used in environmental appraisal are

Correct Answer single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis , structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion , Dynamic modes and mapping

Your Answer single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis , structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion , Dynamic modes and mapping


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The discipline which deals with what is good and bad and which moral obligation is

Correct Answer Ethics

Your Answer Ethics

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Core ideology

Correct Answer core values , core purpose

Your Answer core values , core purpose

Select The Blank

Question Factors leading to personnel capability are________.

Correct Answer IR, OB

Your Answer IR, OB

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It refers to formal and informal rules, regulations and procedures that complements the company structure

Correct Answer Systems

Your Answer Systems

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It indicates the degree of differentiation

Correct Answer Structure

Your Answer Status

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Associated external agencies means

Correct Answer channel members, customers, suppliers etc.

Your Answer channel members, customers, suppliers etc.

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Vertical integration is concerned with

Correct Answer supply chain

Your Answer supply chain

Select The Blank

Question Companies employ trained ________ to develop "competency models" to identify potential leaders

Correct Answer Psychologists

Your Answer Psychiatrists

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Measures to take corrective action

Correct Answer Checking performance , Reformulate strategies , Standard check

Your Answer Checking performance , Reformulate strategies , Standard check

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The decisions which are applied to structured or routine problems are

Correct Answer programmed decisions

Your Answer programmed decisions


Question Micro environment is the internal environment of a company.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question How does 'structure' reduce internal uncertainity arising out of human behaviour

Correct Answer Control mechanism , Departmentalisation

Your Answer Control mechanism , Departmentalisation , Specialisation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Competenncy models reveal three types of capabilities

Correct Answer Technical skills , Cognitive skills , Emotional Intelligence


Your Answer Technical skills , Cognitive skills , Emotional Intelligence



Question Focused company is generally protected from competition.

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question ________cost accounting measures the cost of producing and ignores the cost of non-producing

Correct Answer Traditional

Your Answer Traditional


Question The environment of any organization is "the aggregate of all conditions, events and influences that surround and affect it."

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question T in SWOT, refers to

Correct Answer unfavorable conditions in external environment.

Your Answer unfavorable conditions in external environment.

Select The Blank

Question ETOP stands for ________.

Correct Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile

Your Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Money is invested by way of

Correct Answer Debt , Equity

Your Answer Risk , Equity , Return

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Factors to be considered in political- legal environmental scanning are

Correct Answer govt. policies, stability, philosophy of govt. , legal system, implementation, infrastructure , import-export

Your Answer govt. policies, stability, philosophy of govt. , legal system, implementation, infrastructure

Select The Blank

Question A hardware manufacture enters into software is an example of


Correct Answer vertical ( forward )

Your Answer horizontal

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of

Correct Answer Top Management

Your Answer Top Management

Select The Blank

Question ETOP stands for ________.

Correct Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile

Your Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile


Question The actual performance deviates positively over the budgeted performanve. This is an indication of superior performance

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True


Question HR implementation involues a series of action programme like production, estimation of raw materials, labour & machine hours.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False


Question The environment of any organization is "the aggregate of all conditions, events and influences that surround and affect it."

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question Formal systems are adopted to bring ________ & amalgamation of decentralized units into product groups.

Correct Answer Co-ordination

Your Answer Co-operation


Question Undec the social goals the responsibilities with regard to employees includes prociding maximum possible satisfaction to consumer providing quality goods & services at reasonable prices.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Select The Blank

Question ________ is a deep understanding of ones emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs, drives & their effects on self and others.

Correct Answer Self-awareness

Your Answer Emotional quotient

Select The Blank

Question ________ identifies the impact of any change on performance

Correct Answer Statistical quality control

Your Answer Statistical quality control

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question W in SWOT stands for

Correct Answer inherent inadequacy of organization

Your Answer inherent inadequacy of organization

Select The Blank

Question Bajaj started manufacturing of sunny is an example of


Correct Answer concentration strategy

Your Answer concentration strategy

Match The Following


Ballast business

Gap analysis

Corporate parenting

Heartland business

Correct Answer Your Answer

Fit well but low opportunities

Difference between desired and projected performance

Fit well but low opportunities

Some fit and some misfit

Managing SBU's by a corporate

Misfit with understanding of critical success factors

Give the highest priority Give the highest priority

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question A pictorial depiction of various outcomes of a decision is

