Part 1 ITEM NO. ___________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR FOR SUSTAINABLE REGENERATION ___________________________________________________________________ TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR PLANNING ON 20 JULY 2010 ___________________________________________________________________ TITLE: ORDSALL ESTATE – 20mph SPEED LIMIT ZONE & GREEN STREETS PROGRAMME ___________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Lead Member for Planning approves the introduction of 20mph speed limit zone and traffic calming for the entire Ordsall estate, along with associated environmental ‘street greening’ improvements. 2. Furthermore that an order for £384,660 be placed with our partner contractor Tarmac Ltd who have been selected as a result of their experience in constructing calming schemes. The order is to be divided with £200,094 for the traffic calming and £184,566 for the Green Streets programme of environmental improvements to Robert Hall Street and Phoebe Street. 3. This work to be sub-contracted to Horticon. 4. That the City Solicitor be instructed to advertise the intention to implement a 20mph speed limit zone order for the estate. ___________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Ordsall and Langworthy Community Committee have made traffic calming the entire Ordsall estate their top priority for spend from their devolved highway budget and have committed funding to enable all the work to be undertaken in one phase. The Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company also has a parallel proposal to enhance the streetscene along Phoebe Street and Robert Hall Street as part of its Green and Walkable Streets Programme. This report recommends the introduction of a 20mph limit zone, associated traffic calming and street greening proposal, seeking approval to their implementation. ___________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: NONE ___________________________________________________________________ KEY DECISION: D:\99195045.doc YES – This is included on the Forward Plan ___________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Following a proposal by the Ordsall Community Forum to provide a safer road environment for the residents of Ordsall Estate, this has been made number 1 priority for devolved spend by the Community Committee, supplemented by a contribution from the Ordsall Infrastructure Budget. The objective of the scheme is to reduce the speed limit across the estate to 20MPH by introducing traffic calming features and associated speed limit Order. 1.2 To coincide with the traffic calming scheme, there are plans for environmental improvements along Robert Hall Street and a section of Phoebe Street from Colman Gardens to the junction with Regent Road to make the route more attractive and a focus point for the regeneration work in the Ordsall area. The environmental improvements are an integral part of the traffic calming scheme along these two streets. 1.3 The proposals complement the Ordsall Regeneration Framework, enhancing development sites, addressing community concerns about traffic speeds through the estate and improving the appearance and image of the area. In particular, the scheme incorporates and enhances a previous proposal, approved by Lead Member in 2007, for traffic calming measures to Robert Hall St as a phase of the approved programme of Ordsall Infrastructure Works; this proposal was linked to development of the former Day Nursery site with new housing. 1.4 The Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company’s Vision and Regeneration Framework is clear in its commitment to ensuring that the scale of physical and economic transformation of Central Salford is matched by a transformation in the quality of life and amenity of its residents. 1.5 The Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company’s Community Regeneration Programme includes a number of elements to support the creation of vibrant and prosperous neighbourhoods. A major focus within the Central Salford Integrated Transport Strategy (adopted June 2009) is the need to deliver green and walkable streets within the Central Salford area. The Green and Walkable Streets programme is designed to bridge the gap between the small scale neighbourhood environmental improvements being undertaken with local communities and the large scale boulevarding and public realm projects that will be brought forward to support the Company’s priority projects such as the Quays Gateway. Salford URC’s Strategic Programmes are shown on the plan in Annex 1. 1.6 The supporting plans provided in Annexes 1-4 are based on the current Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright & may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. D:\99195045.doc Salford City Council Licence no. 100019737. All copies of the drawings issued for use under contract are to be returned to the City of Salford on completion of the contract. 2.0 REPORT 2.1 The draft proposals for the traffic calming are shown on the attached Annex 3 and are as follows: Traffic calming along Phoebe Street, Robert Hall Street and associated side roads. There are roads in the area that are short enough to self enforce speeds to 20mph and so traffic calming on these has been omitted. All entry points to the estate will have gateways comprising 20mph speed limit signs to raise driver awareness. 2.2 Ordsall and Langworthy Community Committee have agreed to fund the traffic calming element from their devolved Capital pot, supplemented by a contribution from the Ordsall Infrastructure Budget. 2.3 The Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company’s approved Business and Investment Plan 2010/11 identifies investment in the Green Streets Programme over the next five financial years and beyond. £800,000 is identified to be spent in 2010/2011 Business Plan as approved by Salford City Council. 