Last Updated 26.11.08
Purpose and scope……………………………………………………2
Creating opportunities…………………………………………………6
Managing displacement……………………………………………..11
Employee support…………………………………………………....18
Ongoing support…………………………………………….………..19
Monitoring and Review………………………………………………20
Appendix 1
Organisational Change Flowchart ………………………………………….21
Appendix 2
Statutory Redundancy Payment Ready Reckoner……………………….22
Appendix 3
Redeployment Policy………………………………………………………..24
1. Purpose and scope
The purpose of this policy is to support Salford City Council to conduct reviews of the way it
operates in order to continue to:
Deliver service improvements for residents
Meet new government priorities and financial challenges
Protect front line services
Ensure the Council’s future financial well-being
Continue the drive for excellence in everything we do
Strengthen opportunities for continuous improvement
Improve the skills of our employees
Effectively manage transfers of staff into and out of the Council
As these reviews will inevitably result in changes to the way the Council delivers or
resources services, it has required a review of the way change is managed, and the
Managing People through Organisational Change policy provides the Council with a
basis to manage any such changes.
It is stressed that the elements of any change programme will not be considered in
isolation. The change management process as outlined in this document will be coordinated and managed on a One Council basis with the involvement of Human
Resources at every stage.
1.3 It is stressed that the intention of this policy is to minimise the effect of any
organisational changes on employees. In this respect the Council will implement those
measures outlined at section 5 as appropriate, dependent upon the particular
circumstances. In addition, the Council has a statutory responsibility to assist
employees in finding alternative work as a means of reducing the numbers dismissed
due to redundancy, and will make every effort to secure alternative employment for all
employees at risk of redundancy through one or more of the following:
Ring fencing
Open competition
The Council will ensure that all employees are treated fairly in any selection methods.
This policy applies to all City Council staff, except those based in schools where the
Governing Body have the overall responsibility for determining the numbers of people
employed and in the case of Aided schools where they are also legally the employer.
City West, Salford Community Leisure and Salix Homes are not covered by this policy
therefore there is no mutuality of obligation regarding redeployment.
This policy does not apply to Council employees on a fixed term contract who have
less than two years continuous service with Salford City Council.
This policy is supported by Council policies and procedures for redeployment,
voluntary early retirement, redundancy and the Managers Guide to Restructure and
2. Implementation
The process the Council will follow when implementing organisational change can be found
in the Organisational Change Flowchart (Appendix 1).
2.1 The Council will ensure compliance with all aspects of employment law and statutory
obligations, and where organisational change is required will seek to minimise the
impact on employees through effective planning and consultation.
2.2 The Council is committed to the principle of working in partnership with employees
and trade unions in managing changes to its organisation and staffing requirements,
and will seek to achieve change through the application of fair and equitable
procedures, consultation and open communication.
2.3 The Council expects its managers to:
Take responsibility for implementing this procedure fairly and consistently
Provide and facilitate effective communication
Meet their corporate obligations and accept redeployees for any suitable vacancies
Provide the necessary induction and training to those who are redeployed
Provide sensitive support to those staff directly and indirectly affected by the
2.4 The Council expects its employees to:
Be reasonable in their consideration of suitable alternative job offers
Participate fully with the procedure
3. Consultation
Lawful and meaningful consultation (lasting at least 30/90 days or longer if required) must
be completed before issuing redundancy notices to employees. Furthermore, the
Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) guidance advises that
if consultation is completed within the 30/90 day timescales, redundancy notices cannot be
issued until the 30/90 days have lapsed.
In any event, the Council will provide a minimum consultation period of 30 days before
giving notice in situations where less than 20 employees are to be made redundant.
3.1 Disclosure of Information
3.1.1 The City Council has a statutory responsibility to disclose relevant information to
trade unions. Therefore, the Council will provide the following information to
accredited representatives during the consultation period:
The reasons for the proposed redundancy;
The total number of employees affected by the proposals;
The number and description of employees whom it is proposed to dismiss (either
voluntary or compulsory);
Proposed method of selection for redundancy;
Proposed method of how the dismissals will be carried out including the period
over which dismissals are to take effect;
Proposed method of calculating redundancy pay
3.1.2 There is also a statutory duty on the Council to notify the BERR if it proposes to
make 20 or more workers redundant at one establishment over a period of 90 days
or less. The Head of Human Resources or their nominee will do this either by letter
or by use of an HR1 form. The notification to the Secretary of State must be received
by BERR before redundancy notices are issued and at least 30 or 90 days before
the first termination date. Timescales will depend upon the number of employees
potentially involved as follows:
Number of Employees Affected
Minimum Statutory Period for Consultation
Between 20 and 99
30 days
100 and over
90 days
3.1.3 In pursuit of the aim of meaningful consultation, the Council will consider any
representation or counter proposal submitted in writing by affected employees or the
appropriate recognised Trade Unions and will reply, in writing, within 10 working
days, to any submissions received. Where the Council rejects representations in
whole or part, the reasons for rejection will be stated in writing.
