Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Unascertained goods Generic goods Generic goods
Unpaid seller Right of lien on goods Right of lien on goods
Future goods Agreement to sell Agreement to sell
Identified goods Ascertained goods Ascertained goods
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A condition may be reduced to where goods are
Correct Answer
Goods are accepted by the buyer
Your Answer
Goods are accepted by the buyer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Consideration or object of an agreement is lawful unless it is
Correct Answer
forbidden by law
Your Answer
denied by law
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A condition is a type of stipulation and has following
Correct Answer
It is of the subsidiary character , A breach of it gives the
suffered party the one & only one right to repudiate the contract
Your Answer
It is of fundamental in nature , It directly goes to the root of
the contract , A breach of it gives the suffered party the one & only one right
to repudiate the contract
Multiple Choice Single Answer
When the property in goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer
at once, the contract is called
Correct Answer
A Sale
Your Answer
A Sale
Partners can decide their rights and liabilities in the partnership
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Amendments made in the Consumer Protection Act in 1993 are
Correct Answer
To add "services" relating to housing constructions , To enable
filing class action complaints , To impose punishment on the complainant in cases
of vexatious complaint.
Your Answer
To add "services" relating to housing constructions , To enable
filing class action complaints , To impose punishment on the complainant in cases
of vexatious complaint.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The unpaid seller loses his lien on the goods sold when
Correct Answer
he delivers the goods to a carrier for the purpose of
transmission to buyer and do not reserves the right of disposal of the goods ,
the seller voluntarily abandons his right of lien on goods
Your Answer
he delivers the goods to a carrier for the purpose of transmission
to buyer and do not reserves the right of disposal of the goods , the seller
voluntarily abandons his right of lien on goods
Select The Blank
Issued capital can be defined as the ________ of shares which are
offered to the public for subscription.
Correct Answer
nominal value
Your Answer
nominal value
Select The Blank
When the notice of stoppage in transit is given by the seller to the
________in possession of goods, the latter must re-deliver the goods to the seller.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The modes of termination of agency are
Correct Answer
By completion of the agency business , By death of principal
, By expiry of period or time
Your Answer
By completion of the agency business , By death of principal ,
By expiry of period or time
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Goods Means
Correct Answer
Debentures , Stocks & shares
Your Answer
Actionable claims , Debentures
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The goods which are identified and agreed upon at the time of a
contract of sale is made:
Correct Answer
Specific goods
Your Answer
Specific goods
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In the absence of usage or custom of trade to the contrary, the implied
authority of a partner does not empower him to
Correct Answer
Admit any liability in a suit or proceedings against the firm
, Transfer movable property belonging to the firm , Withdraw a suit or proceeding
filed on behalf of the firm
Your Answer
Acquire movable property on behalf of the firm , Transfer movable
property belonging to the firm
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The parties of the contract should be major in age according to
Correct Answer
The law to which they are subject
Your Answer
The law to which they are subject
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Following persons can not be called partners
Correct Answer
minors , insolvents , co-owners without the agreement to carry
on the business
Your Answer
minors , insolvents , co-owners without the agreement to carry
on the business
Alteration of memorandum or articles etc. to be noted in every copy.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
The company law board may, at any time, by order, extend the time
for the filing of documents.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The unpaid seller has following rights against the buyer personally
Correct Answer
suit for interest , repudiation of contract
Your Answer
suit for interest , repudiation of contract
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In the Conditional endorsement
Correct Answer
the liability of the endorser is limited , the liability of
the endorser is negative , Endorser's liability can be made dependent upon
Your Answer
the liability of the endorser is limited , the liability of the
endorser is negative
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The companies having Articles are
Correct Answer
Unlimited Company , Company limited by guarantee , Company
limited by shares
Your Answer
Public Limited Company , Company limited by shares
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Following are the conditions needed to prove an act of a partner is
an act of a partnership firm
Correct Answer
such a act be done in a ordinary course of a partnership firm
, it must be related to the business of the firm , act must have been done in the
name and on behalf of the firm
Your Answer
act done in personal capacity , it must be related to the business
of the firm , act must have been done in the name and on behalf of the firm
Select The Blank
The company does not possess ________ still it is a person in the
eyes of law.
Correct Answer
fundamental rights
Your Answer
statutory rights
Mental acceptance amounts to an acceptance.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The holder of Negotiable Instrument has a right to
Correct Answer
sue for recovery
Your Answer
sue for recovery
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The unpaid seller has following rights against the goods
Correct Answer
stoppage in transit , withholding the delivery of goods
Your Answer
stoppage in transit , withholding the delivery of goods
Any user of the goods with the approval of the person who has purchased
the goods for consideration is also a consumer.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Minor Partner Admitted for profits only Admitted for profits only
Dissolution of a Partnership Death or Insanity of the partners Death or Insanity
of the partners
Firm Partners Partners
Partner Agents of the firm Agents of the firm
Partnership Can be formed at Will Can be formed at Will
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
There can not be any partnership where a business is carried on
Correct Answer
with a benevolent purpose , where any one of the partners is
entitled to total profit earned
Your Answer
with a benevolent purpose , where any one of the partners is
entitled to total profit earned
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The Exception to the rule of "buyer beware" are
Correct Answer
usage by trade , sale of goods by description , consent by fraud
Your Answer
usage by trade , sale of goods by description , consent by fraud
Select The Blank
Issued capital can be defined as the ________ of shares which are
offered to the public for subscription.
