ITEM NO 5. REPORT OF THE LEAD MEMBER FOR CHILDREN’S SERVICES TO the Children, Young People and Families Scrutiny Committee TITLE: Transferring from a Children’s and Young Peoples Partnership Board to a Children and Young People’s Trust RECOMMENDATION: Members are asked to consider and comment on the current position and work ongoing to develop the Children and Young Peoples Trust in Salford EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009(ASCL) requires the establishment of Children’s Trusts, including the creation of a Trust Board with effect from 1st April,2010 that would be clearly linked with the Local Safeguarding Children Boards and other partnerships. The purpose of the change in regulation was to strengthen accountability for the well-being and safeguarding of children and prepare a three year delivery Children and Young People’s Plan from which activities / projects would be commissioned by the Trust partners. Outcomes will be monitored against key priorities agreed with partners thus ensuring that resources and workforce skills are targeted. It also provides opportunities to create greater flexibility to redirect resources when required to address changing priorities and new ways of working using one accountable body which would report to the Salford Strategic partnership. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: None ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES All partners are key to the successful implementation of the Trust but the Council has to ensure the development of robust governance arrangements. The following individuals therefore are key in this process: The Director of Children’s Services (DCS) and the Lead Member for Children’s Services have pinnacle roles. The DCS has the responsibility for improving outcomes for children in the City. The DCS is a member of both the Trust and SSCB. D:\219513485.doc The Lead Member for Children’s Services is politically accountable for ensuring that the Local Authority fulfils its legal responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. will provide the political leadership needed for the effective co-ordination of work with other relevant agencies with safeguarding responsibilities (such as the police and the health service and other key partners). will also take steps to assure themselves that effective quality assurance systems for safeguarding are in place and functioning effectively across service areas and levels of need. Is a member of the Trust and will be a participant observer of the SSCB The Local Authority Chief Executive and Council Leader also have critical roles to play. The Chief Executive is responsible for ensuring that that the DCS is fulfilling their managerial responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. In particular, ensuring that the relationship between the Trust and SSCB is working effectively. This responsibility has been assigned within the Local Authority and among Children’s Trust partners for improving services and outcomes; and that targets for improving safeguarding and progress against those targets are reported to the Local Strategic Partnership (SSP). The wider public has an important role to play: The ECM outcomes are everyone’s responsibility. Salford’s Trust will need to actively seek the views of the local community and consult children and young people and their families when drawing up the Children and Young People’s Plan CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S TRUST RESPONSIBILITIES The Trust will develop a three year plan which will influence and determine the commissioning of activities by partners to deliver the agreed outcomes for children and young people. This 3 year plan will be consulted on widely including the SSCB and the final document be approved and adopted by the accountable bodies and the SSP. publish a plan in the format in accordance with the agreed time scales as detailed in the DCSF guidance published in 2010. ensure that an annual review of the 3 year plan is carried out in accordance with DCSF guidance. The SSP will make an assessment of the effectiveness of partnership arrangements in supporting the best possible standards and outcomes of the well-being and safeguarding of children. support and facilitate the integration of commissioning, systems and processes and the delivery of frontline services. will liaise with appropriate Boards including the SSCB regarding any proposed commissioning arrangements such as those which are linked to the factors D:\219513485.doc which impact on safeguarding children, including compromised parenting. These may include domestic abuse, parental mental health, alcohol and substance misuse and adult criminality. RELATIONSHIP WITH BOARDS The Trust Board must have close relationships with all relevant Boards, especially the SSCB. Salford’s Children Trust and Salford Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB), will have important but distinctive roles in keeping children safe. It is not a hierarchical relationship. Salford’s Children’s Trust will be accountable for overseeing the delivery of the Children and Young People’s Plan, in progressing this plan it is accountable for ensuring services deliver improved outcomes for Children and Young People. The Trust will be held accountable thorough the SSCB for safeguarding and the SSP for all ECM outcomes. SSCB is responsible for challenging each relevant partner of the Trust through Salford’s Children’s Trust Board, on their success in ensuring that children and young people are kept safer in the City. In order to ensure the complimentary roles of the two bodies – and the necessary challenge of SSCB to the Trust, the two bodies are chaired by different people. SSCB is chaired by a person independent of any of the member agencies OPERATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Operational details are outlined in a draft Trust Board Handbook. D:\219513485.doc