Correct Answer decision tree

Your Answer decision tree

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question These are moves that will pay off irrespective of what happens in the future

Correct Answer No-regret moves

Your Answer No-regret moves

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Three important managerial qualities required for the effective strategic management

Correct Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability ,


Your Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability ,


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Harveststrategy is used for

Correct Answer Dogs , Question marks

Your Answer Question marks , Stars , Cash cowsCash cowsc

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question A Company's strategy

Correct Answer Vital ingredient in determinig it's future , Yields growth, profits etc

, may result in disaster if inappropriate

Your Answer Vital ingredient in determinig it's future , Yields growth, profits etc

, may result in disaster if inappropriate


Question Business ethics is how personal norms do not apply to activities

& goals of a commercial firm.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Export entry modes are

Correct Answer direct/indirect export

Your Answer direct/indirect export

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The preparation of ETOP involves

Correct Answer dividing environment into sectors , sub factors , analyze impact of each sector & sub factor on organization , description of impact of each subfactor into a statement which is positive, neutral or negative.

Your Answer dividing environment into sectors , sub factors , analyze impact of each sector & sub factor on organization , description of impact of each subfactor into a statement which is positive, neutral or negative.

Select The Blank

Question ________ and greater accountability replace formal control.

Correct Answer Self-discipline

Your Answer Self-Appraisal

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Executive summary

Line Managers


Top level Executives

Synopsis of marketing plan

Ensuring Implementation of marketing actions

Middle- level Managers Ensuring proper tactical changes

Taking decisions regarding efficient and effective allocation of resources

Marketing goals customized marketing

Ensuring Implementation of marketing actions

Taking decisions regarding efficient and effective allocation of resources

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The major issues of appraisal system are

Correct Answer Factors of appraisal , Relevance of apprasial , Procedure of appraisal

Your Answer Factors of appraisal , Relevance of apprasial , Procedure of appraisal


Question Counterfeiter copy but with a difference that can be seen.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It provides a way to bring in the people dimension in macro company analysis without using psychological models of human behaviour

Correct Answer Culture

Your Answer Culture

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Techniques used in environmental appraisal are

Correct Answer single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis , structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion , Dynamic modes and mapping

Your Answer single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis , structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion , Dynamic modes and mapping


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Knowledge of the relationships between choices, environment & outcomes is

Correct Answer familiarity

Your Answer familiarity

Select The Blank

Question Economics of scale requires ________.

Correct Answer high market share

Your Answer high market share

Select The Blank

Question ________ should have the ability to develop a visionto see patterns into the future.

Correct Answer Leaders

Your Answer Leaders

Select The Blank

Question Delay in ________ measurement defeats the purpose of evaluation.

Correct Answer Time

Your Answer Time

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Factors encouraging joint ventures are

Correct Answer uneconomical separate existence , risk of business gets shared , sharing competence of each other

Your Answer uneconomical separate existence , risk of business gets shared , sharing competence of each other

Select The Blank

Question Tata motors goal of reaching middle class two wheeler owners is a ________ category of goal.

Correct Answer internal transformation

Your Answer specialization


Question Systems are formal and informal rules and regulations that complements the company structure

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question ________ is the drive to achieve beyond one's expectations

Correct Answer Motivation

Your Answer Motivation

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The decisions which are applied to structured or routine problems are

Correct Answer programmed decisions

Your Answer programmed decisions

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of

Correct Answer Top Management

Your Answer Top Management


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Knowledge of the relationships between choices, environment & outcomes is

Correct Answer familiarity

Your Answer familiarity

Select The Blank

Question Economics of scale requires ________.

Correct Answer high market share

Your Answer high market share

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management deals with

Correct Answer Business process

Your Answer Business process

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Comparative analysis is historical analysis

Benchmarking is competitive analysis historical analysis value chain analysis

Michael Hammer & James Reengineering


GDP stands for

Reengineering gross domestic product gross domestic product

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Techniques used in environmental appraisal are

Correct Answer single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis , structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion , Dynamic modes and mapping

Your Answer single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis , structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion , simulation ,

Dynamic modes and mapping


Question Getting new users is a position defense strategy.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question How does 'structure' reduce external uncertainity arising out of human behaviour

Correct Answer Research and planning , Forecasting

Your Answer Research and planning , Forecasting , Division of labour ,


Select The Blank

Question Bajaj started manufacturing of sunny is an example of


Correct Answer concentration strategy

Your Answer integration strategy

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Macro environment

Correct Answer Political- legal , socio-cultural , economic-demographic

Your Answer Political- legal , socio-cultural , economic-demographic , technology

Select The Blank

Question A cycling accessory firm strive to become 'the nike of the cycling industry' is ________category of goal.

