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SCDL – Performance & Potential Management.
PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
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-- Santosh. K
Theory is painless, practice is painful.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Career assessment process should be :Correct Answer
An open-ended process
Select The Blank
Compensation should be directly connected with ________.
Correct Answer
The objectives set earlier for the manager's job
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A good appraisal system :Correct Answer
Defines responsibility
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Benefits of performance planning are :Correct Answer
It takes time initially but saves at the end , It is an indispensable function , It increases
the probability of setting challenging and realistic objectives
While drawing organization charts, care should be taken to see that no important function is
omitted from its structure.
Correct Answer
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A person with poor merit quality will score:Correct Answer
Zero points on a scale of ten
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A manager should be able to :-
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Correct Answer
PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
Organize , Plan , Direct
Select The Blank
Every problem has a ________
Correct Answer
People resist the way in which a change is introduced.
Correct Answer
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In coaching do not be ________
Correct Answer
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People normally respond best to :Correct Answer
Fair treatment , Equitable treatment
Irrespective of one's age, one must fulfill certain social responsibilities.
Correct Answer
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The net result of adopting Japanese techniques to improve productivity is:Correct Answer
Improved morale , Better productivity
If a supervisor is convinced about the success of his subordinates, he must ensure that they get
Correct Answer
Cultural differences exist between various countries and societies.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
For peak performance :Correct Answer
Every team member has to be motivated
Select The Blank
To have competent managers, we need ________.
Correct Answer
Effective appraisals
Select The Blank
________ organization charts in order to maintain organizational efficiency.
Correct Answer
Constant improvements should be made in
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Tranquility is the desire for ________
Correct Answer
Emotional calm
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Computer graphics is ________.
Correct Answer
A useful audio-visual aid in which software is used to display graphs, charts etc.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
One for the three fundamental questions which should be asked regarding training evaluation
is :Correct Answer
What needs to be changed
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Communication skills indicate :Correct Answer
Effective listening
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KRA stands for :Correct Answer
Key Result Areas
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Trade cycle has :Correct Answer
Prosperity , Depression , Boom
Change means deviation in today's practice towards better.
Correct Answer
When presenting, close the presentation abruptly.
Correct Answer
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Communication skills include :Correct Answer
Impressive oral/ written communication skills , Effective listening , Presentation skills
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Every person has a will to set :Correct Answer
Challenging goals for the self
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Every problem has a ________
Correct Answer
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Manager and follower may negotiate only for what the manager is going to contribute
Correct Answer
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An essential foundation for motivation is :Correct Answer
A positive workplace environment
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Faces in problem solving are :Correct Answer
Nesting , Testing , Arresting
Select The Blank
The assessment factor ________ indicates the person's problem solving ability, instructions
following reliability etc.
Correct Answer
Work practices
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During presentation, the main things that will take the audience along is :Correct Answer
Presenter's enthusiasm , Presenter's positive attitude , Presenter's energy
Select The Blank
Majority of people believe in ________.
Correct Answer
Steady pattern and steady growth
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Information sources for finding career options are :Correct Answer
Television , Internet , Friends and acquaintances involved in various professions
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Whenever excellence appears it must be:Correct Answer
Recognized , Encouraged , Rewarded
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Realistic career assessment involves :Correct Answer
Understanding strengths , Recognizing limitations , Identifying with successful role
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When doing performance planning, adopt :Correct Answer
Enthusiastic communication style , Alert communication style , Exciting communication
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Correct Answer
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Waiting time, watching time, walking time etc. are Not value adding activities
Waste means
Adding cost but not adding value
Overproduction is
A central waste
Duplication of paper work is A waste
Select The Blank
Success comes by hard work ,________ and confidence in your abilities
Correct Answer
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Performance management system
Is a control tool
Foster among people
Make creativity
A passion for work
A habit
Potential appraisal has
Two-fold objective-to assess the existing performance and to assist organizations to select leaders
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Professional design should be :Correct Answer
Process design with learned competence
Employees should feel self-motivated to acquire new skills.
