SCDL – Organisational Development PGDBA (HR) IV Semester

SCDL – Organisational Development
PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
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-- Santosh. K
Multiple Choice Single Answer
OD process is cyclical and ends, when :Correct Answer
Desired development result is obtained
Select The Blank
The dysfunctional energy spent in inappropriate competition ________ ineffective
Correct Answer
Results in
Multiple Choice Single Answer
As a result of OD intervention, the result obtained is a :Correct Answer
Win-win situation
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The Role Negotiation Technique for group intervention was developed by :Correct Answer
Roger Harrison
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The initial interest of the managers for the Organisational Development efforts is introduced,
through, personal attendance at:Correct Answer
T Group laboratory
Select The Blank
Once the ________ is planned, it is implemented.
Correct Answer
Problem solving teams are formed to clearly investigate the existing problem.
Correct Answer
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OD can also be called as a process :Correct Answer
For teaching people how to solve the problem
PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
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Some of the major benefits of the OD interventions are :Correct Answer
Improved job satisfaction , Improved productivity , Improved team work
Select The Blank
Hiring external consultants for short term may be ________.
Correct Answer
More economical
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Some of the indications of requirement of organisational development efforts are :Correct Answer
Reduced customer satisfaction , Lack of co-operation between people , Rapidly
increasing costs
OD interventions need not be action oriented.
Correct Answer
Select The Blank
Concern for people refers to ________ concern of others.
Correct Answer
Consideration of social and interpersonal
Select The Blank
OD process is based on ________ which begins with a known problem.
Correct Answer
Action research model
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Organizational Development interventions to reduce group conflicts are critical because :Correct Answer
It has impact on team functioning , It has impact on organizational functioning , It has
impact on satisfaction levels of the individuals working in the organization
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Quality Circles to be successful, essentially need,
Correct Answer
Involvement of the management support
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The objectives of Organizational Development intervention to resolve the group conflict are
:Correct Answer
To improve communication and interaction within the groups , To reduce
dysfunctional competition , To increase awareness to necessity of interdependence of action within the
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Most of the Organizational Development activities are based on a basic model, i.e.:-
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Correct Answer
Data based , Problem solving , Scientific method of enquiry
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In order to use organizational development as critical management tool, the managers
should :Correct Answer
Know what OD is , Use OD as the prescription for managing change , Know how to
use various methods of OD.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
People in the organisation should be treated as,
Correct Answer
Important resource
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The total quality management includes:Correct Answer
Improved product quality , Improvement in peoples approach , Improved process
Multiple Choice Single Answer
During the course of the Organisational Development projects, the internal OD specialists
should :Correct Answer
Become increasingly professionalized and be responsible for their own development
Organizational development efforts can be time consuming, expensive and may have
delayed pay off periods.
Correct Answer
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Various types of tactics used by managers to accomplish their goals, are known as :Correct Answer
Use of social networks , Playing it straight , Going around the formal system
Interventions are participatory efforts to cultural change.
Correct Answer
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Some of the changes in the performance due to OD, were seen in the areas of :Correct Answer
Improved quality level of the products , Improved quality level of the services ,
Increase in profit levels
The aspect of reward, deals with the incentives organization provides to it's employees and
how they feel about it.
Correct Answer
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OD intervention seminars being conducted in the organizations help to :Correct Answer
Improves the awareness of the managers on the steps to be taken to improve overall
efficiency, productivity and morale of the employees.
Many organizations have realized that hiring an OD consultant to lead a change effort is
more complex than hiring a lawyer.
Correct Answer
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Although each organization has it's own unique set of challenges, which has proved to be an
effective tool which promotes increased job satisfaction :Correct Answer
Survey feed back tool
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Some of the assumptions in the Force Field analysis are :Correct Answer
The present state is a quasi-stationary resulting in field of opposing forces , The
desired future state of affair can be achieved through constant efforts , There are two types of forces which
act on this point at any time
Select The Blank
One of the major obstacle to ________ is the amount of dysfunctional energy spent in
inappropriate competition.
