Part One ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER & SUPPORT SERVICES TO THE: CUSTOMER & SUPPORT SERVICES LEAD MEMBER BRIEFING On Monday, 3 July 2006 TITLE: ENERGY MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY MARCH - JUNE 2006 RECOMMENDATION: The Lead Member is asked to note the level of savings being achieved and identified by the group. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this report is to inform the Lead Member of the energy audit activity undertaken by the Audit & Risk Management Unit for the period March to June 2006 inclusive. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: None (Available for public inspection) ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Energy Audit activities form an integral part of the City Council’s Risk Management Strategy aimed at giving assurance regarding the management of the City Council’s key business risks. SOURCE OF FUNDING: Existing revenue budget COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative): 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Customer & Support Services and City Solicitor Provided by: Deputy Director of 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS with Head of Finance Provided by: Ongoing consultation PROPERTY (if applicable): N/A HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): N/A CONTACT OFFICER: Jim Gosney – Energy Manager Tel: 0161 793 3472 Email: WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): N/A KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Environmental Strategy DETAILS: See attached report Energy Audit activities undertaken during the period March 2006 to June 2006 are detailed as follows: 1. ENERGY AUDITS Implemented Energy Savings, through purchasing, tariff analysis and water audits amount to £95,438.51 for the year 2005/2006 and £7,046.36 for 2006/2007 to date. Refunds for the amount of £204,821.14 for 2005/2006 and £3,016.75 2006/2007 to date, have also been achieved and cheques from the various suppliers are being received. We are pleased to report that audits have been conducted at Ordsall Hall, Civic Centre and Elmstead House. A summary of the potential savings identified in these reports are detailed in Appendix A. 2. GAS PURCHASING The Gas contract for all the council premises has now been completed. The lowest tender for this contract was accepted at committee. The contract will commence 1st June 2006 and will continue until 31st May 2008 and will produce annual costs of £2,389,547. Unfortunately, there were a number of factors causing dramatic increases in gas prices since we last negotiated the contract 2 years ago, not least the uncertainty of oil prices. This is expected to continue for the foreseeable future and therefore a 2 year contract was agreed. It has been confirmed that further sites can be added to the contract at any point over the next two years and also that electronic data interchange billing can be provided to Salford City Council. 3. GERSHON EFFICIENCIES It was recently confirmed that we could claim energy and fuel efficiencies, in the Gershon Efficiency programme. Even though there have been dramatic price rises, energy savings can be claimed as long as we can show that our consumption has reduced due to energy efficiency measures (e.g. not due to closures, etc). We have gathered the data for 2005/06 backward look on Gershon efficiencies. This has shown that significant consumption and cost reductions have been achieved through energy efficiency measures. A summary of these savings is attached in Appendix B. APPENDIX A SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL SAVINGS No Cost Potential Savings Site Name Ordsall Hall Low Cost Potential Savings £953 £23 Civic Centre Elmstead House £3,326 Totals £4,279 High Cost Potential Savings CO2 Emissions £1,172 £2,148 22.01 £3,938 £453 - £3,938 £3,779 - £4,414 £1,172 £9,865 APPENDIX B GERSHON EFFICIENCY SAVINGS Consumption Savings Consumption Average pence Total Cost Savings per unit saving Electricity (kWh) 647189 5.18575 £33,561.60 Gas (kWh) 3756931 1.5997 £60,099.63 Water (m3) 13041 1.716 £22,378.36 £116,039.58 Cost Savings Actual Agreed Costs Total Potential Savings National Average Costs Saving Electricity (Large Sites) £348,229.57 £417,875.48 £69,645.91 Electricity (Small Sites) £927,430.52 £1,088,154.00 £160,723.48 £230,369.39 0.49 22.50 tonnes