Appendix 2 Appraisal Support Pack Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: About appraisal Appraisal form – APR 1/2 Personal Development Plan SECTION 1: ABOUT APPRAISAL What is appraisal? Appraisal is a two- way process during which line managers and staff meet to consider how the work of the previous year has gone, what support and training might be helpful and what work plans and targets will be agreed for the future. Staff should consider and discuss how their work relates to the bigger picture. Appraisal provides the opportunity for the line manager to demonstrate and record how staff are valued and what they contribute to the Directorate. The process takes place each year. Once staff know what they have done well and know what further support they can expect during the coming year, motivation to perform well will increase. What is appraisal for? Appraisal is a process designed to help staff and their managers to reflect on work undertaken in the previous year. It helps staff to identify how well they have contributed to the work of the team, the service, the Directorate and in delivering the pledges of the City Council and the themes of the Community Plan. It provides an opportunity for managers to feed back on how well staff are doing and to reflect on standards achieved and to celebrate success. If aspects of work have been difficult it provides an opportunity to determine why. This is also when training or development opportunities should be discussed and agreed in order to improve or enhance both performance and job satisfaction. The Directorate Leadership Team is committed to staff development. This is linked to objective 3: ‘To ensure continuous improvement through learning, training and skills enhancement and personal development of staff’ 2 3 Who is it for? It’s for all of us. Appraisal is the entitlement of all members of staff, whether they are on full-time, part-time or fixed term contracts. Employees have a right to seek and receive high quality balanced feedback on their work. The importance of appraisal will be emphasised during the induction process for all new staff. Preparing for your appraisal Two weeks before an appraisal takes place the appraiser (usually the line manager) gives the member of staff who is to be appraised a copy of this appraisal pack. This is available electronically so that you may write as much or as little as you like. It will detail what is expected and allow both parties time for preparation. It may seem like a lot of reading but it is important to see how the work you do positively affects other people and their work. In section 3 you will find the Directorate objectives, the City Council pledges and the themes of the Community Plan. This is an opportunity for you to say what you know you do well and to think about your future work. What happens? The appraisal will take place in a comfortable, quiet environment. Both parties will reflect on successes and difficulties experienced by the appraisee during the previous year. Work targets for the following year will be agreed if this is appropriate. Training needs and development plans will be identified in order to ensure that there is full support to do the job. The appraiser will write up the report. The appraisee may write comments if they wish. Both sign and date the appraisal. This should be re-visited during the year either at an interim review or during one-to-one meetings with line managers. What happens after my appraisal? Your line manager and you will have agreed what your work will be for the next year and targets may have been agreed. These are now part of your work plan so be sure you understand them. You will have also identified and agreed what training and development opportunities you need. – This should be arranged as soon as possible. You will have opportunities to discuss progress at regular one-to-ones with your line manager. Nothing should be a surprise at an appraisal. Who keeps my appraisal papers? Your line manager will keep a copy of your appraisal in a secure place and you will receive your own copy. Both copies should be kept electronically where possible. SECTION 2: Appraisal & Development Scheme SURNAME: FIRST NAME: DIRECTORATE: SECTION/DIVISION: JOB TITLE: DATE STARTED IN JOB: EMPLOYEE NUMBER: LINE MANAGER: PERIOD ANNUAL REVIEW MEETING: Y/N UNDER REVIEW INTERIM REVIEW MEETING Y/N FROM: TO: REVISED 19th APRIL 2005 6 APR1 To be completed prior to your Review (Employee to complete parts: 1 to 3) PART 1: Your Present Job 1. How would you describe the purpose of your current job? 2. Do you have an up to date job profile and task list? If NO please state what changes you feel have happened. YES NO 3. Do you have regular opportunity to discuss your work and action plans with your manager? YES NO NO PART 2: Your Performance over the last 12 months 1. What would you say has gone well? 2. What has not gone well and why? 2. If you have made a statement in Question 2. Do you have any ideas on how things can be improved? 