Correct Answer
Effective organisation
Match The Following
Correct Answer
OD practitioner should
Learn as much as possible about the behavior of power holders
Cultivating and nurturing relationship with key power figures
Will ensure timely information and a source of support
Interview is a process of
Two way communication
During and after the OD intervention
The data is collected again to determine the effectiveness of the intervention
Select The Blank
OD ________ believes that, work teams are the building blocks of the organization.
Correct Answer
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From an OD perspective, helping managers to move to 9,9 management style represent
critical component of organizational change process.
Correct Answer
Select The Blank
The relevant communication ________ so it will be necessary to provide training.
Correct Answer
Skills must be acquired
An OD consultant need not protect the confidentiality of the information so gathered by him
during the course of the work.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The total Quality Improvement model's phases include :Correct Answer
Planning , Education , Implementation
Rewards need to be only financials terms.
Correct Answer
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Intervention to be successful ,
Should have a well throughout intervention strategy
OD intervention systems are based on
Specified goals of the client system
The main aim of education is to,
Upgrade knowledge, beliefs and skills
Each intervention may have
It's own dynamics
Select The Blank
OD is a ________ in an organizational context.
Correct Answer
Planned change
Select The Blank
In all cases of success the group effort must be ________.
Correct Answer
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Cultural intervention concentrates on :Correct Answer
Traditions, precedents, and practices which form the fabric of the organization's
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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The various levels at which the OD Diagnosis could be undertaken, are :Correct Answer
Group analysis that examines data on group level , Organization wide analysis ,
Individual wise analysis of data
Systems theory is the second foundation of OD
Correct Answer
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The data collection on organisation is undertaken by the Consultant, by way of :Correct Answer
Interviews , Questionnaires , Personal observations
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Question Multiple Choice Single Response
Correct Answer The statement is false and invalid.
Question There exist some organizational stressors which relate to its structure and climate.
Correct Answer True
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Which are the main personal stressors stated by Yoga?
Correct Answer State of helplessness , Jealously , Temptations
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The results of bank wiring room study done under the Hawthorne experiments were:
Correct Answer Small group of people emerge as a team , The group is indifferent towards financial
incentives , The group norms are more important for the members
Question Norms are often more liberally defined.
Correct Answer False
Question Rest provides the opportunity to recover from fatigue.
Correct Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Mr. Jay sets up a task force to improve communication effectiveness within his organization.
What factors should be considered by the task force to achieve effective communication?
Correct Answer Assume existence of interpersonal differences , Emphasize description rather than
interpretation or evaluation , Ensure that everyone practices empathy
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Question In Custodial organization model, managerial orientation is:
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Correct Answer Money
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Select The Blank
Question Herzberg's two factory model is useful as an explanation for job ________.
Correct Answer Satisfaction
Select The Blank
Question ________has stated twelve key casual factors that shape a company's culture.
Correct Answer David Drennan
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Question Multiple Choice Single Response
Correct Answer Free Rein
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Multiple Choice Single Response
Correct Answer Leader
Question Research activity emphasizes least collaboration and team work among workers.
Correct Answer False
Question Morale represents the integration of an individual with the team and ignores the organization
Correct Answer False
Select The Blank
Question Differences in cultural contexts may pose a hurdle to ________ communication in organizations.
Correct Answer Interpersonal
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Question Intermittent bright flashes of light affectCorrect Answer productivity
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Question To change organizational culture successfully we need to:
Correct Answer Find the most effective sub-culture and use it as an example , Practice what we preach ,
Include employees in the change process
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Question With regard to the 'Nature of Organizations' the key assumption is:
Correct Answer The social systems are formed on the basis of mutual interests.