3.1.4 In addition to the above the Council will disclose all supporting information that is
relevant to the proposals i.e. budget and financial information, terms of reference of
any review etc.
3.1.5 Consultation regarding organisational change impacting on staffing requirements will
follow the Council’s 7 Point Plan principles as follows:
1) When any restructuring proposals are to be considered, referral to be made in the
first instance to a senior member of the HR service, who will work closely with the
manager to ensure that statutory responsibilities and relevant terms and conditions
of service of employment that may affect the employees concerned are addressed.
2) A clear political steer must be sought before large scale reviews commence.
3) In consultation with HR, the staffing structure requirements for future organisational
need should be considered. Change options and associated costs should be
determined by comparing current and proposed structures and analysing impact.
4) Prior to any formal consultation, all proposals are to be in draft form.
5) Proposals must be put out to relevant recognised trade union officials for
consultation with employees, and consultation meetings held with recognised trade
unions and wider staff groups.
6) Individual consultation meetings should be held with all employees affected by the
proposals (directly or indirectly) to discuss impact issues and allow them to raise
concerns. The right to representation must be offered.
7) A suitable period of time must be left at the end of the consultation period to allow for
consideration of feedback on proposals from the staff side and employees affected.
The formal proposal may then be taken forward through the appropriate decision
making route via Lead Member(s) and Cabinet where appropriate.
4. Creating opportunities
It is stressed that the intention of this policy is to minimise the effect of any organisational
changes on employees. In this respect the following measures will be implemented as
appropriate, dependent upon the particular circumstances:
Restriction on recruitment by imposing a vacancy control procedure
Filling vacancies from amongst existing employees
Reviewing any existing and proposed fixed term contracts
Reducing overtime as far as service requirements will permit
Limiting usage of agency and temporary workers
Termination of casual and agency workers
Training, retraining and redeploying employees into alternative employment with the
costs met by the Council
Reviewing the existing and proposed use of external consultants
Voluntary reduction in hours worked
Use of flexible working options, to include part time, job share, job transfer and career
The temporary use of supernumerary posts
Flexible retirement for those eligible
Voluntary redundancy for those eligible
Voluntary redundancy linked with early retirement for those eligible
Any other creative approaches as agreed to maintain employment security
4.1 Flexible Retirement
4.1.1 The Council will consider requests for flexible retirement from those employees at
the age to take advantage of this in accordance with the requirements as detailed in
the Local Government Pension Scheme regulations.
4.1.2 Flexible retirement allows the employee to access accrued pension benefits whilst
either reducing working hours or moving to a lower graded job. Where such a
request is approved the employee will receive immediate payment of pension and
lump sum, though these may be subject to an actuarial reduction.
4.2 Early retirement
4.2.1 The Council will indicate if it is able to consider volunteers to leave the service on
grounds of early retirement from those employees at the age to take advantage of
this in accordance with the requirements as detailed in the Local Government
Pension Scheme regulations.
4.2.2 In such cases, the Council reserves the right to apply its discretion according to the
circumstances and any such proposals should be endorsed by the relevant Strategic
Director in consultation with the Head of HR and the Head of Finance and approved
by the Lead Member for Customer and Support Services.
4.2.3 Those employees whose application for voluntary early retirement is approved will
receive immediate payment of an unreduced pension and lump sum based on their
accrued contributory service at the date their employment is terminated. In addition,
in certain circumstances there may be a redundancy payment payable based upon
entitlement under the statutory redundancy ready reckoner but calculated on actual
week’s pay.
Further advice and guidance relating to retirement is included in the Council's policies on
retirement & redundancy.
4.3 Voluntary severance
4.3.1 Expressions of interest will be invited for voluntary severance from those employees
who are aged under 50 or who are NOT members of the LGPS regardless of age,
with more than 2 continuous local government service.