Correct Answer
nominal value
Your Answer
nominal value
Select The Blank
The property in the Negotiable Instrument passes from one person to
another person by ________ delivery.
Correct Answer
Mere/ Simple
Your Answer
Mere/ Simple
Multiple Choice Single Answer
When an agent has the authority to do all acts connected with the
business or trade of his principal, he is known as
Correct Answer
a general agent
Your Answer
a general agent
Select The Blank
The act done by the agent with the permission and on behalf of the
principal is ________ on the principal.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A partner is called as an outgoing partner by
Correct Answer
retirement , death , expulsion
Your Answer
retirement , death , expulsion
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
According to Rule 3 of the Consumer protection rules the Central
Council consists of the following members
Correct Answer
Minister in-charge of the dept. of home , Minister in-charge
of dept. of Commerce and Industry , Minister in-charge consumer affairs in states
Your Answer
Minister in-charge of dept. of civil supplies , Minister in-charge
consumer affairs in states
Multiple Choice Single Answer
If there is a breach of a condition, a buyer has the right to
Correct Answer
Repudiate the contract
Your Answer
Repudiate the contract
Select The Blank
Unpaid seller's right to stop the goods in transit arises only when
the buyer is ________
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
For the formation of the contract of sale of goods, there should be
Correct Answer
Two parties
Your Answer
Two parties
Ratification can be only for a part of the act of the agent.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
In a contract of sale goods can be exchanged for goods.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Select The Blank
A partner has a right to settle the ________ of the firm out of the
property of the firm.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum is a District Forum established by
Correct Answer
the State Govt. in each District of the State by Notification
Your Answer
the State Govt. in each District of the State by Notification
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The very important stages in the connection of formation of a company
Correct Answer
Promotion , Registration , Floatation
Your Answer
Promotion , Registration , Floatation
Existing goods are those goods, which are owned and possessed by the
seller at the time of sale.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Following are the elements which constitute a partnership
Correct Answer
there must be a contract regarding a partnership , there must
be an association of two or more persons
Your Answer
there must be a contract regarding a partnership , there must be
an association of two or more persons
Goods which become ascertained subsequent to the formation of the
contract of sale are Ascertained Goods.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Fact and Law The types of "Mistake" The types of "Mistake"
An order of the court asking a person to do or abstain from doing a particular
act, which is the subject matter of the contract Injuction Order Injuction Order
The Indian Contract Act, 1872 applies to whole of India except the state of Jammu
and Kashmir Applicability Applicability
An agreement enforceable by law Contract Contract
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Following are the persons who cannot enter into partnership firm
Correct Answer
A Burmese Buddhist husband and wife carrying on business , the
members of Hindu Undivided Family carrying on Family business
Your Answer
A Burmese Buddhist husband and wife carrying on business , the
members of Hindu Undivided Family carrying on Family business
Multiple Choice Single Answer
When the goods are very bulky in nature then they are delivered in
Correct Answer
symbolic manner
Your Answer
symbolic manner
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The order of the Commission can be set aside by
Correct Answer
The Supreme Court , The National Commission
Your Answer
The National Commission , State Council District Forum
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Agent appointed for a special task Special Agent Special Agent
Agency created by conduct of the parties Implied Agency Implied Agency
Agency created by words, spoken, or written Express authority Express authority
Essentials of valid ratification Existence of principal Existence of principal
Select The Blank
Members of a club or a society are the ________ of each other.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
In a sale if the seller becomes insolvent after a contract of sale
& the buyer has paid the price, the buyer can claim the goods from the official
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
There are certain limitations to the principle of ratification which
Correct Answer
where the principal does not have full knowledge at the fact
, where the act to be ratified is illegal or void , where the ratification is not
done within a reasonable time
Your Answer
where the principal does not have full knowledge at the fact ,
where the act to be ratified is illegal or void , where the ratification is not
done within a reasonable time
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The State Council consists of the following members
Correct Answer
Minister in-charge of consumer affairs in the State Govt. ,
Members representing such interests as may be prescribed by the State Govt.
Your Answer
Minister in-charge of consumer affairs in the State Govt. ,
Minister in-charge of consumer affairs in the Central Govt. , Members representing
such interests as may be prescribed by the State Govt.
Select The Blank
An offer, to be treated as a valid offer, should be ________.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Notice of dishonour of cheque must be ________
Correct Answer
within a reasonable time
Your Answer
at any time
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A partnership at will can be dissolved by filing a suit for
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Following are the circumstances under which an offer lapses
Correct Answer
offeree makes conditional offer , offeree fails to communicate
the acceptance
Your Answer
offeree makes conditional offer , acceptor comes to know about
the death of the proposer , offeree fails to communicate the acceptance
An agency cannot be terminated at all. In other words a contract of
agency is perpetual.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The object of the Consumer Protection Act of 1986 is to educate the
people so that they can find out ________ for their grievances
Correct Answer
legal remedies
Your Answer
legal remedies
Select The Blank
The ________ of 1986 is basically passed to protect the interest of
the consumer.