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Question Autocratic organization model depends on:
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Correct Answer Power
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Question In Bank wiring room studies were carried out by:
Correct Answer an observer and an interviewer
Match The Following
Correct Answer
is a distracter
Repetitive task
is a cause of boredom
Peak output
is a result of efficiency
Soft music
increases productivity
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Fundamental concepts of Organizational Behaviour revolve around:
Correct Answer The nature of human beings
Select The Blank
Question A person who is in the habit of whispering something or the other to his neighbour while in a
meeting is said to be an ________.
Correct Answer Interrupter
Question Research has found that all communication channels are equal in their capacity to convey
Correct Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The four different models of organizational behaviour denote:
Correct Answer The responses of the employees to the various orientations of the managers , The general
behavioural climate prevailing in the manager-employee relationship , The evolution of the thinking and
behaviour of the management and the managers alike
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question State the needs as stated by Abraham Maslow in his theory.
Correct Answer Domination , Gratification , Activation
Select The Blank
Question Organizational________is the systematic process by which an organization brings a new
employee into its culture.
Correct Answer socialization
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Question The different types of fatigue are
Correct Answer mental , physical , psychological
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Question An important factor in implementing rest pauses lies in itsCorrect Answer placement
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Question State the various functions of communication.
Correct Answer Control , Motivation , Information
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Question The Hawthorne studies are of utmost significance as they form an honest and concerted attempt
to understand:
Correct Answer The human factor , Employee attitudes , The workers social situations
Question Organisations are defined as group of people, who come together to achieve uncommon
Correct Answer False
Match The Following
Correct Answer Your Answer
Kurt Lewin
Father of group dynamics
Katz and Kahn
Advocated varied meanings of leadership
Keith Davis
Defined leadership as human factor that binds people together
Ronald Lippitt and Ralph K.
Series of pioneering leadership studies
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Characteristics of entrepreneurial culture are
Correct Answer Taking risks , Dynamism , Creativity
Question External adaptation and survival has to do with the establishment and maintenance of effective
working relationships among the members of the organization.
Correct Answer False
Question Every success has its roots in stress.
Correct Answer True
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Question Productivity can be high inspite of morale being low because of the rigid management control
Correct Answer True
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Question In the "non-directive" interviewing method the interviewer is supposed to
Correct Answer Take a role of confidant
Select The Blank
Question The stress which refers to a state of happiness is known as ________.
Correct Answer Eustress
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question According to the equity theory, how do you define the point when equity occurs?
Correct Answer Person's outcomes = Other's outcomes
Select The Blank
Question The scuffle in the organization for achieving the organizational status ant the power, is the
essence of the ________ needs.
Correct Answer Esteem
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Select the organizational stressors which are intrinsic to the job.
Correct Answer Boredom , Time pressures and deadlines , Exorbitant work demands
Select The Blank
Question The leader who fails to guide, motivate and develop his subordinates is said to be practicing
________ leadership style.
Correct Answer Free Rein
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The models of Organizational Behaviour are:
Correct Answer Autocratic , Custodial , Supportive
Select The Blank
Question The ________ teams are concerned with rotating tasks and assignments amongst its members.
Correct Answer Self-managed
Select The Blank
Question The most superficial level of organizational culture consists of________.
Correct Answer symbols
Select The Blank
Question At ________ stage of team building, cooperation and a sense of shared responsibility is
developed amongst the team members.
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Correct Answer Norming
PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
Consulting firms handle variety of issues and clients, making external consultants
unavailable on a daily basis to organizational problems.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The total Quality improvement model provides an approach, for organizational change, and
involves :Correct Answer
Four major phases
Organisational development efforts can be time consuming, expensive and may have
delayed pay off periods.
Correct Answer
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Organisational development is a powerful set of
Concepts and techniques to improve organisational effectiveness
Organisations have the need to have
Hierarchies of authorities and accountabilities
Quality circles provide an effective forum
For promoting the process of self development
Manpower management is the most crucial job
Because managing people is the heart and essence of being a manager
Multiple Choice Single Answer
While describing the individual roles, the " role " is called as :Correct Answer
Focal Role
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Very often the performance of the individual in the group is affected due to :Correct Answer
Due to lack of clarity of the roles and what it demands from the role incumbents
Select The Blank
The ________ theory has been emphasized in OD.
