Part 1 (Open to the public) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE HEAD OF HUMAN RESOURCES To the: HUMAN RESOURCES CABINET WORKING GROUP On: Monday, October, 2006 TITLE: Update on Elected Member Development RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That members consider the proposed job descriptions, skills framework and policy 2. That members encourage the completion of the training needs analysis questionnaire 3. That members support the development of an elected members training and development strategy when the training needs analysis is completed. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report outlines the approach to elected member development that enables the council to: Equip Elected Members with the knowledge and skills required to enable them to carry out their role effectively and respond to new initiatives. Meet the requirements of re-accreditation for the North West Charter for Elected member Development. Achieve its priorities for elected member development, as set out in the balanced scorecard. Contribute to the achievement of the organisational priority of “Effective Leadership at all levels.” BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Previous reports on elected member development April 2006, 17 July 2006 North West Employers Organisation Elected Member Development Charter criteria IDEA Skills Framework Welsh Local Government Association – Elected Member Development ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Medium THE SOURCE OF FUNDING IS: Existing budgets LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED: n/a FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED: n/a CONTACT OFFICER: Heather Grove (x3958) WARD (S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATES: Not Applicable KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Modernising Local Government; DETAILS: As part of the reaccredidation process of the North West Charter for Elected Member Development, the HR Cabinet Working Group has already resolved that the cost of undertaking one-to-one interviews for all elected members was too great and that a training needs analysis questionnaire, with the opportunity for people to have a one to one meeting with a representative from the Organisational Development Team, was more appropriate. A questionnaire has now been designed. However, in designing the questionnaire, it was necessary to undertake further research to ensure that the questionnaire was set in the context of the current roles of elected members and the skills required to carry out those roles. As a result of the research, an overarching Elected Member Development Framework has been produced, based on elected member development models developed by: The Welsh Local Government Association (job descriptions together and competency framework). The North West Employers Organisation Framework for Member Development IDEA Skills Framework for Elected Members The Elected Member Development Framework is in appendix 1 and comprises of: 1. Job descriptions for Elected Members It is essential that elected member job descriptions for each of the elected member roles are clear. In Salford the existing job descriptions are very long and detailed. Committee Services produced revised job descriptions some time ago but cabinet has not approved them. It is recommended that the new job descriptions for elected members in appendix 2 be considered. 2. A Skills Framework for Elected Members Equipping elected members with the knowledge and skills required enabling them to carry out their role effectively and respond to new initiatives is at the heart of the skills framework. The Salford Elected Member Skills Framework is based on the IDEA Skills Framework and the Welsh Local Government Association Competency Framework, both of which are recommended as good practice. The Skills Framework sets out the knowledge and skills required for each of the elected member roles. It is recommended that the Skills Framework in Appendix 3 be considered. 3. A Training needs analysis questionnaire A questionnaire has been designed which identifies Knowledge requirements Skills requirements Delivery preferences (times, methods, venues etc) The questionnaire is in appendix 4. The questionnaire has been circulated to all elected members and the political groups are requested to reinforce the importance of returning completed forms with their respective members. A report on the number of returns and the outcome of the questionnaire will be submitted at a future meeting of this Group. 4. Elected member training and development policy and strategy development Once the results of the Training needs analysis hare known, a strategy to document how the identified needs are to be met can be developed. The development of a strategy will ensure that: Elected member training and development activities are coordinated Value for money is obtained from the elected member training and development budget Training and development activities are prioritised Training addresses the identified needs However, the strategy needs to sit within the principles of an elected member training and development policy which sets out roles and responsibilities as presently, elected member development is organised through separate entities such as Organisational Development, Scrutiny Support, Committee Services, Directorates and Elected Members. A draft Elected Member Training and Development Policy is in appendix 5. 5. Delivery of elected member training and development programme Once the needs of elected members have been identified and the strategy and policy agreed, the Organisational Development Team will organise and publish a programme of training and development opportunities for elected members. 6. Evaluation of elected member training and development programme Any programme of activity needs to be evaluated to determine whether the training was useful, appropriate, timely so that it can be improved, amended as necessary. It will be recommended that evaluation of elected member development follows the processes currently being developed for staff.