ITEM No Budget & Audit Scrutiny Committee Action Sheet – 11th January 2006 Councillor V. Burgoyne Councillor J. Dawson Councillor K. Garrido Councillor D. Jolley (Chair) Councillor R. Jones Councillor R Lightup Councillor I. Macdonald Councillor Morris A Councillor B. Pennington Councillor J. Pooley Councillor A. Smyth Councillor Kean PresentApologies received A Invitees and Officers: Councillors Hinds and Devine, Russell Bernstein & Peter Kidd (Scrutiny Support), John Spink (Head of Finance), Mike Thomas – CPA inspector. Item Responsible Member Officer Discussion Action Required By Timescale John Spink July Reports of the Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services Budget Consultation 2006/2007 a presentation by Geoff Topping, Assistant Director Finance & Exchequer Geoff provided a report and a presentation highlighting the outcomes that have been received and analysed so far, from each of the different aspects of stage 1 of the public consultation exercise on the 2006/07 budget. Changes in the process this year, have resulted in improved responses both in numbers and quality. This is due in part to the use of the “Big Listening”, the council’s citizen panel. The outcomes will be fed into stage 2 of the consultation, the public meeting, which takes place on the 12th January. The eventual outcomes will be used to influence, where possible, the budgets priorities. Whilst acknowledging the success of the exercise, members agreed that the process would be the subject of a detailed review later in the year, in order to ensure continual improvements. Members suggested that public understanding and participation could be improved by; Comparing the council tax bill to other items of household expenditure. Clearly demonstrating the effects of different levels of increases in the level of council tax. Budget & Audit Scrutiny Committee Action Sheet – 11th January 2006 Provisional Revenue Support Grant (RSG) An update report and Salford’s proposed response to the ODPM presented by John Spink, Head of Finance Demonstrations using a virtual Budget Clear explanation of the effects of budget precepts Revisiting questions on the Big Listening and consultation questionnaires The purpose of revisiting the exercise is to try and increase participation, to capture personal points of view, from the general public who may have little knowledge of budgets or the operations of the council on what priorities should be considered. The committee agreed that the Council Tax increase for Salford’s services, which excludes the precepts, should be kept to 3% or below. Members thanked Geoff and his team for all their efforts. Following on from the previous meeting John was able bring more detail on the proposed RSG and its impact on Salford, and the proposed written response to be sent to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. As explained previously, the method of calculation has changed completely this year, and for the first time the government has published 2 years settlement, which will be increased to 3 next year, in order to assist authorities with longer term financial planning. Though Salford’s position looks favourable compared to metropolitan authorities and other authorities in the region, the settlement is tighter than expected and combined with the impact of the damping adjustment, has meant that the available resources will not meet the spending requirement of a stand still budget. As a result the council needs to; Look for potential to increase resources Identify any scope to reduce expenditure Seek further savings In excess of Gershon efficiency savings Review the minimum level of reserves required to meet identified risks. Some additional Budget pressures for 2007/2008 have also been identified in certain areas, which will have to be examined and managed closely. Members considered the response in the light of the report and agreed with the comments on population, and also that more should be made of the effects of the damping adjustment on Salford, and an additional comment be raised about the net reduction in the councils resources caused by the introduction of the dedicated schools grant. It was suggested that, as indicated, Ministers would be prepared to accept John Spink 11th January 2 Budget & Audit Scrutiny Committee Action Sheet – 11th January 2006 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2005/06 presented by John Spink, Head of Finance. Capital Budget Monitoring 2005/2006 presented by John Spink, Head of Finance. Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) presented by John Spink, Head of Finance. representations in person, the council would explore this as an option, but await a reply before considering it, though Salford’s MP’s should be briefed on the response. It was reported that most services were either on target or within budget. There are potential problems arising with children’s outsides placements and within Environmental Services, further information was requested in these areas. DSOs/DLO/s are in line with budget projections one significant exception, Refuse Collection though this will be resolved when the client makes a significant payment for recycling services later this month. As the year-end approaches overall, provided services can keep within budget, there should be an underspend when this years budget is finalised. Members also considered the updated Risk Assessment for the requirement of reserves. Members also made points that must be considered in the future; Whether Children’s Services could look into specialised provisions for child placements within Salford, which may also attract income from other authorities, as well noting the demand for older peoples services is going to grow rapidly and Community Health and Social Services must bear this in mind when planning future service delivery. It was reported that the budget was broadly inline following some re-profiling and additional capital receipts, above estimate. Following a recent update, Members requested further information on the value for money aspect of the recent and planned office relocations. Also members requested they be kept informed on the funding situation relating to Albion High School, following the liquidation of Ballast PLC., and the inner relief ring road. The MTFS is a source document, bringing together the key objectives, the principles, practices and responsibilities currently in use. The committee decided that the document should be considered in depth later in the year exploring further; The role of Scrutiny in budget setting, Earlier public consultation, John Spink Regular Item John Spink Regular Item John Spink May / June 3 Budget & Audit Scrutiny Committee Action Sheet – 11th January 2006 Lender Offer Borrowers Option (LOBO) Loans presented by John Spink, Head of Finance. Action Sheet from previous meeting, and Work Programme The potential changes to the Housing Revenue Account Alignment of the budget with the city council’s Pledges Strengthening the examination of value for money. Members requested that the planned council tax increase of 3% per annum be amended to introduce a degree of flexibility in case the policy is overtaken by events and it should read “as close to the rate of inflation as possible”. As reported previously, there are differences of opinion between local authority accountants and the audit commission on the treatment of interest and premiums on LOBO loans. This report clarified the issues and potential impact of the different treatments. The definitive opinion has not been decided, though the way forward is believed to be through influencing CIPFA. Members asked had this issue been assessed for risk, had there been any indication that it could happen. This issue was totally unexpected. The committee is to be kept informed of developments. The action sheet was considered and no further action required. The date of the February meeting was discussed and has now changed to allow more time for the finalisation of the proposed budget, The work programme will be amended to reflect the outcome of today’s meeting John suggested that the April meeting would be an ideal opportunity to present some form of budget related training for members. John Spink Done Johns Spink Updates as appropriate John Spink February 9th Scrutiny Support Done Next meeting 9th February 2006 - a committee room at the Civic Centre Chairman Assistant Director Scrutiny Support Officer Cllr. D. Jolley Russell Bernstein Peter Kidd 0161 787 7259 0161 793 3530 0161 793 3322 4