Correct Answer
Open system
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The name of the Japanese professor from Tokyo University, who added the notion of small
groups formed to address the problems in their work areas, is :Correct Answer
Kaoru Ishikawa
Select The Blank
Diagnostic activities mainly are for________.
Correct Answer
Finding the facts of the case
Select The Blank
Management should ________ at the right depth.
Correct Answer
Change agents need not have any special skills to deal with human aspects.
Correct Answer
Most people always take criticism well in a constructive way.
Correct Answer
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An important aspect of selecting a change agent is :Correct Answer
A person who has skills to address human aspects
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Socio- metric approach in OD intervention focus on :Correct Answer
Interrelationship between groups
Select The Blank
Always try and reduce ________ upon consultant.
Correct Answer
As a consequence to the OD Seminar, it is useful to devote time for follow up actions to be
taken as part of the seminar.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The essence of large scale systems change programme is :Correct Answer
To stage event in front of large number of members of the organisation , Majority of
the participants, understand the situation , Majority of participants agree on the nature of actions to be
taken and the net desired results to be achieved
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For an Interdependency Intervention, in a group of Ten people, in order to interview others,
how many individuals member of the team, each member would be required to do meet :-
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Correct Answer
Nine Members
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The organizational level analysis could include information on :Correct Answer
Organizational structure , Existing of major systems in the organization , Distribution
of resources within the organization
The structure addresses as to how the organization assigns the tasks to the workers.
Correct Answer
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During any discussion within the group, it :Correct Answer
Continues with any unfructutious discussion also for the sake of group cohesiveness ,
Every one in the group participates, as long as it pertains to the purpose of the group , If the discussion gets
off track , some one helps it to bring it back on track
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The concept that, managers generally use three types of tactics to accomplish their goals, was
put forward by :Correct Answer
Select The Blank
In an organization there should be a ________ to be taken on business decisions.
Correct Answer
Team approach
It is necessary to take up cross-functional and cross-departmental issues during OD sessions,
so as to resolve all issues.
Correct Answer
A number of techniques and exercises can be made use of to facilitate team performance.
Correct Answer
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In an organisation, when it was perceived that the survival of the organisation is threatened,
and the success of OD was doubted as :Correct Answer
There were many layers of hierarchies , The management was authoritarian , There
was inflexible bureaucracy
Select The Blank
At the heart of OD lies, ________ with an intact work team.
Correct Answer
Team building and intervention
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Various types of behaviors observed under, responsibility charting are :Correct Answer
Responsibility , Support , Inform
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When the strategies to change the use of HR resources, has to be done, it may involve :Correct Answer
Training employees to cope with changed strategies , Develop new competencies ,
Improved performance evaluating practices
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Hiring external consultants,
For short term may be more economical
The diagnosis process examines the extent
To which the work environment is amenable
Change agents could be
Consultants hired by the organizations
Whenever a person is a part of group,
He is likely to develop friendships and rivalries
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The approach generally that should be taken by the Organisational development team is :Correct Answer
People as the resources
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In the past, some of the OD interventions have benefited supervisors, and managers in the
area of :Correct Answer
Improved listening skills , Improvement in ability to handle conflicts , Increased
ability to accept changes
Match The Following
Correct Answer
The change agents are required to play
Many roles
There are many
Definitions and connotations associated with TQM
An OD practitioner can
In the follow-up process, one must,
Integrate research with theory and practice
Use information to correct negative steps
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The organization-wide interventions often require managers to reconsider, how they can
achieve, various issues like :-
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Correct Answer
Basic objectives , Conduct of basic functions , Stream line procedures
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OD interventions help in :Correct Answer
Increases ability as collaborative problem solving increase positive face of power in
the organization
Select The Blank
The ________ should be seen as being important to other people's lives.
Correct Answer
Outcome of the task
Select The Blank
Much of the work that gets done in ________ is not because of the individual alone.