2.4 Central Salford is proposing to spend £184,566 of 2010/2011 financial year’s Green Streets funding on the Robert Hall Street/Phoebe Street Green Streets project. 2.5 The Phoebe Street/Robert Hall Street Green Streets project has been prioritised and selected for delivery in 2010/2011 financial year for the following reasons: To coincide with the proposed introduction of 20mph speed limit and traffic calming for the Ordsall estate The proposed works will help to improve and promote pedestrian movement throughout the Ordsall neighbourhood area The proposed works will create a quality environment, delivering high quality public realm, to complement the sustainable regeneration programme being delivered through the Development Framework for the Ordsall neighbourhood. The project is capable of being delivered in the 2010-2011 financial year. D:\99195045.doc Combining this project with the 20mph speed limit zone will provide cost savings overall for the 2 projects through the avoidance of duplication of activity. 2.6 The proposed improvements and enhancements will implement a number of core principles set out in the recently approved Central Salford Public Realm Handbook (adopted 17th February 2009). 2.7 The environmental improvements will be undertaken along Robert Hall Street and a section of Phoebe Street from Colman Gardens to the junction with Regent Road. This area is a key route through the Ordsall estate. The planting within the area is poorly maintained and the overall street scene is barren and dominated by hard surfaces. The aim is to reinforce traffic calming along the route, making the street more attractive and a focus point for the regeneration work in the Ordsall area. Annex 2 shows the proposed development areas in the immediate vicinity and illustrates the connectivity achieved by delivering public realm enhancements along Robert Hall Street and Phoebe Street. The Green Streets improvements to be funded by the Central Salford URC (shown in Annex 4a and 4b) are looking to: Green the two streets through landscaping / tree planting. Alter the way in which Phoebe Street and Robert Hall Street are perceived by drivers, including the introduction of neighbourhood gateway features to signify the residential nature of the area. Improve the physical environment and encourage more walking and cycling by incorporating raised crossing points into the traffic calming along these two streets, and repositioning drop kerbs at side road crossings along Phoebe Street. Temporary planting to the road frontages of two prominent vacant sites that are unlikely to be redeveloped for several years: the redundant playing fields of the former St. Clements Primary School and the housing clearance site at the former Knowsley Green. 3.0 CONSULTATION 3.1 The proposals have been before the Traffic Management Unit attended by the emergency services and no objections were received. 3.2 Further public consultation consisted of a letter drop to all the residents in the Ordsall estate outlining the proposals. It also invited residents to attend any of 3 ‘drop in’ sessions held at different venues across the estate at different times of the day and evening, where residents could discuss both proposals with officers from Urban Vision and the Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company. D:\99195045.doc 3.3 As regards the letter drop, the number of consultation documents distributed = 2720 The number of return slips received = 238 (9%) The number of slips in favour = 226 (95%) The number of slips against = 9 (4%) 3 returned with no response Of the 9 comments against, they contained the following, ‘waste of money’ and ‘no need to calm the estate’. 3.4 The environmental improvements were presented at meetings for the Ordsall and Langworthy Environmental Task Group, the Ordsall Community Forum, and also at the Friends of Ordsall Park Summer Festival. No objections were received on any of these occasions. 3.5 Consultation has also been undertaken with Children’s Services Directorate and Sustainable Regeneration Directorate, who control the two vacant development sites. No objections have been received, on the understanding that there will be no clawback of investment when the sites are redeveloped. 4.0 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 4.1 The traffic calming element of this scheme will be funded with £140,094 from the devolved budget of Ordsall and Langworthy Community Committee 2010/11 Block 3 Transport Capital Programme and £60,000 contribution from the Ordsall Infrastructure Budget. 4.2 The contribution from the Ordsall Infrastructure Budget relates to a phase payment in respect of the development by LPC Living Ltd of the former Day Nursery site, approved under the Ordsall Development Agreement. This development has yet to commence. Under the current lease, the scheme is due to be completed, and the phase payment received, by February 2012. The anticipated gap between expenditure and receipt of the phase payment can be managed through the Ordsall Infrastructure Budget. 4.3 The environmental improvements are to be funded from Central Salford URC as part of the Green Streets Programme. 4.4 The target costs and associated fees are as follows. Traffic Calming Works: Green and Walkable Streets Programme: Total: £ 200,094(including fees) £ 184,566(including fees) £ 384,660 5.0 FUTURE MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE 5.1 The future management and maintenance of environmental improvements within the Green Streets Programme will be critical to the long term quality, D:\99195045.doc appearance and attractiveness of Phoebe and Robert Hall Streets and spaces. 