Correct Answer role model

Your Answer role model

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question They have time based utility

Correct Answer Goals , Resources

Your Answer Goals , Employess , Resources

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Factors determining HRP (Human Resource Planning )

Correct Answer Type & Strategy of organisation , Environmental uncertainties ,

Type & quality of information

Your Answer Type & Strategy of organisation , Environmental uncertainties ,

Type & quality of information

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question market research is conducted by

Correct Answer by employees , by research agencies , by consultants

Your Answer by employees , by research agencies , by consultants


Question The actual performance deviates positively over the budgeted performanve. This is an indication of superior performance

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question A major part of strategy implementation is

Correct Answer resource allocation

Your Answer resource allocation

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question These people are charged with the responsibility of continuous screening of performance?

Correct Answer Audit committee

Your Answer Audit committee

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question T in SWOT, refers to

Correct Answer unfavorable conditions in external environment.

Your Answer unfavorable conditions in external environment.

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It is the process of analyzing, dividing and arranging work or activities into manageable portion for individuals, sections & departments

Correct Answer departmentation

Your Answer departmentation

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of

Correct Answer Top Management

Your Answer Top Management

Select The Blank

Question ________ and greater accountability replace formal control.

Correct Answer Self-discipline

Your Answer Self-Appraisal


Question Staffing function applies to all company levels irrespective of levels of hierarchy

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Performance is affected by

Correct Answer Distorted resource allocation , Inappropriate structure , Wrong motivational styles

Your Answer Distorted resource allocation , Inappropriate structure , Wrong motivational styles


Question Three C's affecting today's companies are customer, competition

& change

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is concerned with

Correct Answer long- range planning

Your Answer long- range planning

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It provides a way to bring in the people dimension in macro company analysis without using psychological models of human behaviour

Correct Answer Culture

Your Answer Culture

Select The Blank

Question ________ should have the ability to develop a visionto see patterns into the future.

Correct Answer Leaders

Your Answer Leaders

Select The Blank

Question Delay in ________ measurement defeats the purpose of evaluation.

Correct Answer Time

Your Answer Time

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Factors encouraging joint ventures are

Correct Answer uneconomical separate existence , risk of business gets shared , sharing competence of each other

Your Answer uneconomical separate existence , risk of business gets shared , sharing competence of each other

Select The Blank

Question Tata motors goal of reaching middle class two wheeler owners is a ________ category of goal.

Correct Answer internal transformation

Your Answer specialization


Question Systems are formal and informal rules and regulations that complements the company structure

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question ________ is the drive to achieve beyond one's expectations

Correct Answer Motivation

Your Answer Motivation

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The decisions which are applied to structured or routine problems are

Correct Answer programmed decisions

Your Answer programmed decisions

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of

Correct Answer Top Management

Your Answer Top Management

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Limitations of Traditional cost accounting are

Correct Answer Assumes factory as an isolated entity , It measures only the cost of producing

Your Answer Assumes factory as an isolated entity , It measures only the cost of producing , It uses time as a unit of measure

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Marketing a product Mass segmentation Mass segmentation

Environmental Analysis Social, Political, legal & technology

Swot Analysis Matching, converting, minimizing & avoiding strategies

Marketing strategy

Social, Political, legal & technology

Life cycle considerations

Life cycle considerations Matching, converting, minimizing & avoiding strategies


Question The actual performance matches the budgeted performance.

This is a realistic situation.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Select The Blank

Question ETOP stands for ________.

Correct Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile

Your Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The preparation of ETOP involves

Correct Answer dividing environment into sectors , sub factors , analyze impact of each sector & sub factor on organization , description of impact of each subfactor into a statement which is positive, neutral or negative.

