SCDL – Compensation Management PGDBA (HR) IV Semester

SCDL – Compensation Management
PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
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-- Santosh. K
Multiple Choice Single Answer
In graduated time rates system, if basic salary is Rs.2000 and dearness allowance is 150%
then total remuneration will be :Correct Answer
Rs.5000/Select The Blank
The scanlon plan of profit sharing gives utmost importance to ________.
Correct Answer
Employee participation
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Financial &/or quantitative statement prepared & approved prior to period of time is
called :Correct Answer
Select The Blank
The ________ criterion is usually regarded as an automatic minimum equity pay
Correct Answer
Cost of living pay
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Wages of security men in a production unit comes under :Correct Answer
Indirect labour
Select The Blank
Persons interested in enhancing their reputations and receiving recognition may
respond to ________.
Correct Answer
Verbal praise
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Characteristic of a good compensation system is :Correct Answer
Higher the efficiency of worker, higher is compensation.
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PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
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The institutions of marriage and family are also to be found in every :Correct Answer
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Hospitality industries includes :Correct Answer
Select The Blank
For higher management, ________ are influenced by the size of a company, specific
industry and the process of decision making.
Correct Answer
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Perquisites taxable in all cases include :Correct Answer
Value of rent free accommodation provided by employer to his employee
Select The Blank
In Taylor differential piece rate system, high piece rate is applicable if ________.
Correct Answer
Output is above standard
Select The Blank
Leave pay of current year is treated as ________.
Correct Answer
Direct Expenses
Select The Blank
Cost of time spent on conducting interviews & selecting a candidate for ________ is
called Replacement cost.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
One worker is working under piece rate & time rate combination system of
compensation. He has worked in a week of 06 days consisting of 48 hours. His hourly rate is Rs.2/- per
piece. His output for the week is 40 units. What will be his earning ?
Correct Answer
Rs.96/Multiple Choice Single Answer
Monetary incentives imply :Correct Answer
External motivation
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Variance analysis is done in case of :Correct Answer
Standard costing
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PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
If classification system is used, the jobs are already categorized into grade or :Correct Answer
Select The Blank
Inter-firm differentials reflect ________ wage levels of workers.
Correct Answer
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Wage Policy is of great concern to :Correct Answer
Labour Management & Govt.
Select The Blank
________ of payment recognizes that individuals are concerned about the money paid to
them and also the relationship of this amount to what others are paid.
Correct Answer
Equity approach
Select The Blank
During the research it was found that in certain cities prevailing wage rate are
________where as organizational ability to pay is more.
Correct Answer
Very low
Select The Blank
In the history of Indian IT industry, the year 2001-2002 will be remembered as ________.
Correct Answer
Year of lay-offs
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Gate time keeping helps for :Correct Answer Payroll preparations.
Select The Blank
Question Cost of employee welfare activities comes under ________ cost.
Correct Answer Preventive
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Question As industrialization taking place, the family values have :Correct Answer Changed
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Question Control of labour cost is essential in every organisation to :Correct Answer Determine indirect labour cost.
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PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
Question Carpenters engaged in cutting of wood in a furniture making shop is an example of :Correct Answer Direct labour
Select The Blank
Process of readjustment inevitable calls for changes in the ________ system and its
Correct Answer Human Resource
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Question Gross Earnings - Deductions equals ________.
Correct Answer Net Earnings
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Question When the cost of living increases, workmen and trade unions demanded to :Correct Answer Increase the wage
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Question It was commonly believed by Hindus that marriage was :Correct Answer Necessary
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Question If the employment is merely incidental to the exercise of a profession, the gains from such
employment would be :Correct Answer Professional earnings
Select The Blank
Question Factors not related to money can also serve as ________.
Correct Answer Attention seekers
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Question Wage differentials have been classified into ________ categories.
Correct Answer 3
Select The Blank
Question ________ is necessary to calculate Dearness Allowance in Payroll process.