4.3.2 The severance payment will be based upon entitlement under the statutory
redundancy ready reckoner but calculated on actual week’s pay.
4.3.3 This will be with a view to reducing the numbers of employees affected but also to
create vacancies to facilitate employee transfers into suitable alternative
employment as a way of avoiding compulsory redundancies and of helping to
implement the change process.
4.3.4 All employees indicating an interest will be provided with the relevant information,
including financial estimates about their entitlement. Following these preliminary
stages, formal applications will be requested within an agreed time scale.
4.3.5 The Council reserves the right to determine who will be permitted to leave, taking
into account the balance of skills and experience essential for current and future
operational requirements. Applicants will be advised in writing as soon as a decision
has been made.
4.3.6 Where there are too many volunteers within a group and it is not possible to
redeploy displaced employees into all such posts, then selection for approval of
applications for VER / VS will be made on the basis of cost.
5. Compulsory redundancy
5.1 In normal circumstances, Salford City Council will follow a positive process of
assimilation, slotting in and ring fencing. This process will identify those employees at
risk of redundancy through displacement.
However, in certain circumstances, when all other measures have been exhausted
consultation will take place with trade unions to agree selection criteria for redundancy
and implementation arrangements.
5.1.1 The criteria and its application will depend upon the nature of the workgroup and
future service needs, and for this purpose the procedures outlined in the Managers
Guide to Restructure and Reorganisation should be followed.
5.1.2 The criteria to be used will be different in each circumstance any may include:
performance; relevant qualifications and experience, relevant skills in relation to
organisational need (present and future), disciplinary record, attendance record
(recognising employees rights under the DDA) and length of service where
everything else is equal. The agreed criteria and its application will be explained to
those affected
5.1.3 When using redundancy selection criteria assessments will be carried out by the
employee’s supervisor/manager together with a member of the Directorate’s
Management Team and a member of Human Resources. The application of the
criteria will be lawful, objective, fair and reasonable and be applied to all affected
employees. Those employees selected for redundancy will have the right of appeal
to Employers Forum.
5.2 Appeal
5.2.1 An employee selected for redundancy will have the right of appeal against dismissal.
The appeal should be submitted in writing within 10 working days of written
confirmation of the notice of redundancy and the grounds of appeal must be stated.
5.3 Redundancy notice
5.3.1 Whilst the amount of notice to which an employee is entitled on being made
redundant is either the statutory or contractual notice period (whichever is the
greater), the provisions contained within the Redeployment Policy will apply to all
staff at risk of redundancy.
5.4 Redundancy payments
5.4.1 Employees who have at least two years continuous local government service are
entitled to a redundancy payment. The payment is based upon the employee’s age
and length of local government services as outlined in the statutory redundancy
ready reckoner table (see the Ready Reckoner at Appendix 2). The calculation will
be made on the basis of an employees’ actual weeks pay rather than the statutory
limit. The calculation will be based on continuous local government service with any
other local authority or employer covered by the Redundancy Payments Modification
In addition to the redundancy compensation payment specified above, employees
aged 50 or over who have at least three months membership of the LGPS will
receive immediate payment of an unreduced pension and lump sum based on their
accrued contributory service at the date their employment is terminated.
5.4.2 The maximum period of service for calculation purposes is the last 20 years of
continuous service in local government or with associated employers as provided in
the Redundancy Payments (Continuity of Employment in Local Government etc)
(Modification) Order 1999. In accordance with the Employment Equality (Age)
Regulations 2006, the tapering effect from age 64 has been removed.
5.4.3 It is recognised that there may be certain circumstances where additional
enhancements may be required. Where appropriate, consideration will be given to
enhancing the standard terms in accordance with the Local Government (Early
Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales)
Regulations 2006. In such circumstances, proposals must be endorsed by the
relevant Strategic Director in consultation with the Head of HR and the Head of
Finance and approved by Lead Member for Customer and Support Services.
Further advice and guidance relating to redundancy is included in the Council's policies on
retirement & redundancy.
6. Managing displacement
The Council has a statutory responsibility to assist employees in finding alternative work as
a means of reducing the numbers dismissed due to redundancy, and will make every effort
to secure alternative employment for all employees at risk of redundancy through one or
more of the following:
Ring fencing
Open competition
The Council will ensure that all employees are treated fairly in any selection methods.
