Part 1 ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF HOUSING AND PLANNING TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR PLANNING ON MONDAY 16th JULY 2007 TITLE: DRAFT SCOPING REPORT FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL FOR SALFORD’S CORE STRATEGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT APPROVAL BE GIVEN: 1. TO CONSULT ON THE SCOPING REPORT FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL THAT WILL ACCOMPANY THE CORE STRATEGY. 2. TO THE LIST OF BODIES TO BE CONSULTED. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: THE REPORT SEEKS APPROVAL TO CONSULT ON THE SCOPING REPORT FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL THAT WILL ACCOMPANY THE CORE STRATEGY. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: NONE (Available for public inspection) ASSESSMENT OF RISK: LOW SOURCE OF FUNDING: THE COST OF PRODUCING AND DISTRIBUTING THE SCOPING REPORT WILL BE BORNE BY THE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK BUDGET. COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative): 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: None arising from the report - the Council is obliged to prepare a Core Strategy including a sustainability appraisal. Provided by: RICHARD LESTER 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None Provided by: STEVEN BAYLEY PROPERTY (if applicable): NOT APPLICABLE HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): NOT APPLICABLE CONTACT OFFICER : Jimmy McManus 793 2796 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): ALL 1 KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The Local Development Scheme (LDS) identifies the production of a Core Strategy for the city. The Core Strategy will be the central Development Plan Document (DPD) within the Local Development Framework (LDF) setting a vision for the city to 2026 along with a spatial framework in order to achieve it. 1.2 It is a statutory requirement that all such documents are subject to a Sustainability Appraisal that fully encompasses the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive. 1.3 ODPM (now DCLG) guidance1 advocates a five-stage approach to undertaking the appraisal which is set out below. The Sustainability Appraisal is an integral part of the process of producing a DPD. As issues and options are developed they are to be tested against the Sustainability Appraisal Framework and refined in the light of this. The aim of the Sustainability Appraisal is to ensure that the provisions of the plan are as sustainable as possible. Stage A Setting the Context and Objectives, establishing the baseline and deciding on the scope. Stage B Developing and Refining Options Stage C Appraising the effects of the plan/document Stage D Consulting on the plan/document and Sustainability Appraisal report Stage E Monitoring Implementation of the plan/document 1.4 At the end of Stage A, it is a requirement that a Scoping Report is produced and that consultation on this is carried out with the 3 statutory consultees (Natural England (formerly English Nature and the Countryside Agency), English Heritage, and the Environment Agency), together with other appropriate stakeholders. 2.0 Salford’s Core Strategy 1 ODPM (November 2005) Sustainability Appraisal of Regional Spatial Strategies and Local Development Documents. 2 2.1 The Core Strategy is the most important part of the LDF, it provides the broad spatial strategy for the city, and all other parts of the LDF must be consistent with it. The Core Strategy must look forward over a long timescale, with this likely to be up to the year 2026 in order to comply with Government guidance. 2.2 The Core Strategy will: 2.3 Set out the long-term spatial vision for the city (up to 2026), and the overall strategy for delivering that vision; Identify the overall level of different types of development (including housing, employment, retail, and leisure) that is envisaged in the city during that period, and the general geographical distribution of that development; Define the city’s hierarchy of town and neighbourhood centres; Identify the main improvements in infrastructure that are required to support that scale and distribution of development; Set out the strategic spatial policies for the city; Set out the broad vision and strategy for individual parts of the city, identifying the key issues in each area; Include a Key Diagram; and Identify the links with, and support the delivery of, other key strategies and plans, including the Community Plan. The production of the Core Strategy will take approximately 3 years. The key stages are set out in the table below. Stage Commencement of Production Initial Consultation Public Participation on Preferred Options Document Date for Submission to SoS Public Consultation on Submission Document Pre-Examination Meeting Examination Receipt of Binding Report Dates November 2006 June - December 2007 June - July 2008 June 2009 June - July 2009 October 2009 January - February 2010 June 2010 3.0 Draft Scoping Report 3.1 The draft SA Scoping Report identifies how the Sustainability Appraisal will be carried out. It identifies baseline information that should be collected and monitored to support preparation of the Core Strategy and suggests indicators that will test the sustainability impacts of the document. It identifies sustainability issues that should be addressed in the Core Strategy and suggests sustainability objectives. 3.2 The purpose of the consultation on the scoping report is to give consultees the opportunity to comment on the methodology and content of the SA at an early opportunity. Any issues raised can then be incorporated in the preparation of the Core Strategy and supporting SA. 3 3.3 A copy of the draft scoping report is attached. It is considered to be a sound and robust basis for consultation. 4.0 Consultation 4.1 The Scoping Report is largely a technical document that considers the process of the Sustainability Appraisal rather than its content. As such it is not considered appropriate for the draft scoping report to be the subject of widespread consultation. The production process for the Core Strategy involves 3 main periods of consultation when members of the public will have the opportunity to influence the contents of the Core Strategy itself and the Sustainability Appraisal. An additional consultation at this stage on a technical process document could lead to consultation fatigue and could divert attention away from later stages of consultation. 4.2 In addition to the three ‘environmental bodies’ identified at paragraph 1.4, it is proposed that the following environmental bodies and stakeholders with key economic, social and transport interests are consulted: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Government Office for the North West (GONW) North West Development Agency (NWDA) North West Regional Assembly (NWRA) Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) Greater Manchester Ecology Unit (GMEU) Greater Manchester Geological Unit (GMGU) Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive (GMPTE) Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company Bolton MBC Bury MBC Manchester City Council Oldham MBC Rochdale MBC Stockport MBC Tameside MBC Trafford MBC Warrington BC Wigan MBC 4.3 It is proposed that the consultation period for the SA Scoping report be held between 24th July – 28 August 2007. 5.0 Conclusion 5.1 It is recommended that approval be given to consult with the bodies outlined in paragraph 4.2 on the attached scoping report for the sustainability appraisal that will accompany Salford’s Core Strategy. 4