Correct Answer
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MBO technique has undergone modification over the :Correct Answer
Last two decades
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Performance management is a :Correct Answer
HRD technique
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Question Reaction evaluation is defined in terms of processes involved in
gaining and using information about :Correct Answer Trainees expressed reactions
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Question Independence is the desire for ________
Correct Answer Self reliance
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Question The promotion system should bring about full utilization of :Correct Answer Functional resources in the company's employment policy ,
Technical resources in the company's employment policy ,
Service resources in the company's employment policy
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Question People with the merit quality 'poor' :Correct Answer Demotivate others
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Question Some famous value-driven corporate leaders who serve as role
models are :Correct Answer Mr. Ratan D.Tata , Late Mr. S.L. Kirloskar , Mr. Mukesh Ambani
Question Value-based happiness can be sought by directly aiming for it.
Correct Answer False
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Question For everyone to be pulling in the same direction, organizations
require :Correct Answer Multiple communication channels
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Question During training, free exchange of ideas should :Correct Answer Deserve top attention
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Question Dependability is a ________.
Correct Answer Assessment factor
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Question Self assessment is :Correct Answer The best assessment
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Question A good manager :Correct Answer Applies his thoughts , Applies his knowledge , Is willing to overcome speed breakers
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Question In taking care of future needs, the race is between :Correct Answer Capable junior vs experienced senior
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Question Long term training plans :Correct Answer Need vision and planning
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Question People bring :Correct Answer Variety of skills with them to the workplace
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Question The atmosphere during counseling should be :Correct Answer Informal , Friendly
Select The Blank
Question In addition to managerial functions, other areas of equal concern in PA are ________.
Correct Answer Personality, maturity, intelligence, loyalty, co-operation etc.
Select The Blank
Question Managers should guide changes in organizations in such a way that ________
Correct Answer Worker performance and productivity are maximized
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Question The person who is going to administer the instrument (questionnaire) must be ________ person.
Correct Answer An experienced and well-trained
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Question In the appraisal writing, there should be________.
Correct Answer Firmness and punch
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Question Every organization has a ________.
Correct Answer Business vision
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Desire to make people do what one thinks is right
Concern for self-excellence
Desire for power to control others
Need to be concerned
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Question Managerial skills can be developed by :Correct Answer Consulting , Education , Training
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Question We must approach people without preconceptions and concentrate on ________.
Correct Answer Performance
Question Knowledge of the latest fields helps a great deal in one's field
Correct Answer True
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Question Spirit of performance is the spirit that :Correct Answer Calls upon a man's reserves of dedication and effort , Motivates
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Question When giving presentations :Correct Answer Do preparation , Practice
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Question In any organization, it is a very common cause to :Correct Answer Get fired for poor performance
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Businesses from Japan and S.Korea have proved that
We can learn from the failures of others
There is a shift in demand
Upward as well as downward
Advantages of goal setting are
Better managing, elicits commitment, develop effective controls
One guideline for achieving excellence
Identify your weaknesses first
Question The letter 'T' in SWOT stands for training
Correct Answer False
Question Men cannot work like machines.
Correct Answer True
Question An executive must see beyond the current problem or situation and generate new ideas/ practices.
Correct Answer True
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Question The main purpose of communication in business is to convey certain ideas and messages to the other
Correct Answer True
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Question Success can be achieved through :Correct Answer Hard work , Determination , Confidence in your abilities
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Question Every executive's ultimate goal is
Correct Answer to maximize pleasure , to minimize pain , to maximize productivity
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Question MBO is a tool by which managers:Correct Answer Improve their performance , Increase their effectiveness
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Question One category of waste is :Correct Answer Rejections of goods for various reasons
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Question Performance review can be :Correct Answer Annual , Continuous , Periodic
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Question A superb negotiator manages a response that ________.