Correct Answer
Consumer Protection Act
Your Answer
Consumer Protection Act
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Negotiable Instruments recognized by usage are
Correct Answer
Hundies , S.T. Receipts for goods , Pay off Orders
Your Answer
Hundies , S.T. Receipts for goods , Pay off Orders
Multiple Choice Single Answer
In an agreement to sell the seller is responsible for all the risk
of loss as he is the
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Select The Blank
A ________ is an artificial person and has a legal entity.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Which of the following is not a void agreement
Correct Answer
agreement of marriage
Your Answer
agreement of marriage
An intention to create legal relations is one of the most important
criterions to establish a contract.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In the absence of usage or custom of trade to the contrary, the implied
authority of a partner does not empower him to
Correct Answer
acquire movable property on behalf of the firm , transfer
movable property belonging to the firm
Your Answer
admit any liability in a suit or proceedings against the firm ,
withdraw a suit or proceeding filed on behalf of the firm
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The particular partnership automatically comes to an end
Correct Answer
on the completion of the venture , at the expiry of the fixed
Your Answer
on the completion of the venture , at the expiry of the fixed term
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Following are the characteristics of partnership at will
Correct Answer
partners are always free to break their relationship at their
whim , it is for indefinite period
Your Answer
partners are always free to break their relationship at their whim
, it is for indefinite period
Select The Blank
A firm is a name given to the partners ________
Correct Answer
Your Answer
District Forum enjoys Revisional jurisdiction.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Companies can be registered with undesirable names.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
A person who merely gives an advice to another person in matters of
business, does not thereby becomes his agent.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
An unregistered firm can institute a suit against
Correct Answer
wrongful use of the trade mark , wrongful use of the firm name
Your Answer
the partner for settlement of firm's account , the partner for
any claim of set-off
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The three ingredients in the performance of a contract of sale by
the seller are
Correct Answer
Transfer of property in goods , The passing of the risk ,
Delivery of goods
Your Answer
Transfer of property in goods , The passing of the risk , Delivery
of goods
Consideration can not be a past consideration.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A company may, by special resolution, alter the provisions of its
memorandum so as to change the objects of the company so far as may be required
to enable it
Correct Answer
Carry on its business more economically , Amalgamate with any
other company , Attain its main purpose by new or improved means
Your Answer
Carry on its business more economically , Amalgamate with any other
company , Attain its main purpose by new or improved means
Companies can be registered with undesirable names.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The maximum number of persons in case of partnership firm carrying
on any business other than banking business must not exceed
Correct Answer
Your Answer
An agreement to sell takes place in the case of existing goods or
specific goods.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Specific goods are those which are identified and agreed upon at the
time of a contract of sale is made.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
If the principal comes to know that the agent has dishonestly
concealed from him any material fact, the principal
Correct Answer
can repudiate the transaction , may affirm such transaction
, may claim damages for loss
Your Answer
can repudiate the transaction , may affirm such transaction , may
claim damages for loss
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
There is always a direct privity of contract between the principal
and the following
Correct Answer
substituted agent , co-agent , general agent
Your Answer
substituted agent
Select The Blank
A company is a ________ company if the holding company controls the
majority composition of its board of directors.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
People purchasing the commodities for the purpose of trading is
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A Company is created by
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
An unregistered firm can bring an action in any court of Law against
Correct Answer
a partner who steals the property of the partnership firm ,
a partner who purposely damages the property of the partnership firm
Your Answer
a partner who steals the property of the partnership firm , a
partner who purposely damages the property of the partnership firm , a partner
who wrongfully deals with the assets of the firm
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The relation of partnership arises from
Correct Answer
Your Answer
The law relating to sale of immovable goods is contained in the Sale
of Goods Act, 1930.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Following are the agencies of a three tier system of consumer disputes
redressal agencies
Correct Answer
State commission , National commission , District Forum
Your Answer
State commission , National commission , District Forum
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In the absence of usage or custom of trade to the contrary, the implied
authority of a partner does not empower him to
Correct Answer
Acquire movable property on behalf of the firm , transfer
movable property belonging to the firm
Your Answer
admit any liability in a suit or proceedings against the firm ,
enter into partnership on behalf of the firm
Multiple Choice Single Answer
When an offer is made to world-at-large, the contract is
Correct Answer
made with the person who signs or performs the terms and
conditions of the offer
Your Answer
made with the person who signs or performs the terms and conditions
of the offer
Select The Blank
Question All illegal agreements are ________ but all void agreements are not illegal.
Correct Answer void
Your Answer void
Select The Blank
Question The essential point about an agent's position is his ________ of making his principal
answerable to third parties.
Correct Answer authority
Your Answer authority
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Under the Indian Contract Act a person of sound mind is the one capable of
Correct Answer Understanding the agreement, he is involved in
Your Answer Understanding the agreement, he is involved in
Question The law relating to sale of immovable goods is contained in the Sale of Goods Act, 1930.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Amendments made in the Consumer Protection Act in 2002: inclusion of services availed
for commercial purposes from the purview of the consumer dispute redressal agencies
Correct Answer Provision for substitution of legal heir or representative as a party to the complainant
in the event of the death of the opposite party , Provision for recovery of amounts ordered to be paid by
consumer redressal agencies as arrears of land revenue , Provision for charging of fee in respect of
complaints filed before the consumer redressal agencies
Your Answer Provision for substitution of legal heir or representative as a party to the complainant in
the event of the death of the opposite party , Provision for recovery of amounts ordered to be paid by
consumer redressal agencies as arrears of land revenue , Provision for charging of fee in respect of
complaints filed before the consumer redressal agencies
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Amendments made in the Consumer Protection Act in 1993:
Correct Answer to add “services” relating to housing constructions , to enable filing class action
complaints , to impose punishment on the complainant in cases of vexatious complaint
Your Answer to add “services” relating to housing constructions , to enable filing class action
complaints , to impose punishment on the complainant in cases of vexatious complaint
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The term of Central Protection Council is
Correct Answer Three years
Your Answer Three years
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A minor admitted to the benefits of partnership is
Correct Answer entitled for the profits of agreed upon , not personally liable for any act of firm , not
entitled to sue partners for account
Your Answer entitled for the profits of agreed upon , not personally liable for any act of firm , not
entitled to sue partners for account
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question According to the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, a service includes
Correct Answer Financial service , Entertainment
Your Answer Financial service , Entertainment
Select The Blank
Question According to Salmond and ________, a promise without consideration is a gift and one
made with consideration is a bargain.
