Document 16045926

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Which Act adopted entry of public sector in India?
Correct Answer
Industrial Policy Resolution 1948
Your Answer The Factories Act 1948
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the three steps under the grievance procedure?
Correct Answer
Submission of the grievance to the immediate superior , Appeal to the
departmental head , Appeal to a bipartite grievance committee
Your Answer Appeal to the departmental head , Appeal to a bipartite grievance committee
, Submission of the grievance to the immediate superior
When both the parties agree to reference of dispute to settlement, the
Government is forced to refer the matter to the Compulsory Adjudication.
Correct Answer
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
How many types of arbitration are there?
Correct Answer
Your Answer 2
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The labour or industrial problems increased when major industries came
into existence followed by technology of mass production in the early :
Correct Answer
20th century
Your Answer 20th century
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The gradual evaluation of industrial system has passed through how many
Correct Answer
6 stages
Your Answer 6 stages
Strike means cessation of work by employers.
Correct Answer
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
The Bureau of Public ________ was set up to give broad guide lines and
assistance to management.
Correct Answer
Your Answer Services
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The main points emphasized in the Industrial Truce Resolution 1962 are:
Correct Answer
Maximum production , No interruption of work , Disputes to be settled
by voluntary arbitration
Your Answer Maximum production , No interruption of work , Disputes to be settled by
voluntary arbitration
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The payment of subscription by members of trade union in organized
sectors would be as follows :Correct Answer
Rs. 12
Your Answer Rs. 12
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The workmen's compensation Act came into force on the following date:Correct Answer
1st July, 1924
Your Answer 1st July, 1924
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the principles of the industrial relations policy?
Correct Answer
The code of conduct , The code of discipline , Welfare
Your Answer The code of conduct , The code of discipline , Welfare
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Automation has eleminated :Correct Answer
Human operation
Your Answer Human operation
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The First Aid Box should have the following features :Correct Answer
It should be stocked will sufficient equipments and medicine. , Only
trained people should handle them , If should be re-stocked frequently.
Your Answer It should be stocked will sufficient equipments and medicine. , Only trained
people should handle them , If should be re-stocked frequently.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Under Minimum Wages Act an Adult means a Person who has completed a
certain age
Correct Answer
Eighteen years
Your Answer Eighteen years
Select The Blank
The term labour refers to the collectivity of ________.
Correct Answer
Your Answer Workers
Collective bargaining is the process of employer-employee negotiation
Correct Answer
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
How many types of grievances generally arose in an industry?
Correct Answer
Your Answer Two
Select The Blank
A Labour Court shall consists of ________ person only appointed by the
Correct Answer
Your Answer Three
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the benefits of getting regular and prompt wages?
Correct Answer
Industrial harmony , Change of workers' living conditions , Change in
Your Answer Industrial harmony , Change of workers' living conditions , Employers'
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the meaning of industrial relations?
Correct Answer
Relationship between management and workers
Your Answer Relationship between management and workers
Select The Blank
No ________ shall be a allowed to work on dangerous machines.
Correct Answer
Young person
Your Answer Lady worker
Select The Blank
________ adjudication means both the parties agree to refer the matter for
Correct Answer
Your Answer Voluntary
Select The Blank
Intelligent collective bargaining demands specialized ________.
Correct Answer
Your Answer Training
A sick industry which is declared by the board of financial re-construction,
as sick, has to contribute at the rate of 10% towards PF.
Correct Answer
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The following matters are to be decided by employees court
Correct Answer
Whether any person is an employee written the meaning of the act
and liable today employee contribution. , The rate of wages or average daily wages. , The
rate of contribution payable by principle employee on respect of any employee
Your Answer Whether any person is an employee written the meaning of the act and
liable today employee contribution. , The correctness of benefit cleared. , The rate of
contribution payable by principle employee on respect of any employee
In today's social environment speedy settlement of disputes is of prime
Correct Answer
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A registered unions can change its name if it is consented by the following
percentage of members :Correct Answer
Your Answer 0.66
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In which parts of Maharashtra a loss of 100 crores recorded during the year
Correct Answer
Bombay , Belapur , Pune
Your Answer Bombay
Compensation under Workmen's Compensation Act cannot be assigned,
attached or charged.
Correct Answer
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The appropriate government may by notification in the official gazette
appoint the following :Correct Answer
Any commissioner for workers compensation. , Any officer of central
government exercising functioning as labour commission. , Civil court judge
Your Answer Any commissioner for workers compensation. , Any officer of central
government exercising functioning as labour commission. , Any person who represents
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are all the main provisions in the Industrial Trade Resolution, 1962?
Correct Answer
Maximum production , Discourage absenteeism , No interruption of
Your Answer Maximum production , Discourage absenteeism , No interruption of work
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The problem of industrial or labour management developed when elaborate
organisational structure came on the seen during the late Correct Answer
Nineteenth century
Your Answer
Nineteenth century
The act imposes statutory liability upon employer to pay bonus.
Correct Answer
Your Answer False
Select The Blank
A factory is a premises where ________ or more persons are working
during the last 12 months.
Correct Answer
Your Answer 20
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A workmen can be of the following types:Correct Answer
Permanent , Temporary , Badly or Casual
Your Answer Permanent , Temporary , Badly or Casual
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A person can become member of a registered Trade Union on attaining the
age of :Correct Answer
15 years
Your Answer 18 years
Select The Blank
Grievance should be submitted by a worker to his________.
Correct Answer
Immediate Superior
Your Answer Immediate Superior
Wages to be paid in current coins or currency notes
Correct Answer
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
If a person has completed 18 year of age, he / she will be deemed to be
________ worker.
Correct Answer
An adult
Your Answer An adult
Select The Blank
The history and growth of collective bargaining can be studied under
________ different periods.
Correct Answer
Your Answer 3
An employee has to contribute 0.5% of basic + DA as EDLI.
Correct Answer
Your Answer True
In a factory employing 500 or more workers the occupier shall employ one
or more welfare officers depending on number of workers.
Correct Answer
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In ancient India, what all were the main occupations?
Correct Answer
Agriculture , Caste system professions , Slavery
Your Answer Agriculture , Caste system professions , Slavery
Select The Blank
________ defines industrial relations as a whole field of relationship
because of the necessary collaboration of men and women in the employment process in an
Correct Answer
Dale Yoder
Your Answer Dale Yoder
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A workers committee has the following characteristic features:Correct Answer There should be at least 100 employees , The committee should consists
of equal representatives of management and workers , The committee should try and
compose differences and endure cordial relations.
Your Answer
There should be at least 100 employees , The committee should consists
of equal representatives of management and workers , The committee should try and
compose differences and endure cordial relations.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The appropriate government may by notification in the official gazette
appoint the following :Correct Answer Any commissioner for workers compensation. , Any officer of central
government exercising functioning as labour commission. , Civil court judge
Your Answer
Any commissioner for workers compensation. , Any officer of central
government exercising functioning as labour commission.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The problem of industrial or labour management developed when
elaborate organisational structure came on the seen during the late Correct Answer Nineteenth century
Your Answer
Nineteenth century
Arbitration is less expensive than other procedures.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
As per factory's Act, a canteen has to have the following features :Correct Answer Serve good quality tea, snacks, lunch , Have sufficient light and ventilation
, Should be clean and tidy
Your Answer
Serve good quality tea, snacks, lunch , Have sufficient light and ventilation
, Should be clean and tidy
An inspector under payment of Gratuity can enter a factory and inspect the
appropriate records.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the principles applied to settle the industrial disputes?
Correct Answer Minimum use of legal technicalities , Trained personnel to man tribunals
and courts , Appeals to be reduced
Your Answer
Minimum use of legal technicalities , Trained personnel to man tribunals
and courts , Appeals to be reduced
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the reason that modern workers are much better and lead a good
life than their ancestors ?
Correct Answer Rise in the standard of living
Your Answer
Better education
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A registered unions can change its name if it is consented by the following
percentage of members :Correct Answer 0.66
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
According to Minimum Wages Act, wages consists of the following :Correct Answer Basic + Special Allowance
Your Answer
Basic Wages only.
From very early days craftsmen and workers felt a need for being united
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What should be the qualifications of a Labour Welfare Officer
Correct Answer University degree , Degree/diploma in social science , Knowledge of local
Your Answer
University degree , Degree/diploma in social science , Knowledge of local
Select The Blank
Every claim for non payment of minimum wages shall be presented within
Correct Answer 6 months
Your Answer
6 months
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the most important aspects of the process of the collective
Correct Answer Negotiations , Discussions , Compromise
Your Answer
Negotiations , Discussions , Compromise
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are all the main provisions in the Industrial Trade Resolution, 1962?
Correct Answer Maximum production , Discourage absenteeism , No interruption of work
Your Answer
Maximum production , Discourage absenteeism
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the markets brought under the collective bargaining?
Correct Answer Working Conditions , Organizational Matters , Labour welfare
Your Answer
Working Conditions , Organizational Matters , Labour welfare
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In which parts of Maharashtra a loss of 100 crores recorded during the
year 1978?
Correct Answer Bombay , Belapur , Pune
Your Answer
Bombay , Pune , Nasik
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The emergence of AITUC was in
Correct Answer 1920
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the result of non fulfillment of demands of the workers?
Correct Answer Industrial unrest
Your Answer
Industrial unrest
Select The Blank
If a workmen dies during service, his ________ will be the first to be given
Correct Answer Nominee
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Any death due to accident has to be reported to ESI office ________.
Correct Answer Within 2 days.
Your Answer
Within 2 days.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In every factory, the implements for safety shall be as follows :Correct Answer Of goods quality , Property maintained. , Fully examined by a competent
Your Answer
Of goods quality , Property maintained.
The rules and regulations should be rigid to suit different categories of
employees in an organization.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Maximum deductions to cases other than cooperatives can be ________
percentages of wages.
Correct Answer 50
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The ________ participating in collective bargaining process must be
strong democratic and enlightened.
Correct Answer Union
Your Answer
Select The Blank
In 1991________ adopted a new and bold policy of economic
Correct Answer Dr. Manmohan Singh
Your Answer
Dr. Manmohan Singh
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Why the American labour movement opposing compulsory arbitration?
Correct Answer It kills collective bargaining , It means loss of personal freedom , Loss of
Your Answer
It kills collective bargaining , It means loss of personal freedom , Loss of
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Which concept views the institution as participative decision making
between employer and employee?
Correct Answer Industrial Relations concept
Your Answer
Industrial Relations concept
Select The Blank
Newly set up establishments are exempted from the provisions of payment
of bonus act for a period of ________ during the infancy period.
Correct Answer 5 years
Your Answer
5 years
The line executives in an establishment should issue only verbal warnings.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Collective bargaining consists of two types of forms.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The failure of cancellation proceedings leads to refer the matter to
adjudication by the ________.
Correct Answer Government
Your Answer
Labour Courts
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Each worker has to be given rest after working for:Correct Answer 5 hours
Your Answer
5 hours
Multiple Choice Single Answer
An industry means as follows:Correct Answer A place where systematic activity is carried on by co-operation between
employer and worker
Your Answer
A place where systematic activity is carried on by co-operation between
employer and worker
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Under Minimum Wages a child means person who has not completed :Correct Answer 14 years
Your Answer
14 years
Select The Blank
The Code of Discipline ________ reiterated the faith of the parties in
voluntary arbitration.
Correct Answer 1958
Your Answer
When both the parties agree to reference of dispute to settlement, the
Government is forced to refer the matter to the Compulsory Adjudication.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
According to Flanders "A system of Industrial rule is a system of policies"
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Closures means ________
Correct Answer Working comes to a stand still
Your Answer
Work stoppage for maintenance
Minor accidents need not be reported to ESI
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The workers breach of contract was passed in:
Correct Answer 1959
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The short Jute mill strike in the history of trade union movement in India
was held in Calcutta. How many days it lasted?
Correct Answer 4 days
Your Answer
4 days
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In 1978, strikes have taken place even in large and modern factories.
Which are they?
Correct Answer Tata Electronic and Loco Company , Philips India Ltd , Larsen and Turbo
Your Answer
Tata Electronic and Loco Company , Larsen and Turbo Ltd , Godrej
Select The Blank
The insured person should register with the ________ person
Correct Answer An ESI recognized doctor
Your Answer
Doctor from govt. hospital.