6.1 Assimilation to the new structure
This process requires careful comparison of the job descriptions for the posts in the
old structure with the job descriptions of posts in the new structure to determine if
there is a degree of similarity between the two. Factors to consider in determining the
similarity of the jobs will include: nature of the job; the employee's competencies, skills
and experience and whether these fit the job description and person specification; pay
and benefits; hours/shift patterns; location.
6.1.2 Slotting-in
This will occur when the new post is broadly similar to the old post or remains the
same. Where employees meet the determined job match level or skills level they will
be slotted-in to the new post. This will normally be the case when at least 75% of the
duties and responsibilities in the new post’s job description are contained in the old
post’s job description. If there are the same number of posts (or more) in the new
structure as employees who have comparable claims on the post(s) all those
employees should be offered the new post(s) without the need for an interview.
6.1.3 Competitive slotting-in
If there are fewer posts in the new structure than employees who have comparable
claims on the post(s) competitive slotting-in will take place for those employees to
determine who is appointed to those posts. The selection process will be fair &
lawful as determined by the requirements of the post.
6.1.4 Ring-fencing
Remaining posts may be ring-fenced e.g. to certain groups or by grade, for
competitive selection between employees with comparable claims on the posts. The
selection process will be fair & lawful as determined by the requirements of the post.
6.1.5 Open competition
Any employees who are not slotted across will be offered any other remaining
suitable posts in the new structure and where necessary selected by open
competition amongst them. The selection process will be fair & lawful as
determined by the requirements of the post.
6.1.6 Those remaining employees will be deemed to be displaced and will continue to be
nominated for other suitable posts across the City Council in line with the
redeployment process.
6.2 Filling of vacant posts
6.2.1 During periods of organisational change requests to fill any new posts or vacancies
that arise will be subject to the approval of the Lead Member for Customer &
Support Services (other than those that are deemed to be exempt).
6.2.3 Once the assimilation process has been completed for a particular organisational
change situation, Human Resources will undertake the administration of an ‘at risk’
register and be responsible for ensuring all vacancies are ring-fenced initially to staff
identified as being potentially at risk. This will be in line with the job shop process
which is detailed below. Only when there is no job match within the redeployment
pool would such posts be openly advertised.
6.3 Redeployment
6.3.1 Once the assimilation process has been completed, those employees that have
been identified as being displaced will be managed in line with the Council's
Redeployment Policy.
However, should a suitable alternative post not be identified during the notice period,
the employee will be declared redundant.
6.3.2 The Council will ensure that every effort is made to ensure that alternative
employment is offered to all displaced employees. The following factors amongst
other things will be taken into account when seeking a suitable alternative:
Geographical location
Grading; pay and protection of earnings
Competencies, skills and qualifications required
Personal circumstances
Transport/travelling circumstances
Equivalent hours of work
Length of service
Working environment
Health and safety
6.4 Job-shop Process
The Council will provide a job profile and matching service to assist employees who
are subject to redeployment to find suitable alternative work. The service will be
managed by HR working with the employing manager, the displaced employee and
recruiting managers. The Job Shop will be a dedicated resource to work specifically
with displaced employees in a proactive & supportive way.
At the point an individual is declared 'at risk' by virtue of redundancy they will be
served with 12 weeks notice. During this time the employee will continue to work
with the Job Shop to identify a suitable alternative post.
Whilst an employee is supernumerary they will continue to be located within, and
paid for by, their employing Directorate until redeployed.
The employing manager and/or HR Adviser will notify the Job Shop of details of
displaced employees via a web-based pro-forma.
The Job Shop will register the employee onto the redeployment database and
allocate a link worker.
They will issue the employee and their manager with
guidance of the process and confirmation of registration in writing / via email, and
will issue the Redeployment Form for completion / consideration prior to a meeting
with the Job Shop link worker.
The Job Shop link worker will arrange to meet with the 'at risk' employee and their
manager to complete the Redeployment Form. The link worker will work with them
to ensure that sufficient information is captured to enable the matching process to
take place.
The employee details will then be entered onto the redeployment
Once permission has been given to fill a vacancy (either through the FOVP process
or where a post is subject to automatic approval), the manager must notify the Job
Shop who will determine if it is suitable for the redeployment process. Each vacancy
will be cross-referenced against the redeployment database as it arises.