Your Answer dividing environment into sectors , sub factors , analyze impact of each sector & sub factor on organization , description of impact of each subfactor into a statement which is positive, neutral or negative.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Three important managerial qualities required for the effective strategic management

Correct Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability ,


Your Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability ,


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It is used extensively in organisation and is concerned with action or performance

Correct Answer Operational control

Your Answer Operational control


Question Acquisitions which are friendly are termed as "take-overs".

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False


Question Macro environment has got immediate impact on business.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question Companies employ trained ________ to develop "competency models" to identify potential leaders

Correct Answer Psychologists

Your Answer Psychologists


Question Style of a company are the patterns of actions taken by members of top management over a period of time

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The cornerstone of financial planning process of all organizations because of the cost, control and risk considerations which influence overall value of the firm is

Correct Answer Capital structure planning

Your Answer Capital structure planning

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It concentrates on organisation design and work flow

Correct Answer Flotilla

Your Answer Systems approach

Select The Blank

Question The benefits of a change in process are defined in terms of

________ cost savings

Correct Answer Labour

Your Answer Infrastructure


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The control process requires the following types of information

Correct Answer Reasons , Planned performance , Variances

Your Answer Reasons , Planned performance , Variances

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The tool used for decision making in 'A range of futures' scenario is

Correct Answer Technology forecasting

Your Answer Latent demand research


Question All policies are 'statements'

Correct Answer False

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question Brush your teeth twice a day is an example of expanding the total market by________.

Correct Answer more usage

Your Answer more usage

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question A network of facilities and distribution that performs the functions of procurement of materials trasforming into intermediate and finished products & distributing them to customers is

Correct Answer Supply chains

Your Answer Supply chains

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The reasons for acquisition are

Correct Answer Increased market power , Increased diversification , Increased speed to market

Your Answer Increased market power , Increased diversification , Increased speed to market

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question CAP related to internal appraisal of firm stands for

Correct Answer competitive advantage profile

Your Answer competitive advantage profile

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Export entry modes are

Correct Answer direct/indirect export

Your Answer direct/indirect export

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Associated external agencies means

Correct Answer channel members, customers, suppliers etc.

Your Answer channel members, customers, suppliers etc.

Select The Blank

Question Companies employ trained ________ to develop "competency models" to identify potential leaders

Correct Answer Psychologists

Your Answer Psychologists

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The preparation of ETOP involves

Correct Answer dividing environment into sectors , sub factors , analyze impact of each sector & sub factor on organization , description of impact of each subfactor into a statement which is positive, neutral or negative.

Your Answer dividing environment into sectors , sub factors , analyze impact of each sector & sub factor on organization , description of impact of each subfactor into a statement which is positive, neutral or negative.

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question In SWOT , S stands for

Correct Answer favorable condition in the organization's environment.

Your Answer favorable condition in the organization's environment.

Select The Blank

Question The ________ are distinct little business set up as units in a larger company

Correct Answer Strategic business Units

Your Answer Strategic business Units

Select The Blank

Question Module of Flotilla strikes an optimum balance of ________ and flexibility

Correct Answer Standardisation

Your Answer Standardisation

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It indicates the degree of differentiation

Correct Answer Structure

Your Answer Culture


Question Numerator may bring short-term results, but there may be serious long-term sacrifices.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer True


Question Change in company structure from divisional to matrix also mean changes in the systems in various degrees

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Top level Executives

Executive summary

Taking decisions regarding efficient and effective allocation of resources

Synopsis of marketing plan

Line Managers


Ensuring Implementation of marketing actions

Middle- level Managers Ensuring proper tactical changes

Taking decisions regarding efficient and effective allocation of resources

Synopsis of marketing plan

Ensuring Implementation of marketing actions

Ensuring proper tactical changes

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Factors to be considered in political- legal environmental scanning are

Correct Answer govt. policies, stability, philosophy of govt. , legal system, implementation, infrastructure , import-export

Your Answer govt. policies, stability, philosophy of govt. , legal system, implementation, infrastructure

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Corporate strategy ensures

Correct Answer fit between the firm and its environment

Your Answer Easy availability of resources

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Core purpose

Correct Answer mission

Your Answer vision

Select The Blank

Question ________ is seen as an integral process that converts materials into goods

Correct Answer Systems

Your Answer Systems

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management deals with

Correct Answer Business process

Your Answer Business process


Question Counterfeiter copy but with a difference that can be seen.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False


Question The actual performance matches the budgeted performance.