Correct Answer Cost of Living Index
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Question In profit-sharing plan, the proportion of profits to be distributed among the employees is
determined :Correct Answer In advance
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PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
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Question Long-term wage Incentive plans are useful, where :Correct Answer Jobs are inter-related
Select The Blank
Question Today there is strong competition for acquiring as much ________ as possible.
Correct Answer Wealth
Select The Blank
Question A person would readily respond to opportunities related to jobs if he has strong need for
Correct Answer Affiliation
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Question Production planning includes :Correct Answer Product engineering.
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Time booking on job helps for :Correct Answer
Estimating labour cost.
Select The Blank
________ is the unique code allotted to each & every employee in the organization.
Correct Answer
Employee No.
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First to lay down the guidelines for fixation of Minimum Wages was :Correct Answer
Indian Labour Conference
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At germination stage, to attract and retain talent, dotcom companies offer :
Correct Answer
Stock option
Select The Blank
Payment is done on the basis of units of output, incase of ________ workers.
Correct Answer
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In Payroll process, Cost of Living Index provides the basis for calculating :Correct Answer
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When a dotcom company starts earning profits, promoters are focused on the launch of:-
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Correct Answer
PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
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A worker produces 50 units a week of 06 days and piece rate is Rs.2/- per piece. Then his
earning will be :Correct Answer
Rs.100/Select The Blank
________ are also aid to executives a certain percentage of the profits.
Correct Answer
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In post IPO stage, dotcom company gives its employees :Correct Answer
Balanced total reward package
Select The Blank
Payment to out workers is done on ________ basis.
Correct Answer
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In recent times, in addition to stock options, employees of dotcom companies are
demanding :Correct Answer
Cash bonus
Select The Blank
Wage differentials have a great ________ and social significance.
Correct Answer
Select The Blank
________ is a source document for preparation of wage sheet.
Correct Answer
Attendance Register
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In addition to the result of job analysis and wage survey several other variables have to
be given due consideration in establishing :Correct Answer
Wage structure
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Individuals from various level of the organisation have different :Correct Answer
Life Style
Select The Blank
________ are assured of a stable amount of money.
Correct Answer
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Select The Blank
________ provides benefits at the time of retirement/ death / following disability of
Correct Answer
Deferred plan
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Demand for a particular skill is high and supply is low, compensation given is:Correct Answer
Select The Blank
Employee's State Insurance Act, ________ is a pioneering measure in the field of social
insurance of our country.
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
In developmental phase, the dotcom companies concentrate on :Correct Answer
Building brand
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Minimum wages are not to be fixed in an industry which employs less then how many
employees in the entire state?
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Remuneration paid for the service of the labour in production is :Correct Answer
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Provident Funds can be of the following types :Correct Answer
Statutory Provident Fund , Recognised Provident Fund , Public Provident Fund
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Following is not a function of personnel department :Correct Answer
Time keeping.
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Dotcom companies were founded to go beyond :Correct Answer
Physical business
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To enable employees to participate in profit sharing, employees should have :Correct Answer
Worked for certain no. of years in company
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PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Better production planning & control is facilitated through :Correct Answer
Job cards.
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Time spent by same worker on various jobs is recorded on daily basis in :Correct Answer
Daily time sheet.
Select The Blank
Overtime payment given to the worker due to inefficiency of other department is
charged to ________.
Correct Answer
Responsible Department
Select The Blank
Organization's ability to pay, determines ________.
Correct Answer
Wage level
Select The Blank
Overtime payment given to the worker for completing work before scheduled date art
the instruction of buyer is treated as ________ cost
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Effectiveness of incentive system is ascertained with the help of :Correct Answer
Efficiency report.
Select The Blank
Packing articles in plastic bags is an example of ________ system.
Correct Answer
Piece rate system
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Disadvantage of maintaining hand written register for attendance is :Correct Answer
Depends upon honesty.
