REPORT OF THE CUSTOMER & SUPPORT SERVICES SCRUTINY Feedback from the meeting – 22 October 2007 Recommendations: Actions: That John Tanner returns to the November meeting to provide feedback on the council tax proposals. Scrutiny Support will; organise for further information on attendance management from Urban Vision and school based staff for the November meeting. To organise the attendance of an officer from Community, Health and Social Care to attend the meeting in February 2008 regarding attendance management. Scrutiny Support will; liaise with John Tanner re the presentation of the draft Customer Access Strategy at the November meeting. Scrutiny support will; gain further information pertaining to attendance management from Urban Vision, Community Health and Social Care and school based staff. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report concerns the matters considered by C&SS Scrutiny on 22 October 2007 Issues considered were: Council Tax Collection rate. Attendance management information BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: These can be found on SOLAR CONTACT OFFICER: Karen Lucas, Senior Scrutiny Support Officer Tel: 793 3318 email: WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: All Council Tax Collection 1 DETAILS 1. Council tax proposals. At the last meeting in September members requested officers return in October to discuss the development of proposals for improving council tax collection. It was also agreed that officers would also provide a monthly update to keep members informed of progress. John provided a report outlining various proposals, which includes reallocation of payments - pilot to be implemented, using the costs awarded by the court as a bargaining tool - pilot to be implemented, the use of committal proceedings for non payment, the use of bankruptcy proceedings – work is presently ongoing with the legal section and access to payroll records – This would only be in the event of arrears existing. Data protection criteria would need to clarified and liaison with the unions. Very few authorities do discounts, which are mainly aimed at those people who can pay, not those who find it difficult. The authority has now signed up with Experian who trace absconders’ who have not paid their council tax. Tenders will shortly be considered for the bailiff contract. Debt advice is highlighted regularly throughout the process to those who are not paying their council tax. A mobile service has recently been launched that will visit various communities throughout the city, that provides debt advice and has access to all relevant information and personal records. John informed members that they are presently compiling a customer access strategy for the call centre. Agreed: 1.1 Members agreed that they would like further information at the November meeting pertaining to the proposals presently being piloted. 1.2 Members requested that officers go ahead and clarify the data protection legislation with regards to access to payroll records, dependant on the upshot of the legislation liaise with the appropriate unions. This is prior to any recommendations being made by the scrutiny committee. 2 2. Attendance Management. Members received comparative data for 2005/06 and 2006/07. Further information was requested based on the following matters: Urban Vision – attendance management figures have increased from 7.9 to 9.6. To gain a response for the November meeting as to the reasons why. School Based – attendance management figures have dropped from 8.1 to 7.8. To clarify for the November meeting whether they are managing attendance management differently. Community, Health and Social Care – attendance management for this directorate remains a concern. To invite officers to the February 2008 meeting to discuss further. Figures have increased from 16.5 to 18.3. Members requested that any subsequent attendance management figures distinguish between long and short term absences. 3. Report from previous meeting. Agreed 4. Work programme. Agreed. 5. Forward plan. No issues raised. 6. Any Other Business None. 7. The next meeting is Monday 24 November at 2pm at the Civic Centre. There will be a briefing for members only at 1.30pm Please note there will not be a meeting in December unless an urgent issue needs to be considered. 3