

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Most of what we experience emotionally is a result of the way we

Correct Answer Think

Your Answer React

Select The Blank

Question Only ________ percent of worries are considered as cause of concern

Correct Answer 8

Your Answer 8

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Stress at times works

Correct Answer As motivator , As positive

Your Answer As motivator , As positive

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Various kinds of disease caused from stress

Correct Answer Heartbeat increase , Slow digestion

Your Answer Heartbeat increase , Increase in perspiration , Slow digestion

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Work hard Not at the cost of family or health

Not at the cost of family or health

To get rid of overload To get rid of overload Stop taking on more work

Deeper coviction Stronger the person

Body recognises the stressor and prepares to fight

Alarm stage

Stronger the person

Alarm stage


Question All kinds of stress can be avoided

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The most valuable asset of a company is

Correct Answer People

Your Answer People

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Wisdom lies in

Correct Answer Accepting your mistakes , Apologise but do not demand from others , Think over the actions performed

Your Answer Accepting your mistakes

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question A person tends to break another person's trust when

Correct Answer The person is inconsistent , His words and action do not match , He loses credibility

Your Answer The person is inconsistent , His words and action do not match , He loses credibility


Question Relationships have to be mutually beneficial and healthy to both the parties.

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True


Question There are two types of presentation

Correct Answer True

Your Answer False


Question No visual aid should be kept on for too long

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question What is said to be the heart of a business letter?

Correct Answer Body of the letter

Your Answer Body of the letter

Select The Blank

Question Date is normally written in the ________ corner.

Correct Answer Right

Your Answer Right

Select The Blank

Question The ________ number is essential to make entry in the register.

Correct Answer Outward

Your Answer Outward

Select The Blank

Question The ________ is written as a formality in the body of the letter.

Correct Answer Closing paragraph

Your Answer Closing paragraph

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Memorandum differs from letter in

Correct Answer Memos are written in direct order than letters , In memos effect of words is not so important as letters

Your Answer Memos are written in direct order than letters , In memos effect of words is not so important as letters

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question What is B2C?

Correct Answer Business to consumer , It is an internet domain , It is useful for products and services when shopper's aim is convenience and buyer's aim need information about product features and prices

Your Answer Business to consumer , It is an internet domain , It is useful for products and services when shopper's aim is

convenience and buyer's aim need information about product features and prices


Question Advertising materials like leaflets,giveaways,labels are included in house journals.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer True


Question A report is made after thorough enquiry.

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True


Question Printing house journals maintain public relations within the organisation.

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Prescience means

Correct Answer Knowledge about the future

Your Answer Knowledge about the future

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question A common fallacy about manager is that he must be

Correct Answer Loud , Flambuoyant , Drinker

Your Answer Loud , Flambuoyant , Drinker

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Verve

Correct Answer Leadership , Analyse , Vision , Positive enthusiasm

Your Answer Leadership , Analyse , Vision


Question Mission must be tough but achievable and must be possible to tell when it has been achieved

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It is an invitation to do something

Correct Answer Vision

Your Answer Vision

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Often the desire to meet a need can fuel a

Correct Answer Vision

Your Answer Vision

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Vision is the ability to see future in a

Correct Answer Imaginative way

Your Answer Imaginative way

Select The Blank

Question No one can achieve his dreams with ________ energy and ideas.

Correct Answer Average

Your Answer Average


Question Poor eyes limit your deeds.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Goals need to be

Correct Answer Planned , Evaluated , Identified

Your Answer Planned , Evaluated , Identified

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The areas which help you to develop a mindset are

Correct Answer Crystallize thinking , Develop sincere desire , Confidence

Your Answer Crystallize thinking , Develop sincere desire , Confidence


Question A goal which is not measurable increases motivation

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Every moment you waste in pre-occupation is a moment you steal from

Correct Answer Productiviy

Your Answer Productiviy

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question A person tries to focus his time and energy on things that give him the maximum

Correct Answer Returns

Your Answer Returns

Select The Blank

Question Take care of ________ and the hours will take care of themselves

Correct Answer Minutes

Your Answer Minutes

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question An affective tool of motivation is

Correct Answer Communication

Your Answer Communication

Select The Blank

Question Communication is the task of imparting ________

Correct Answer Information

Your Answer Information

Select The Blank

Question A ________ communication establishes and builds lasting relationships between people

Correct Answer Two way

Your Answer Two way

Select The Blank

Question The ________ context refers to the nature of relationship between the communication as well as who is present

Correct Answer Social

Your Answer Social

Select The Blank

Question ________ is an example of psychological noise

Correct Answer Egotism

Your Answer Egotism

Select The Blank

Question Examples of environmental stress is ________

Correct Answer Humidity

Your Answer Traffic noise

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Following are the functions of Manager

Correct Answer Planning , Organising , Staffing

Your Answer Planning , Organising , Staffing

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer

Physical noise


Your Answer

The external sounds that distract the comunicator

The external sounds that distract the comunicator

One of the greatest sources of

One of the greatest sources of

communication failure communication failure

Relational Message


It indicates how sender and receiver feel about each other

It indicates how sender and receiver feel about each other and communication are two sides of the same coin and communication are two sides of the same coin

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question What are the movements which play an important role in conveying meaning without words ?

