Part One ITEM NO.10 REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER & SUPPORT SERVICES TO THE: BUDGET & AUDIT SCRUTINY - AUDIT SUB COMMITTEE ON Monday, 13th June 2005 TITLE: INTERNAL AUDIT - REVISION TO ANNUAL PLAN 2005/2006 RECOMMENDATIONS: Members are asked to approve the contents of the report. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this report is to inform members of amendments made to the Internal Audit Plan for 2005/2006. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (Available for public inspection) Committee report March 2005, Audit Management Information System. ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Internal Audit projects are managed within the Unit’s risk based audit protocols aimed at giving assurance regarding the management of the City Council’s key business risks. SOURCE OF FUNDING: Existing revenue budget. COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative): 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by: Deputy Director of Customer & Support Services and City Solicitor 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS PROPERTY (if applicable): N/A HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): N/A CONTACT OFFICER: Andrew Waine Audit Manager Provided by: Head of Finance Tel: 0161 793 3357 Email: WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): N/A KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: N/A DETAILS: See report attached. INTRODUCTION At the Budget & Audit Scrutiny – Audit Sub Committee meeting held on the 22nd March 2005, Members approved the Internal Audit Annual Plan for 2005/2006. The Plan that was submitted for approval provided for a delivery of 7561 chargeable days for all of the services provided by the Audit & Risk Management Unit. The details that follow advise Members of amendments to that planned figure. PLAN DETAILS The Internal Audit Plan report of the 22nd March 2005, made reference to the delivery of 1566 days in respect of chargeable days relative to the Mainstream Salford Internal Audit Team. Since the previous Committee, approval has been given to converting a post from a trainee Accountant/Auditor to a substantive post within the Unit. This has had the effect of increasing the available resource by 135 chargeable days. The revised total of chargeable days attributable to the Mainstream Team is, therefore, 1701. In respect of the Energy Audit service, the Plan submitted to this Committee referred to the delivery of 1267 chargeable days, whereas this figure had been overstated by 224 days. The available chargeable days amounts to 1043. Members should also note that there has been no firm commitment from Greater Manchester Waste for Energy Consultancy services as reported previously; the prospective 12 days has been removed from the original plan. Members will note that the previous plan report did not allocate Energy Audit activities over its various client groups; the table below has allocated chargeable days to each directorate for monitoring purposes. The previous report had indicated that a total of 662 Computer Audit days had been earmarked for external clients under the Joint Working initiative. The total number of days contracted for 2005/2006 is 527, a difference of 135 days. This has been entered in the table below as a separate line for future client contracts for which human resources will be sought should demand occur. Members will be kept informed of further client groups availing themselves of the services available under the Joint Working initiative. A revised Internal Audit & ARMU plan is provided in the table below. RECOMMENDATION Members are requested to approve the revised operational plan for the provision of Internal audit and other services from the Audit & Risk Management Unit. Salford City Council - Internal Audit & ARMU Plan 2005/06 (Revised) Group Urban Vision Corporate Management Community, health & social care Environment Housing & Planning Policy, strategy and research Children’s services Customer and support services Salford Internal Audit Plan – Chargeable Days Non-chargeable days Administration Maternity and Paternity Leave Other Paid Leave Annual Leave Bank Holidays Statutory Christmas Leave Sick Leave Carer's Leave Unpaid Leave Special Leave Elections Vacancies Total Non-Chargeable days Sub-Total External Contracts Salford Corporate Governance Computers 219 230 97 73 120 99 398 465 Energy Totals 62 88 52 10 10 5 57 162 36 315 72 64 31 49 72 78 100 286 70 50 10 417 919 291 197 161 153 537 705 1701 0 446 717 516 3380 22 64 44 30 233 48 24 40 8 187 45 24 75 40 150 8 229 42 21 80 2 2 200 150 20 1003 218 110 596 8 14 5 4 72 12 199 47 23 341 155 36 18 60 14 5 60 12 723 429 377 572 299 2400 2424 429 823 1289 815 5780 Other Corporate Management Insurance Team Non-Audit work Total External Services Unallocated JCA JCA GMPA NPHL NWLG SCL Schools Energy SLA Total of days for external clients Grand Total 289 280 143 712 400 290 958 7182 400 290 2424 718 1103 1192 208 30 135 527 127 12 10 1979 10 50 5 100 0 1430 811 65 50 234 384 2424 2148 1914 2044 1342 135 527 1329 370 40 55 234 2456 9872