For the purpose of calculating the salary or wage, all the four allowances,
viz, ad-hoc, family, house rent and tiffin are excluded.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Which movement is responsible in originating the term collective
Correct Answer The British labour movement
Your Answer
The British labour movement
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The American National Labour Act known as Wagner Act passed in
Correct Answer 1935
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Gherao introduced in West Bengal in the year ________ during the United
front regime.
Correct Answer 1967
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Maximum deductions to cooperative societies can be ________ percent of
Correct Answer 75
Your Answer
The Industrial Dispute Act was passed in 1948
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The following are the areas where an employer has to give a 21 day notice
to trade union by putting it up on the notice board:Correct Answer Hours of work or rest , Classification of grades , Leave with wages and
Your Answer
Hours of work or rest , Classification of grades , Leave with wages and
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A registered trade union may constituted a separated fund from the
contribution levied separately for promotion of civil and political interest of it members by the
following:Correct Answer Covering expenses for a person to legislative bodies. , Holding a meeting
or distribution of literature for candidate in an election , Distribution to political literature.
Your Answer
Covering expenses for a person to legislative bodies. , Holding a meeting
or distribution of literature for candidate in an election , Distribution to political literature. , For
paying transport cost of candidate.
An appeal and review of all disciplinary action is a basic need of justice
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Select The Blank
A deduction from bonus payable under the act can be made to make good
an amount of financial loss to the ________.
Correct Answer Employer
Your Answer
Industrial relations are Human Relations and therefore the same basis of
human psychology prevails in the field of industrial relations as well
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
When was the industrial Dispute Act passed?
Correct Answer 1947
Your Answer
Select The Blank
If a company cannot pay statutory wages it should as per supreme count
order ________.
Correct Answer Close down
Your Answer
Pay as much as possible.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A worker can register the name of the following with his ESI Doctor.
Correct Answer Minor son , Dependent parents , Wife
Your Answer
Dependent parents , Wife , Brother
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The workmen's compensation Act came into force on the following date:Correct Answer 1st July, 1924
Your Answer
15th June 1923
The Employees State Insurance Act was passed in 1946
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
"The objective of arbitration is not compromise but adjudication through
the parties are at liberty to comprise" Who wrote it?
Correct Answer Kurt Brenn
Your Answer
Kurt Brenn
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Under Akber, factories operated in some places. Which are these places?
Correct Answer Agra , Lahoore , Fatehpur
Your Answer
Agra , Fatehpur , Aurangabad
After presentation of the grievance, an aggrieved worker should be given a
reply within three days
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Select The Blank
To be eligible to be covered under ESI a person should have completed
Correct Answer 18 years.
Your Answer
18 years.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A worker will be entitled to earned leave with wages if he fulfills the
following criteria :Correct Answer If he/she has worked for 240 days in calendar year , If she/he has worked
for less than 240 days but has been on maternity leave. , Privileged leave would be counted
alone with days worked for calculating leave.
Your Answer
If he/she has worked for 240 days in calendar year
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the pre-requisites of a successive collective bargaining?
Correct Answer Right to organize and bargain collectively , The union must be strong
democratic and enlightened , Willingness to give and take
Your Answer
Right to organize and bargain collectively , The union must be strong
democratic and enlightened , There are more unions with different aims in an organization
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A canteen is compulsory as per Factories Act if the following number of
workers are in the rolls :Correct Answer 250 workers
Your Answer
200 workers
Select The Blank
________ means a person who has not completed 18 years
Correct Answer A minor
Your Answer
A minor
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the benefits of getting regular and prompt wages?
Correct Answer Change of workers' living conditions , Change in productivity , Industrial
Your Answer
Change of workers' living conditions , Change in productivity , Employers'
Wages to be paid in current coins or currency notes
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the main benefit of an immediate grievance settlement?
Correct Answer Maintain good relationship of employee and employer
Your Answer
Maintain good relationship of employee and employer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The industrial employment standing orders act is applicable when the
strength of workers is of as follows:Correct Answer 100
Your Answer
Select The Blank
________ adjudication means both or either one of the parties do not wish
to refer the matter for adjudication.
Correct Answer Compulsory
Your Answer
Select The Blank
________ is one who is a learner and has not completed a training period
of one year
Correct Answer An apprentice
Your Answer
A guest workers
Select The Blank
The idea of workers participation as a fundamental principal has been
accepted during the ________ five year plan.
Correct Answer 3rd
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
ESI Act was enacted in the following year:Correct Answer 1948
Your Answer
In collective bargaining there should be willingness to give and take by
both the parties.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Under whose rule there were no organisations of workers?
Correct Answer Mugals , Britishers , Local rulers of princely states
Your Answer
Mugals , Local rulers of princely states , Immediately after independence
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the main causes of trade union movement?
Correct Answer World war one , Establishment of ILO , All India Trade union Congress
Your Answer
All India Trade union Congress
Multiple Choice Single Answer
When was the term collective bargaining originated?
Correct Answer 19th century
Your Answer
19th century
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What should be the percentage of workers with trade unions seeking
recognition as a bargaining agent?
Correct Answer 30
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Amenities could mean ________
Correct Answer Drinking water facilities
Your Answer
Drinking water facilities
Collective bargaining is generally structured and conducted at three
levels., viz, plant, industry or state
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Every application for registration of a Trade union which shall be made to a
registrar shall be accompanied by the following:Correct Answer Name & Addresses and occupation making the person making the
application. , Name and address of trade union , Name and address of office bearers of
Your Answer
Name & Addresses and occupation making the person making the
application. , Name and address of trade union , Name and address of office bearers of
union , Name and address of the company.
Funeral Benefit is given for Rs. 2000/Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Air India, the National career is a failure. What are the reasons?
Correct Answer Self serving aviation ministers , Self serving directors , Incompetent
Your Answer
Self serving aviation ministers , Self serving directors , Incompetent
bureaucrats , Lack of profit
PF is applicable to all establishments specified in schedule I of the act.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The Factorys Act was enacted in the year :Correct Answer 1948
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The Indian Labour Conference ________ , reiterated the need for a wide
acceptance of voluntary arbitration.
Correct Answer 1962
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Mention some of the items not included in the list of wages :Correct Answer Pension/gratuity , Value of any accommodation , Traveling concessions
Your Answer
Value of any accommodation , Traveling concessions
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the levels at which collective bargaining agreements have been
Correct Answer National level , Plant level , Industry level
Your Answer
Plant level , Industry level , National level , International
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A registered trade union may constituted a separated fund from the
contribution levied separately for promotion of civil and political interest of it members by the
following:Correct Answer Covering expenses for a person to legislative bodies. , Holding a meeting
or distribution of literature for candidate in an election , Distribution to political literature.
Your Answer
Covering expenses for a person to legislative bodies. , Holding a meeting
or distribution of literature for candidate in an election , Distribution to political literature. , For
paying transport cost of candidate.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
When did the first collective bargaining agreement was concluded in India?
Correct Answer 1920
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Every application for registration of a Trade union which shall be made to a
registrar shall be accompanied by the following:Correct Answer Name & Addresses and occupation making the person making the
application. , Name and address of trade union , Name and address of office bearers of
Your Answer
Name & Addresses and occupation making the person making the
application. , Name and address of trade union , Name and address of office bearers of
union , Name and address of the company.
In EDLI scheme LIC provides Rs. 50,000 in its scheme irrespective of
balance in subscribers accounts .
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Newly set up establishments are exempted from the provisions of payment
of bonus act for a period of ________ during the infancy period.
Correct Answer 5 years
Your Answer
5 years
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The workmen's compensation Act has the following features:Correct Answer It has enacted in 1923 , It extends to whole of India , It came into force on
1st July, 1924
Your Answer
It has enacted in 1923 , It extends to whole of India , It came into force on
1st July, 1924
Industrial relations are Human Relations and therefore the same basis of
human psychology prevails in the field of industrial relations as well
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Select The Blank
A trade union seeking recognizing as a bargaining agent should have a
membership of at least ________ persons/workers in the organization.
Correct Answer 30
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the result of non fulfillment of demands of the workers?
Correct Answer Industrial unrest
Your Answer
Closer of industry
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Automation has eleminated :Correct Answer Human operation
Your Answer
Human operation
Collective bargaining consists of two types of forms.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Select The Blank
________ means a person who has not completed 18 years
Correct Answer A minor
Your Answer
A minor
A sick industry which is declared by the board of financial re-construction,
as sick, has to contribute at the rate of 10% towards PF.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
No Punishment can be awarded to the employee by the employer during
the pendancy of any conciliation, Adjudication and Arbitration
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The size of a grievance committee should be limited to a maximum of
Correct Answer 4 to 6 members
Your Answer
6 to 8 members
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What type of justice can an arbitrator deliver?
Correct Answer Should be equity and justice
Your Answer
Should be equity and justice
Multiple Choice Single Answer
An employee under ESI Act means any person employed for wages or in
connection with the work of factory, but does not include the following:Correct Answer Members of Military personnel
Your Answer
Members of Military personnel
Multiple Choice Single Answer
How many categories are there in the contract provisions of collective
Correct Answer 4
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Collective bargaining should be encouraged as this will enhance the role of
Correct Answer Trade Unions
Your Answer
Trade Unions
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The industrial employment standing orders act is applicable when the
strength of workers is of as follows:Correct Answer 100
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Where was the first collective bargaining in India was concluded in a textile
mill ?
Correct Answer Ahmedabad
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Provident Fund was enacted in which year?
Correct Answer 1948
Your Answer
An inspector can prosecute an employer who is defaulter under the
provisions of the Act.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In retrenchment, the employee has to make the following compliance:Correct Answer A notice to be served on appropriate government , The last person
employed in that category should be retrenched. , It should be published in a newspaper.
Your Answer
A notice to be served on appropriate government , The last person
employed in that category should be retrenched. , The notice should be sent by ordinary
post. , It should be published in a newspaper.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Any inspects appointed by appropriate governed can do the following :Correct Answer Examine Records , Can seize the register / records for the purpose. , To
prosecute employer
Your Answer
Examine Records , Can seize the register / records for the purpose. , To
prosecute employer , Suggest corrective action
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Select the group of countries where arbitration is popular :Correct Answer USA, Canada, New Zealand
Your Answer
USA, Canada, New Zealand
Select The Blank
To be eligible to be covered under ESI a person should have completed
Correct Answer 18 years.
Your Answer
21 years.
Select The Blank
Sec 31A of the Act provides bonus to productivity in lieu of profit sharing .
This section was introduced in ________.
Correct Answer 1976
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the principles applied to settle the industrial disputes?
Correct Answer Minimum use of legal technicalities , Trained personnel to man tribunals
and courts , Appeals to be reduced
Your Answer
Minimum use of legal technicalities , Trained personnel to man tribunals
and courts , Appeals to be reduced , No speed limit in arriving at a decision
Select The Blank
Maximum deductions to cases other than cooperatives can be ________
percentages of wages.
Correct Answer 50
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What do the mechanical, electronic and computers substitute ?
Correct Answer Man
Your Answer
Select The Blank
An aggrieved employee should be given the answer within ________
hours from the submission of grievance.
Correct Answer 48
Your Answer
In a factory employing 500 or more workers the occupier shall employ one
or more welfare officers depending on number of workers.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Name some of the drastic reforms in trade unions :Correct Answer Educated cadre of workers and union leaders , Strong, enlightened and
responsible unions , Gradual de-linking of trade unions from political parties
Your Answer
Educated cadre of workers and union leaders , Strong, enlightened and
responsible unions , Gradual de-linking of trade unions from political parties
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Under whose rule there were no organisations of workers?
Correct Answer Mugals , Britishers , Local rulers of princely states
Your Answer
Mugals , Britishers , Local rulers of princely states , Immediately after
A punishment should be commensurate with the gravity of the offence.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In ancient India, what all were the main occupations?