Correct Answer Winfield
Your Answer Winfield
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Following persons cannot become a partners
Correct Answer Corporation , an alien enemy with an Indian subject , company
Your Answer an alien enemy with an Indian subject , an alien friend with an Indian subject
Question There are two types or kinds of capital of a company, i.e. owned capital and borrowed
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False
Select The Blank
Question As per S.2(1) (f) of the Consumer Protection Act, defect means any ________ in the quality
of goods
Correct Answer shortcoming
Your Answer shortcoming
Select The Blank
Question When the certificate of incorporation is obtained, the promoters and directors of a ________
company invite the public to subscribe to its shares.
Correct Answer public
Your Answer public
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A Company is created by
Correct Answer Law
Your Answer Law
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question To be deemed as an unpaid seller the seller must
Correct Answer have sold the goods against cash and the price must be due
Your Answer have sold the goods against cash and the price must be due
Question General agents are the persons who enjoy a general authority to do everything in the
course of their agency.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Misrepresentation means and includes
Correct Answer positive assertion of that which is not true
Your Answer undue influence on parties
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A Consumer has following rights:
Correct Answer Education about the availability of legal remedies , seek redreesal against unfair
trade practices , right to be informed quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods
Your Answer Education about the availability of legal remedies , seek redreesal against unfair trade
practices , right to be informed quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A company is registered as an artificial person. It has no
Correct Answer Body , Soul , Conscience
Your Answer Body , Soul , Conscience
Select The Blank
Question Special resolution and confirmation by ________is required for alteration of Memorandum.
Correct Answer Company Law Board
Your Answer Company Law Board
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Cannot enter into partnership Two partnership firms Two partnership firms
Giving due notice Dissolves partnership at will Dissolves partnership at will
Partnership Deed Domicile of partnership firm Domicile of partnership firm
Not mandatory Registration of partnership Registration of partnership
Partnership firm Can be sued in its own name Can be sued in its own name
Question The provisions of sale of goods were previously included in the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question A company is created by law and not by natural birth.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Advantage of crossing the Cheque
Correct Answer To reduce the risk of unauthorized person to get the payment of such Cheque. , To
safeguard the interest of bonafide holder of the cheque
Your Answer To reduce the risk of unauthorized person to get the payment of such Cheque. , To
safeguard the interest of bonafide holder of the cheque
Question A trader is a middle man bringing the buyer and seller together and receiving any
commission for services rendered by him.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True
Question There are two types or kinds of capital of a company, i.e. owned capital and borrowed
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False
Select The Blank
Question An agent is simply blank a ________ between his principal and the third party.
Correct Answer connecting link
Your Answer connecting link
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Certain effects of the insolvency of a partner are as follows
Correct Answer An insolvent partner ceases to be a partner , The partnership firm dissolve on the
insolvency of any partner
Your Answer An insolvent partner ceases to be a partner , Firm is held liable for any acts of insolvent
after the adjudication
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The partner who is illegally expelled
Correct Answer can claim re-instatement , can sue the firm for the refund of his share in the profits as
well as profits
Your Answer can claim re-instatement , can sue the firm for the refund of his share in the profits as
well as profits
Select The Blank
Question A proposal comes to an end by its ________.
Correct Answer rejection
Your Answer rejection
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Classification of companies based on the jurisdiction of functioning
Correct Answer A National Company , Multinational Company , Foreign Company
Your Answer A National Company , Multinational Company , Foreign Company
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In a sale if the seller becomes insolvent after a contract of sale and the buyer has paid the
price, the buyer can claim the goods from the
Correct Answer Official Assignee , Receiver
Your Answer Official Assignee , Receiver
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Which of the following is not a void agreement ?
Correct Answer agreements relating to legal proceedings
Your Answer agreements relating to legal proceedings
Question The maximum number of persons in the case of a partnership firm carrying on banking
business must not exceed twenty.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The feature of the Contingent Contracts is that they
Correct Answer depend upon the circumstances, which makes them valid or void
Your Answer depend upon the circumstances, which makes them valid or void
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The purpose of not Negotiable crossing
Correct Answer to provide protection to the drawer of a cheque against loss or theft in the course of
transit as well as dishonesty. , To safeguard the interest of bonafide holder of the cheque
Your Answer to provide protection to the drawer of a cheque against loss or theft in the course of
transit as well as dishonesty. , To safeguard the interest of bonafide holder of the cheque
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question No company shall be registered by name which has a name which is identical with
Correct Answer The name by which a company is in existence , A registered trade mark , A trade
mark which is subject of an application for registration
Your Answer The name by which a company is in existence , A registered trade mark , A trade mark
which is subject of an application for registration
Question Copies of memorandum and articles shall not be given to members.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Following are the conditions needed to prove that an act of a partner is an act of a
partnership firm
Correct Answer an act be done in an ordinary course of business of a partnership firm , It must be
related to the business of the firm , Act must have been done in the name and on behalf of the firm
Your Answer It must be related to the business of the firm , Act must have been done in the name
and on behalf of the firm
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Competent parties means parties should be
Correct Answer major in age
Your Answer in majority
Select The Blank
Question When the notice of stoppage in transit is given by the seller to the ________in possession
of goods, the latter must re-deliver the goods to the seller.
