  Budget & Audit Scrutiny - Audit Sub - Committee – 13

Budget & Audit Scrutiny - Audit Sub - Committee
Action Sheet – 13th June 2005
Councillor J. Dawson (Chair)
Councillor K. Garrido
Councillor J. Holt
Councillor D. Jolley
Councillor R Lightup
Councillor B. Pennington
Councillor J. Pooley
Councillor A. Smyth
 Apologies received A
Invitees and Officers: Nigel England and Clive Portman (Audit Commission) Russell Bernstein and Peter Kidd (Scrutiny
Support) Don Simpson Andy Waine, (Audit & Risk Mgt.)
Responsible Member
Matters arising from
the previous meeting
The Audit &
Inspection progress
report June 2005
The Audit and
Inspection Plan
Following the last meeting the BVPI’s referred to Customer and Support
Services Scrutiny have been considered satisfactorily.
Reports of the Audit Commission
Presented by Clive Portman and Nigel England
The report updated members on progress against the 2004/2005 Inspection
The Plan is progressing well, a draft report on the review of internal audit is
currently under discussion, fieldwork on the financial aspects of corporate
governance is in progress, fieldwork on the Final Accounts commences in
July and the opinion is due in October.
Clive introduced the recently agreed Plan for 2005/2006. Members were
also updated on the consultation over the new methodology for the
Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA).
Members challenged the fee and were reassured that the independent
opinion on accounts and the review of use of resources were crucial to
ensure Salford maintains its continuous improvement. The Audit
Commission (AC) will continue to challenge the council, identify risks and
provide advice to ensure that Salford is moving in the right direction.
The Corporate Assessment and the Joint Area Review of Children’s
Required By
Nigel England
reporting item
Nigel England
reporting item
Budget & Audit Scrutiny - Audit Sub - Committee
Action Sheet – 13th June 2005
Energy Management
Activity March To May
2005. - presented by
Jim Gosney.
Audit Activity Reports issued March
Services are taking place at the same time, in the first quarter of 2006.
The Direction of Travel Statement will be reported in December 2005 this
will indicate the progress being made towards improvement.
The annual use of resources assessment, part of the revised CPA
framework now has five elements. The council’s self-assessment of the
Value For Money (VFM) element has to be completed by the end of July
2005. Audit fieldwork begins on the other elements namely, financial
reporting, financial management, financial standing and internal control, in
August. Draft scores will be available in November. The use of resources
scores combines with the annual service assessments and the Corporate
Assessment to give the CPA category.
The AC begin work with the council in September to review the introduction
of the balanced scorecard approach to performance management to support
and advise, to make sure improvements are secured.
The AC will give its opinion on the Best Value Performance Plan in Dec.
Reports of the Strategic Director of Customer & Support Services
Members were pleased to note the continuing and successful energy saving
activity, the potential savings, following energy audit reports, were included
in the report. It is noticeable that the savings reported will increase as prices
Jim reported on the major increases on the public lighting electricity supply
since the contract was last tendered, the new contract runs for 2 year from
the 1st April.
Jim also reported on the advantages arising from the visit to the EnergieCites Conference in April.
An update on the actions of the Green Revolution, a think tank,
representative of AGMA authorities who are looking at sustainable energy,
will come to the next meeting a report will be presented to Environmental
Housing and Planning Scrutiny.
The successful outcome to the dispute with NPower was outlined, thanks to
the efforts of the energy team and the Law and Admin Division.
There were several summary reports to consider, some of which require
further action.
Jim Gosney
reporting item
Jim Gosney
reporting item
Budget & Audit Scrutiny - Audit Sub - Committee
Action Sheet – 13th June 2005
– May 2005 presented
by Andy Waine and
Peter Paddon
Internal Audit Report
Internal Audit Plan
outturn report 2004/05
Internal Audit Plan revision to the Annual
Plan 2005/2006
Internal Audit Plan
A post implementation review of Salford Consortium revealed a confidence
that there would not be a repeat of previous problems.
Significant progress has been made with the payroll system though a
number of recommendations are to be implemented. Members raised an
issue of problems with schools payroll, which officers were unaware of but
will follow up with the Payroll Manager.
There were a number of themes arising from school audits summaries that
will be followed up by Andy Waine with the Children’s Services senior
The committee also considered a number of post implementation reviews
covering different aspects of IT.
This report looked at the past year outlining the role of Internal Audit, and its
approach to work, the key influences on performance and the view of the
Audit Commission. Performance exceeded the original target and local
performance indicators showed excellent results.
This report detailed progress against the Internal Audit Plan.
This report outlined reason for changes made to the Annual Plan, which had
been previously submitted to this committee, and the consequences
following on from the changes.
This report brought the committee up to date with progress against the Plan
so far this year; there were no anticipated problems preventing the unit from
delivering its commitments.
Part 2 Items
The Committee considered the completed investigations and reflected that
the decline in the number of cases and the degree of severity is indicative of
the excellent progress made by the Unit over recent years.
Andy Waine
Andy Waine
Don Simpson
Annual item
Andy Waine
One off
Don Simpson
reporting item
Julie Flanagan
reporting item
The next meeting will take place on the 12th September at 9.30
Assistant Director of Scrutiny
Scrutiny Support Officer
Councillor J Dawson
Russell Bernstein
Peter Kidd
0161 793 5014
0161 793 3530
0161 793 3322