Correct Answer Agriculture , Caste system professions , Slavery
Your Answer
Agriculture , Caste system professions , Slavery
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A person can become member of a registered Trade Union on attaining
the age of :Correct Answer 15 years
Your Answer
18 years
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A worker will be entitled to earned leave with wages if he fulfills the
following criteria :Correct Answer If he/she has worked for 240 days in calendar year , If she/he has worked
for less than 240 days but has been on maternity leave. , Privileged leave would be counted
alone with days worked for calculating leave.
Your Answer
If he/she has worked for 240 days in calendar year , If she/he has worked
for less than 240 days but has been on maternity leave. , He/she has not worked for 240
days and was on without pay leave. , Privileged leave would be counted alone with days
worked for calculating leave.
The line executives in an establishment should issue only verbal warnings.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
When a workers works for more than 9 hours a day he will be entitled to
overtime at 1.5 times the wages.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the main causes of trade union movement?
Correct Answer World war one , Establishment of ILO , All India Trade union Congress
Your Answer
World war one , Establishment of ILO , All India Trade union Congress
Select The Blank
The term labour refers to the collectivity of ________.
Correct Answer Workers
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The history and growth of collective bargaining can be studied under
________ different periods.
Correct Answer 3
Your Answer
Select The Blank
A trade union seeking recognizing as a bargaining agent should have a
membership of at least ________ persons/workers in the organization.
Correct Answer 30
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the three-tier system of adjudication
Correct Answer Labour Courts , Industrial Tribunals , National Tribunals
Your Answer
Labour Courts , Industrial Tribunals , National Tribunals
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Employers can eliminate strikes and by providing certain needs of the
workers. What are they?
Correct Answer Good employer-employee relation , Participation by workers in the
functions of the industry , Establishment of safety precautions
Your Answer
Good employer-employee relation , Participation by workers in the
functions of the industry , Establishment of safety precautions
Select The Blank
________ adjudication means both or either one of the parties do not wish
to refer the matter for adjudication.
Correct Answer Compulsory
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The gradual evaluation of industrial system has passed through how many
Correct Answer 6 stages
Your Answer
6 stages
Select The Blank
Sec 31A of the Act provides bonus to productivity in lieu of profit sharing .
This section was introduced in ________.
Correct Answer 1976
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Every application for registration of a Trade union which shall be made to a
registrar shall be accompanied by the following:Correct Answer Name & Addresses and occupation making the person making the
application. , Name and address of trade union , Name and address of office bearers of
Your Answer
Name and address of trade union , Name and address of office bearers of
union , Name and address of the company.
Kautilya''s Arthsashtra gives a comprehensive picture of the organisation
and functions of the social and political institutions in ancient India
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Which Act adopted entry of public sector in India?
Correct Answer Industrial Policy Resolution 1948
Your Answer
Industrial Policy Resolution 1948
The Employees State Insurance Act was passed in 1946
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Air India, the National career is a failure. What are the reasons?
Correct Answer Self serving aviation ministers , Self serving directors , Incompetent
Your Answer
Self serving aviation ministers , Self serving directors , Incompetent
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are all the periods can be counted as working days while calculating
how many days an individual work in an establishment?
Correct Answer On leave with salary , Absent due to temporary disablement , On maternity
Your Answer
Absent due to temporary disablement , On maternity leave , On casual
Select The Blank
In every factory employing one hundred and fifty workers, ________ shall
be provided for use by the workers.
Correct Answer Rest room or shelter
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In 1978, strikes have taken place even in large and modern factories.
Which are they?
Correct Answer Tata Electronic and Loco Company , Philips India Ltd , Larsen and Turbo
Your Answer
Tata Electronic and Loco Company , Philips India Ltd , Larsen and Turbo
A creche is compulsory where 15 or more women are working .
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Select The Blank
________ means a person who has not completed 18 years
Correct Answer A minor
Your Answer
An adult.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Which are the establishments are there, to whom the Sec 32 of the does
not apply?
Correct Answer LIC , Nationalized banks , Public Sector Undertakings
Your Answer
Nationalized banks , Public Sector Undertakings , Private Sector
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The Industrial Disputes Act was enacted in the following year:Correct Answer 1947
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Any inspects appointed by appropriate governed can do the following :Correct Answer Examine Records , Can seize the register / records for the purpose. , To
prosecute employer
Your Answer
Examine Records , Can seize the register / records for the purpose. , To
prosecute employer
In today's social environment speedy settlement of disputes is of prime
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the object of the Act?
Correct Answer Payment of bonus to a person employed in certain establishments
Your Answer
Payment of bonus to a person employed in certain establishments
Multiple Choice Single Answer
From Sept. 1997 PF contribution was as follows:Correct Answer 0.12
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The Code of Discipline ________ reiterated the faith of the parties in
voluntary arbitration.
Correct Answer 1958
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The funeral benefit is paid to the family of the deceased as follows:Correct Answer Eldest surviving member
Your Answer
Any member
Select The Blank
If a company cannot pay statutory wages it should as per supreme count
order ________.
Correct Answer Close down
Your Answer
Take loans but pay minimum wages.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the causes of collective bargaining's Success in India?
Correct Answer Statutory provisions , Voluntary measures , Measures taken by the
Your Answer
Statutory provisions , Voluntary measures , Measures taken by the
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the Human Relations in industry?
Correct Answer To maintain relations between employers and working class
Your Answer
To maintain relations between employers and working class
Select The Blank
If a workmen dies during service, his ________ will be the first to be given
Correct Answer Nominee
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Mention some of the items not included in the list of wages :Correct Answer Pension/gratuity , Value of any accommodation , Traveling concessions
Your Answer
Pension/gratuity , Traveling concessions , Allowances on overtime work
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What do the mechanical, electronic and computers substitute ?
Correct Answer Man
Your Answer
Mr V. V. Giri put forward the "Giri Approach " in the early sixties.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the needs emphasized by the first Five Year Plan?
Correct Answer Workers right of association , Employer-employee relation , Industrial
Your Answer
Workers right of association , Employer-employee relation , Industrial
Select The Blank
The failure of cancellation proceedings leads to refer the matter to
adjudication by the ________.
Correct Answer Government
Your Answer
Labour Courts
The history and growth of collective bargaining in India can be studied
under three different periods
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The Employees State Insurance Act was passed in the year________.
Correct Answer 1948
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
How many workers require for a formal grievance procedure in an
Correct Answer 100 or more
Your Answer
200 or more
Multiple Choice Single Answer
"Whole Field of relationship that exists because of men and women in the
employment process of the industry" Who wrote it?
Correct Answer Dale Yoder
Your Answer
Dale Yoder
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the three steps under the grievance procedure?
Correct Answer Submission of the grievance to the immediate superior , Appeal to the
departmental head , Appeal to a bipartite grievance committee
Your Answer
Submission of the grievance to the immediate superior , Appeal to the
departmental head , Appeal to a bipartite grievance committee
The Industrial Dispute Act was passed in 1948
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Industrial relations are Human Relations and therefore the same basis of
human psychology prevails in the field of industrial relations as well
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Select The Blank
If a person has completed 18 year of age, he / she will be deemed to be
________ worker.
Correct Answer An adult
Your Answer
An adult
The rules and regulations should be rigid to suit different categories of
employees in an organization.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Under ESI Act confinement is given for following period:Correct Answer 26 weeks of pregnancy
Your Answer
24 weeks of pregnancy
The public sector has been by and large is successful in fulfilling its social
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
When was the Act came into being?
Correct Answer 25th Sep 1965
Your Answer
30th Sep 1970
The line executives in an establishment should issue only verbal warnings.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A worker can register the name of the following with his ESI Doctor.
Correct Answer Minor son , Dependent parents , Wife
Your Answer
Dependent parents , Wife , Minor son
An employee has to contribute 0.5% of basic + DA as EDLI.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Select The Blank
________ is one who is a learner and has not completed a training period
of one year
Correct Answer An apprentice
Your Answer
Temporary worker
For Dissolution of Trade Union a notice of dissolution has to be signed by
secretary and at least 5 other members.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
In ancient times what was the prime occupation?
Correct Answer Agriculture
Your Answer
In collective bargaining there should be willingness to give and take by
both the parties.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The Atharvavedha divides the community into four classes, viz, Kshatriya,
Vyasya, Shudra and ________.
Correct Answer Arya
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Grievance should be submitted by a worker to his________.
Correct Answer Immediate Superior
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the markets brought under the collective bargaining?
Correct Answer Organizational Matters , Labour welfare , Working Conditions
Your Answer
Working Conditions , Organizational Matters , Labour welfare
Select The Blank
In case of Earned Learn or Annual Leave a worker has to apply for it
________ from the date of leave.
Correct Answer 15 days
Your Answer
15 days
A Labour Court shall consists of two persons only appointed by the
appropriate government.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Every factory will keep readily available and accessible and well stocked
first Aid Boxed during working hours.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The Indian Labour Conference ________ , reiterated the need for a wide
acceptance of voluntary arbitration.
Correct Answer 1962
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The term personnel management means:
Correct Answer Dealing with manpower of the enterprise
Your Answer
Dealing with manpower of the enterprise
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Why did the families in large numbers moved to industrial centres ?
Correct Answer Employment opportunities
Your Answer
Employment opportunities
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A canteen is compulsory as per Factories Act if the following number of
workers are in the rolls :Correct Answer 250 workers
Your Answer
200 workers
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Sickness benefit is available for the following ( minimum 2 periods ):Correct Answer 91 days
Your Answer
85 days
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are all the factors influence industrial relations?
Correct Answer Political affiliation of our kids , Influence of union leaders , Introduction of
labour leaders
Your Answer
Influence of union leaders , Introduction of labour leaders , Management
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A registered trade union may constituted a separated fund from the
contribution levied separately for promotion of civil and political interest of it members by the
following:Correct Answer Covering expenses for a person to legislative bodies. , Holding a meeting
or distribution of literature for candidate in an election , Distribution to political literature.
Your Answer
Covering expenses for a person to legislative bodies. , Holding a meeting
or distribution of literature for candidate in an election , Distribution to political literature.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Name some of the drastic reforms in trade unions :Correct Answer Educated cadre of workers and union leaders , Strong, enlightened and
responsible unions , Gradual de-linking of trade unions from political parties
Your Answer
Educated cadre of workers and union leaders , Strong, enlightened and
responsible unions , Gradual de-linking of trade unions from political parties
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the duties of Central Industrial Machinery in India?
Correct Answer Prevention, investigation and settlement , Give effect to various provisions
of Industrial Dispute Act 1947? , Enforcement of fair wage clause
Your Answer
Prevention, investigation and settlement , Give effect to various provisions
of Industrial Dispute Act 1947? , Advisor, Central Government
Select The Blank
The Factories Act was enacted in ________.
Correct Answer 1948
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Employees Deposit linked Insurance scheme was first introduced in the
following year:Correct Answer 1978
Your Answer
No Punishment can be awarded to the employee by the employer during
the pendancy of any conciliation, Adjudication and Arbitration
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
In case a worker quits, he has to be paid, leave wages on the following
day :Correct Answer Next day
Your Answer
Next day
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A workmen can be of the following types:-
Correct Answer Permanent , Temporary , Badly or Casual
Your Answer
Permanent , Temporary , Consultant
Select The Blank
Industrial Relation Bill was passed in the year________.
Correct Answer 1978
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the positive factors of public sector undertakings?
Correct Answer Development of backward regions , Generation of additional employment ,
Protection of employees
Your Answer
Development of backward regions , Generation of additional employment ,
Protection of employees
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A workers committee has the following characteristic features:Correct Answer There should be at least 100 employees , The committee should consists
of equal representatives of management and workers , The committee should try and
compose differences and endure cordial relations.
Your Answer
There should be at least 100 employees , The committee should consists
of equal representatives of management and workers , The committee should try and
compose differences and endure cordial relations.
Gratuity can be deducted or forfeited it the worker has caused damage or
loss to the company.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Industrial dispute should be settled by voluntary ________.
Correct Answer Arbitration
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
For calculation of gratuity the following ingredients are required:Correct Answer Last drawn basic wages , Last drawn D.A. , Number of years served
Your Answer
Last drawn basic wages , Number of years served , Number of years left
for retirement
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the main benefit of an arbitration?