Correct Answer
An organization
For recognizing the group efforts, rewards are not necessary.
Correct Answer
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In the course of study of OD projects, the consultant, looks for :Correct Answer
Causality- a casual relationship between inputs/ processes and out puts
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For changing the strategies for more effective use of HR resources, it may involve :Correct Answer
Training employees to cope with changed strategies , Develop new competencies ,
Improved performance evaluating practices
Select The Blank
Marvin's Six Box Model, was ________ from his experience in consulting in different
Correct Answer
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Demonstrated competence is the most important source of :Correct Answer
Power , Acceptability , Ability to gain organizational support
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The OD consultant can build trust and commitment by way of :Correct Answer
By announcing confidentiality of the responses , Bringing openness amongst the
members , By inculcating candour amongst the members and the consultant
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In the Appreciation and Concerns Exercises, the Facilitator may make suggestions along with
allotment of assignments, such as :-
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Correct Answer
Each individual be the judge of what concerns he wants to raise at any time , Each
individual to decide on the effect on relationship due to the concerns raised , Each person to decide about
the contribution he could make in improving
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MBO in short stand for :Correct Answer
Management by objectives
Select The Blank
For bringing in any change ________ in this efforts.
Correct Answer
Teams play a vital role
Socio Technical system is not participative and does not involve all the stake holders of the
Correct Answer
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The number of different management approaches for changing entire system are thought to
be :Correct Answer
Five in numbers
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The primary advantage of OD is :Correct Answer
It tries to deal with change in a whole organization
Systems theory is the second foundation of Organizational Development.
Correct Answer
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The team building interventions are directed towards main areas of :Correct Answer
Diagnosis , Team and organizational processes , Team Relationships
Select The Blank
The basic objective of an effective QWL programme is ________ for the organisation.
Correct Answer
Improve working conditions
Multiple Choice Single Answer
OD was founded on the belief that using behavioral science methods to increase
collaborative problem solving would increase :Correct Answer
Organizational effectiveness
Interpersonal skills are important while working in teams.
Correct Answer
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Match The Following
PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
Correct Answer
In counseling it is better to stick to
Give a feed back which does not evaluate individual behaviors
OD intervention systems are based on
Specified goals of the client system
Grid Organizational development activities
Are based on specific models, which consist of whole organization
Coaching and Counseling activities are
Are interventions where the consultant works with the members of the organization by directly interacting
with them
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Some of the important Deming's principles of effective management are :Correct Answer
Create consistency of purpose , Always try and adopt a new philosophy , Institute
Total quality management is a process and not just a programme.
Correct Answer
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Internal consultants have a distinct advantage over others, in :Correct Answer
Knowing organization's culture better than others , Knowing well the scale of
technology being used in the organization , Understanding organizations' philosophy better than others
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The Grid OD system has been developed by psychologists :Correct Answer
Robert blake and Jane Moulton
Match The Following
People have their own
Correct Answer
Independent perceptions, feelings and data
The positional power within groups can
Lock the opposing parties into an adversarial stance
Discussions based on objective criteria
Tend to reduce pressure and manipulating for dominance
An intensive organizational development programme in the organisation,
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Can significantly improve the trust supportive environment
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Total quality management is akin to total war.
Correct Answer
Select The Blank
Interviews can give way to ________ questions, for a detailed dialogue.
Correct Answer
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The refreezing stage of the model consists of :Correct Answer
Helping the client to integrate the new point of view , Helping total personality and
self concept , Developing significant relationship
Select The Blank
The organizational development is a ________ intended to change beliefs, attitude, and
values of the organization.
Correct Answer
Complex educational strategy
Two important aspects of Organizational Development are organizational functioning and
organizational change.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
As a result of recent studies in OD, number of views are now being developed, One of the
most important concept on which the OD is constructed is that, of
Correct Answer
A normative value for culture and change
Select The Blank
As with any ________, OD has limitations and problems.