All vacant posts deemed suitable as redeployment opportunities will be diverted
through the Job Shop and also listed on the HR intranet. The page can be found at
Latest redeployment opportunities.
To assist with this process, managers must provide appropriate shortlisting criteria
(person specification) and full details of the post to the Job Shop.
The Job Shop will undertake the screening process for each vacancy by crossreferencing the database and redeployment form information with the job details and
the shortlisting criteria provided by managers in order to match redeployees with
appropriate posts. Redeployees will not be required to complete an application
form for each vacancy.
The Job Shop will inform managers where no potential redeployees have been
identified for a vacancy.
The vacancy will then be released for the normal
recruitment process, and at risk employees can apply in the usual way if they
choose to do so.
The Job Shop will provide details of suitable redeployees to the manager. Where
there is more than one suitable employee, interviews will take place to identify the
most suitable candidate.
Responsibility for the selection process rests with the
manager holding the vacancy. Selection should be made on merit, and the selection
method should be clear, objective and precisely defined and not discriminate against
any employee. The manager should take account of the DDA and any reasonable
adjustments where applicable.
Where following the selection process it is considered that an employee fully meets
the essential criteria and competencies, or will do so, with suitable training and
support, within a reasonable timescale (i.e. up to a maximum of 6 months) then they
will be appointed.
Where only one job match/redeployee is identified the manager should have an
informal discussion regarding the nature of the job, and appoint subject to a trial
Once the most suitable candidate has been identified, the employee will receive one
offer of redeployment to that post. The employee will normally be allowed a trial
period of one month.
In those circumstances where it has been identified that
training and support is required to enable them to successfully redeploy to the new
post this may be extended. During this time the notice period and redeployment
activity will be suspended.
Following the month trial if the redeployment is successful and accepted by both the
manager and employee, then the employee will be confirmed in the post.
The manager must notify the Job Shop of the outcome of the selection process, and
inform the redeployee of the result of any interviews as soon as possible. Offers to
give feedback should be given to unsuccessful employees.
It is the responsibility of managers to check professional registration / qualification
details and any other relevant details provided by redeployees during the selection
The Job Shop will liaise with managers throughout the trial period to monitor
Throughout the redeployment process the Job Shop will provide support as appropriate
which may include:
Liaise with Organisational Development for the arrangement of agreed training during or
following trial periods,
Monitor the database to ensure that all at risk employees are included and will report on
progress of redeployment and problem issues,
Maintain the database with all relevant details of vacancies, shortlists, result of
interviews, interview feedback, training accessed, trial periods, job offers, unsuitable
jobs, jobs accepted, jobs refused etc,
Remove redeployees from the database when successful redeployment occurs or
employment ends,
Provide advice, guidance and training, or arrangements for training to managers on fair
selection procedures,
Provide outplacement support to help employees apply for vacancies outside the
Council in partner organisations, other local authorities, voluntary / private sector. Links
will be made with recruitment contacts to monitor opportunities and communicate
information on vacancies to redeployees,
Link with Jobcentre Plus, Works and Skills, and other relevant recruitment agencies in
an attempt to bring together people and posts, and for the provision of 'Job Ready'
training including completing application forms and effective interview presentation,
Co-ordinate the arrangements for use of the internet for job searches for those who do
not have access to a PC.
Signpost and liaise with the Skills for Life team and Union Learning Reps for Skills for
Life training including ICT, literacy and numeracy assessments where applicable,
Liaise with the Welfare Rights team for relevant advice regarding benefits entitlements,
Liaise with the Pensions team and for the arrangement of briefing sessions on pension
entitlements and procedures.
The Redeployment Policy also stipulates that:
All redeployees will initially work under a trial period of one month, which may be
extended where further training is needed to meet the required competencies of the
Employees will be offered suitable alternative posts that arise, which may or may not be
subject to competition. Unreasonable refusal of a post deemed to be appropriate, will
result in loss of entitlement to redundancy payment, and no further redeployment
activity being applied to them.
Redeployment to a lower graded job may attract entitlement to a compensation
payment in accordance with the Council's Compensation Scheme.
Any complaints arising out of the operation of the redeployment procedure may be raised
under the Council’s Grievance Procedure.
Further details regarding the redeployment process including the Job Shop approach is
outlined in the Redeployment Policy at Appendix 3.