Correct Answer During the continuance of arbitration union and workers will refrain from
Your Answer
During the continuance of arbitration union and workers will refrain from
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
No adult worker shall be required to work on the first day of the week
unless the following is followed :Correct Answer He has/will have a holiday on one of the three days immediately before or
after the said day. , The manager would substitute that day which a holiday whichever is
earlier. , Get compensatory off after three months
Your Answer
He has/will have a holiday on one of the three days immediately before or
after the said day. , He would get wages for that day. , The manager would substitute that
day which a holiday whichever is earlier.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The labour or industrial problems increased when major industries came
into existence followed by technology of mass production in the early :
Correct Answer 20th century
Your Answer
19th century
Select The Blank
________ defines industrial relations as a whole field of relationship
because of the necessary collaboration of men and women in the employment process in an
Correct Answer Dale Yoder
Your Answer
H A Clegg
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Arbitration is to be distinguished from conciliation. Why?
Correct Answer Because its decision is binding on the parties
Your Answer
There is place for compromise
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The Factorys Act was enacted in the year :Correct Answer 1948
Your Answer
Funeral Benefit is given for Rs. 2000/Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Select The Blank
A tribunal shall consists of ________ person.
Correct Answer One
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In which parts of Maharashtra a loss of 100 crores recorded during the
year 1978?
Correct Answer Bombay , Belapur , Pune
Your Answer
Bombay , Pune , Nasik
Select The Blank
Newly set up establishments are exempted from the provisions of payment
of bonus act for a period of ________ during the infancy period.
Correct Answer 5 years
Your Answer
3 years
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Under what level most of the grievances can be settled?
Correct Answer Plant level
Your Answer
Supervisory level
A canteen is compulsory in an organization where 200 or more workers
are working.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In ancient India, what all were the main occupations?
Correct Answer Slavery , Agriculture , Caste system professions
Your Answer
Agriculture , Caste system professions , Slavery
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In every factory, the implements for safety shall be as follows :Correct Answer Of goods quality , Property maintained. , Fully examined by a competent
Your Answer
Of goods quality , Property maintained. , Fully examined by a competent
Select The Blank
Industrial Relation Bill was passed in the year________.
Correct Answer 1978
Your Answer
Award of Tribunal can be appealed before the high Court and Supreme
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Select The Blank
A corporation under ESI nears ________ set up under the act.
Correct Answer ESI Corporation
Your Answer
ESI Corporation
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The problem of industrial or labour management developed when
elaborate organisational structure came on the seen during the late Correct Answer Nineteenth century
Your Answer
Nineteenth century
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the most important aspects of the process of the collective
Correct Answer Negotiations , Discussions , Compromise
Your Answer
Negotiations , Discussions , Compromise
Select The Blank
The Atharvavedha divides the community into four classes, viz, Kshatriya,
Vyasya, Shudra and ________.
Correct Answer Arya
Your Answer
The organisation as a whole should be discipline oriented.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
When did the first collective bargaining agreement was concluded in India?
Correct Answer 1920
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The labour or industrial problems increased when major industries came
into existence followed by technology of mass production in the early :
Correct Answer 20th century
Your Answer
20th century
Select The Blank
The size of a grievance committee should be limited to a maximum of
Correct Answer 4 to 6 members
Your Answer
4 to 6 members
Select The Blank
The failure of cancellation proceedings leads to refer the matter to
adjudication by the ________.
Correct Answer Government
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The industrial employment standing orders act is applicable when the
strength of workers is of as follows:Correct Answer 100
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In which parts of Maharashtra a loss of 100 crores recorded during the
year 1978?
Correct Answer Bombay , Belapur , Pune
Your Answer
Bombay , Belapur , Pune
Woolen Carpet industry is one of the scheduled industry.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the main causes of trade union movement?
Correct Answer World war one , Establishment of ILO , All India Trade union Congress
Your Answer
World war one , Establishment of ILO , All India Trade union Congress
Multiple Choice Single Answer
In every industrial establishment a works committee has to be set up if the
following condition prevail:Correct Answer It employs 100 or more workers
Your Answer
It employs 100 or more workers
Multiple Choice Single Answer
By lock out we mean:Correct Answer Stoppage of work by employer
Your Answer
Stoppage of work by employer
An appeal and review of all disciplinary action is a basic need of justice
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
In EDLI scheme LIC provides Rs. 50,000 in its scheme irrespective of
balance in subscribers accounts .
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
The responsibility for maintaining employer discipline should be entrusted
to each and every managers.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Intelligent collective bargaining demands specialized ________.
Correct Answer Training
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Under what level most of the grievances can be settled?
Correct Answer Plant level
Your Answer
Plant level
Multiple Choice Single Answer
When was the industrial Dispute Act passed?
Correct Answer 1947
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Why the American labour movement opposing compulsory arbitration?
Correct Answer It kills collective bargaining , It means loss of personal freedom , Loss of
Your Answer
It kills collective bargaining , It means loss of personal freedom , Loss of
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Workmen's compensation has to be paid as follows:Correct Answer As soon as it falls due
Your Answer
As soon as it falls due
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The workmen's compensation Act has the following features:Correct Answer It has enacted in 1923 , It extends to whole of India , It came into force on
1st July, 1924
Your Answer
It has enacted in 1923 , It extends to whole of India , It came into force on
1st July, 1924
An inspector can prosecute an employer who is defaulter under the
provisions of the Act.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Why did the families in large numbers moved to industrial centres ?
Correct Answer Employment opportunities
Your Answer
Employment opportunities
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The Industrial trade Resolution was passed in
Correct Answer 1962
Your Answer
From very early days craftsmen and workers felt a need for being united
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the three-tier system of adjudication
Correct Answer Labour Courts , Industrial Tribunals , National Tribunals
Your Answer
Labour Courts , Industrial Tribunals , National Tribunals
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The following matters are to be decided by employees court
Correct Answer Whether any person is an employee written the meaning of the act and
liable today employee contribution. , The rate of wages or average daily wages. , The rate of
contribution payable by principle employee on respect of any employee
Your Answer
Whether any person is an employee written the meaning of the act and
liable today employee contribution. , The rate of wages or average daily wages. , The rate of
contribution payable by principle employee on respect of any employee
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the main aspect of industrial relations?
Correct Answer Development of healthy labour-management relations
Your Answer
Development of union management relations
Select The Blank
An aggrieved employee should be given the answer within ________
hours from the submission of grievance.
Correct Answer 48
Your Answer
Select The Blank
If a person has completed 18 year of age, he / she will be deemed to be
________ worker.
Correct Answer An adult
Your Answer
An adult
Select The Blank
The Code of Discipline ________ reiterated the faith of the parties in
voluntary arbitration.
Correct Answer 1958
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
PF was to be calculated on the following basis:Correct Answer Basic + DA
Your Answer
Basic + DA
Select The Blank
No person can go on strike from a public utility service without giving to the
employer, a notice of strike provided by the act within ________ weeks before striking.
Correct Answer Six
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Under which Act, provision of conciliation officers provided?
Correct Answer The Industrial Dispute Act 1947
Your Answer
The Industrial Dispute Act 1947
Select The Blank
Absence without leave for more than ________ consecutive days is a
misconduct under standing orders.
Correct Answer 10
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Any inspects appointed by appropriate governed can do the following :Correct Answer Examine Records , Can seize the register / records for the purpose. , To
prosecute employer
Your Answer
Examine Records , Can seize the register / records for the purpose. , To
prosecute employer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are all the main provisions in the Industrial Trade Resolution, 1962?
Correct Answer Maximum production , Discourage absenteeism , No interruption of work
Your Answer
Maximum production , Discourage absenteeism , No interruption of work
The act imposes statutory liability upon employer to pay bonus.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
An appeal and review of all disciplinary action is a basic need of
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the three steps under the grievance procedure?
Correct Answer Submission of the grievance to the immediate superior , Appeal
to the departmental head , Appeal to a bipartite grievance committee
Your Answer
Submission of the grievance to the immediate superior , Appeal
to the departmental head , Appeal to a bipartite grievance committee
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What do the mechanical, electronic and computers substitute ?
Correct Answer Man
Your Answer
An employee has to contribute 0.5% of basic + DA as EDLI.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
P.F. Act is applicable to those institutions who have at least the
following workers:Correct Answer 20 employees
Your Answer
20 employees
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A person can become member of a registered Trade Union on
attaining the age of :Correct Answer 15 years
Your Answer
15 years
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The appropriate government may by notification in the official
gazette appoint the following :Correct Answer Any commissioner for workers compensation. , Any officer of
central government exercising functioning as labour commission. , Civil court judge
Your Answer
Any commissioner for workers compensation. , Any officer of
central government exercising functioning as labour commission. , Civil court judge
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Maintenance of good relation between workers and the
management is the very basis of :Correct Answer Development of industrial democracy
Your Answer
Development of industrial democracy
Woolen Carpet industry is one of the scheduled industry.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The gradual evaluation of industrial system has passed through
how many stages?
Correct Answer 6 stages
Your Answer
6 stages
In collective bargaining there should be willingness to give and
take by both the parties.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the markets brought under the collective bargaining?
Correct Answer Working Conditions , Organizational Matters , Labour welfare
Your Answer
Working Conditions , Organizational Matters , Labour welfare
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Automation has eleminated :Correct Answer Human operation
Your Answer
Human operation
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are all the main provisions in the Industrial Trade
Resolution, 1962?
Correct Answer Maximum production , Discourage absenteeism , No interruption
of work
Your Answer
Maximum production , Discourage absenteeism , No interruption
of work
Select The Blank
The process of negotiations under collective bargaining involves
________ steps.
Correct Answer 2
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Employees have the right to strike but no license to ________.
Correct Answer Commit violence
Your Answer
Commit violence
Multiple Choice Single Answer
In unorganized sectors the subscription by members of the
registered trade unicorn is as follows :Correct Answer Rs. 03
Your Answer
Rs. 03
Select The Blank
The term labour refers to the collectivity of ________.
Correct Answer Workers
Your Answer
Minor accidents need not be reported to ESI
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Collective bargaining should be encouraged as this will enhance
the role of ________.
Correct Answer Trade Unions
Your Answer
Trade Unions
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Which are the establishments are there, to whom the Sec 32 of
the does not apply?
Correct Answer LIC , Nationalized banks , Public Sector Undertakings
Your Answer
LIC , Nationalized banks , Public Sector Undertakings
The best solution for settlement of disputes is mutual
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In ancient India, what all were the main occupations?
Correct Answer Agriculture , Caste system professions , Slavery
Your Answer
Agriculture , Caste system professions , Slavery
Select The Blank
Grievance should be submitted by a worker to his________.
Correct Answer Immediate Superior
Your Answer
Immediate Superior
Multiple Choice Single Answer
"Whole Field of relationship that exists because of men and
women in the employment process of the industry" Who wrote it?
Correct Answer Dale Yoder
Your Answer
Dale Yoder
Select The Blank
A deduction from bonus payable under the act can be made to
make good an amount of financial loss to the ________.
Correct Answer Employer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The short Jute mill strike in the history of trade union movement
in India was held in Calcutta. How many days it lasted?
Correct Answer 4 days
Your Answer
4 days
Select The Blank
The ________ participating in collective bargaining process must
be strong democratic and enlightened.
Correct Answer Union
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the duties of Central Industrial Machinery in India?
Correct Answer Prevention, investigation and settlement , Give effect to various
provisions of Industrial Dispute Act 1947? , Enforcement of fair wage clause
Your Answer
Prevention, investigation and settlement , Give effect to various
provisions of Industrial Dispute Act 1947? , Enforcement of fair wage clause
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Select the group of countries where arbitration is popular :Correct Answer USA, Canada, New Zealand
Your Answer
USA, Canada, New Zealand
The main function of collective bargaining is to see the
employment and working conditions of employees.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Industrial Relation Bill was passed in the year________.
Correct Answer 1978
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Newly set up establishments are exempted from the provisions
of payment of bonus act for a period of ________ during the infancy period.
Correct Answer 5 years
Your Answer
5 years
Select The Blank
The Industrial Dispute Act was enacted in ________.
Correct Answer 1947
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Under Minimum Wages Act an Adult means a Person who has
completed a certain age
Correct Answer Eighteen years
Your Answer
Eighteen years
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the main contents of the Indian Trade Union Act?
