ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES TO THE LEAD AND EXECUTIVE SUPPORT MEMBERS FOR CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES ON MONDAY 3RD AUGUST 2009 TITLE: Apprenticeship Programme and Pay Proposal RECOMMENDATION: That the report be noted and duly considered EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The report identifies the progress of the development and implementation of an Apprenticeship Programme for September 2009 intake. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (Available for public inspection) KEY DECISION: NO DETAILS: KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Cabinet Work Plan 2009/10 Connecting People EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS: Recruitment will be targeted to looked after children and young people leaving care. The gender, race and disability profile of this group is as yet unknown. D:\219512756.doc ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Minimal SOURCE OF FUNDING: Revenue budgets. Potentially Future Jobs Fund could contribute. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Supplied by not applicable FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Supplied by not applicable OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: The first batch of apprenticeships will be hosted by Customer and Support Services, Environment, Chief Executive’s and Children’s Services. CONTACT OFFICER: Debbie Brown TEL. NO. WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): All D:\219512756.doc 793 3523 1. Background This report represents the development to date of implementing an apprenticeship programme for Salford Council ready for an intake of apprentices in September 2009. 2. Apprenticeship Focus The implementation of an apprenticeship programme is in line with the Cabinet Work Plan for 2009/10, in particular in improving job opportunities for care leavers through ring-fencing apprenticeships and other suitable opportunities for care leavers. It also links with the Council’s vision and values and pledges on a number of levels. The values of passion and commitment for our City and people at its heart are particularly pertinent in Salford being innovative, empathetic, raising aspirations and caring for those in need. Also linked with this is the development of the role of Corporate Parenting Officer developed by the Next Step team in Children’s Services. The role’s primary purpose is to improve Every Child Matters outcomes for young people in care and care leavers for whom Salford is the corporate parent and to take lead responsibility for the Corporate Employability Plan. Following these priorities and actions opportunities have been created for apprenticeships in the following areas; Administration o Central Admin o Democratic Services o Community Safety o Customer Support o Lifelong Learning 14 – 19 Programme Horticulture Citywide Catering 3. Training Provider Manchester Solutions is the training provider in delivering the apprenticeships for Salford Council. A briefing was held on 24th July with a focus on Manchester Solutions providing a clear understanding on the apprenticeship framework including their role, the framework that will be used and the extent of the training programme. It was also to provide an opportunity for all involved to look at specific needs of the priority group and what Salford, as the employer, need to ensure is effective in conjunction with both Manchester Solutions and Connexions. Final numbers have yet to be determined following this but it is anticipated there will be at least 12 apprenticeships in the first wave. D:\219512756.doc 4. Care Leavers and NEET Initiative A close working relationship entails between Human Resources, Connexions and Salford’s Next Step service in line with the priority group taking up the apprenticeships on offer. Connexions currently have 25 Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) young people who are all care leavers that they are working closely with to find work experience and employment. They have just began an ESF funded initiative that they have given provision to Next Step for the Care Leavers and Looked After Children. The funding provides an initial 5 week pre-employment activity programme delivered by a Life Coach, preparing the young people for work and giving them continuous support throughout these 5 weeks. Following those 5 weeks the individuals then have a work placement for 8 weeks as part of the funding provision. One proposal in line with this initiative is for the young people to begin the 8 week work placement in the service area of the available apprenticeship they are interested in. Following the 8 week placement, they subsequently begin an apprenticeship in the same service area. The first programme began on 28 July with 7 NEET young people and Connexions have further courses planned over the next 12 months envisaging a roll-on roll-off apprenticeship programme rather than annual recruitment for a September intake. 5. Manchester Solutions Briefing During the briefing it was identified by Manchester Solutions that approximately 3 – 4 frameworks need developing for the roles available. The frameworks will be developed by Manchester Solutions with input from managers at all stages. Manchester Solutions established the assessment route for the apprenticeships along with the support provisions in place for apprentices throughout completion. Salford Council and Connexions can also offer key elements of support through appointment of Corporate Parenting Role at Salford Council and key workers for the young people at Connexions. 6. Pay Proposal Consideration needs to be given in the salaries of the apprenticeships with particular regard to the needs of the Care Leavers and NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) young people priority group. This is to ensure there are no implications or detrimental impacts for any of those young people living on their own. A number of options have been considered and one that was felt was fair and consistent for all apprenticeships is detailed in the table below. This pay proposal uses the hourly rate for National Minimum Wage for those aged 18 – 21 years although the rate would be applied across all apprentices regardless of D:\219512756.doc age. It is proposed that Salford Council would pay 10% on top of this rate with 6 monthly increments of a further 5% throughout the progression of the apprenticeship. Upon completion the individual would then move to normal rate for the job. For an apprentice who joins us at 22 years or over they would begin on the annual salary for National Minimum Wage, again with increments at 6 monthly intervals. Hourly Annual Rate Salary (18-21 NMW rate) £4.77 £8,929.44 Annual 6 month Salary increment Plus 10% (plus 5%) Hourly Annual Rate Salary (22+) £5.73 £10,726.56 Annual Salary Plus 10% N/a 12 month increment (plus 5%) 18 month increment (plus 5%) 2 year progression (SCP 4) £9,822.38 £10,313.50 £10,829.18 £11,370.64 £11,995 6 month increment (plus 5%) £11,262.89 12 month increment (SCP 4) £11,995 18 month increment (SCP 5) £12,160 2 year progression (SCP 6) £12,334 Rather than salaries be based on the age of each apprentice it would instead be based as an apprenticeship rate for the role they are undertaking at Salford Council with fair opportunity for progression. 7. Conclusions There is definitive progress of the implementation of apprenticeships and a number of services are working closely with us to ensure it is achieved effectively. Manchester Solutions are co-ordinating the development of the apprenticeship framework and refining job descriptions with managers to reflect an apprenticeship role. Apprenticeship salaries have been proposed but not yet confirmed. D:\219512756.doc