Correct Answer Carrier
Your Answer Carrier
Question Special agent and Particular agent mean one and the same thing.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The essence of contract of sale is
Correct Answer sale of goods
Your Answer sale of goods
Select The Blank
Question The person who buys the goods for trading purposes is not a ________ under the
Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Correct Answer consumer
Your Answer consumer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Every Prospectus shall state the matters specified in part I of schedule II of the Companies
Act issued by
Correct Answer Or on behalf of a company , Or on behalf of any person engaged in formation of
company , Or on behalf of any person interested in formation of company
Your Answer Or on behalf of a company , Or on behalf of any person engaged in formation of
company , Or on behalf of any person interested in formation of company
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Unlawful Business Dissolution of Partnership Dissolution of Partnership
Sub-partner Sharing of profits by outsiders Sharing of profits by outsiders
Partnership Association of two or more persons Association of two or more persons
Partners have to be Competent Competent
Partner lending his name only Nominal partner Nominal partner
Question A Cheque is a Bill of Exchange.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question One man holds practically the ________ of the share capital of the one man company.
Correct Answer whole
Your Answer whole
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Following are the elements which constitute a partnership
Correct Answer there must be a contract regarding a partnership , there must be an association of
two or more persons
Your Answer there must be a contract regarding a partnership , there must be an association of two
or more persons
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Limited companies can be formed for promoting
Correct Answer Commerce , Art , Religion
Your Answer Commerce , Art , Religion
Select The Blank
Question There should be a ________ and real necessity for creating an agency.
Correct Answer definite
Your Answer definite
Select The Blank
Question The presumptions laid by Sec.118 & 119 of Negotiable Instrument Act do not arise where
negotiable instrument is obtained by ________
Correct Answer Fraud/Deceit
Your Answer Lawful Considerations
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Following are the conditions needed to prove an act of a partner is an act of a partnership
Correct Answer such a act be done in a ordinary course of a partnership firm , it must be related to
the business of the firm , act must have been done in the name and on behalf of the firm
Your Answer such a act be done in a ordinary course of a partnership firm , it must be related to the
business of the firm , act must have been done in the name and on behalf of the firm
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Fact and Law The types of "Mistake" The types of "Mistake"
An order of the court asking a person to do or abstain from doing a particular act, which is the subject
matter of the contract Injuction Order Injuction Order
The Indian Contract Act, 1872 applies to whole of India except the state of Jammu and Kashmir
Applicability Applicability
An agreement enforceable by law Contract Contract
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The goods, which are owned and possessed by the seller at the time of sale, are known as
Correct Answer Existing goods/Specific goods
Your Answer Existing goods/Specific goods
Question Alteration of memorandum or articles etc. to be noted in every copy.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question The provisions of sale of goods were previously included in the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question The directors of a company have to file their consent with the ________ to act as director.
Correct Answer registrar
Your Answer registrar
Question Copies of memorandum and articles shall not be given to members.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question For obtaining recognition as an 'Appropriate Laboratory", the applicant shall send an
application in the proforma prescribed by the
Correct Answer Bureau of Indian Standard
Your Answer Bureau of Indian Standard
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Articles of Association contains
Correct Answer Regulations of the company , Internal affairs of the company , Conduct of company's
Your Answer Regulations of the company , Internal affairs of the company , Conduct of company's
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question An Association of many persons who contribute money or money's worth to a common
stock and employ it for a common purpose. It is known as a
Correct Answer Company
Your Answer Partnership Business
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question In case of damages to the goods by a third party, only
Correct Answer owner can take action
Your Answer owner can take action
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Minor's Agreement Void ab initio Void ab initio
Threatning to commit Coercion Coercion
Consideration Past, Present and Future Past, Present and Future
Mistake Fact and Law Fact and Law
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question There can not be any partnership where a business is carried on
Correct Answer with a benevolent purpose , where any one of the partners is entitled to total profit
Your Answer to earn profitto earn profit , to sharing profits equally , where any one of the partners is
entitled to total profit earned
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question An unregistered firm can institute a suit against
Correct Answer wrongful use of the trade mark , wrongful use of the firm name
Your Answer wrongful use of the trade mark , wrongful use of the firm name , the partner for
settlement of firm's account
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Following persons can not be called partners
Correct Answer minors , insolvents , co-owners without the agreement to carry on the business
Your Answer minors , insolvents , co-owners without the agreement to carry on the business
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question An unregistered firm can bring an action in any court of Law against
Correct Answer a partner who steals the property of the partnership firm , a partner who purposely
damages the property of the partnership firm
Your Answer a partner who steals the property of the partnership firm , a partner who purposely
damages the property of the partnership firm , a partner who wrongfully deals with the assets of the firm
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In the absence of usage or custom of trade to the contrary, the implied authority of a partner
does not empower him to
Correct Answer acquire movable property on behalf of the firm , transfer movable property belonging
to the firm
Your Answer admit any liability in a suit or proceedings against the firm , transfer movable property
belonging to the firm , withdraw a suit or proceeding filed on behalf of the firm
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The following types of companies are required to have their own articles
Correct Answer Unlimited companies , Companies limited by guarantee , Private companies limited
by shares
Your Answer Companies limited by guarantee , Private companies limited by shares , Holding
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In the absence of usage or custom of trade to the contrary, the implied authority of a partner
does not empower him to
Correct Answer Acquire movable property on behalf of the firm , transfer movable property belonging
to the firm
Your Answer admit any liability in a suit or proceedings against the firm , transfer movable property
belonging to the firm , enter into partnership on behalf of the firm
Question The company law board may, at any time, by order, extend the time for the filing of
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question Mistake regarding the ________ or the terms and conditions of the contract is a Mistake of
the fact.