Correct Answer To provide registration of trade unions
Your Answer
To provide registration of trade unions
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the reason that modern workers are much better and
lead a good life than their ancestors ?
Correct Answer Rise in the standard of living
Your Answer
Rise in the standard of living
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The problem of industrial or labour management developed
when elaborate organisational structure came on the seen during the late Correct Answer Nineteenth century
Your Answer
Nineteenth century
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A worker will be entitled to earned leave with wages if he fulfills
the following criteria :Correct Answer If he/she has worked for 240 days in calendar year , If she/he
has worked for less than 240 days but has been on maternity leave. , Privileged
leave would be counted alone with days worked for calculating leave.
Your Answer
If he/she has worked for 240 days in calendar year , If she/he
has worked for less than 240 days but has been on maternity leave. , Privileged
leave would be counted alone with days worked for calculating leave.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The labour or industrial problems increased when major
industries came into existence followed by technology of mass production in the
early :
Correct Answer 20th century
Your Answer
20th century
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Under whose rule there were no organisations of workers?
Correct Answer Mugals , Britishers , Local rulers of princely states
Your Answer
Mugals , Britishers , Local rulers of princely states
Select The Blank
The idea of workers participation as a fundamental principal has
been accepted during the ________ five year plan.
Correct Answer 3rd
Your Answer
A creche is compulsory where 15 or more women are working .
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The First Aid Box should have the following features :Correct Answer It should be stocked will sufficient equipments and medicine. ,
Only trained people should handle them , If should be re-stocked frequently.
Your Answer
It should be stocked will sufficient equipments and medicine. ,
Only trained people should handle them , If should be re-stocked frequently.
No Punishment can be awarded to the employee by the
employer during the pendancy of any conciliation, Adjudication and Arbitration
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Any employer who contravenes any provision of Minimum wages
act will be punishable with the following:Correct Answer Rs. 500/- Fine
Your Answer
Rs. 1000/- Fine
Select The Blank
Industrial Relation Bill was passed in the year________.
Correct Answer 1978
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The following matters are to be decided by employees court
Correct Answer Whether any person is an employee written the meaning of the
act and liable today employee contribution. , The rate of wages or average daily
wages. , The rate of contribution payable by principle employee on respect of any
Your Answer
The rate of wages or average daily wages. , The correctness of
benefit cleared. , The rate of contribution payable by principle employee on respect
of any employee
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Where was the first collective bargaining in India was concluded
in a textile mill ?
Correct Answer Ahmedabad
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
In which year Mr Sorabji Shapurji started a movement in
Correct Answer 1875
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
An employee is charged with the penalties the following
circumstances:Correct Answer Fails to maintain a notice book under subsection 3 of section 10 ,
Fails to send to the commissioner a statement under subsection 1 of section 10A ,
Fails to send return under section 16
Your Answer
Fails to maintain a notice book under subsection 3 of section 10 ,
Fails to send to the commissioner a statement under subsection 1 of section 10A ,
Fails to send return under section 16
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the main benefit of an arbitration?
Correct Answer During the continuance of arbitration union and workers will
refrain from strike
Your Answer
During the continuance of arbitration union and workers will
refrain from strike
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The Minimum Wages Act was passed in the year :Correct Answer 1948
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Industrial dispute should be settled by voluntary ________.
Correct Answer Arbitration
Your Answer
An employee has to contribute 0.5% of basic + DA as EDLI.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Karl Max points out in his book ________, "the most agonishing
spectacle in the English Factory was the remorselers exploitation of children under
10 or often only 6 and even 4 years old".
Correct Answer Das Capital
Your Answer
Arth Sashtra
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The gradual evaluation of industrial system has passed through
how many stages?
Correct Answer 6 stages
Your Answer
5 stages
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the duties of Central Industrial Machinery in India?
Correct Answer Prevention, investigation and settlement , Give effect to various
provisions of Industrial Dispute Act 1947? , Enforcement of fair wage clause
Your Answer
Prevention, investigation and settlement , Give effect to various
provisions of Industrial Dispute Act 1947? , Enforcement of fair wage clause
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In ancient India, what all were the main occupations?
Correct Answer Agriculture , Caste system professions , Slavery
Your Answer
Agriculture , Cottage industry
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the factors lacking in public sector undertakings?
Correct Answer Lack of belongingness , Lack of deeper union , Lack of
Your Answer
Lack of belongingness , Lack of deeper union , Provider of best
welfare facility
A Labour Court shall consists of two persons only appointed by
the appropriate government.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Intelligent collective bargaining demands specialized ________.
Correct Answer Training
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the causes of collective bargaining's Success in India?
Correct Answer Statutory provisions , Voluntary measures , Measures taken by
the government
Your Answer
Statutory provisions , Voluntary measures , Measures taken by
the government
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the main difference of arbitration with conciliation and
Correct Answer Arbitration is a judicial approach
Your Answer
Conciliation and mediation are semi judicial
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the three-tier system of adjudication
Correct Answer Labour Courts , Industrial Tribunals , National Tribunals
Your Answer
Industrial Tribunals , National Tribunals , Appellate Tribunals
In a factory employing 500 or more workers the occupier shall
employ one or more welfare officers depending on number of workers.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Provident Fund was enacted in which year?
Correct Answer 1948
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The history and growth of collective bargaining can be studied
under ________ different periods.
Correct Answer 3
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
What is the meaning of industrial relations?
Correct Answer Relationship between management and workers
Your Answer
Relationship between management and workers
Award of Tribunal can be appealed before the high Court and
Supreme Court
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Family pension scheme was introduced in the year:Correct Answer 1974
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the periods in which the industrial relations in India can
be explained?
Correct Answer Early British rule , First World War , Pre-independence period
Your Answer
First World War , Pre-independence period , Post-independence
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The Industrial employment ( standing orders ) act was enacted in
the following year:Correct Answer 1946
Your Answer
Select The Blank
________ adjudication means both the parties agree to refer the
matter for adjudication.
Correct Answer Voluntary
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Grievance should be submitted by a worker to his________.
Correct Answer Immediate Superior
Your Answer
The declaration form for an employee under ESI should be sent
10 ESI office duly filed written 15 days
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The Employees State Insurance Act was passed in the
Correct Answer 1948
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The labour or industrial problems increased when major
industries came into existence followed by technology of mass production in the
early :
Correct Answer 20th century
Your Answer
19th century
Select The Blank
Employees have the right to strike but no license to ________.
Correct Answer Commit violence
Your Answer
Elect office bearers.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The First Aid Box should have the following features :Correct Answer It should be stocked will sufficient equipments and medicine. ,
Only trained people should handle them , If should be re-stocked frequently.
Your Answer
It should be stocked will sufficient equipments and medicine. ,
Only trained people should handle them , If should be re-stocked frequently.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are all the factors influence industrial relations?
Correct Answer Political affiliation of our kids , Influence of union leaders ,
Introduction of labour leaders
Your Answer
Influence of union leaders , Introduction of labour leaders
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The funeral benefit is paid to the family of the deceased as
follows:Correct Answer Eldest surviving member
Your Answer
Eldest surviving member
Select The Blank
In every factory employing one hundred and fifty workers,
________ shall be provided for use by the workers.
Correct Answer Rest room or shelter
Your Answer
Rest room or shelter
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the principles of the industrial relations policy?
Correct Answer The code of conduct , The code of discipline , Welfare
Your Answer
The code of conduct , The code of discipline , Welfare
For Dissolution of Trade Union a notice of dissolution has to be
signed by secretary and at least 5 other members.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The Atharvavedha divides the community into four classes, viz,
Kshatriya, Vyasya, Shudra and ________.
Correct Answer Arya
Your Answer
Voluntary retirement is also known as retrenchment.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What are the levels at which collective bargaining agreements
have been concluded?
Correct Answer Plant level , Industry level , National level
Your Answer
Industry level , National level , International
Under Workmen's Compensation Act no prosecution can be
instituted except by previous sanction of commissioner.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Question The history and growth of collective bargaining can be studied under
________ different periods.
Correct Answer 3
Your Answer 3
Question A registered Trade union has no right to constitute a political fund.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The emergence of AITUC was in
Correct Answer 1920
Your Answer 1920
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question How many types of grievances generally arose in an industry?
Correct Answer Two
Your Answer Five
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What should be the mode of payment?
Correct Answer Current coin or commodity
Your Answer In currency only
Question A creche is compulsory where 15 or more women are working .
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Automation has eleminated :Correct Answer Human operation
Your Answer Human operation
Question Collective bargaining consists of two types of forms.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Under "Courts to Codes", what are the subjects included?
Correct Answer Recognition , Apprentice training , Workers education
Your Answer Recognition , Apprentice training , Workers education
Select The Blank
Question Karl Max points out in his book ________, "the most agonishing
spectacle in the English Factory was the remorselers exploitation of children
under 10 or often only 6 and even 4 years old".
Correct Answer Das Capital
Your Answer Das Capital
Select The Blank
Question If a person has resigned before completing ________ years of
continuous service he is not eligible for gratuity.
Correct Answer Five
Your Answer Five
Question The craftsmen delivered their products to the financiers who supplied
them with necessery finance
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The following matters are to be decided by employees court
Correct Answer Whether any person is an employee written the meaning of
the act and liable today employee contribution. , The rate of wages or average
daily wages. , The rate of contribution payable by principle employee on respect
of any employee
Your Answer Whether any person is an employee written the meaning of the
act and liable today employee contribution. , The rate of wages or average daily
wages. , The rate of contribution payable by principle employee on respect of any
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Gratuity is payable Who has completed 5 years of continuous service. Who has
completed 5 years of continuous service.
Calculation of Gratuity Basic + DA ( Last Drawn ) x 15 nos of years. Basic + DA (
Last Drawn ) x 15 nos of years.
Gratuity is payable as per Payment of Gratuity Act Payment of Gratuity Act
Question The best solution for settlement of disputes is mutual negotiation.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question The size of a grievance committee should be limited to a maximum
of ________.
Correct Answer 4 to 6 members
Your Answer 4 to 6 members
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question In unorganized sectors the subscription by members of the
registered trade unicorn is as follows :Correct Answer Rs. 03
Your Answer Rs. 03
Question The responsibility for maintaining employer discipline should be
entrusted to each and every managers.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Select The Blank
Question In 1991________ adopted a new and bold policy of economic
Correct Answer Dr. Manmohan Singh
Your Answer Dr. Manmohan Singh
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The Maximum daily hours which a workmen is allowed to work is as
follows :Correct Answer 09 hours
Your Answer 09 hours
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Which year Dr. Manmohan Singh introduced the economic
Correct Answer 1991
Your Answer 1991
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The main points emphasized in the Industrial Truce Resolution 1962
Correct Answer Maximum production , No interruption of work , Disputes to be
settled by voluntary arbitration
Your Answer Maximum production , No interruption of work , Disputes to be
settled by voluntary arbitration
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the needs emphasized by the first Five Year Plan?
Correct Answer Workers right of association , Employer-employee relation ,
Industrial peace
Your Answer Workers right of association , Employer-employee relation ,
Industrial peace
Question The rules and regulations should be rigid to suit different categories
of employees in an organization.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A workers committee has the following characteristic features:Correct Answer The committee should consists of equal representatives of
management and workers , The committee should try and compose differences
and endure cordial relations. , There should be at least 100 employees
Your Answer There should be at least 100 employees , The committee should
consists of equal representatives of management and workers , The committee
should try and compose differences and endure cordial relations.
Question An appeal and review of all disciplinary action is a basic need of
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the periods in which the industrial relations in India can be
Correct Answer Early British rule , First World War , Pre-independence period
Your Answer Early British rule , First World War , Post-independence period
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Name some of the drastic reforms in trade unions :Correct Answer Educated cadre of workers and union leaders , Strong,
enlightened and responsible unions , Gradual de-linking of trade unions from
political parties
Your Answer Educated cadre of workers and union leaders , Strong,
enlightened and responsible unions , Gradual de-linking of trade unions from
political parties
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question bargaining in India at the first instance
Correct Answer Mahatma Gandhi
Your Answer Mahatma Gandhi
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The Infancy period for an establishment where no PF is payable is
as follows:Correct Answer 2 years
Your Answer 3 years
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is the reason that modern workers are much better and lead a
good life than their ancestors ?