7 1 PART 3: Your Training and Development Training to improve performance on current tasks 1. Consider your Training and Development for last year Has it been completed? YES NO If NO please list any relevant items outstanding 2. What support, help or guidance do you think you need in the next 12 months to improve performance? (Consider the booklet “60 ways to learn something new”.) Please list support, help or guidance How would you use it to improve performance? a) b) c) d) Developing You and Your Career 1. How would you like your career to develop over time? Do you have a goal or target? 2. What are your plans for achieving your goal? 8 3. Do you have any skills you do not use in your present job that you think the Directorate could make use of? 9 4. SALFORD COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK Now measure how you feel you are doing in your job against the following competencies. The level for your job has been identified (see Salford competency framework for more detail), look at the level you are expected to operate at and decide what level you feel your current level of skills and knowledge are, and rate yourself as A-E (E = Unacceptable performance, A = Excellent performance). Your manager will do the same and discuss this with you at your Review. E = Unacceptable Performance D = Improvement Required CORE COMPETENCY DEFINITION Interpersonal & Communication Shares ideas and information. Using clear language. Listen to others’ view and shows that they understand. Customer Focus Finds out what the customer needs and responds willingly. Makes sure that the services the Council offers meet the needs of the customers Shows respect for others’ differences and looks for the chance to promote equality of opportunity and good relations within the community. Equality & Respect C = Acceptable B = Good Level required for Job (1-4) A = Excellent RATING SELF(A-E) 10 MANAGER RATING (A-E) AGREED RATING (A- E) DEVELOPME NT REQUIRED Y/N Learning & Development MANAGER COMPETENCY Leadership Takes personal responsibility for their own learning and professional improvement. Sees when they need to learn new skills and looks for opportunities to practice them. Help others by sharing skills, giving regular, honest and useful feedback. Open and ethical. Sets high standards of behaviour, inspiring and promotes a culture that supports continuous improvement commitment, enthusiasm and facilities change. Managing People Ensures staff are well trained, knowledgeable, motivated and committed. Seeks to release the full potential of all employees. Managing Resources \plans and uses physical resources effectively and efficiently according to need by prioritising and using sound management practice. 11 Thinking & Taking Decisions Is forward looking, innovative and has a clear vision. Makes and transmits decisions in a structured and systematic way and encourages wide spread input and ownership. Developing Strategy, Planning and Organising Ensures team is able to deliver its objectives. Effectively contributes to formulation, development, transmission and review of strategy and policy. Please return this form to your Reviewing Manager at least one week prior to your appraisal. This will be discussed with you at your Appraisal & Development Review PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES 12 APR 2 With your line manager list below your key objectives that will need to be met over the next 12 months linked to your business plan and service plan. List Objectives as defined by the service/business planning process here: 1. Enter Target date 13 Is progress on target (Y/N) Commentary on progress to date Outcomes of Training & Development receive since the last review period Signed: ...................................... (Employee) Signed: ...................................... (Manager) Date: ......................................... Interim Review Consider the following during the interim between appraisal & development reviews 1. Review of performance 2. Review objectives/ action points from Appraisal & Development interview 3. Review and progress on development needs 4. Identify any further action required Please ensure that if any additional training and development needs are identified that you contact your Principal Manager and the Training Manager. Signed: ...................................... (Employee) Signed: ...................................... (Manager) Date: ......................................... 15 SECTION 3 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN BUSINESS UNIT ……………………………… DEVELOPMENT NEEDS IDENTIFIED (List in order of importance) NAME............................................... HOW TRAINING / DEVELOPMENT TO BE PROVIDED LEVEL *(N, D or O) * Please indicate whether it is a National (N), Directorate (D) or Other (O) Priority training **Please indicate whether it is the Manager’s (M) or Employee’s (E) responsibility Areas where agreement was not reached (and required action) 16 RESP. **(M or E) TARGET DATE REVIEW DATE