Correct Answer Brings people together
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Question Individual level where people are usually motivated to close the gap between their current and
desired ________.
Correct Answer Capabilities
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Question During the 70's & 80's much work was done to produce models to facilitate :Correct Answer Rational process
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Question The following is included in QWL practices :Correct Answer Employment guarantees
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Question Which systems need to complement each other for the success of knowledge management?
Correct Answer IT & HR systems
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Question People are ________ and developed to do jobs defined by the organization's formal structure.
Correct Answer Recruited
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Strategy as an emerging process of ________.
Correct Answer Action
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Cost of external failure
The cost arising outside the organisation due to failure to achieve the quality specified after the transfer of
ownership to the customer
Cost of prevention
The cost of an action to prevent or reduce defects and failures
Cost of appraisal
The cost of assessing the quality achieved
Cost of internal failure
The costs arising within the organisation due to failure to achieve the quality specified before the transfer of
ownership to the customer
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Question Development strategy should be guided by a :Correct Answer Vision & Set of values
Question In practice, the right balance between individuals & team has never proved to be elusive.
Correct Answer False
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Question Individual employees have the technical knowledge to achieve :Correct Answer Short-term Results
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Question The word Strategy is derived from which sphere ?
Correct Answer Military sphere
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Question The QWL program provides a framework for co-ordinating what in order to produce improvements
in QWL outcomes?
Correct Answer The introduction , Maintenance , Improvement
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Question During mergers, effective HR integration is carried out on the following :Correct Answer Remuneration , Benefits , Terms and conditions
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Question Organizations are battle field in which workers and managers vie for the :Correct Answer Scarce resources of power , Income , Opportunity
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Question Problem of integration are :Correct Answer Diversity of strategic processes, level & styles , Evolutionary nature of business strategy ,
Absence of written business strategies
Question It is one thing to measure an activity, another to assess how good it is !
Correct Answer True
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Question Part of the problem is that the dominant means of measuring and assessing organizational success
are quantitative and :Correct Answer Financial
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Question What should not be underestimated in the pre merger phase?
Correct Answer Company brand , Employee's loyalty to their colleagues , Ways
of working
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Question Types of contribution are :Correct Answer Exceptional teamwork , Excellence in normal key tasks , High achievement in a special project
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Question Primary sources of data are :Correct Answer Interviews with senior Management , Interviews and questionnaires with line Management ,
In-depth questionnaires from human resource staff
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Question Mergers & alliances are an opportunity to develop :Correct Answer A new management style , A new culture , And manage plus improve costs
Question Executives often need couching in the arts of leadership especially during major change.
Correct Answer True
Question Communication can help create buy - in to new ways of operating.
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Correct Answer True
Question Many central HR teams in large organization have decreased in size.
Correct Answer True
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Question The team consists of experienced ________ who have both internal consultancy and business
Correct Answer OD practitioners
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Question IT sector employers are looking for :Correct Answer Specific skills , Experience , High market value
Question Communications should be honest & should involve all stakeholders.
Correct Answer True
Question The belief among employers that union wages are higher than non union wages is true.
Correct Answer True
Select The Blank
Question The generalists should develop ________.
Correct Answer At least one area of expertise
Match The Following
T&D executives
HR planning
Correct Answer
Full part in strategic planning process
Effective development of an organizational strategy
Maximum strategy impact
Job analyses for longterm objectives
International on-line service centre
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Which culture disempowers through restricting autonomy & creativity & erects barriers to cooperation?
Correct Answer Role culture
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Question What is the effect of downsizing & retrenchment constitutes for human resource manager?
Correct Answer New challenge
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Question Computerised personnel information have major benefits such as :Correct Answer Producing better quality letters , Reducing the chance of errors , Reducing tedious clerical
Question According to Hudson relationship more in terms of a divorce from all that is familiar.
Correct Answer False
Select The Blank
Question The questionnaire of Towers Perrin study asked respondents to select and rank 5 items from a list of
17 ________ factors affecting Human Resource Management.