Correct Answer Rise in the standard of living
Your Answer Rise in the standard of living
Select The Blank
Question Grievance should be submitted by a worker to his________.
Correct Answer Immediate Superior
Your Answer Immediate Superior
Select The Blank
Question The term labour refers to the collectivity of ________.
Correct Answer Workers
Your Answer Workers
Question In collective bargaining there should be willingness to give and take
by both the parties.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question Under Section ________ of the Industrial Dispute Act 1947, an
umpire can be appointed if arbitrators are equally divided.
Correct Answer 10A
Your Answer 10A
Select The Blank
Question If a workmen dies during service, his ________ will be the first to be
given gratuity.
Correct Answer Nominee
Your Answer Nominee
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The workmen's compensation Act came into force on the following
date:Correct Answer 1st July, 1924
Your Answer 1st July, 1924
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is the main difference of arbitration with conciliation and
Correct Answer Arbitration is a judicial approach
Your Answer Arbitration is a judicial approach
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A workmen can be of the following types:Correct Answer Permanent , Temporary , Badly or Casual
Your Answer Permanent , Temporary , Badly or Casual
Question A sick industry which is declared by the board of financial reconstruction, as sick, has to contribute at the rate of 10% towards PF.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In ancient India, what all were the main occupations?
Correct Answer Agriculture , Caste system professions , Slavery
Your Answer Agriculture , Caste system professions , Slavery
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The Indian Trade Union Act was passed in which year?
Correct Answer 1926
Your Answer 1926
Select The Blank
Question Employees have the right to strike but no license to ________.
Correct Answer Commit violence
Your Answer Commit violence
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question No court shall entertain any suit for recovery of wages in so far as
the sum so claimed:Correct Answer Has formed the subject of a direction under that section in
favour of plaintiff. , Has been adjudged in any procedures under the section not
to be due to the plaintiff
Your Answer Form the subject of an application under section 20 which has
been presented on behalf of plaintiff. , Has formed the subject of a direction
under that section in favour of plaintiff. , Has been adjudged in any procedures
under the section not to be due to the plaintiff
Select The Blank
Question The Indian Labour Conference ________ , reiterated the need for a
wide acceptance of voluntary arbitration.
Correct Answer 1962
Your Answer 1962
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the pre-requisites of a successive collective bargaining?
Correct Answer Right to organize and bargain collectively , The union must be
strong democratic and enlightened , Willingness to give and take
Your Answer Right to organize and bargain collectively , The union must be
strong democratic and enlightened , Willingness to give and take
Question The main function of collective bargaining is to see the employment
and working conditions of employees.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the main needs emphasized by the sixth five year plan?
Correct Answer Industrial harmony , Adequate grievance procedure ,
Encourage collective bargaining
Your Answer Adequate grievance procedure , Encourage collective bargaining
, Industrial harmony
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is the result of non fulfillment of demands of the workers?
Correct Answer Industrial unrest
Your Answer Industrial unrest
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question As per factory's Act, a canteen has to have the following features :Correct Answer Serve good quality tea, snacks, lunch , Have sufficient light
and ventilation , Should be clean and tidy
Your Answer Serve good quality tea, snacks, lunch , Have sufficient light and
ventilation , Should be clean and tidy
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The Funeral benefit for a deceased member is as follows.
Correct Answer Rs. 2500/Your Answer Rs. 2500/True/False
Question Voluntary retirement is also known as retrenchment.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A worker will have to be given over-time if he works for more than
following hours:Correct Answer 09 hours a day - 48 hours a week
Your Answer 09 hours a day - 48 hours a week
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The Minimum Wages Act was passed in the year :Correct Answer 1948
Your Answer 1948
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is the object of the Act?
Correct Answer Payment of bonus to a person employed in certain
Your Answer Payment of wages
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The labour or industrial problems increased when major industries
came into existence followed by technology of mass production in the early :
Correct Answer 20th century
Your Answer 20th century
Question The organisation as a whole should be discipline oriented.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The problem of industrial or labour management developed when
elaborate organisational structure came on the seen during the late Correct Answer Nineteenth century
Your Answer Nineteenth century
Select The Blank
Question To be eligible to be covered under ESI a person should have
completed ________.
Correct Answer 18 years.
Your Answer 18 years.
Question Deductions can be made from the wages if approved by the
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Labours now want a greater voice in his welfare and work. By which
means they get this?
Correct Answer Union membership
Your Answer Union membership
Question An inspector can prosecute an employer who is defaulter under the
provisions of the Act.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Under ESI Act confinement is given for following period:Correct Answer 26 weeks of pregnancy
Your Answer 26 weeks of pregnancy
Select The Blank
Question Workmen does not include ________
Correct Answer Policeman
Your Answer Policeman
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The gradual evaluation of industrial system has passed through how
many stages?
Correct Answer 6 stages
Your Answer 6 stages
Select The Blank
Question The Bureau of Public ________ was set up to give broad guide lines
and assistance to management.
Correct Answer Enterprise
Your Answer Enterprise
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question From Sept. 1997 PF contribution was as follows:Correct Answer 0.12
Your Answer 0.12
Select The Blank
Question The Industrial Dispute Act was enacted in ________.
Correct Answer 1947
Your Answer 1947
Select The Blank
Question In case of Earned Learn or Annual Leave a worker has to apply for it
________ from the date of leave.
Correct Answer 15 days
Your Answer 15 days
Select The Blank
Question A trade union seeking recognizing as a bargaining agent should
have a membership of at least ________ persons/workers in the organization.
Correct Answer 30
Your Answer 30
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Air India, the National career is a failure. What are the reasons?
Correct Answer Self serving aviation ministers , Self serving directors ,
Incompetent bureaucrats
Your Answer Self serving aviation ministers , Self serving directors ,
Incompetent bureaucrats
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are all the main provisions in the Industrial Trade Resolution,
Correct Answer Maximum production , Discourage absenteeism , No
interruption of work
Your Answer Maximum production , Discourage absenteeism , No interruption
of work
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the factors lacking in public sector undertakings?
Correct Answer Lack of productivity , Lack of belongingness , Lack of deeper
Your Answer Lack of belongingness , Lack of deeper union , Lack of
Question An inspector under payment of Gratuity can enter a factory and
inspect the appropriate records.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question Workers participation should be accepted as a fundamental principle
and an urgent need.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Under Akber, factories operated in some places. Which are these
Correct Answer Agra , Lahoore , Fatehpur
Your Answer Agra , Lahoore , Fatehpur
Select The Blank
Question Newly set up establishments are exempted from the provisions of
payment of bonus act for a period of ________ during the infancy period.
Correct Answer 5 years
Your Answer 3 years
Select The Blank
Question ________ means a person who has not completed 18 years
Correct Answer A minor
Your Answer A minor
Select The Blank
Question Collective bargaining should be encouraged as this will enhance the
role of ________.
Correct Answer Trade Unions
Your Answer Trade Unions
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In 1978, strikes have taken place even in large and modern factories.
Which are they?
Correct Answer Tata Electronic and Loco Company , Philips India Ltd , Larsen
and Turbo Ltd
Your Answer Tata Electronic and Loco Company , Philips India Ltd , Larsen
and Turbo Ltd
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the three-tier system of adjudication
Correct Answer Labour Courts , Industrial Tribunals , National Tribunals
Your Answer Labour Courts , Industrial Tribunals , National Tribunals
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the benefits of getting regular and prompt wages?
Correct Answer Industrial harmony , Change of workers' living conditions ,
Change in productivity
Your Answer Industrial harmony , Change of workers' living conditions ,
Change in productivity
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Why did the families in large numbers moved to industrial centres ?
Correct Answer Employment opportunities
Your Answer Employment opportunities
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are all the periods can be counted as working days while
calculating how many days an individual work in an establishment?
Correct Answer On leave with salary , Absent due to temporary disablement ,
On maternity leave
Your Answer On leave with salary , Absent due to temporary disablement , On
maternity leave
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The importance of collective bargaining is reducing these days. What
are the reasons?
Correct Answer Growing strength of Unions , Increased profits , Increased
Your Answer Growing strength of Unions , Increased profits , Increased
Select The Blank
Question Any death due to accident has to be reported to ESI office
Correct Answer Within 2 days.
Your Answer Within 7 days.
Select The Blank
Question A tribunal shall consists of ________ person.
Correct Answer One
Your Answer One
Question Compensation under Workmen's Compensation Act cannot be
assigned, attached or charged.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question The declaration form for an employee under ESI should be sent 10
ESI office duly filed written 15 days
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The Inspector under payment of Gratuity Act has the right for the
following:Correct Answer Examine the employee or any person in the premises.
Your Answer Examine the employee or any person in the premises.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What will be the maximum period of payment of wages?
Correct Answer Not to exceed one month
Your Answer Not to exceed one month
Question An inspector can prosecute an employer who is defaulter under the
provisions of the Act.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are all the main points stressed in the fifth five year plan?
Correct Answer Strengthening Industrial Relations , Imparting training ,
Enforcement of labour legislations
Your Answer Strengthening Industrial Relations , Imparting training ,
Enforcement of labour legislations
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is the main deference between arbitration and mediation?
Correct Answer Arbitration is a judicial process
Your Answer Arbitration is a judicial process
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The workmen's compensation Act came into force on the following
date:Correct Answer 1st July, 1924
Your Answer 1st July, 1924
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The payment of Gratuity Act came in force in the year:Correct Answer 1972
Your Answer 1972
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The short Jute mill strike in the history of trade union movement in
India was held in Calcutta. How many days it lasted?
Correct Answer 4 days
Your Answer 4 days
Select The Blank
Question In case of Earned Learn or Annual Leave a worker has to apply for it
________ from the date of leave.
Correct Answer 15 days
Your Answer 15 days
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Setting up of labour courts in each states was recommended by
which Commission?
Correct Answer Industrial Relations Committee
Your Answer Industrial Relations Committee
Question Woolen Carpet industry is one of the scheduled industry.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question When was the Act came into being?
Correct Answer 25th Sep 1965
Your Answer 25th Sep 1960
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A worker will be entitled to earned leave with wages if he fulfills the
following criteria :Correct Answer If he/she has worked for 240 days in calendar year , If she/he
has worked for less than 240 days but has been on maternity leave. , Privileged
leave would be counted alone with days worked for calculating leave.
Your Answer If he/she has worked for 240 days in calendar year , If she/he has
worked for less than 240 days but has been on maternity leave. , Privileged leave
would be counted alone with days worked for calculating leave.
Select The Blank
Question A corporation under ESI nears ________ set up under the act.
Correct Answer ESI Corporation
Your Answer ESI Corporation
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question As per factory's Act, a canteen has to have the following features :Correct Answer Serve good quality tea, snacks, lunch , Have sufficient light
and ventilation , Should be clean and tidy
Your Answer Serve good quality tea, snacks, lunch , Have sufficient light and
ventilation , Should be clean and tidy
Question Arbitration is less expensive than other procedures.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question An aggrieved employee should be given the answer within ________
hours from the submission of grievance.
Correct Answer 48
Your Answer 48
Question Award of Tribunal can be appealed before the high Court and
Supreme Court
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A registered unions can change its name if it is consented by the
following percentage of members :Correct Answer 0.66
Your Answer 0.66
Select The Blank
Question Tata Iron and Steel Industry had been established in Jemshedpur in
Correct Answer 1911
Your Answer 1911
Select The Blank
Question The failure of cancellation proceedings leads to refer the matter to
adjudication by the ________.
Correct Answer Government
Your Answer Government
Question The declaration form for an employee under ESI should be sent 10
ESI office duly filed written 15 days
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Select The Blank
Question Minimum wages was formulated in the year ________
Correct Answer 1948
Your Answer 1948
Question An inspector under payment of Gratuity can enter a factory and
inspect the appropriate records.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question An appeal and review of all disciplinary action is a basic need of
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question A punishment should be commensurate with the gravity of the
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are all the main provisions in the Industrial Trade Resolution,
Correct Answer Maximum production , Discourage absenteeism , No
interruption of work
Your Answer Maximum production , Discourage absenteeism , No interruption
of work
Select The Blank
Question The process of negotiations under collective bargaining involves
________ steps.
Correct Answer 2
Your Answer 2
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question In case a worker quits, he has to be paid, leave wages on the
following day :Correct Answer Next day
Your Answer Immediately
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Employers can eliminate strikes and by providing certain needs of the
workers. What are they?