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Co-partnership system tries to :Correct Answer
Eliminate friction between capital and labour
Direct labour cost varies in proportion to output of production.
Correct Answer
Select The Blank
________ generated out of payroll system shows amounts of debits and credits.
Correct Answer
Journal entry
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PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
Select The Blank
Piece workers come under ________ class of workers.
Correct Answer
Semi – skilled
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Human Relations
Human attitudes
Person working in MNC's
Lavish life-style
Marriage age of metropolitan boys & girls
25 to 35
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Time spent by different workers on same job is recorded in :Correct Answer
Job card.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Group incentive plans are best suited for :Correct Answer
Small work groups
Select The Blank
Overtime payment given to the worker due to general pressure of work is treated as
________ cost.
Correct Answer
Select The Blank
Wages have at least ________ connotations from stand points of employers and
Correct Answer
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Following is a method of attendance time recording method :Correct Answer
Time recording clock.
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Prevailing market rate is also known as :Correct Answer
Comparable wage
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Travel & Tourism agencies is an example of :Correct Answer
Hospitality industries
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PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
Question The objective of evaluation & analysis of labour cost is :Correct Answer To control direct labour cost for increasing efficiency of worker.
Select The Blank
________ cost do not vary much in proportion to output or volume of production.
Correct Answer Direct
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In following circumstances of overtimes, the cost is treated indirect costs :Correct Answer
General pressure of work ,Inefficiency ,Uncontrollable reasons
Select The Blank
Question When cost of running a machine for one hour is relatively higher than the hourly wage
rate, then ________ system of compensation is suitable.
Correct Answer Gantt task plan
Select The Blank
Question From economic and ________ point of view woman was subject to man.
Correct Answer Social
Select The Blank
Question ________ is financial / quantitative statement prepared & approved prior to a
period of time.
Correct Answer Budget
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Question In piece rate and time rate combination system, if piece rate earning constantly fall below
minimum guaranteed payment, labour cost :Correct Answer Increases
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Question In marginal costing costs are classified as:Correct Answer Fixed & Variable
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Question Employees Compensation System is vital for :Correct Answer Motivation
Select The Blank
Question Standards of efficiency should be fixed by taking into consideration ________ worker &
Normal working conditions.
Correct Answer Normal
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Question Bonus or Commission and Leave travel are common features of :Correct Answer Annual Payment
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Select The Blank
Question Executives are compensated for the various ________ incurred by them.
Correct Answer Expenses
Select The Blank
Question Ratio of number of persons over 4 years of service at present to present total employees is
called ________
Correct Answer Skill dilution index
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Question Payment of wages Act, 1936 does not include :Correct Answer Sikkim
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Rate of crime is very high in :Correct Answer Industrial towns , Industrial cities , Industrial districts
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Question Wage & salary administration refers to the establishment and implementation of sound
policies and practices of employee :Correct Answer Compensation
Select The Blank
Question ________ is that portion of Dearness Allowance which Government declares to be paid for
all purposes.
Correct Answer Dearness Pay
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Question Some companies are paid on the higher side of the market in order to :Correct Answer Ensure an adequate supply of labour
Select The Blank
________ cost do not vary much in proportion to output or volume of production.
Correct Answer Direct Labour
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Question Indirect compensation mainly acts as :Correct Answer Maintenance factor
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Question A job is rated to determine :Correct Answer Its value relative to other jobs in organization
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Question In co-partnership Incentive system, there is division of :-
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PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
Correct Answer Surplus profit
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Question Important aspect while determining pay ranges is to make general adjustments in wage
structure according to the :Correct Answer Price index number
Select The Blank
Question In material costing ________ Costs are written at to Marginal profit & loss A/c.