Correct Answer Environmental
Question Business and HR issues influence each other, and in turn influence corporate and business unit
Correct Answer True
Select The Blank
Question Developing characteristics of people needed to run business in ________ .
Correct Answer Long term
Select The Blank
Question In some companies there is a senior level ________ who can ensure broad level attention for
knowledge issues.
Correct Answer Knowledge sponsor
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Question A Further key concept in TQ is that of the ________.
Correct Answer Internal customer
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Question Whose role is most critical to minimize the potential for `winners & losers'?
Correct Answer A skilled human resources professional
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Question Typical actions that reduce the scope of activity of an organization include :Correct Answer Cost cutting programs , Reduction of capacity , Divestitures
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Question Formal communication should aim to :Correct Answer Informing the head hunter , Clarify , Provide direction
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Question The process of eliminating jobs is frequently compared to ________.
Correct Answer Death and murder
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Question Who argues that firm must see their roles as contributing to society over the long term, rather than
simply increasing shareholder dividends in the short term?
Correct Answer Charles Handy
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Question Who confirm that to survive quality of product & service should be an integral part of the strategic
direction of an organisation?
Correct Answer Most chief executives
Question Management agenda was completed by a cross-sector population of managers mainly based in the
Correct Answer False
Select The Blank
Question There are ________ for sharing & developing knowledge inside the company.
Correct Answer Opportunities
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Question For increasing the creative potential :Correct Answer Do job rotation
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Question Changes are occuring at :Correct Answer International level , National level , Technology level
Question Customers pay for waste.
Correct Answer False
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Question Knowledge workers will have to be responsible for :Correct Answer More than one job , More than one assignment , More than one
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Question In large-scale organizations, there will be ________.
Correct Answer Main and sub-organization charts
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Question Desire for power is :Correct Answer Desire the power to control others , Desire the power to make an
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impact on others , Desire the power to do something for others
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Question Progress meetings must be held at :Correct Answer Stipulated time schedules
Question A manager's job is to have delighted service to customers.
Correct Answer True
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Question Exit interviews will :Correct Answer Reduce staff turnover
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Question Good managers are :Correct Answer Proactive , Self-starters
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Question Essential qualities in good communication are :Correct Answer Speak and write clearly , Speak and write concisely , Speak and
write accurately to match diverse audience needs
Question Two important factors in assessing communication skills are voice and listening skills.
Correct Answer True
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Question Management values :Correct Answer Quality of experience , Ability to deliver , Performance-oriented
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Question For selection of faculty, criterion should be :Correct Answer Merit of the trainer
Question A coach should be a hard judge of himself
Correct Answer True
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Question Management is ________.
Correct Answer Culture bound
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Question The duration of training will :-
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Correct Answer Vary from system to system
Question If a person scores nine or ten points on a scale of ten, it means his performance is satisfactory.
Correct Answer False
Select The Blank
Question When a person's potential is converted into performance, it is called ________ growth.
Correct Answer Spontaneous
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In order to influence behavior, ________.
Correct Answer Be willing to pay generously for achievements
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Question The method of implementing MBO will ________.
Correct Answer Vary from organization to organization
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Question The superior and the subordinate managers of an organization :Correct Answer Jointly define its common goals and each individuals major areas of responsibility
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Question In KRAs, an employee's ________ are listed out.
Correct Answer Strengths
Question If wastes are avoided, there will be value adding activity.
Correct Answer True
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Question In 360 degree evaluation, systems are ________
Correct Answer Transparent
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Dynamic growth is :Correct Answer More productive than static perfection
Question The atmosphere during coaching should be formal and strict
Correct Answer False
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Work effectively with people who have diverse ideas, perspectives and values
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Self management
First manage the self then manage others
Be pro-active
PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
Team work
Individual performance alone is not enough. Together, organization should achieve
Select The Blank
Question In appraisals, there are ________.
Correct Answer Objective facts
Question The context in which assessments are made may vary from place to place.
