Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the needs for Quality Audit?
Correct Answer It provides a benchmarkas to the performance of the quality system. , It constitutes a
permanent record of the progress in achieving the goals of quality. , It facilitates and encourages
supplier quality certificationsystems.
Your Answer It constitutes a permanent record of the progress in achieving the goals of quality. , It
facilitates and encourages supplier quality certificationsystems.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Under the point method, key jobs are selected, each sub factor is then defined in the order
of importance preferable along a scale, factors generally considered are:
Correct Answer Skill , Efforts , Accountability
Your Answer Skill , Efforts
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Question Name the Questions which enable the superior to verify that he has correctly heard.
Correct Answer Paraphrasing
Your Answer Paraphrasing
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Question The role of the organisation in career planning is to introduce & strengthen systems to
ensure ________ of employees
Correct Answer Career Progression
Your Answer Career Progression
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Question In an employees organisation the flow of decisions fom the Working Committee flows to Correct Answer President / Secretary of Branch Union
Your Answer President / Secretary of Branch Union
Question Under point method, common factors to all the jobs are identified.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A candidate immediately after completing his school / collage education joins an
organisation in lower level position. Later he finds it difficult to make both ends meet as his family
grows & thus takes up a part time job or business, etc during his off-hours, this part of moon lighting is
called :
Correct Answer Quarter Moon Lighting
Your Answer Quarter Moon Lighting
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Question ________ means every employee is an active participant in goal attainment.
Correct Answer Employee involerment
Your Answer Employee involerment
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Question One of the importance of HRD is
Correct Answer Role clarity
Your Answer Role clarity
Question The first HRD department in the Indian corporate sector was started in 1975 in Larsen &
Toubro (L & T).
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False
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Question T. Thomas said," I became chairman of this company in 1973 at the age of 45". Name the
Correct Answer Hindustan Level
Your Answer Hindustan Level
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Question Performance counselling should not give a chance in discussion like Correct Answer Increments , Salaries , Rewards
Your Answer Increments , Salaries , Rewards
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Question Which system emphasis a lot on the need to motivate people
Correct Answer Human Resourse Development
Your Answer Human Resourse Planning
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Question The function/task of ensuring that all sections are filled in, & the evidence is sufficiently
complete is that of the Correct Answer Reviewer
Your Answer Reviewer
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Question What are the casues for unsound functioning of Indian Tarde unions?
Correct Answer Multilpe unions , Category wise unions , Intra & inter union rivalry
Your Answer Multilpe unions , Category wise unions , Intra & inter union rivalry
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Question The differences in which kind of faiths among the people is hurdle in the HRD
Correct Answer Religious
Your Answer Religious
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Question Name the technique used by the point system and factor comparison system to list the job.
Correct Answer Quantitative
Your Answer Quantitative
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Question Such a first attempt was made by the Congrece Government, but who was the main person
behind such a revolution in policies?
Correct Answer Narasinha Rao
Your Answer P. Chidarambaram
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Question ________ is route to be followed in order to realise vision and overall purpose.
Correct Answer Strategy
Your Answer Strategy
Question Giving a business group exposure when the boss goes on long leave, or long training etc is
a good mechanism of career planning
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Question The main focus of attention today is the employee.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True
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Question What is concerned with developing a pool of candidates in line with the human resources
Correct Answer Recruitment
Your Answer Development
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Question What is an essential ingredient for a successful benchmarking programme?
Correct Answer Focus on critical success factors.
Your Answer Carrying and learning from other leading companies excelling in specific areas.
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Continued self development A leadership quality Success formula
"Working on your liabilities" Life long mission Officiating Assignment
Assignment to some important task force or committee Offsetting Plateauing effect Offsetting
Plateauing effect
Need-opportunity Alignment Crucial role played by HRD Crucial role played by HRD
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A Managerial Walkabouts presents the students with some basic challenges, such as Correct Answer Logical Enquiry , Service , Adventure
Your Answer Logical Enquiry , Service , Adventure
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Question The TQM philosophy was evolved or theorised by Correct Answer Demming
Your Answer Demming
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Question For closure , every worker is to be compensated with ________ average pay for every year
of service completed
Correct Answer 15 days
Your Answer 15 days
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Question In the interview method of training-need identification interviews must clearly distinguish
between immediate training needs to improve present performance & ________.
Correct Answer Development needs for growth
Your Answer Development needs for growth
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Question What are the common job responsibilities of an executive?
Correct Answer Co-ordinate Training Programme , Keep cost within budget , Publish House Journal
Your Answer Co-ordinate Training Programme , Keep cost within budget , Publish House Journal
Question Eight members is considered to be the norm as to the no. of members constituting a QCCorrect Answer True
Your Answer True
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Question HRD means competence building, commitment building, and ________ building.
Correct Answer culture
Your Answer culture
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Question A major reason for resistance to re-engineering is a challenge to the existing ________.
Correct Answer hierarchy
Your Answer hierarchy
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Question Who found that customer perceptions & attitudes were affected by what employees
Correct Answer Schneider
Your Answer Schneider
Question Career planning is essentially the process of aligning the career needs of the employee with
the organisational career opportunities
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
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Question Within the establishment stage of the career development cycle, what are very important
occasions for a young employee?
Correct Answer The first promotion , Successfully completed asignment , The first performance
Your Answer The first promotion , Successfully completed asignment , The first performance
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Question 360 -Degree Feedback enhances the quality of ________ decisions.
Correct Answer HR
Your Answer HR
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Question Business re-engineering often shift the power base, changing the 'command - and - control'
approach to ________.
Correct Answer 'Mobilised -and - enable'
Your Answer 'Mobilised -and - enable'
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Question For closure government permission is required at least ________ days before the intended
Correct Answer 90
Your Answer 90
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Question There are companies where the HR department lists out the raters by choosing randomly
from the participant's list of work related employees. Each rater receives an envelop having the
following :Correct Answer Letter from the administrator , Letter from the participant soliciting feedback , Self
addressed envelope from the administrator
Your Answer Letter from the administrator , Letter from the participant soliciting feedback , Self
addressed envelope from the administrator
Question Proper implementation and support of all management levels are not very crucial for the
success of HRD audit
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Question The process of 360 Degree appraisal is broken into two stages - planning, implementation.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Question An evaluation of where one stands on the basis of their job responsibilities, leadership,
qualities etc will be a good starting point for marketing plans for success
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
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Question What are the main issues stressed out throughout the workshop?
Correct Answer Openness to feedback , Developmental attitude
Your Answer Openness to feedback , Developmental attitude
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Why is it that trade union leaders, particularly those connected with political parties may
strongly oppose management participation in Trade Union? Because they are of the views that Correct Answer Their influence is decelerated among the members.
Your Answer Their influence is decelerated among the members.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Performance counselling refers to the help provided by a manager to his subordinates, it
attempts to help the employee in.Correct Answer Supportive atmosphere , Empethetic atmosphere , Setting goals
Your Answer Supportive atmosphere , Empethetic atmosphere , Setting goals
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Question In the Development Grade Method of career planning the selected staff for this grade
would remain there only for ________ years
Correct Answer two
Your Answer two