Correct Answer Fixed
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Question Expenses incurred by business for packing & packaging, advertisement, sales promotion is
called :Correct Answer Overheads
Select The Blank
Question Life and Medical insurance or reimbursement of medical bills is considered as a part of
Correct Answer Perks
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In the 60's salaries of Bargainable workers increased due to :Correct Answer Success of Union
Select The Blank
There are many methods that an alive ________management can creatively develop for
employees rendered redundant through little forethought.
Correct Answer HRD
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Compensation Policies is an integrated part of :Correct Answer Economic Policies of Country
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In high profit making organisation compensation paid is relatively:Correct Answer Higher
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Emerson efficiency plan
Gradual increase in remuneration based on efficiency
Co-partnership system
Sharing profits undertaking
Taylor's differential piece-rate plan No fear of wage cut
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PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
Merric's multiple piece rate plan
Low piece rate for slow workers and high piece rate for higher production
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Question Following is a labour cost control technique :Correct Answer Production planning
Select The Blank
Question After deducting depreciation and initial or development rebate from profit, we arrive at
Correct Answer Surplus profit
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Question If the ranking plan is used the grade consists of a specific number of :Correct Answer Ranks
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Question Y2K era opened the flood gates for :Correct Answer IT. Industries
Select The Blank
Question The wages of workers not present at the time of payment disbursement should be entered
into ________.
Correct Answer Undisbursed wage register
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Question The expenditure on medical treatment and stay abroad will be exempt only to the extent
permitted by :Correct Answer Reserve Bank of India
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Question A job is rated in order to determine its value relative to all the others jobs in organization
which are subject to :Correct Answer Evaluation
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Question In traditional Indian society, marriages were considered to be :Correct Answer Permanent
Select The Blank
Question In merrick's differential piece rate system, if output percentage is up to ________
percentage of standard, then earning will be at normal piece rate.
Correct Answer 0.83
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PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
Question Wage Policy in general is :Correct Answer To rise living standard of worker
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Question Profession Tax is deducted as per the enactment by :Correct Answer State Govt.
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Question Standard cost is a :Correct Answer Predetermined cost
Select The Blank
Question In Taylor differential piece rate system, high piece rate is applicable if ________.
Correct Answer Output is above standard
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Question The wage structure or grade is comprised of jobs of appropriately equal difficulty or
importance as determined by :Correct Answer Job evaluation
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Question The incentive plan designed for the group based on group's performance is called :Correct Answer Long-term wage incentive plan
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Question Person working in MNC's occupying higher positions devote most of their time for their :Correct Answer Employment & job
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Question Job evaluation is the output provided by :Correct Answer Job Analysis
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Question Job cluster is defined as the stable group of :Correct Answer Job Classification
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Question Employees in the railways are entitled of payment of wages Act, 1936 who are drawing
wages and salaries below :Correct Answer Rs. 1600/- a month
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Question Work study department is engaged in activities like determining :Correct Answer Standard procedure
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Question If the point method of job evaluation is used the pay grade consists of jobs falling within
the range of :Correct Answer Points
Questions to be answered: (Please get back to me if you get the correct answers for these)
Select The Blank
Combination plan/ Cash plan/Retirement benefits/ Deferred plan under profit sharing
contributes directly to an employee's immediate economic gain.
Choose Any One.
If the point method of job evaluation is used the pay grade consists of jobs falling
within the range of :Areas
Choose all that Apply.
In Compensation plans the following are taken into account :Cost of production
Reduction in expenses
Profits made
Losses incurred
Choose all that Apply.
In Compensation plans the following are taken into account :Cost of production
Reduction in expenses
Profits made
Losses incurred
Contribution to the P.F. have to be remitted along with the challan for Account No.:2
The aim of a wage & salary policy is :To recognize the value of each job
Provide stability in earning
Allow individual to reach partial earning potential
Increase employee turnover
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PGDBA (HR) IV Semester
Against the past practice of modest gradual increase applicable to all, with only marginal
additional to the
Average/ Some what ok/ Bad/ Good
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