Correct Answer
Complex programme
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Individual power base in the organization may consist of :Correct Answer
Knowledge , Support from others , Personality of the individual
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Survey feed back system consists of cyclical process, there number being
Correct Answer
Four cyclical processes
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Organization-wide interventions generally are :Correct Answer
Large scale change efforts which helps to increase effectiveness of the entire
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People need to be selected based on their own skills and the skills required to complete the
Correct Answer
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The various types and categories of " Power" are :Correct Answer
Expert power , Reference power , Information power
Select The Blank
Self Managing ________ are powerful social intervention In a supportive organisation.
Correct Answer
Work teams
Select The Blank
As with any ________ OD has limitations and problems.
Correct Answer
Complex programme
It is necessary to take up cross- functional and cross- departmental issues during OD
sessions, so as to resolve all issues.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
" Transactional Factors" theory has been enunciated in the book - Organizational
Development which is authored by :Correct Answer
Warner Burke
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If there are disagreement amongst the group, they should resolve by way of :Correct Answer
Disagreements are not suppressed by premature group action , The group seeks to
resolve the disagreements rather than dominate the dissenter , The reasons for disagreements are carefully
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
During a long seminar on the OD intervention, the general course of action on the first day
would consist of, participants :Correct Answer
Analyzing the environmental demands and trends , Becoming aware of
organization's inadequate response to external demands , Identify areas where company performed well
and poorly as well
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MBO programme generally consists of :Correct Answer
Six Stages
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Generally, significant amount of time and energy is spent in competition, misunderstanding.
Correct Answer
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The organizational diagnosis means :Correct Answer
To identify strengths, weaknesses problem areas, and find out discrepancies, between
vision and desired future and current situations
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The team of authors, who called organizational development as, practical application of
science of organization is :Correct Answer
Porras and Robertson
Select The Blank
Mind your own business, which is to be ________ not content.
Correct Answer
Expert on process
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In the present context there are complex and challenging situations and problems facing the
organizations. However, the simplest and profound solution to solve the same is to treat :Correct Answer
People are the key
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It is proved, that, people can use, their capabilities and creativity if they are provided with :Correct Answer
Adequate opportunities and suitable work climate
Select The Blank
Organizational Development ________ believes that, work teams are the building blocks of
the organization.
Correct Answer
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Reputation analysis is based on the idea, that :Correct Answer
Powerful people are known to others
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While the group lays down Goals , they should be :Correct Answer
Decided in clear and concise terms , The performance goals should be laid down in
concise mile stones , The group should have continuous series of small wins, along the way to larger goals
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The unfreezing stage of the Changed process, consists of :Correct Answer
Provision of psychological safety , Creation of guilt or anxiety , Disconfirmation or
lack of confirmation
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Socio- Technical systems projects tend to feature :Correct Answer
Formation of autonomous work groups , Grouping of core tasks , Training of group
members in multiple skills
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The organizational development approach treats :Correct Answer
People as the resources
Organizational development has no problems and limitations.
Correct Answer
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Theory Intervention mechanism consists of :Correct Answer
Activities to study the behavioral science knowledge and theory are put to use to
explain the present behavior and assumptions underlying behavior
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Some of the most important qualities of successful change agents are :Correct Answer
Interpersonal communication skills , Ability to support others , Power of empathy
Select The Blank
External consultants________ spend all their time with one organization.
Correct Answer
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The Force Field Analysis is used for :Correct Answer
To understand problematic situation and plan corrective action
Select The Blank
The organisational development can ________ of stable and temporary systems.
Correct Answer
Optimise the effectiveness
Select The Blank
During and after the ________ of intervention, the data is gathered.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Today's managers first task is to :Correct Answer
Retain good human asset, and utilize in a better way.
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Interventions focus on,
Real life organizational situations and problems
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The members of the team need to possess
Decision making and technical skills in equal measure
PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
Diagnosis and understanding processes are
Important for undertaking further consultation and improvements of processes
Fact finding activities are really,
To find the truth and fact in the happenings
Select The Blank
An appreciation of ________ as a determinant of individual work behavior is central to OD.