Correct Answer True
Question The universal principle is 'The Best Never Stays at one place'.
Correct Answer True
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Question To be a good decision maker one should :Correct Answer Be optimistic
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Question The essentials of a good appraisal system are :Correct Answer It should be fit for the organization's existing operations , It should take care of the
organization's future needs , It should be easily understandable
Select The Blank
Question In terms of man-days, the range for training is ________ days per year.
Correct Answer Four to twenty
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Question Self-awareness is :Correct Answer The best awareness
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Question For good performance planning ________ and sympathies
Correct Answer Empathies
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Question Communication is the transfer of ideas from ________.
Correct Answer One mind to the other mind
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Question The average life expectancy of a successful business is :Correct Answer About thirty years
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Question A good appraisal system should be :Correct Answer Feasible to implement
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Question Good performers are :Correct Answer Problem solvers as well as opportunity seekers
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Question The reporting method used in the costing system should be based on the principle of :Correct Answer Management by exception
Select The Blank
Question Every manager has to be ________ seeker..
Correct Answer An opportunity
Question Only the concerned individual knows his best level of performance.
Correct Answer True
Select The Blank
Question Incentive is ________.
Correct Answer A process adopted to motivate a person to work
Question The crux of counseling is trust
Correct Answer True
Select The Blank
Question Performance is a ________ word
Correct Answer Magic
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Sales objectives
Are linked with service objectives
Production objectives
Are linked with marketing objectives
Design objectives
Are linked with testing
Planning objectives
Are linked with materials objectives
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Select The Blank
Question KAIZEN is a ________ technique
Correct Answer Japanese
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Question Stages in performance improvement are:Correct Answer Thinking differently , Feeling differently , Behaving differently
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Question Potential appraisal has ________ objectives
Correct Answer Two fold
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Question No individual or organization would like to be :Correct Answer Static , Stagnant
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Question The manager's job is to know the existing performance level of his sub-ordinates and:Correct Answer Help him to take to a higher level
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Question Any progressive organization is concerned about :Correct Answer Employee development
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Question An organization's performance is :Correct Answer Is the performance of the human beings
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Question The functional heads in an organization :Correct Answer Must join hands and look like one entity
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Question Self assessment process has :Correct Answer Five steps
Question A rigid climate has to be created to be able to understand the career of the employee
Correct Answer False
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Question Before deciding on our career options, what one should do?
Correct Answer Analyse our strengths as well as our limitations
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Question The reasons for making appraisals are :-
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Correct Answer To know existing quality of managers , To put the right man for
the right job , To re-structure the organization
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Question 360 degrees evaluation method is :Correct Answer Generally useful to assess Senior executives
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Question Once change is accepted there will be ________ leading to superior performance.
Correct Answer Better customer satisfaction
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Question The stages in feedback are
Correct Answer Planning , Implementation , Result
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Question A person's technical functional skills can be gauged by :Correct Answer His technical proficiency , His quick identification of business
problems , His logical conclusions
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Professional design
Standardization of skills
Machine design
Standardization of work
Entrepreneurial design
Quick design with timebased urgency
Team work design
Standardization of performance goals
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Question People who have a security viewpoint :Correct Answer Are not likely to pioneer , Are not likely to innovate , Are not likely to reach out for the new
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Question Appraisals are truly effective when :Correct Answer They are tied with the reward system
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Question Result is a combination of :Correct Answer Excitement, challenge and satisfaction of achievement
Question To make a person an example for others, he must take pride in self motivation.
Correct Answer True
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Question Organization systems need to be constantly reviewed because of change in :Correct Answer Demand/supply chain , Customer satisfaction levels , Globalization
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Question Key to effective leadership :Correct Answer Master a wide range of skills
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Question Performance appraisal is also known as:Correct Answer Merit rating
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Question Merit rating refers to :Correct Answer What the employee is
Question It is not advisable to copy the PA system of any other company.