Correct Answer subject matter
Your Answer validity
Question The writing of "Not Negotiable" is one and the same thing as that of special crossing.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The seller can file a suit against the buyer for the price of goods only after
Correct Answer the property in goods is transferred to the buyer
Your Answer the property in goods is transferred to the buyer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question If there is a breach of condition, a buyer has an option to claim
Correct Answer Damages
Your Answer Damages
Question The legal heir or representative of a dead consumer is given the right to become the
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question According to Prof. Hanney, "Partnership is the relating existing between persons
competent to make contracts who agree to carry on a ________"
Correct Answer Lawful business is common with a view to private gain
Your Answer Lawful business is common with a view to private gain
Question The subscriber of the memorandum of a company on its registration shall be entered in its
register of members as member.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The ingredients of the proposal are
Correct Answer communication by one to another , to do or to abstain from doing something , the
object should be to take assent of another
Your Answer communication by one to another , to do or to abstain from doing something , the object
should be to take assent of another
Select The Blank
Question Every promise and every set of promises, forming the consideration for each other, is an
Correct Answer agreement
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A company is a legal personality and as such it can
Correct Answer Own its property in its own name , Enjoy its property in its own name , Dispose of its
property in its own name
Your Answer Jointly own property with shareholders , Own its property in its own name , Enjoy its
property in its own name
Question Existing goods are those goods, which are owned and possessed by the seller at the time
of sale.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A stipulation in a contract of sale with reference to goods which are subject there of may be
Correct Answer A condition or warranty
Your Answer A condition or warranty
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Negotiable Instrument can be drawn or accepted by duly authorised agent on behalf of
Correct Answer principle
Your Answer principle
Select The Blank
Question Special resolution and confirmation by ________is required for alteration of Memorandum.
Correct Answer Company Law Board
Your Answer Company Law Board
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Existing may be further classified as
Correct Answer Specific goods
Your Answer Specific goods
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Unpaid seller's right to stop the goods in transit arises only when the buyer becomes
Correct Answer insolvent
Your Answer insolvent
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Following are the agencies of a three tier system of consumer disputes redressal agencies
Correct Answer State commission , National commission , District Forum
Your Answer State commission , National commission , District Forum
Select The Blank
Question Agents are ________ to act within the scope of the authority given.
Correct Answer authorised
Your Answer authorised
Select The Blank
Question Articles are ________ to and controlled by the memorandum.
Correct Answer subordinate
Your Answer subordinate
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Following persons can perform the contracts
Correct Answer promissor , agent , legal representative
Your Answer promissor , agent , legal representative
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A proposal
Correct Answer may be revoked at any time , may be revoked before the communication of
acceptance is complete , should be complete against the proposer
Your Answer may be revoked at any time , may be revoked before the communication of acceptance
is complete , should be complete against the proposee
Question Partnership is nothing but a psychological relationship existing between the partners.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Select The Blank
Question The ________ of 1986 is basically passed to protect the interest of the consumer.
Correct Answer Consumer Protection Act
Your Answer Consumer Protection Act
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Partners by Estoppel or holding out are also called as
Correct Answer quasi-partner , nominal partner
Your Answer quasi-partner , nominal partner
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Partnership at will is a partnership
Correct Answer for an indefinite period
Your Answer for a definite period
Question Goods which become ascertained subsequent to the formation of the contract of sale are
Ascertained Goods.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question Future consideration is also known as ________ consideration.
Correct Answer executory
Your Answer executory
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A partner is called as an outgoing partner by
Correct Answer retirement , death , expulsion
Your Answer retirement , death , expulsion
Question A Promissory Note contains conditional undertaking to pay a certain sum of money.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Select The Blank
Question The person acting as an agent on behalf of the principal should act ________.
Correct Answer honestly
Your Answer definitely
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A transfer by a partner of his interest in the firm, does not entitle the transferee, during the
continuance of the firm
Correct Answer to inspect the books of the firm , to require accounts , to interfere in the conduct of a
business of a firm
Your Answer to inspect the books of the firm , to require accounts , to interfere in the conduct of a
business of a firm
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Section 138 deals with
Correct Answer dishonour of cheque
Your Answer dishonour of cheque
Select The Blank
Question Unpaid seller's right to stop the goods in transit arises only when the buyer is ________
Correct Answer Bankrupt
Your Answer Bankrupt
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The memorandum of Association is the most important document, it acts out
Correct Answer The constitution , The formation , The objectives
Your Answer The constitution , The formation , The objectives
Question The memorandum and articles shall, when registered, do not bind the company and the
members thereof.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Question No consideration is required in formal contracts.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Following is an implied condition
Correct Answer Condition as to title
Your Answer Condition as to contingency
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Public notice is required to be given
Correct Answer on the dissolution of a firm which is registered , on the retirement of any of the
partner of a registered firm
Your Answer on the dissolution of a firm which is registered , on the retirement of any of the partner
of a registered firm
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The liability of companies on the basis of liability are
Correct Answer Unlimited companies , Limited by guarantee , Limited by shares
Your Answer Unlimited companies , Limited by guarantee , Limited by shares
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A condition may be reduced to where goods are
Correct Answer Goods are accepted by the buyer
Your Answer Goods are accepted by the buyer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question In case of a public limited company, the maximum number is no limit, but the minimum is
fixed at
Correct Answer 7
Your Answer 7
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Unlawful Business Dissolution of Partnership Dissolution of Partnership
Sub-partner Sharing of profits by outsiders Sharing of profits by outsiders
Partnership Association of two or more persons Association of two or more persons
Partners have to be Competent Competent
Partner lending his name only Nominal partner Nominal partner
Select The Blank
Question According to Salmond and ________, a promise without consideration is a gift and one
made with consideration is a bargain.