Correct Answer Gestures

Your Answer Gestures

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Man is recognised by his

Correct Answer Behaviour

Your Answer Dress

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Resting your forearm on the table gives the impression of being

Correct Answer Distressed , Uninterested , Indifferent

Your Answer Distressed , Uninterested , Indifferent


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Most of what we experience emotionally is a result of the way we

Correct Answer Think

Your Answer React

Select The Blank

Question Only ________ percent of worries are considered as cause of concern

Correct Answer 8

Your Answer 8

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Stress at times works

Correct Answer As motivator , As positive

Your Answer As motivator , As positive

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Various kinds of disease caused from stress

Correct Answer Heartbeat increase , Slow digestion

Your Answer Heartbeat increase , Increase in perspiration , Slow digestion

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer

Work hard

Your Answer

Not at the cost of family or health

To get rid of overload

Not at the cost of family or health

To get rid of overload Stop taking on more work

Deeper coviction Stronger the person Stronger the person

Body recognises the stressor and prepares to fight



Alarm stage

All kinds of stress can be avoided

Alarm stage

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The most valuable asset of a company is

Correct Answer People

Your Answer People

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Wisdom lies in

Correct Answer Accepting your mistakes , Apologise but do not demand from others , Think over the actions performed

Your Answer Accepting your mistakes

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question A person tends to break another person's trust when

Correct Answer The person is inconsistent , His words and action do not match , He loses credibility

Your Answer The person is inconsistent , His words and action do not match , He loses credibility


Question Relationships have to be mutually beneficial and healthy to both the parties.

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True


Question There are two types of presentation

Correct Answer True

Your Answer False


Question No visual aid should be kept on for too long

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question What is said to be the heart of a business letter?

Correct Answer Body of the letter

Your Answer Body of the letter

Select The Blank

Question Date is normally written in the ________ corner.

Correct Answer Right

Your Answer Right

Select The Blank

Question The ________ number is essential to make entry in the register.

Correct Answer Outward

Your Answer Outward

Select The Blank

Question The ________ is written as a formality in the body of the letter.

Correct Answer Closing paragraph

Your Answer Closing paragraph

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Memorandum differs from letter in

Correct Answer Memos are written in direct order than letters , In memos effect of words is not so important as letters

Your Answer Memos are written in direct order than letters , In memos effect of words is not so important as letters

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question What is B2C?

Correct Answer Business to consumer , It is an internet domain , It is useful for products and services when shopper's aim is convenience and buyer's aim need information about product features and prices

Your Answer Business to consumer , It is an internet domain , It is useful for products and services when shopper's aim is convenience and buyer's aim need information about product features and prices


Question Advertising materials like leaflets,giveaways,labels are included in house journals.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer True


Question A report is made after thorough enquiry.

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True


Question Printing house journals maintain public relations within the organisation.

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Prescience means

Correct Answer Knowledge about the future

Your Answer Knowledge about the future

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question A common fallacy about manager is that he must be

Correct Answer Loud , Flambuoyant , Drinker

Your Answer Loud , Flambuoyant , Drinker

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Verve

Correct Answer Leadership , Analyse , Vision , Positive enthusiasm

Your Answer Leadership , Analyse , Vision


Question Mission must be tough but achievable and must be possible to tell when it has been achieved

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It is an invitation to do something

Correct Answer Vision

Your Answer Vision

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Often the desire to meet a need can fuel a

Correct Answer Vision

Your Answer Vision

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Vision is the ability to see future in a

Correct Answer Imaginative way

Your Answer Imaginative way

Select The Blank

Question No one can achieve his dreams with ________ energy and ideas.

Correct Answer Average

Your Answer Average


Question Poor eyes limit your deeds.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Goals need to be

Correct Answer Planned , Evaluated , Identified

Your Answer Planned , Evaluated , Identified

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The areas which help you to develop a mindset are

Correct Answer Crystallize thinking , Develop sincere desire , Confidence

Your Answer Crystallize thinking , Develop sincere desire , Confidence


Question A goal which is not measurable increases motivation

Correct Answer False

Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Every moment you waste in pre-occupation is a moment you steal from

Correct Answer Productiviy

Your Answer Productiviy

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question A person tries to focus his time and energy on things that give him the maximum

Correct Answer Returns

Your Answer Returns

Select The Blank

Question Take care of ________ and the hours will take care of themselves

Correct Answer Minutes

Your Answer Minutes

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question An affective tool of motivation is

Correct Answer Communication

Your Answer Communication

Select The Blank

Question Communication is the task of imparting ________

Correct Answer Information

Your Answer Information

Select The Blank

Question A ________ communication establishes and builds lasting relationships between people

Correct Answer Two way

Your Answer Two way

Select The Blank

Question The ________ context refers to the nature of relationship between the communication as well as who is present

Correct Answer Social

Your Answer Social

Select The Blank

Question ________ is an example of psychological noise

Correct Answer Egotism

Your Answer Egotism

Select The Blank

Question Examples of environmental stress is ________

Correct Answer Humidity

Your Answer Traffic noise

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Following are the functions of Manager

Correct Answer Planning , Organising , Staffing

Your Answer Planning , Organising , Staffing

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer

Physical noise


Your Answer

The external sounds that distract the comunicator

The external sounds that distract the comunicator

One of the greatest One of the greatest

Relational Message

Motivation sources of communication failure

It indicates how sender and receiver feel about each other and communication are two sides of the same coin sources of communication failure

It indicates how sender and receiver feel about each other and communication are two sides of the same coin

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question What are the movements which play an important role in conveying meaning without words ?

Correct Answer Gestures

Your Answer Gestures

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Man is recognised by his

Correct Answer Behaviour

Your Answer Dress

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Resting your forearm on the table gives the impression of being

Correct Answer Distressed , Uninterested , Indifferent

Your Answer Distressed , Uninterested , Indifferent
