Part 1 ITEM NO. _________________________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR FOR SUSTAINABLE REGENERATION AND THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR FOR CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES __________________________________________________________________ TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR PROPERTY – 13TH APRIL 2011 __________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Strategic Property - City Council Core Sites Office Accommodation – Brotherton House refurbishment __________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Lead Member for Property: 1. Approves the proposed works as detailed in the estimates set out in this report; and 2. Approves the funding as detailed in this report. __________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Lead Member for Property approved the refurbishment of Brotherton House as per the details contained in this report leading to the future revenue, saving for the council in excess of £156,000 p.a. once accommodation closure costs are met. This report outlines the refurbishment proposals for Brotherton House, which will convert a former library premises to office space, which is an intrinsic part of the City Council’s approach to accommodation and contributes to the closure of Halton House, Unwin Court and potentially the Poplars Medical Centre or an equivalent building. The refurbishment of Brotherton House will be part funded from the Office Programme, DDA improvement Programme and contributions from service budgets. __________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Report of Report to the Lead member for Property of 14th September 2010 Report of Report to the Lead member for Property of 26th October 2010 __________________________________________________________________ KEY DECISION: Yes __________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: 1.0 Background 1.1 Housing Connections Partnership (HCP) is part of the Sustainable Regeneration Directorate and currently occupies accommodation in Halton House and Crompton House. Due to service improvements and external funding requirements there is a requirement to co-locate all HCP teams together in a single location. 1.2 As part of the City Council’s ongoing property rationalisation programme and as a result of concerns about Health and Safety and suitability of HCP accommodation at Halton House alternative options have been considered to accommodate HCP staff in a single location in Pendleton. 1.3 HCP is partly funded by external ‘Trail blazer’ funding totalling £250,000 to deliver services. A condition of the continued funding of the services is to secure and implement more suitable accommodation in their predominant catchment area, Pendleton. Failure to resolve this accommodation problem could see funding potentially withdrawn. 1.4 Part budget allocation has been made within the capital Office Accommodation budget and part will be funded from a service contribution. 2.0 Information 2.1 HCP Homelessness Team currently has 22 staff on the ground floor of Crompton House. With an additional 45 staff are located in Halton House. 2.2 There are limited accommodation options to accommodate circa 67 staff in the Pendleton area of the City. Implementation of the property rationalisation programme in recent years in support of the City Council’s overall efficiency drive and in support of regeneration initiatives has seen reduced Council accommodation in the area. The Property Shop at 45 Hankinson Way and was transferred to Salix Homes; various leases in St James House have been relinquished, and Churchill Way suffered a fire rendering it incapable of occupation and will be demolished in support of the Pendleton PFI project. The only remaining of Council office building in the Pendleton area is Unwin Court which is affected by Pendleton PFI proposals with an estimated lifespan of 2 years prior to its demolition after relocation of essential area sensitive teams in the area. 2.3 As a result of the transfer of the Property Shop from the council to Salix Homes, 8 front facing staff were relocated to Brotherton House, (former Boardwalk Library), where they are segregated but share common buildings areas with Reader Services. 2.4 It has now been confirmed that Brotherton House is not affected by the Pendleton PFI proposals and the building does have a strategic future. The building is ideally located between Pendleton Gateway and Salford Precinct on the main footfall between the two. 2.4 Options have been considered by Members and staff to relocate Reader Services to alternative locations as the service is not area sensitive but none of the options identified were considered suitable or costs effective to implement. Discussions with the Service managers have concluded that the service has could rationalise into reduced space at Brotherton in the short term with a view to a more permanent solution being identified, releasing sufficient accommodation for incoming HCP staff. 3.0 Brotherton House 3.1 To facilitate the relocation of HCP staff to Brotherton House substantial remodelling and redesign will be required to accommodate the staff numbers; create an appropriate reception facility; and address all relevant Health and Safety and DDA concerns. See proposed design, agreed with service managers, in appendix 1. 3.2 It is estimated that the cost of undertaking the remodelling as per the design, will be in the region of £225,000 including, remodelling, VOIP IT infrastructure, all fees and physical staff moves. Furniture will be recycled from other locations. A breakdown of estimated costs is attached in appendix 2. Additional investment will be required to convert the existing Reader Services area to offices further increasing the capacity of the building. 3.3 In the proposed remodelled accommodation and with the adoption of Council accommodation standards, Brotherton House will have the potential capacity to accommodate 80 staff initially with a further 30 to follow. The initial phase will create enough accommodation for all HCP staff, with the existing Reader Services accommodation having capacity to accommodate displaced area based staff from Unwin Court or other locations subject to Lead Member views. 3.4 Implementation of these proposals will potentially support the rationalisation of the following buildings which would deliver operational and financial benefits described in the table below: Property Staff Nos Running Costs Potential Cap Receipt Comments Halton House 45 £49,927 To be advised Poplars Medical Centre Unwin Court 9 £9,120 N/A 77 (Part staff to relocate to Brotherton) 131 £96,998 N/A Building H & S concerns, £100k+ backlog maintenance Relinquished leased property Site affected by Pendleton PFI proposals Totals £156,045 Note: Additional capacity created by Reader Services relocation will potentially support the increased notional capacity of Crompton House by up to 100 FTE’s. 4.0 Financial Summary 4.1 A recent Office Moves 2010/11 budget review has highlighted that there are insufficient funds available in the overall programme of £1.74M to facilitate the refurbishment of Brotherton House. A discussion with HCP Service Managers has identified funds to contribute to the refurbishment costs. Additional funding has also been identified within the Councils DDA building improvement programme. 4.2 Additional funds totalling £85,000 from the insurance claim on Churchill Way plus support funding from the 2011/12 allocation are available to support the corporate accommodation budget. 4.3 The initial costs of the Brotherton House Total £225,000 (including all elements). Proposed funding solution is as follows: HCP Service contribution Energy Management Fund DDA Improvement Programme Insurance Claim Churchill Way Accommodation Budget 2010/11+2011/12 Total 4.4 £20,000 £15,000 £10,000 £85,000 £95,000 £225,000 The total budgeted expenditure in 2010/11 is; Minerva-related works; £1.113m Other £0.633m Total £1.746m (note: Expenditure on Minerva related moves is on programme and there are sufficient unallocated funds from 2010/11 Programme with support funding from the 2011/12 allocation fund the Corporate contribution of £95,000). 5.0 Recommendation That the Lead Member for Property: 1. Approves the proposed works as detailed in the estimates set out in this report; and 2. Approves the funding as detailed in this report. __________________________________________________________________ EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS: The review of office accommodation is underpinned by an understanding of the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the promotion of equal access to work for all existing and potential employees and public. This will include an assessment of reasonable adjustments for staff with additional requirements. __________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: High – This is the largest office moves programme undertaken by the Council. __________________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: Identified in the report __________________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: Supplied by Tony Hatton (Ext 2904) - Other than reference being made and due account being taken of the Equality Act 2010, no legal implications. __________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Supplied by John Spink (Ext 3230) - Budget provision for the proposed works are included in the Council's capital programme and other sources as identified in the report. The savings in running costs will help to contribute towards the £1m revenue budget savings target for 2011/12. __________________________________________________________________ OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: All Directorates Via One Council Team. __________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Rob Pickering 2818 / Martin Vickers 3407 __________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): Pendleton