Correct Answer Winfield
Your Answer Winfield
Select The Blank
Question One of the two kinds of presentment of an Instrument is by ________
Correct Answer Payment
Your Answer Payment
Question The Act is passed merely to settle the disputes of commercial transactions.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A Company shall, on being so required by a member, send to him a copy of following
Correct Answer The Memorandum , The articles , Every other agreement
Your Answer The Memorandum , The articles , Share of profits
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Memorandum of a public company must be signed by
Correct Answer Seven persons
Your Answer Five persons
Select The Blank
Question Articles are ________ to and controlled by the memorandum.
Correct Answer subordinate
Your Answer subordinate
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The following types of companies are required to have their own articles
Correct Answer Unlimited companies , Companies limited by guarantee , Private companies limited
by shares
Your Answer Unlimited companies , Companies limited by guarantee , Private companies limited by
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The Articles of Association are subsidiary to
Correct Answer Companies Act , Memorandum of Association
Your Answer Companies Act , Certificate of Registration , Memorandum of Association
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A breach of a condition may be treated as breach of
Correct Answer Warranty
Your Answer Warranty
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The memorandum of every company shall state
Correct Answer The name of the company , The registered office , The main objects
Your Answer The name of the company , The registered office , The main objects
Select The Blank
Question Unfair trade practice includes a representation made to public in a form that purpots to be a
________ of a product.
Correct Answer warranty
Your Answer shortcoming
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A person is considered the holder of Negotiable Instruments if
Correct Answer his name appear on an instrument , he is in possession of bearer instrument , he is
the endorses of a cheque
Your Answer his name appear on an instrument , he is in possession of bearer instrument , he is the
endorses of a cheque
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The rights of the partners are
Correct Answer right to retire , right to be indemnified , right not to be expelled
Your Answer right to retire , right to be indemnified , right not to be expelled
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A Company after its registration, possesses
Correct Answer Legal entity
Your Answer Legal entity
Select The Blank
Question Issued capital can be defined as the ________ of shares which are offered to the public for
Correct Answer nominal value
Your Answer nominal value
Select The Blank
Question A company is a ________ company if the holding company controls the majority
composition of its board of directors.
Correct Answer subsidiary
Your Answer subsidiary
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Penalty for false particulars Imprisonment for three months Imprisonment for three months
Partnership deed Name, Place, Date Name, Place, Date
A statement in prescribed form and accompanied by fees Required for registration Required for
The registrar of firms To rectify any mistake To rectify any mistake
Select The Blank
Question In ________ contract, all the parties perform their promise.
Correct Answer an executed
Your Answer an executed
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Following agreements are opposed to public policy
Correct Answer agreement to commit crime , agreements interfering with an administration of
Your Answer agreement to commit crime , agreement by way of maintenance and champerty ,
agreements interfering with an administration of justice
Question Memorandum is adopted to control internal operations of the company.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True
Question Under the Consumer Protection Act of 1986, goods include actionable claim and money.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The companies having Articles are
Correct Answer Unlimited Company , Company limited by guarantee , Company limited by shares
Your Answer Unlimited Company , Company limited by guarantee , Company limited by shares
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The partner who is illegally expelled
Correct Answer can claim re-instatement , can sue the firm for the refund of his share in the profits as
well as profits
Your Answer can claim re-instatement , can sue the firm for the refund of his share in the profits as
well as profits
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A company can sue and also be sued by
Correct Answer In its corporate name
Your Answer Any third person
Question Persons who have entered into partnership with one another are called individually partners
and they are collectively "a firm"
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question In contract of sale the buyer becomes
Correct Answer Absolute owner of the property
Your Answer Symbolic owner of the property
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Consent is free when it is not caused by
Correct Answer
Undue influence , Fraud , Mistake
Your Answer
Undue influence , Fraud , Mistake
Select The Blank
A Company subject to the provisions of section 32 of the companies
act as unlimited may register under this Act as a ________
Correct Answer
Limited company
Your Answer
Government Company
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A pardanashin woman means a woman who
Correct Answer
observes seclusion, because of curom
Your Answer
does not come into the public
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A sale can be in case of
Correct Answer
specific goods , existing goods
Your Answer
future goods , existing goods , contingent goods
Select The Blank
When the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent
thereto, the proposal is said to be ________.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The order of the Commission can be set aside by
Correct Answer
The Supreme Court , The National Commission
Your Answer
The Supreme Court , The National Commission , Central Council
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The capacity to contract with an agent is the part of the law of
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Select The Blank
A minor, who is admitted to the benefits of partnership, must give
a public notice within ________ months.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Partner by holding-out Partner by estoppel Partner by estoppel
Dissolution of partnership Completion of ventures Loss caused by fraud
Right of a partner To retire To retire
Partner is liable Loss caused by fraud Completion of ventures
Sleeping Partner Dormant Partner Dormant Partner
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The parties to the bill of exchange must be
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Any person who for the consideration becomes the possessor of a promissory note
Holder in due course Holder in due course
Negotiating Negotiable Instruments so as to bind all, except himself A minor A