Correct Answer
Importance of work team
Multiple Choice Single Answer
During the course of the Organizational Development projects, the internal OD specialists
should :Correct Answer
Become increasingly professionalized and be responsible for their own development
Select The Blank
Able people must ________ on the basis of relevant skills.
Correct Answer
Be selected
Select The Blank
Team takes into account, peoples,________ and respect.
Correct Answer
Social entity and status
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A known OD conceptualize, has identified prime responsibilities of OD, consultant. The
initiator's name is :Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
While planning and implementing OD, certain basic things need to be considered, these are :Correct Answer
It should fit into overall game plan , Effective structuring of activities to promote
learning and change , Choosing and sequencing various activities.
Organizational transformational activities need not focus on large scale systematic change
which fundamentally change the nature of organization
Correct Answer
Select The Blank
The organizational development is the process of________ how to solve the problems.
Correct Answer
Teaching people
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Quality Circle is basically an idea based on :-
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Correct Answer
Japanese Synthesis of American Idea
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Select The Blank
Change agents are ________ for implementing change in the organization.
Correct Answer
People with responsibility
Every system does not have boundary that separates it from the environment.
Correct Answer
Match The Following
Correct Answer
For developing interpersonal relationship,
Develop mutually trusting relationship with others
Change agents are
Principal actors in any change efforts
People should know , how, data from different parts
Of the system impact each other
An effective OD practitioner can,
Watch for deeper issues as data is gathered
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A general principle to avoid becoming involved in any political struggle in the organization
is, to :Correct Answer
Mind your own business
Select The Blank
Generally peoples' ________ is not utilized properly to get the best.
Correct Answer
Skills and knowledge
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Some of the major benefits of the Organizational Development interventions are :Correct Answer
Improved job satisfaction , Improved productivity , Improved team work
Select The Blank
People are ________, and think and act, so there is no single rule to manage them.
Correct Answer
Found to always responsive
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In Responsibility Charting, some of the useful guidelines for intervention to be followed are
:Correct Answer
Assign responsibility to one person , Avoid having too many people having
Approval- Veto function , If one person has approval- veto involvement on most decisions, that person
could become a bottle neck for getting things done
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Multiple Choice Single Answer
The probability of success of an external or internal consultant in OD intervention depends
on :Correct Answer
His/her accurate assessment of his/her own power
When the influential individuals are opposed to the change efforts, the work of the
consultant gets complicated.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The major characteristics of teams are:Correct Answer
There is clear unity of purpose , The group is self conscious about it's own operations
, The group has set for it self clear and demanding goals to achieve
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The Role Analysis Technique model is designed to clarify :Correct Answer
Role expectations and obligations of team members to improve team effectiveness
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The primary advantage of Organizational Development is :Correct Answer
It tries to deal with change in a whole organization
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The role of OD practitioner and that of consultant is that of :Correct Answer
Facilitator , Catalyst , Problem solver
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
When a consultant was called upon, for OD intervention, he proceeded with various steps,
as, to :Correct Answer
Discuss issues with the management , Enlist the problems being faced by the
organisation , Develop a proposed programme of action
Select The Blank
It is noted, that, ________ accrues to those who control resources.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In the visioning exercises, following things are necessary :Correct Answer
An active group members , Group members from one or more departments , People
who have macro picture of the organization about vision of the organization
The organizational development efforts should involve total system.
Correct Answer
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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In the Interdependency Interview, in order to get valid answers, the main questions to be
asked, relate to :Correct Answer
What are the most important interdependencies between two jobs/ units/
departments , What are the smoothnesses observed as at present during two jobs, , What are the present or
potential snags between these jobs, or departments
The OD programme is not necessarily based on action research model.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The major advantage of Role Analysis Technique intervention is :Correct Answer
It is non-threatening with high pay-offs
Multiple Choice Single Answer
OD relies heavily on :Correct Answer
Action research model with participation by all
Select The Blank
Effectiveness is judged by whether ________ with its efforts.