5.2 Existing and estimated future maintenance costs are set out below: Project Robert Hall Street/Phoebe Street Existing Annual Maintenance Cost Estimated Future Annual Maintenance Cost £911.79 £4791.19 5.3 It is proposed that provision be made for maintenance of this project following completion of the capital works. It is proposed to fund the increased maintenance cost to cover the sum of £3,879.40 per year, which is the shortfall between the existing maintenance cost and the estimated future maintenance cost, within the corporate provision for the future maintenance of future capital schemes. At the same time, upon completion of the works the scheme will be covered by the contractor’s contract which includes a twelve month hard works defect programme and a twenty four month soft works defect programme. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 That Lead Member for Planning approves the introduction of 20mph speed limit zone and traffic calming for the entire Ordsall estate, along with associated environmental ‘street greening’ improvements. Furthermore that an order for £384,660 be placed with our partner contractor Tarmac Ltd who have been selected as a result of their experience in constructing calming schemes. The order is to be divided with £200,094 for the traffic calming and £184,566 for the Green and Walkable Streets programme of environmental improvements to Robert Hall Street and Phoebe Street, this work to be subcontracted to Horticon. 6.2 That the City Solicitor be instructed to advertise the intention to implement a 20mph speed limit zone order for the estate. ___________________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: To promote sustainable transport, improve pedestrian facilities and road safety for all road users in the area. ___________________________________________________________________ EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS:- N/A ___________________________________________________________________ D:\99195045.doc ASSESSMENT OF RISK: LOW ___________________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: Scheme costs are estimated to be £384,660, of which £200,094 is for the traffic calming, with £140,094 from Ordsall and Langworthy devolved element of 2010/11 Block 3 Transport Capital Programme and £60,000 from the Ordsall Infrastructure Budget. Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company’s approved Business and Investment Plan 2009/2010 identifies the Green Streets Project within its Community Regeneration Programme. In 2010/2011, there is £800,000 to support the whole Green Streets Programme and it is intended that £184,566 of this will be spent on the Phoebe Street / Robert Hall Street Green Streets Programme. ___________________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: Contact Officer and Extension No: Ian Sheard Extn 3084 Date Consulted: 22nd April 2010 Comments: The proposals within this report have been approved against the monitoring officers checklist LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: Contact Officer and Extension No: Richard Lester, Locum Solicitor Ext 2129 Date Consulted: 25th May 2010 Comments: 1. The contractor will have various statutory responsibilities to the workforce and to the general public in the performance of the work. Work sites will need to be suitably fenced. If works are being carried out in the highway, the city council will be strictly liable for any interference with public rights of safe passage. Suitable risk management strategies will need to be in place to eliminate as far as possible the risk of claims. There may be a need for temporary road traffic regulation orders. 2. Processing an order for the 20 m.p.h. speed limit will involve legal work. 3. It will be important to ensure that all speed humps, tables, cushions etc and signage and road markings are in strict accordance with statutory requirements. 4. Speed humps etc may increase the number of claims against the city council for personal injury or damage to vehicles or adjoining property. ___________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Contact Officer and Extension No: Peter Butterworth Extn 8791 D:\99195045.doc Date Consulted: 21st April 2010 Comments: There is provision within the Block 3 Transport Capital programme,the Ordsall Infrastructure Account and the Central Salford URC Business and Investment Plan for the funding of this scheme. Contact Officer and Extension No: Alison Swinnerton - 0161 601 4887 Date Consulted: 28 June 2010 Comments: The Robert Hall Street/Phoebe Street Green and Walkable Streets Programme will be met within Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company’s Business and Investment Plan Capital Programme 2010/11 as it forms part of the Salford City Council Capital funds allocation to the Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company. The increased maintenance costs will be funded within the corporate provision for the future maintenance of future capital schemes as agreed with City Treasurer. CLIENT IMPLICATIONS Contact Officer and Extension No: Darren Findley Extn 3849 Date Consulted: 24/11/2009 Comments: These proposals are in line with our LTP objects, and will significantly improve the walking and cycling environment of Ordsall. ___________________________________________________________________ OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: Children’s Services Directorate ___________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Andy Devine TEL. NO. 0161 779 4859 ___________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): ORDSALL Paul Walker Strategic Director for Sustainable Regeneration D:\99195045.doc Annex 1 – Central Salford - Approved Strategic Programmes [Copyright - see paragraph 1.6 of Report] D:\99195045.doc D:\99195045.doc Annex 2 – Planning Context [Copyright - see paragraph 1.6 of Report] D:\99195045.doc Annex 3 – 20mph Traffic Calming [Copyright - see paragraph 1.6 of Report] D:\99195045.doc Annex 4a – Environmental Improvements – Robert Hall Street [Copyright - see paragraph 1.6 of Report] D:\99195045.doc Annex 4b – Environmental Improvements Phoebe Street [Copyright - see paragraph 1.6 of Report] D:\99195045.doc