Correct Answer Good employer-employee relation , Participation by workers in
the functions of the industry , Establishment of safety precautions
Your Answer Good employer-employee relation , Participation by workers in
the functions of the industry , Establishment of safety precautions
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The Infancy period for an establishment where no PF is payable is as
follows:Correct Answer 2 years
Your Answer 2 years
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the main aspects of procedure for investigation?
Correct Answer Fair hearing , The arbitrator should not relay on any document
which is not shown and explained to the other party , He has to be completely
Your Answer Fair hearing , The arbitrator should not relay on any document
which is not shown and explained to the other party , He has to be completely
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question An employee is charged with the penalties the following
circumstances:Correct Answer Fails to maintain a notice book under subsection 3 of section
10 , Fails to send to the commissioner a statement under subsection 1 of section
10A , Fails to send return under section 16
Your Answer Fails to maintain a notice book under subsection 3 of section 10 ,
Fails to send to the commissioner a statement under subsection 1 of section 10A
, Fails to send return under section 16
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Automation has eleminated :Correct Answer Human operation
Your Answer Human operation
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The workmen's compensation Act has the following features:Correct Answer It has enacted in 1923 , It extends to whole of India , It came
into force on 1st July, 1924
Your Answer It has enacted in 1923 , It extends to whole of India , It came into
force on 1st July, 1924
Select The Blank
Question Workmen does not include ________
Correct Answer Policeman
Your Answer Policeman
Question In collective bargaining there should be willingness to give and take
by both the parties.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question If a company cannot pay statutory wages it should as per supreme
count order ________.
Correct Answer Close down
Your Answer Close down
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the duties of Central Industrial Machinery in India?
Correct Answer Prevention, investigation and settlement , Give effect to various
provisions of Industrial Dispute Act 1947? , Enforcement of fair wage clause
Your Answer Prevention, investigation and settlement , Give effect to various
provisions of Industrial Dispute Act 1947? , Enforcement of fair wage clause
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Under Akber, factories operated in some places. Which are these
Correct Answer Agra , Lahoore , Fatehpur
Your Answer Agra , Lahoore , Fatehpur
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The appropriate government may by notification in the official gazette
appoint the following :Correct Answer Any commissioner for workers compensation. , Any officer of
central government exercising functioning as labour commission. , Civil court
Your Answer Any commissioner for workers compensation. , Any officer of
central government exercising functioning as labour commission. , Civil court
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Any inspects appointed by appropriate governed can do the following
:Correct Answer Examine Records , Can seize the register / records for the
purpose. , To prosecute employer
Your Answer Examine Records , Can seize the register / records for the
purpose. , To prosecute employer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question In which year Mr Sorabji Shapurji started a movement in Bombay?
Correct Answer 1875
Your Answer 1875
Select The Blank
Question Every claim for non payment of minimum wages shall be presented
within ________.
Correct Answer 6 months
Your Answer 6 months
Select The Blank
Question Compensation under workmen's compensation act has to be paid
Correct Answer Immediately after its falling due
Your Answer Immediately after its falling due
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question When a permanent total disablement occurs, the amount payable
under the Act is as follows:Correct Answer 60% of monthly wages X relevant factor.
Your Answer 60% of monthly wages X relevant factor.
Question The responsibility for maintaining employer discipline should be
entrusted to each and every managers.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Maintenance of good relation between workers and the management
is the very basis of :Correct Answer Development of industrial democracy
Your Answer Development of industrial democracy
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question As per Industrial Dispute Act, what should be the strength of
workmen for constituting work committees?
Correct Answer More than 100
Your Answer More than 100
Question The Employees State Insurance Act was passed in 1946
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Select The Blank
Question ________ is one who is a learner and has not completed a training
period of one year
Correct Answer An apprentice
Your Answer An apprentice
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Under whose rule there were no organisations of workers?
Correct Answer Mugals , Britishers , Local rulers of princely states
Your Answer Mugals , Britishers , Local rulers of princely states
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the three-tier system of adjudication
Correct Answer Labour Courts , Industrial Tribunals , National Tribunals
Your Answer Industrial Tribunals , National Tribunals , Appellate Tribunals
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What will be the maximum period of payment of wages?
Correct Answer Not to exceed one month
Your Answer Not to exceed one month
Select The Blank
Question Absence without leave for more than ________ consecutive days is
a misconduct under standing orders.
Correct Answer 10
Your Answer 10
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question When did the first collective bargaining agreement was concluded in
Correct Answer 1920
Your Answer 1920
Question Special Allowance is static and does not vary.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Question The main function of collective bargaining is to see the employment
and working conditions of employees.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False
Question The rules and regulations should be rigid to suit different categories
of employees in an organization.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question P.F. contribution was applicable to employees from the following
days in service:Correct Answer 60 days
Your Answer First days
Select The Blank
Question Amenities could mean ________
Correct Answer Drinking water facilities
Your Answer Drinking water facilities
Question The responsibility for maintaining employer discipline should be
entrusted to each and every managers.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is the main deference between arbitration and mediation?
Correct Answer Arbitration is a judicial process
Your Answer Arbitration is a judicial process
Select The Blank
Question The idea of workers participation as a fundamental principal has
been accepted during the ________ five year plan.
Correct Answer 3rd
Your Answer 6th
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In 1978, strikes have taken place even in large and modern factories.
Which are they?
Correct Answer Tata Electronic and Loco Company , Philips India Ltd , Larsen
and Turbo Ltd
Your Answer Tata Electronic and Loco Company , Philips India Ltd , Larsen
and Turbo Ltd
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The Funeral benefit for a deceased member is as follows.
Correct Answer Rs. 2500/Your Answer Rs. 2500/True/False
Question Collective bargaining is the process of employer-employee
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the principles applied to settle the industrial disputes?
Correct Answer Minimum use of legal technicalities , Trained personnel to man
tribunals and courts , Appeals to be reduced
Your Answer Minimum use of legal technicalities , Trained personnel to man
tribunals and courts , Appeals to be reduced
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The labour or industrial problems increased when major industries
came into existence followed by technology of mass production in the early :
Correct Answer 20th century
Your Answer 20th century
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Every application for registration of a Trade union which shall be
made to a registrar shall be accompanied by the following:Correct Answer Name & Addresses and occupation making the person making
the application. , Name and address of trade union , Name and address of office
bearers of union
Your Answer Name & Addresses and occupation making the person making
the application. , Name and address of trade union , Name and address of the
Select The Blank
Question Gherao introduced in West Bengal in the year ________ during the
United front regime.
Correct Answer 1967
Your Answer 1964
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the factors lacking in public sector undertakings?
Correct Answer Lack of belongingness , Lack of deeper union , Lack of
Your Answer Lack of belongingness , Lack of deeper union , Lack of
Question An inspector under payment of Gratuity can enter a factory and
inspect the appropriate records.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question The size of a grievance committee should be limited to a maximum
of ________.
Correct Answer 4 to 6 members
Your Answer 2 to 3 members
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Why the American labour movement opposing compulsory
Correct Answer It kills collective bargaining , It means loss of personal
freedom , Loss of mobility
Your Answer It means loss of personal freedom , Loss of mobility , No strike
during the pendency of arbitration
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question PF was to be calculated on the following basis:Correct Answer Basic + DA
Your Answer Basic + DA
Select The Blank
Question The insured person should register with the ________ person
Correct Answer An ESI recognized doctor
Your Answer An ESI recognized doctor
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Employers can eliminate strikes and by providing certain needs of
the workers. What are they?
Correct Answer Good employer-employee relation , Participation by workers in
the functions of the industry , Establishment of safety precautions
Your Answer Good employer-employee relation , Participation by workers in
the functions of the industry , Establishment of safety precautions
Select The Blank
Question A trade union seeking recognizing as a bargaining agent should
have a membership of at least ________ persons/workers in the organization.
Correct Answer 30
Your Answer 30
Select The Blank
Question ________ adjudication means both or either one of the parties do not
wish to refer the matter for adjudication.
Correct Answer Compulsory
Your Answer Voluntary
Question In a factory employing 500 or more workers the occupier shall
employ one or more welfare officers depending on number of workers.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The payment of Gratuity Act came in force in the year:Correct Answer 1972
Your Answer 1972
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Under what level most of the grievances can be settled?
Correct Answer Plant level
Your Answer Supervisory level
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The gradual evaluation of industrial system has passed through how
many stages?
Correct Answer 6 stages
Your Answer 6 stages
Select The Blank
Question Sec 31A of the Act provides bonus to productivity in lieu of profit
sharing . This section was introduced in ________.
Correct Answer 1976
Your Answer 1976
Select The Blank
Question If a person has completed 18 year of age, he / she will be deemed to
be ________ worker.
Correct Answer An adult
Your Answer An adult
Question After presentation of the grievance, an aggrieved worker should be
given a reply within three days
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A registered trade union may constituted a separated fund from the
contribution levied separately for promotion of civil and political interest of it
members by the following:Correct Answer Covering expenses for a person to legislative bodies. , Holding
a meeting or distribution of literature for candidate in an election , Distribution to
political literature.
Your Answer Covering expenses for a person to legislative bodies. , For
paying transport cost of candidate.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the benefits of getting regular and prompt wages?
Correct Answer Industrial harmony , Change of workers' living conditions ,
Change in productivity
Your Answer Industrial harmony , Change of workers' living conditions ,
Employers' satisfaction
Question When both the parties agree to reference of dispute to settlement,
the Government is forced to refer the matter to the Compulsory Adjudication.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question An employee is charged with the penalties the following
circumstances:Correct Answer Fails to maintain a notice book under subsection 3 of section
10 , Fails to send to the commissioner a statement under subsection 1 of section
10A , Fails to send return under section 16
Your Answer Fails to maintain a notice book under subsection 3 of section 10 ,
Fails to send to the commissioner a statement under subsection 1 of section 10A
, Fails to send return under section 16
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
An adult worker is one who has completed. 18 years 18 years
Minimum rates of wages can be fixed by Appropriate authority Appropriate
No cause shall be entertained Unless authorized by appropriate authority Unless
authorized by appropriate authority
An adolescent as by who has completed 14 years of age 14 years of age
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Name some of the drastic reforms in trade unions :Correct Answer Educated cadre of workers and union leaders , Strong,
enlightened and responsible unions , Gradual de-linking of trade unions from
political parties
Your Answer Educated cadre of workers and union leaders , Strong,
enlightened and responsible unions , Gradual de-linking of trade unions from
political parties
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The Minimum Wages Act was passed in the year :Correct Answer 1948
Your Answer 1948
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the principles applied to settle the industrial disputes?
Correct Answer Minimum use of legal technicalities , Trained personnel to man
tribunals and courts , Appeals to be reduced
Your Answer Trained personnel to man tribunals and courts , Appeals to be
reduced , Minimum use of legal technicalities
Question Arbitration is less expensive than other procedures.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question No ________ shall be a allowed to work on dangerous machines.
Correct Answer Young person
Your Answer Lady worker
Select The Blank
Question A tribunal shall consists of ________ person.
Correct Answer One
Your Answer One
Question Collective bargaining consists of two types of forms.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The First Aid Box should have the following features :Correct Answer It should be stocked will sufficient equipments and medicine. ,
Only trained people should handle them , If should be re-stocked frequently.
Your Answer It should be stocked will sufficient equipments and medicine. ,
Only trained people should handle them , If should be re-stocked frequently.
Select The Blank
Question To be eligible to be covered under ESI a person should have
completed ________.
Correct Answer 18 years.
Your Answer 18 years.