A partner accepting Negotiable Instrument Implied authority Implied authority
A person who can't accept or indorse a bill An insolvent An insolvent
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Goods includes
Correct Answer
trade marks , good will
Your Answer
actionable claims , trade marks , money
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The District Protection Council shall consist of the following
Correct Answer
Members representing such interests as may be prescribed by
the State Govt. , The Collector of District
Your Answer
Members representing such interests as may be prescribed by the
State Govt. , The Collector of District
The Indian Contract Act, 1872 includes the penal provisions in case
of breach of contract.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
In a sale if the seller becomes insolvent after a contract of sale
and the buyer has paid the price, the buyer can claim the goods from the
Correct Answer
Official Assignee , Receiver
Your Answer
Official Assignee , Receiver
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Fraud means and includes following act Correct Answer
promise to deceive other party , promise without intending to
Your Answer
concealing a fact believing to be untrue , promise without
intending to perform
Loss of profits is an example of liquidated damages.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Where a cheque is crossed specially, the banker to whom it is crossed
may again cross it specially to another banker, his agent, for collection.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Select The Blank
________ contracts are the result of the implied promises.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Select The Blank
When the certificate of incorporation is obtained, the promoters and
directors of a ________ company invite the public to subscribe to its shares.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Select The Blank
Under ________ influence the dominant party may hold a real authority
over the other party.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Goods means
Correct Answer
birds , gas
Your Answer
money , gas , old coins
Select The Blank
The confirmation of change of registered office of company within
a state shall be communicated to the company within ________ from the date of
receipt of such application.
Correct Answer
Four weeks
Your Answer
Three months
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Conditions required to avoid a contract on the ground of supervening
impossibilty of performance of the contract
Correct Answer
the goods must have been perished before the risk is passed
to the buyer , the loss is not caused by the wrongful act or default of either
buyer or seller
Your Answer
the goods must have been perished before the risk is passed to
the buyer , the contract be the be of actual sale , the loss is not caused by the
wrongful act or default of either buyer or seller
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
A is a type of stipulation and has following characteristics
Correct Answer
It is of the subsidiary character , a breach of condition gives
the suffered party the one & only one right to repudiate the contract
Your Answer
It is of fundamental in nature , It is of the subsidiary character
, It goes direct to the root of the contract
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Instruments payable on demand are
Correct Answer
Cheque , Promissory Note , Bill of Exchange
Your Answer
Cheque , Promissory Note , Bill of Exchange
When a person is entrusted with another's property, he may be
appointed as an agent by necessity.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A consumer has the right to be assured, wherever possible, access
to services at
Correct Answer
Competitive prices
Your Answer
Competitive prices
Legal controls, restrictions on public companies are more and strict.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A partner can not transfer his share to any outsider without obtaining
Correct Answer
Consent of other partners
Your Answer
Consent of other partners
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Notice of the situations of the registered office of the company is
required to be given to the registrar of the companies within
Correct Answer
Thirty days
Your Answer
Ninety days
Company is treated as a legal person distinct from its members.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
A partnership firm does not enjoy the status of a
Correct Answer
Legal person
Your Answer
Legal person
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Documents to be presented for the registration of a company with the
registrar are
Correct Answer
The memorandum of the company , Its articles , The agreement,
if any
Your Answer
The memorandum of the company , Its articles , The agreement, if
Select The Blank
A partner may make an agreement with his partners, not to carry
________ business to that of the firm.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Right to withhold the delivery of goods is similar to and co-extensive
with the right of
Correct Answer
stoppage of goods in transit
Your Answer
stoppage of goods in transit
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Public notice of a dissolution of firm is required to be given by
Correct Answer
publishing the same in the official gazette , publishing the
same in the local news paper
Your Answer
publishing the same in the official gazette , publishing the same
in the local news paper , making advertisement of the same on the hoardings
Select The Blank
A company is a ________ company if the holding company controls the
majority composition of its board of directors.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Private company can commence its business immediately after
receiving the certificate of
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Directors of a private company need to file their consent with the
registrar to act as director or sign an undertaking.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Goods means
Correct Answer
growing crops , stocks & shares
Your Answer
growing crops , stocks & shares , money
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Selection committee for the appointment of the District Forum
consists of
Correct Answer
President of the State Commission , Secretary of the Law Dept.
of the state
Your Answer
President of the State Commission , Secretary of the Law Dept.
of the state , Secretary of the Home Dept. of the state
Bearer cheque is also known as Open cheque.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Select The Blank
The Articles of Association controls ________ operations of the
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Partnership is nothing but
Correct Answer
a legal relationship between the partners
Your Answer
a legal relationship between the partners
Select The Blank
A,B,C, and D are partners, A retires and B dies, the partnership
between them comes to ________
Correct Answer
an end
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Documents to be presented for the registration of a company with the
registrar are
Correct Answer
The memorandum of the company , Its articles , The agreement,
if any
Your Answer
The memorandum of the company , Its articles , The agreement, if