This is a realistic situation.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False


Question The actual performance deviates positively over the budgeted performanve. This is an indication of superior performance

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question ________ is a deep understanding of ones emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs, drives & their effects on self and others.

Correct Answer Self-awareness

Your Answer Self-awareness

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Strategic intent

Correct Answer obsession with an organization , ambitions in proportion to their existing resources & capabilities , what the organization strives for.

Your Answer obsession with an organization , ambitions in proportion to their existing resources & capabilities , what the organization strives for.

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Empower people through great software anytime , any place, on any device'- Microsoft

Correct Answer vision

Your Answer vision

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question market research is conducted by

Correct Answer by employees , by research agencies , by consultants

Your Answer by employees , by research agencies , by consultants

Select The Blank

Question Factors leading to personnel capability are________.

Correct Answer IR, OB

Your Answer IR, OB

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Techniques used in environmental appraisal are

Correct Answer single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis , structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion , Dynamic modes and mapping

Your Answer single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis , structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion , Dynamic modes and mapping

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Mass media includes

Correct Answer radio, TV, internet etc.

Your Answer radio, TV, internet etc.

Select The Blank

Question ________ is a modern plant consisting of modules centered around a stage in the production process

Correct Answer Flotilla concept

Your Answer Flotilla concept

Select The Blank

Question ________ relationships are effective in communicating complex information

Correct Answer Personal

Your Answer Personal

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question What is Statistical Quality Control(SQC)

Correct Answer Identifies quality and productivity from a production process ,

Identifies impact of any change on performance , Instantly spots malfunctions and show where they occur

Your Answer Identifies quality and productivity from a production process ,

Identifies impact of any change on performance , Instantly spots malfunctions and show where they occur

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is concerned with

Correct Answer long- range planning

Your Answer long- range planning

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Core ideology

Correct Answer core values , core purpose

Your Answer core values , core purpose

Select The Blank

Question Control should involve________ amount of information.

Correct Answer Minimum

Your Answer Maximum


Question Macro environment has got immediate impact on business.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of

Correct Answer Top Management

Your Answer Top Management

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

4 Ps are

Sources of funds

Product, Price, Place,


Product, Price, Place,


Factor leading to financial capability

Factor leading to financial capability

The retrieval and usage of information

Factor leading to

Information Management


The Personnel System Factor leading to

Personnel Capability

Factor leading to

Information Management


Factor leading to

Personnel Capability

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question They are ultimately responsible for all the administrative aspects of strategic evaluation and control

Correct Answer Chief executive

Your Answer Chief executive


Question Acquisitions which are friendly are termed as "take-overs".

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Three important managerial qualities required for the effective strategic management

Correct Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability ,


Your Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability

Select The Blank

Question GATT stands for ________.

Correct Answer general agreement on trade & tariff

Your Answer general agreement on trade & tariff

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The culture of a company is conveyed through

Correct Answer Rites , Myths , Rituals

Your Answer Rites , Myths , Rituals

SM assgn :04: Carissa


Question According to Michael Porter, the core of efficiency management is strategy.

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of

Correct Answer Top Management

Your Answer Top Management

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management deals with

Correct Answer Business process

Your Answer Business process

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Financial environment is concerned with

Correct Answer demand & supply of money, capital markets

Your Answer demand & supply of money, capital markets

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Different kinds of information systems are

Correct Answer Operational level system , Knowledge level system , Management level system

Your Answer Operational level system , Knowledge level system , Management level system

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question At this strategic level, the effort is directed at assessing how well the organisation is pursuing a given strategy

Correct Answer Operational evaluation

Your Answer Strategic evaluation

Select The Blank

Question Control should involve________ amount of information.

Correct Answer Minimum

Your Answer Minimum

Select The Blank

Question ________ is a deep understanding of ones emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs, drives & their effects on self and others.

Correct Answer Self-awareness

Your Answer Emotional quotient


Question The environment of any organization is "the aggregate of all conditions, events and influences that surround and affect it."

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question ________ is seen as an integral process that converts materials into goods

Correct Answer Systems

Your Answer Systems

Select The Blank

Question Economics of scale requires ________.