6.5 Retraining
6.5.1 To facilitate successful redeployment and reskilling of staff affected by organisational
change, the Council will work to address the needs of both the redeployee and the
service. Every effort will be made to reskill/train staff with a view to improving their
transferability and increasing their potential to meet the person specification of
current or future vacant posts.
6.5.2 Support will be provided from the time of the initial identification of the members of
staff to be redeployed, and may include short and long term training and
development needs. The Council is committed to providing the following:
1. Individual behavioural and competency training (linked to specific skills required
to undertake the duties of the new/revised post) to help employees adapt to
changed roles.
2. Training to assist employees to be in the best position to obtain a new job in the
Council, whether or not undertaking a trial period, including application and
interview skills.
3. Training to help employees obtain a new job outside the Council.
4. Training to pursue an alternative career (when in the best interests of the
Council). If employees at risk wish to consider a different type of work for which
they may be eligible and where it meets the business needs of the Council e.g.
support for changes in career path into hard to recruit to areas of employment,
retraining to support this may be arranged which will build on existing experience
and skills in order to equip them to take on their new role.
5. The availability of Union Learner Representatives to provide training advice and
guidance to staff, and also signposting to Skills for Life courses and
6. HR link worker support via the Job Shop for training for staff being redeployed.
7. Additional key areas of training support as required to facilitate the restructure of
the workforce which could include:
Management and Leadership training to enable managers to develop the
necessary skills and attitude to operate effectively during periods of change,
including handling redundancies and critical selection for recruitment and
or/redundancies (where appropriate) and leadership coaching activities to
support this.
Service training requirements
Exit/Pre-retirement training
7. Employee support
7.1 The Council is committed to applying best practice beyond its legal obligations by
providing the following range of support to employees to attempt to meet individual
Support to help employees apply for vacancies outside the Council in partner
organisations; other local authorities; voluntary/private sector
Employees at risk will be offered assistance to complete applications forms, C.V.’s,
and presenting themselves effectively at interviews (where necessary)
Linking with Jobcentre Plus; Work and Skills and other relevant recruitment
agencies in an attempt to bring together people and posts
Access to the internet for job searches
Skills for Life training including IT, literacy and numeracy (where applicable)
Linking with the Welfare Rights Team for training courses on benefit entitlements
Linking with the Pensions Team on pension entitlements and procedures
Managers guide to restructure and re-organisation (including best practice for
supporting staff appropriately during organisational change)
7.2 Employees will be given reasonable time off with pay for the purpose of seeking
alternative employment and to attend activities which are part of the redeployment
process including:
Interviews with managers
Pre-interview training
Visits to new locations where they are seeking employment
Selection interviews
On the job training
7.3 The Council will facilitate the early release of staff who successfully secure alternative
employment without loss of pay.
7.4 The Council recognises that staff affected by organisational change either directly, as
a result of redundancy or redeployment, or indirectly should have access to Staff
Support facilities. These include the BDMA free confidential counselling service,
Occupational Health, HR and Trade Union support.
8. Ongoing Support
It is acknowledged that in any redundancy situation the immediate priority is the fair and
sensitive treatment of employees who are losing their jobs. However, the Council also
recognises that support mechanisms may be required for those employees remaining such
as mentoring, coaching and other jointly agreed activities.
9. Monitoring and Review
The Head of Human Resources has specific responsibility for monitoring the effectiveness
of this policy. This will be undertaken in consultation with the appropriate trade unions.
This policy is monitored, evaluated and reviewed to ensure it is kept up to date and meets
legislative and best practice requirements.
Appendix 1
Draft Organisational Change Flowchart
Need for change is determined by the Council
Project Team formulate initial staffing proposals and consult with Accountancy
and HR
Following agreement at, proposals put to Trade Union officials for consultation
with staff, within statutory timescales. Further meetings held until issues resolved
Decision Making
The final proposals together with trade union / staff comments will be taken
through the City Council's formal decision making arrangements via Lead
Member(s) and Cabinet where appropriate for approval.