Correct Answer
The teams felt satisfied
The organizational development need not help to increase organizational effectiveness and
it's health.
Correct Answer
Select The Blank
In an informal group the ________ is informal.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The number of major guidelines laid down for Responsibility tasking interventions are :Correct Answer
Five in number
Match The Following
Correct Answer
It is only the people in the organisation who could,
Offer strategic advantage to the organization
Quality Circles provide effective opportunity for
Challenge and recognition of individual talents
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Out of the many essential elements of QWL,
Job security has become the most discussed issue in the recent years
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In good organisations people are generally given opportunity,
To be recognized by their colleagues, supervisors, and subordinates
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Rewards deal with :Correct Answer
Indicates incentive the organisation provides to people who perform
Total Quality Management focuses on trying to meet or exceed customer satisfaction.
Correct Answer
Internal change agents are people within the organization.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Organizational Development intervention seminars being conducted in the organizations
help to :Correct Answer
Improves the awareness of the managers on the steps to be taken to improve overall
efficiency, productivity and morale of the employees.
Match The Following
Correct Answer
TQM is a widely discussed and adopted approach for
Focusing on trying to meet and exceed customer satisfaction
Your Answer
There are many
Definitions and connotations associated with TQM
Work teams represent ,
Fixed part of the organization
MBO is widely used approach for,
Enhancing organizational effectiveness
One of the most important assumption of Grid OD is that, 5,5 management style is the most
effective approach for all managers in all the organization.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A principle and primary work in the area of TQM is laid by, a scientist :Correct Answer
W Edwards Deming
Select The Blank
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Defensiveness is another ________ to a climate of trust.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
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OD professionals need to hold humanistic values to be more effective.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The Transactional Factors, theory has been enunciated in the book called Organizational
Development . The book is authored by :Correct Answer
Warner Burke
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question OD aids people in the organization to :Correct Answer Take advantage of evolving opportunities
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question In order to maximize the effect of OD interventions :Correct Answer OD interventions already taken should be taken into account, which help to enhance the
overall effectiveness.
Questions to be answered: (Please reply back if you get answers for the following questions)
True / False
It is better to institutionalize the Problem solving workshops as an annual event to take up, on-going issues
in the company
When a substantial conflict exists in the group, the most appropriate Group Intervention would be :a) Role Negotiation Technique
b) The Appreciation and Concern Intervention Technique
c) The Responsibility Charting Technique
d) Force Field Analysis
Match The Following
1. Teams which are trying to improve processes, consisting of various departments,
1. When parties to the issue refuse to come to some agreement
2. Work teams represent ,
2. Fixed part of the organization
3. Different team exercises are used during,
3. Identifying the likely rifts in the team building measures
4. Negotiations end when,
4. When all parties in the issue are generally satisfied with the out come
5. Imparting training in team building process
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6. In which each function should be equally represented
Match The Following
1. Less has been written about
1. Influenced the theorization of planned transitional change
2. The widely acknowledged importance or participation,
2. In change management can be largely credited to the OD movement
3. Several schools and traditions have,
3. All existing forces need to be examined with equal importance
4. An outside change agent typically begins his work
4. Encompasses all human knowledge
5. In a change project with organizational diagnosis
The feed back phase of the diagnosis
Choose all that Apply.
The various diagnostic approaches for assessing power, are :a) Straight method analysis
b) Position analysis
c) Reputation analysis
d) Decision analysis
The organisational development exercise in an entity results in --- competition between independent units.
Lack to total
High collaboration and low
Increase in
Sub- standard
True / False
The two person conflict model has been devised, by Fishe Uri.
Select Answer from the List
In the book, 'Getting to Yes' the Criteria intervention, insists, that ---- on standard.
It becomes institutionalize
It becomes as a process
It should become the prime objective
It should be based on some objective
All good ---- strive to maintain objectivity in identifying organizational problems.
People in the organization
Change agents
Senior management persons
Union workers
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