ITEM NO. Part I (open to the public) REPORT OF THE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF URBAN VISION TO THE LEAD MEMBER OF PLANNING SERVICES AND TO THE LEAD MEMBER OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ON THE 18th APRIL 2005 TITLE : TYLDESLEY LOOP LINEAR WALKWAY IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 1 - RESURFACING WORKS FROM EAST LANCS ROAD TO GREENLEACH LANE RECOMMENDATIONS : That the acceptance of the quotation of £54,960.95 from Urban Vision Partnership Ltd for the construction of improvement works to the Tyldesley Loop Linear Walkway, from the East Lancashire Road to Greenleach Lane be noted EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : The purpose of this report is to provide details of the quotation received for the construction of the improvement works. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : Report to the Lead Member for Development Services; Approval of the 2005/06 Block 3 Transport Capital Programme 4th April 2005 ASSESSMENT OF RISK : LOW SOURCE OF FUNDING IS : Sustrans (up to £40 000.00) 2005/06 Block 3 Transport Capital Programme (the balance). COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative): 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS N/A 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS PROPERTY (if applicable): N/A Provided by: Provided by: D McAllister HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): N/A CONTACT OFFICER : D A Dean x3866 WARD(S) TO WHICH THE REPORT RELATES : Worsley KEY COUNCIL POLICIES : Local Transport Plan, Unitary Development Plan, Encouraging more health and leisure activities, Improving the quality of life. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Linear Walkway was first created in the 1980s when the railway line was dismantled and work was undertaken to provide a stone surface footpath with appropriate access controls. However, much of the walkway is in cutting where there is inadequate drainage. As a result, the surface frequently becomes wet and muddy, making use of the path difficult. 1.2 The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 requires Highway Authorities to set up a Local Access Forum. This group has been set up jointly with Manchester and Trafford and has been meeting quarterly since September 2003. One of the functions of the Local Access Forum is that of Statutory Consultee to the Rights of Way Improvement Plan (RoWIP) and in this capacity the three authorities were asked to produce some 'quick win' RoWIP projects. Access and surfacing improvements to the Tyldesley Loopline were proposed as Salford's first 'quick win' RoWIP project. On 28 October 2004 Council Members and Local Access Forum members were invited to attend a site visit of the Tyldesley Loopline with the Council's Public Rights of Way Officer, where details of the proposed improvements were considered and agreed. 1.3 The works proposed are Phase 1 of a scheme to improve the pedestrian and cycle facilities along the whole length of this walkway. The section of walkway to be resurfaced under the proposed works is in a cutting where drainage is poor. Phase 2 of the scheme will improve the gates, ramps and steps providing access to the walkway, particularly for pushchairs and wheelchairs, and will be the subject of a future report 1.4 The Block 3 Transport Capital Programme 2005/06 includes an allocation for improvements to the Tyldesley Loop Line Linear Walkway. In addition the City Council received a letter on the 1st March from Sustrans confirming that a contribution to the funding for phase 1 of up to £40,000 would be available providing the works could commence in the first week in April 2005. In order to secure this funding, Urban Vision (Highways) provided the quotation and preliminary works have commenced. 2.0 DETAILS 2.1 The scheme comprises: The improvement of approximately 720m of existing footway / cycle track routes along the Tyldesley Loop old railway line between the East Lancashire Road and Greenleach Lane. The existing footway is to be re-surfaced with crushed stone retained between timber edging boards, mainly 3m wide with a 160m length 2.5m wide. The surface is to be blinded with granite dust. French drains are to be constructed to improve drainage in the 160m section at the East Lancs Road end of the project. 2.2 There are restrictions concerning the access to the site for plant and equipment and the delivery of materials. 3.0 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 3.1 A quotation was obtained from Urban Vision (Highway Services) for £54,960.95 3.2 The total cost of the scheme as detailed will be: Works cost £54,960.95 Fees £12,091.84 Total £67,052.79 3.3 It is recommended that approval is given to accept the quote of £54 960.95 from Urban Vision (Highways) Partnership Ltd., for the construction of improvement works to the Tyldesley Loop Linear Walkway, from the East Lancashire Road to Greenleach Lane. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS It is proposed that Urban Vision Partnership Ltd. carry out the improvement works to the Tyldesley Loop Linear Walkway to enhance the existing facility and to encourage cycling and walking in the City. Bill Taylor Managing Director of Urban Vision