Correct Answer True
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Question Human resource is :Correct Answer The most valuable asset but is also likely to be the most wasted one
Select The Blank
Question A manager should promptly share all technical information ________.
Correct Answer With his subordinates and bosses
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Question A resume should be summary of :Correct Answer One's skills , One's accomplishments , One's education
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Question Performance is :Correct Answer Consistent ability to produce results over prolonged periods of time
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Question To increase creativity ________ with R&D
Correct Answer Experiment
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Question An Appraisal is a :Correct Answer Judgment
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Question The first essential of a good appraisal system is that it should be easily understood by :Correct Answer Even a common man
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Question To achieve excellence, a manager should:Correct Answer Have a vision
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Question The objective of potential appraisal is :Correct Answer To make a projection
Question Appraisals are one of the means of getting yourself formally assessed by your seniors
Correct Answer True
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Question During presentations, the aids used are :Correct Answer Audio-visual aids , Case studies , Instruments/ questionnaires
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Question Superiors, in consultation with subordinates can :Correct Answer Set objectives , Measure objectives , Evaluate progress
Question Indian industries are not undergoing any cultural change after globalization.
Correct Answer False
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Question Training is essential, but there is:Correct Answer No substitute for experience
In communication, use simple direct sentences.
Correct Answer True
Select The Blank
Assessment Centers method of PA is a useful method for ________.
Correct Answer Internal promotions
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Question When coaching :Correct Answer Share the credit for achievement , Admit failings , Have a good idea of what you want to
achieve and why
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Question System is :-
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Correct Answer A total approach to a problem , Comprehensive , A combination of interrelated procedures
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Question Some performance parameters are :Correct Answer Technical knowledge , Self-management , People development
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Question The trainer assumes the responsibility of:Correct Answer Influencing the trainees under him
Question The job of a boss is to keep finding fault in his employees
Correct Answer False
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Question How many steps are there in appraisal process?
Correct Answer Five
Select The Blank
Question One type of training need is________.
Correct Answer Campaign programme
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Question When you are preparing your resume :Correct Answer Sell yourself by creating a good first impression
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Question To understand the term 'appraisal' :Correct Answer One should know the term merit rating
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Question Salary structure should offer rewards :Correct Answer For extraordinary performance on the job
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Question People are a great ________ for any organization.
Correct Answer Asset
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Question During counseling, atmosphere should be:Correct Answer Informal
Question Preparing a resume is one of the steps to accomplish your career plan
Correct Answer True
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Question Every management job should be :Correct Answer
A means to the next step, Rewarding, Satisfying
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Question Keeping oneself abreast of the latest developments in one's field will :Correct Answer Help add value to one's work
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Training programmes
Should be result-oriented
Campaign programmes
Is complex and is for all employees
Is the person who imparts training
Are the participants in a training programme
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Question Some famous value-driven corporate leaders who serve as role models are :Correct Answer Mr. Ratan D.Tata , Late Mr. S.L. Kirloskar , Mr. Mukesh Ambani
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Question One must create an atmosphere of :Correct Answer Win-win relationship with customers
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Role play method
An effective method of PA
HALO effect
A limitation of PA method
A process adopted to motivate a person to work
Action plan
Planning the sequence of events in accordance with priority in relation of effect on desired result
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Question Team work is the highest when :Correct Answer It is a question of life and death
Questions to be answered: (Please reply back if you get the answers for the following questions)
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To motivate a person for peak performance, management must set on itself high standards for
its own performance of the relevant functions
Criteria for promotions are :High standard of fairness and performance
Integrity rather than intelligence
Based on factual record of performance against goals and objectives set earlier
Based on opinions and potential
Procedures must be designed :To help accomplish enterprise's objectives and policies
Measurable things are :Relevant
A person's behavior is the result of :Several factors or motives
His personality
His appearance
His workmanship
Every person is the
Plumber /Doctor /Electrician /Architect
Collected by Santosh. K
of his life.
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