Council ensures compliance with all aspects of employment law, statutory
obligations and management responsibilities prior to and throughout
Identifying people at risk of redundancy
Identifying employees whose current post will be within the scope of the
organisational change and will be designated at risk of redundancy
Creating opportunities
Measures will be implemented as appropriate to minimise the effect of any
organisational changes on staff
Compulsory redundancy
When all other measures have been exhausted consultation will take place with
trade unions to agree selection criteria and implementation of redundancies
Managing displacement
Every effort will be made to secure alternative employment for all employees at
risk of redundancy through a variety of procedures
Employee support
Range of support provided to those employees directly and indirectly affected by
changes to attempt to assist in meeting individual needs
Future well-being
Commitment to support, train and develop remaining employees and continue to
work towards/as One Council
Monitoring and Review
Policies will be monitored, evaluated and reviewed to ensure they are kept up to
date and meet legislative and best practice requirements
Appendix 2
Statutory Redundancy Payment Ready Reckoner
To calculate your estimated redundancy payment entitlement please use the following
1. Find your age in the left hand column of the Statutory Redundancy Ready Reckoner
table attached
2. Then find the number of years service you have from the row at the top of the table
(maximum of 20 years can be used)
3. Follow the row across for your age and the column down for your number of years
service to the point that they meet to find the number of weeks pay you are entitled
4. Calculate your gross weekly pay by dividing your annual salary by 365 then
multiplying it by 7
5. Now multiply the number of weeks pay you are entitled to (step 3) by your gross
weekly pay amount (step 4). This will give you an estimate of what your redundancy
payment will be.
Please note:
You must have 2 years continuous service with Salford City Council to qualify for a
severance payment
Payments of up to a maximum of £30,000 are tax free
Statutory Redundancy Ready Reckoner Table:
Service (Years)
2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
18*[1] 1
19 1 1½
20 1 1½ 2
21 1 1½ 2 2½
22 1 1½ 2 2½ 3
23 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4
24 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 5
25 2 3 3½ 4 4½ 5 5½ 6
26 2 3 4 4½ 5 5½ 6 6½ 7
27 2 3 4 5 5½ 6 6½ 7 7½ 8
28 2 3 4 5 6 6½ 7 7½ 8 8½ 9
29 2 3 4 5 6 7 7½ 8 8½ 9 9½ 10
30 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 8½ 9 9½ 10 10½ 11
31 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 9½ 10 10½ 11 11½ 12
32 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 10½ 11 11½ 12 12½ 13
33 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 11½ 12 12½ 13 13½ 14
34 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 12 12½ 13 13½ 14 14½ 15
35 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 12 13 13½ 14 14½ 15 15½ 16
36 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 12 13 14 14½ 15 15½ 16 16½ 17
37 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15½ 16 16½ 17 17½
38 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16½ 17 17½ 18
39 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17½ 18 18½
40 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18½ 19
41 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19½
42 2½ 3½ 4½ 5½ 6½ 7½ 8½ 9½ 10½ 11½ 12½ 13½ 14½ 15½ 16½ 17½ 18½ 19½ 20½
43 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
44 3 4½ 5½ 6½ 7½ 8½ 9½ 10½ 11½ 12½ 13½ 14½ 15½ 16½ 17½ 18½ 19½ 20½ 21½
45 3 4½ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
46 3 4½ 6 7½ 8½ 9½ 10½ 11½ 12½ 13½ 14½ 15½ 16½ 17½ 18½ 19½ 20½ 21½ 22½
47 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
48 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 11½ 12½ 13½ 14½ 15½ 16½ 17½ 18½ 19½ 20½ 21½ 22½ 23½
49 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
50 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 12 13½ 14½ 15½ 16½ 17½ 18½ 19½ 20½ 21½ 22½ 23½ 24½
51 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 12 13½ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
52 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 12 13½ 15 16½ 17½ 18½ 19½ 20½ 21½ 22½ 23½ 24½ 25½
53 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 12 13½ 15 16½ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
54 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 12 13½ 15 16½ 18 19½ 20½ 21½ 22½ 23½ 24½ 25½ 26½
55 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 12 13½ 15 16½ 18 19½ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
56 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 12 13½ 15 16½ 18 19½ 21 22½ 23½ 24½ 25½ 26½ 27½
57 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 12 13½ 15 16½ 18 19½ 21 22½ 24 25 26 27 28
58 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 12 13½ 15 16½ 18 19½ 21 22½ 24 25½ 26½ 27½ 28½
59 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 12 13½ 15 16½ 18 19½ 21 22½ 24 25½ 27 28 29
60 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 12 13½ 15 16½ 18 19½ 21 22½ 24 25½ 27 28½ 29½
61*[2] 3 4½ 6 7½ 9 10½ 12 13½ 15 16½ 18 19½ 21 22½ 24 25½ 27 28½ 30
Redeployment Policy