Question An inspector can prosecute an employer who is defaulter under the
provisions of the Act.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A person can become member of a registered Trade Union on
attaining the age of :Correct Answer 15 years
Your Answer 15 years
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Why the American labour movement opposing compulsory
Correct Answer Loss of mobility , It kills collective bargaining , It means loss of
personal freedom
Your Answer It kills collective bargaining , It means loss of personal freedom ,
Loss of mobility
Question Mr V. V. Giri put forward the "Giri Approach " in the early sixties.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A workmen can be of the following types:Correct Answer Permanent , Temporary , Badly or Casual
Your Answer Permanent , Temporary , Consultant
Select The Blank
Question ________ adjudication means both or either one of the parties do not
wish to refer the matter for adjudication.
Correct Answer Compulsory
Your Answer Compulsory
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What should be the qualifications of a Labour Welfare Officer
Correct Answer University degree , Degree/diploma in social science ,
Knowledge of local language
Your Answer University degree , Degree/diploma in social science ,
Knowledge of local language
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What should be the percentage of workers with trade unions seeking
recognition as a bargaining agent?
Correct Answer 30
Your Answer 30
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the benefits of getting regular and prompt wages?
Correct Answer Industrial harmony , Change of workers' living conditions ,
Change in productivity
Your Answer Change of workers' living conditions , Change in productivity ,
Employers' satisfaction
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Under what level most of the grievances can be settled?
Correct Answer Plant level
Your Answer Plant level
Select The Blank
Question ________ defines industrial relations as a whole field of relationship
because of the necessary collaboration of men and women in the employment
process in an Industry.
Correct Answer Dale Yoder
Your Answer Dale Yoder
Select The Blank
Question Grievance should be submitted by a worker to his________.
Correct Answer Immediate Superior
Your Answer Immediate Superior
Select The Blank
Question Minimum wages was formulated in the year ________
Correct Answer 1948
Your Answer 1948
Question The declaration form for an employee under ESI should be sent 10
ESI office duly filed written 15 days
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Air India, the National career is a failure. What are the reasons?
Correct Answer Self serving aviation ministers , Self serving directors ,
Incompetent bureaucrats
Your Answer Self serving aviation ministers , Self serving directors ,
Incompetent bureaucrats
Question Funeral Benefit is given for Rs. 2000/Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Question PF is applicable to all establishments specified in schedule I of the
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is the nearest meaning of industrial relations
Correct Answer Relationship between management and workmen
Your Answer Relationship between management and workmen
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is the main benefit of an arbitration?
Correct Answer During the continuance of arbitration union and workers will
refrain from strike
Your Answer Judgment is often arbitrary
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Under Akber, factories operated in some places. Which are these
Correct Answer Agra , Lahoore , Fatehpur
Your Answer Agra , Lahoore , Fatehpur
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is the meaning of Stable industrial relations?
Correct Answer Mutual trust between the workers and management
Your Answer Mutual trust between the workers and management
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In ancient India, what all were the main occupations?
Correct Answer Agriculture , Caste system professions , Slavery
Your Answer Agriculture , Caste system professions , Slavery
Question A canteen is compulsory in an organization where 200 or more
workers are working.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Select The Blank
Question ________ adjudication means both the parties agree to refer the
matter for adjudication.
Correct Answer Voluntary
Your Answer Voluntary
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question When was The industrial policy resolution was passed ?
Correct Answer 1956
Your Answer 1956
Question After independents, India adopted a path of mixed economy
consisting of both public and private sector.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question The Atharvavedha divides the community into four classes, viz,
Kshatriya, Vyasya, Shudra and ________.
Correct Answer Arya
Your Answer Arya
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question An employee is charged with the penalties the following
circumstances:Correct Answer Fails to maintain a notice book under subsection 3 of section
10 , Fails to send to the commissioner a statement under subsection 1 of section
10A , Fails to send return under section 16
Your Answer Fails to maintain a notice book under subsection 3 of section 10 ,
Fails to send to the commissioner a statement under subsection 1 of section 10A
, Fails to send return under section 16
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A canteen is compulsory as per Factories Act if the following number
of workers are in the rolls :Correct Answer 250 workers
Your Answer 250 workers
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The policy of bringing together three parties namely the government,
management and labour was originated by :Correct Answer Dr B.R. Ambedkar
Your Answer Dr V V Giri
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Any inspects appointed by appropriate governed can do the following
:Correct Answer Examine Records , Can seize the register / records for the
purpose. , To prosecute employer
Your Answer Examine Records , Can seize the register / records for the
purpose. , Suggest corrective action
Question Kautilya''s Arthsashtra gives a comprehensive picture of the
organisation and functions of the social and political institutions in ancient India
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question A deduction from bonus payable under the act can be made to make
good an amount of financial loss to the ________.
Correct Answer Employer
Your Answer Employer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In 1978, strikes have taken place even in large and modern factories.
Which are they?
Correct Answer Tata Electronic and Loco Company , Philips India Ltd , Larsen
and Turbo Ltd
Your Answer Tata Electronic and Loco Company , Philips India Ltd , Larsen
and Turbo Ltd
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question When a permanent total disablement occurs, the amount payable
under the Act is as follows:Correct Answer 60% of monthly wages X relevant factor.
Your Answer 60% of monthly wages X relevant factor.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The Infancy period for an establishment where no PF is payable is
as follows:Correct Answer 2 years
Your Answer 5 years
Select The Blank
Question Any death due to accident has to be reported to ESI office
Correct Answer Within 2 days.
Your Answer Within 2 days.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the needs emphasized by the first Five Year Plan?
Correct Answer Industrial peace , Workers right of association , Employeremployee relation
Your Answer Industrial peace , Workers right of association , Employeremployee relation
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Labours now want a greater voice in his welfare and work. By which
means they get this?
Correct Answer Union membership
Your Answer Union membership
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are all the periods can be counted as working days while
calculating how many days an individual work in an establishment?
Correct Answer On leave with salary , Absent due to temporary disablement ,
On maternity leave
Your Answer On leave with salary , Absent due to temporary disablement , On
maternity leave
Select The Blank
Question No person can go on strike from a public utility service without giving
to the employer, a notice of strike provided by the act within ________ weeks
before striking.
Correct Answer Six
Your Answer Six
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The main points emphasized in the Industrial Truce Resolution 1962
Correct Answer Maximum production , No interruption of work , Disputes to be
settled by voluntary arbitration
Your Answer No interruption of work , Disputes to be settled by voluntary
arbitration , Employee-Employer relations
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The workers breach of contract was passed in:
Correct Answer 1959
Your Answer 1960
Question After presentation of the grievance, an aggrieved worker should be
given a reply within three days
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Question Strike means cessation of work by employers.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question Amenities could mean ________
Correct Answer Drinking water facilities
Your Answer Drinking water facilities
Question Workers participation should be accepted as a fundamental principle
and an urgent need.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question Voluntary retirement is also known as retrenchment.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The following matters are to be decided by employees court
Correct Answer Whether any person is an employee written the meaning of
the act and liable today employee contribution. , The rate of wages or average
daily wages. , The rate of contribution payable by principle employee on respect
of any employee
Your Answer Whether any person is an employee written the meaning of the
act and liable today employee contribution. , The correctness of benefit cleared. ,
The rate of contribution payable by principle employee on respect of any
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question If a worker dies, his balance of leave with wages has to be given to
the next of kin on the following period :Correct Answer Within 2 months
Your Answer Within a month
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is the Human Relations in industry?
Correct Answer To maintain relations between employers and working class
Your Answer To maintain relations between employers and working class
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question In every industrial establishment a works committee has to be set up
if the following condition prevail:Correct Answer It employs 100 or more workers
Your Answer It employs 100 or more workers
Question The Industrial Dispute Act prohibits strikes and lockouts during the
pendency of conciliation or adjudication
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A certificate of registration of trade union may be cancelled because
of the following reasons:Correct Answer Application by trade union , If register feels it is issued by
mistake or fraud. , The trade union ceases to exists
Your Answer The trade union ceases to exists , Application by trade union , If
register feels it is issued by mistake or fraud.
Question The craftsmen delivered their products to the financiers who supplied
them with necessery finance
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which are the establishments are there, to whom the Sec 32 of the
does not apply?
Correct Answer LIC , Nationalized banks , Public Sector Undertakings
Your Answer LIC , Nationalized banks , Public Sector Undertakings
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Generally how many causes are there for grievance?
Correct Answer 5
Your Answer 5
Question A registered Trade union has no right to constitute a political fund.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is the main objective of industrial relations?
Correct Answer To safeguard the interest of labour
Your Answer To safeguard the interest of labour
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the most important aspects of the process of the collective
Correct Answer Negotiations , Discussions , Compromise
Your Answer Negotiations , Discussions , Union
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are all the main points stressed in the fifth five year plan?
Correct Answer Strengthening Industrial Relations , Imparting training ,
Enforcement of labour legislations
Your Answer Strengthening Industrial Relations , Imparting training ,
Enforcement of labour legislations
Select The Blank
Question A Tripartite Labour Conference was held in May in ________.
Correct Answer 1977
Your Answer 1977
Select The Blank
Question If a workmen dies during service, his ________ will be the first to be
given gratuity.
Correct Answer Nominee
Your Answer Nominee
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question According to Minimum Wages Act, wages consists of the following :Correct Answer Basic + Special Allowance
Your Answer Basic + Conveyance
Question In today's social environment speedy settlement of disputes is of
prime importance.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Arbitration is to be distinguished from conciliation. Why?
Correct Answer Because its decision is binding on the parties
Your Answer It is not a judicial process
Select The Blank
Question If a person has resigned before completing ________ years of
continuous service he is not eligible for gratuity.
Correct Answer Five
Your Answer Five
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Family pension scheme was introduced in the year:Correct Answer 1974
Your Answer 1974
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question No court shall entertain any suit for recovery of wages in so far as
the sum so claimed:-
Correct Answer Has formed the subject of a direction under that section in
favour of plaintiff. , Has been adjudged in any procedures under the section not
to be due to the plaintiff
Your Answer Form the subject of an application under section 20 which has
been presented on behalf of plaintiff. , Has formed the subject of a direction
under that section in favour of plaintiff. , Has been adjudged in any procedures
under the section not to be due to the plaintiff
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question How many types of grievances generally arose in an industry?
Correct Answer Two
Your Answer Two
Question The general funds of the registered trade union can be spent on
conducting Trade disputes on behalf of Trade union or any member thereof.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The Maximum daily hours which a workmen is allowed to work is as
follows :Correct Answer 09 hours
Your Answer 09 hours
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the main aspects of procedure for investigation?
Correct Answer Fair hearing , The arbitrator should not relay on any document
which is not shown and explained to the other party , He has to be completely
Your Answer Fair hearing , The arbitrator should not relay on any document
which is not shown and explained to the other party , Should have no contacts
with both the parties
Select The Blank
Question The idea of workers participation as a fundamental principal has
been accepted during the ________ five year plan.
Correct Answer 3rd
Your Answer 3rd
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In which parts of Maharashtra a loss of 100 crores recorded during
the year 1978?
Correct Answer Bombay , Belapur , Pune
Your Answer Belapur , Pune , Nasik
Select The Blank
Question Tata Iron and Steel Industry had been established in Jemshedpur in
Correct Answer 1911
Your Answer 1911
Select The Blank
Question As per amendment to the act which came into force in January 2002,
there has to be at least ________ of members actually employed in the
Correct Answer 0.1
Your Answer 0.2
Select The Blank
Question The term labour refers to the collectivity of ________.
Correct Answer Workers
Your Answer Workers
Select The Blank
Question An aggrieved employee should be given the answer within ________
hours from the submission of grievance.
Correct Answer 48
Your Answer 48
Select The Blank
Question Industrial dispute should be settled by voluntary ________.
Correct Answer Arbitration
Your Answer Arbitration
Question The best solution for settlement of disputes is mutual negotiation.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Employers can eliminate strikes and by providing certain needs of
the workers. What are they?
Correct Answer Good employer-employee relation , Participation by workers in
the functions of the industry , Establishment of safety precautions
Your Answer Good employer-employee relation , Participation by workers in
the functions of the industry , Establishment of safety precautions
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Willful insubordination or disobedience Constitutes a misconduct Constitutes a
Age for retirement or superannuation. Has to be included in standing order Is
appointed for a limited period.
A suspended employer Has to be paid 50% of wages for the first 90 days. Has to
be included in standing order