Appendix 4 MSP Appraisals 2008-2011 Appraisal feedback and response form Lower Broughton Feedback, 10th March 2008 To ensure that the Secretariat has a complete record of all information requested and provided through the appraisal process, all requests and returns are required to be completed in the following format. Where responses require a written response please provide details in the relevant box below. Where plans or spreadsheets are required in response please reference in the relevant box below. This sheet will then accompany your original application form on MSP’s records. Boxes can be expanded on screen as necessary. Thank you The following feedback is provided in recognition that the application remains work in progress. A series of gaps within the form and discrete sections of text remain to be filled to allow the appraisal to be progressed. 1. At the time of the 2006-2008 appraisals a revised masterplan was in preparation to incorporate flood alleviation measures. Could a copy of the area’s final masterplan be provided to accompany the appraisal? 2. A substantial programme of HMR activity remains to be delivered in Lower Broughton. Recognising uncertainty over future funding allocations/bidding rounds, how would interventions be concluded post 2008/2011 if HMR support was not available? Could activity be effectively phased, if necessary, to minimise disruption to residents by completing discrete elements? 3. The 2006-2008 appraisal identified a HMR funding requirement of £14.0m for future years (2008/9 onwards). The latest submission suggests that this figure has increased to £22.9m. What are the reasons for this change and when is spend forecast to conclude? How will the programme continue to be monitored to ensure that funding requirements are managed to ensure the programme is financially viable and appropriate for market conditions? 1 4. When appraising the 2006-2008 programme it was reported that residential acquisitions had previously averaged £22,000 with values for the 2006-2008 programme anticipated to average £55,000. The assumed acquisition values for 2008-2011 have risen to £100,000. What are the reasons for this? Are different types of properties being acquired? 5. Have any changes been made to the programme to reflect changes in market/neighbourhood conditions during 2006-2008? 6. What have been the key lessons for the Lower Broughton team through delivery of the 2006 – 2008 programme? How has this informed your approach (interventions and delivery mechanisms) for 2008 -2011? 7. Further detail of the 2008-2011 programme would greatly assist the appraisal to include: a. a breakdown of those elements of activity that are a direct continuation of 2006-2008 activity (e.g. discrete blocks of ongoing acquisitions) and those elements that will start as new phases of activity during 2008-2011 (e.g. Mocha Parade); b. the coverage of phases of acquisitions to be progressed (plan of site boundaries if possible and names of target streets); c. the tenure break down of the 311 acquisitions for 2008-2011 and 61 acquisitions for future years and confirmation of the number of residential and commercial premises within this; d. anticipated requirements for CPOs; e. an indication of the forecast division of spend by phase/core element of schemes, for example costs for Mocha Parade; f. a breakdown of costs by type of activity, e.g. acquisitions (residential and commercial), private sector relocations, social tenant home loss/disturbance, demolitions; g. confirmation of whether any acquired properties will be retained (the spreadsheet suggests fewer demolitions than acquisitions across the 2008-2011 and future years’ programmes); 2 h. a plan showing the phasing of new development proposed during 2008-2011. 8. What cost assumptions have been made regarding % take up of relocation assistance, commercial acquisition costs (including assumptions for extinguishment and relocation) and demolition costs? 9. Other public sector funding contributions are low at £584,000 for 20082011 and £3.0m for future years. a. Are these figures correct? b. Will further Salford City Council contributions be made in the form of land and property values? If so, can an estimate of the value of these contributions be provided? c. Are any other contributions anticipated for development of the social housing units? 10. Does forecast private sector investment relate to all forecast completions? Investment of £148,491,000 for the development of 3,585 homes equates to £41,420 per unit. Is this correct? Based on an average forecast sales value of £155,000-£165,000, can you confirm how the surplus would be divided between all funding partners? 11. The spreadsheets accompanying the application include no indication of anticipated capital receipts. Can an indication of the anticipated timing and potential level of receipts to the Pathfinder be provided below? Given the high level of investment proposed in the neighbourhood, an understanding of the potential returns is required. 3 12. Which development phases currently have detailed agreements with Countryside? Is there potential for the terms of phased agreements to allow the developer to accommodate a proportion of acquisition costs, to reflect increasing confidence in the area and rising sales values? How will this situation continue to be reviewed to ensure that the public sector do not fund activities that can be accommodated within private budgets, subject to favourable market conditions? 13. In addition to housing units, are any community facilities due to be completed in the area during 2008-2011? 14. Is it possible to specify milestones for the following: a. b. c. d. Anticipated CPO timescales by phase? Finalisation of phased developer agreements? Completions on phase 2/3 sites? Any further anticipated milestones beyond July 2009 to understand the forecast roll out of activity, for example completion of community facilities, further phases of planning permissions? 4