Select The Blank
Question An ________ history card is the record of all repairs, replacements and engineering changes
carried out in the equipment during it's period of service.
Correct Answer Equipment history card
Your Answer Equipment history card
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Question The ________ pertain to the climatic conditions which the component , product or material
should withstand.
Correct Answer Environmental specifications
Your Answer Environmental specifications
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The process of changing inputs into outputs thereby adding some value to entity can be defined
Correct Answer Operation
Your Answer Operation
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Question The ________ is the maintenance work initiated on a result of knowledge of the condition of an
item from routine or continuous checking.
Correct Answer Condition monitoring
Your Answer Condition monitoring
Question A lot declared rejected in sampling inspection should not be inspected 100% in any case.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The ratio of output to input of a production system is commonly known as
Correct Answer Productivity
Your Answer Productivity
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What do you mean by the graphical representation of the project which is composed as series
of connected arrows and circles to describe the interrelationship of the activities involved?
Correct Answer Network
Your Answer Network
Question Since value of p can never be positive, hence" if LCLp works out to be positive, it is taken as
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Question Kanban system is essentially a computer based system for production scheduling and control
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which of the following possibilities can be explored by using flow process chart?
Correct Answer Eliminating the operations or combining the operations with another , Reducing the
distance traveled by the workmen or materials , Avoiding the waiting time and thereby reduce production
Your Answer Eliminating the operations or combining the operations with another , Reducing the
distance traveled by the workmen or materials , Avoiding the waiting time and thereby reduce production
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which are the subfactors of community facilities or social infrastructure?
Correct Answer Accomodation , Educational , Entertainment
Your Answer Accomodation , Educational , Entertainment
Question Only skilled worker can use the fixed limit gauge.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
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Question The term ________ emplies the foregone profit due to inability of company to produce.
Correct Answer Opportunity cost
Your Answer Opportunity cost
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Question A good plant layout helps in
Correct Answer Reducing handling costs
Your Answer Reducing handling costs
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Question Which kind of possible defectives can be reduced due to first off inspection?
Correct Answer Due to wrong machine set up , Due to mistakes in reading blue prints , Due to errors in
Your Answer Due to mistakes in reading blue prints , Due to errors in tooling , Due to wrong machine
set up
Select The Blank
Question The ________ is a set of tools and techniques by which products are made to comply with the
specifications at minimum cost to the firm.
Correct Answer Quality control system
Your Answer Quality control system
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What do you understand by identification of defects in materials, components, machining
processes or men to fix responsibility of defectives, thereby preventing or minimising occurance of
Correct Answer Preventive function
Your Answer Preventive function
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which of the following products should be produced by using mass production?
Correct Answer Refrigerator , Tyre for automobile , Television Set
Your Answer Refrigerator , Tyre for automobile , Television Set
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Question Work study is also called ________ study
Correct Answer Time and Motion
Your Answer Time and Motion
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Question Which kind of relationship exists between those activities which can be carried out
simultaneously and both activities require definite time to finish?
Correct Answer Concurrent activities
Your Answer Concurrent activities
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which are the sources of information to update the progress card daily?
Correct Answer Detachable ticket , Daily production report , Job Card
Your Answer Detachable ticket , Daily production report , Job Card
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Out of two basic criteria for the selection of a manufacturing method, one is, it must be able to
meet the specifications of final product and the other is, it must be
Correct Answer Cost effective method
Your Answer Cost effective method
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which of the following charts are used for the recording of data during the method study?
Correct Answer Operation process chart , Multiple activity chart , Flow process chart
Your Answer Operation process chart , Multiple activity chart , Flow process chart
Select The Blank
Question The ________ is the probability that a bad lot will be accepted by the sampling plan.
Correct Answer Consumer's risk
Your Answer Consumer's risk
Question Suburban location provides the compromise netween rural and urban locations.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which of the following method can be used to record the facts during the method study?
Correct Answer Micromotion study , Cyclegraph , Chronocyclegraph
Your Answer Micromotion study , Cyclegraph , Chronocyclegraph
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Combined Layout Mixed Layout Mixed Layout
Fixed Position Layout Project Layout Project Layout
Product Layout Line Layout Line Layout
Process Layout Functional Layout Functional Layout
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Inadequate production capacity ultimately leads to
Correct Answer Poor Customer Service
Your Answer Low Productivity
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Which varaible is taken along the ordinate or Y axis?
Correct Answer Quality
Your Answer Quality
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Any premise in which persons are employed for purpose of making any product/s is called
Correct Answer Factory
Your Answer Factory
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which of the following defects can be observed during preventive inspection by using human
Correct Answer Leakage of a gas , Deviation from normal sound , Excessive Vibration
Your Answer Deviation from normal sound , Excessive Vibration , Leakage of a gas
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which of the following are uses of the lubricants?
Correct Answer Retard rate of wear and tear of moving parts , Protect parts from moisture and dust ,
Keep temperature of bearings within allowable limits
Your Answer Retard rate of wear and tear of moving parts , Protect parts from moisture and dust , Keep
temperature of bearings within allowable limits
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Why method study should precede work measurement?
Correct Answer Time for a job can be accessed accurately only after standardizing the method
Your Answer Time for a job can be accessed accurately only after standardizing the method
Question In case of two handed process chart, storage symbol is used when either hand is used as grip or
vice to hold an object.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Process type layout is suitable when
Correct Answer there is wide variation in processing time of operations
Your Answer there is wide variation in processing time of operations
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Site factors for plant location include
Correct Answer Suitability of land
Your Answer Suitability of land
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Question The ________ is the probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling plan.
Correct Answer Producer's risk
Your Answer Producer's risk
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is the location of upper control limit in the X bar-R control chart?
Correct Answer 3 standard deviations above central line
Your Answer 3 standard deviations above central line
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Which of the following data is unnecessary for scheduling process?
Correct Answer Cost breakup of products
Your Answer Cost breakup of products
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which of the following are typical examples of limit gauges?
Correct Answer Snap gauge , Plug gauge , Ring gauge
Your Answer Snap gauge , Plug gauge , Ring gauge
Question Sample sizes for the construction of p-chart are typicaly larger that for Xbar-R-charts.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which of the following are the basic requirements of quality standard?
Correct Answer Deifinite , Undesrstandable , Economically viable
Your Answer Deifinite , Undesrstandable , Economically viable
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which of the following is not the characteristic of Project Production?
Correct Answer Continuous flow of material , Highly mechanised material handling , Virtually zero
manufacturing cycle time
Your Answer Continuous flow of material , Highly mechanised material handling , Virtually zero
manufacturing cycle time
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Community Facilities Educational facility Educational facility
Proximity to market Fragile product Fragile product
Industrial and labour attitude Productivity of labour Productivity of labour
Legislation and taxation Licenses Licenses
Question Breakdown of a machine is normally accompanied by added machine setup cost such as
resetting of jobs or change of jobs.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which of the following are examples of gross materials?
Correct Answer Timber , Iron ore , Sugar cane
Your Answer Timber , Iron ore , Sugar cane
Select The Blank
Question The easiest way to bring the delayed job within the promised delivery time by using extra shift
or weekly holiday is ________.
Correct Answer Overtime working
Your Answer Overtime working