Correct Answer high market share

Your Answer high market share

Select The Blank

Question Titan going into setting their won retail outlets- this is ________ integration.

Correct Answer vertical ( forward )

Your Answer vertical ( forward )


Question Scheduling is a part of strategic management.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Critical resources in the emerging information age are

Correct Answer Information , Expertise , Intelligence

Your Answer Expertise , Intelligence

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question T in SWOT, refers to

Correct Answer unfavorable conditions in external environment.

Your Answer unfavorable conditions in internal environment.

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question CAP related to internal appraisal of firm stands for

Correct Answer competitive advantage profile

Your Answer competitive advantage profile

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question market research is conducted by

Correct Answer by employees , by research agencies , by consultants

Your Answer by employees , by research agencies , by consultants


Question Arranging training program on productivity is a strategic decision.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Export entry modes are

Correct Answer direct/indirect export

Your Answer licensing/franchising


Question The environment of any organization is "the aggregate of all conditions, events and influences that surround and affect it."

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question A cycling accessory firm strive to become 'the nike of the cycling industry' is

________category of goal.

Correct Answer role model

Your Answer role model

Select The Blank

Question Strategic evaluation determines the effectiveness of ________

Correct Answer Strategy

Your Answer Strategy

Match The Following


Comparative analysis is

Correct Answer historical analysis

Benchmarking is competitive analysis

Michael Hammer & James Chapy Reengineering

Your Answer historical analysis competitive analysis


GDP stands for gross domestic product gross domestic progress

Select The Blank

Question ________ is the drive to achieve beyond one's expectations

Correct Answer Motivation

Your Answer Motivation

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is concerned with

Correct Answer long- range planning

Your Answer long- range planning

Select The Blank

Question Factors leading to personnel capability are________.

Correct Answer IR, OB

Your Answer IR, OB


Question Change in company structure from divisional to matrix also mean changes in the systems in various degrees

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True


Question Business ethics is how personal norms do not apply to activities & goals of a commercial firm.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False


Question Macro environment has got immediate impact on business.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Corporate strategy ensures

Correct Answer fit between the firm and its environment

Your Answer fit between the firm and its environment

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Program is a combination of

Correct Answer goals , policies , procedures

Your Answer goals , policies , procedures

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question How does 'structure' reduce external uncertainity arising out of human behaviour

Correct Answer Research and planning , Forecasting

Your Answer Research and planning , Forecasting

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question A network of facilities and distribution that performs the functions of procurement of materials trasforming into intermediate and finished products & distributing them to customers is

Correct Answer Supply chains

Your Answer Supply chains

Select The Blank

Question The benefits of a change in process are defined in terms of ________ cost savings

Correct Answer Labour

Your Answer Labour

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The culture of a company is conveyed through

Correct Answer Rites , Myths , Rituals

Your Answer Rites , Myths , Rituals

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Core purpose

Correct Answer mission

Your Answer mission

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question These are critical situations that occur unexpectedly and threaten the course of a firm's strategy

Correct Answer Crisis

Your Answer Crisis

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Harveststrategy is used for

Correct Answer Dogs , Question marks

Your Answer Dogs , Question marks

Match The Following



Vision mission

Correct Answer

SWOT analysis

Your Answer

SWOT analysis what a company wishes to become or aspires to be. what the company is and why it exists. what a company wishes to become or aspires to be. what the company is and why it exists.

BHAG big headed audacious goals big headed audacious goals

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Associated external agencies means

Correct Answer channel members, customers, suppliers etc.

Your Answer channel members, customers, suppliers etc.

Select The Blank

Question Tata motors goal of reaching middle class two wheeler owners is a ________ category of goal.

Correct Answer internal transformation

Your Answer internal transformation

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Expansion strategy means

Correct Answer growth

Your Answer growth

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Mass media includes

Correct Answer radio, TV, internet etc.

Your Answer radio, TV, internet etc.

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of

Correct Answer Top Management

Your Answer Top Management


Question Excelling in one market guarantees success in a new.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The various areas covered by social responsibility are

Correct Answer Inner Circle , Intermediate circle , Outer Circle

Your Answer Inner Circle , Intermediate circle , Outer Circle

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Three important managerial qualities required for the effective strategic management

Correct Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability , Vision

Your Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability , Vision
